/* * Copyright 2006-2007 Aaron Seigo * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "dataengine.h" #include "private/dataengine_p.h" #include "private/datacontainer_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "datacontainer.h" #include "package.h" #include "pluginloader.h" #include "service.h" #include "scripting/dataenginescript.h" #include "private/datacontainer_p.h" #include "private/service_p.h" #include "private/storage_p.h" namespace Plasma { DataEngine::DataEngine(const KPluginInfo &plugin, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), d(new DataEnginePrivate(this, plugin)) { if (d->script) { d->setupScriptSupport(); d->script->init(); } else { // qDebug() << "called"; // default implementation does nothing. this is for engines that have to // start things in motion external to themselves before they can work } } DataEngine::~DataEngine() { //qDebug() << objectName() << ": bye bye birdy! "; delete d; } QStringList DataEngine::sources() const { if (d->script) { return d->script->sources(); } else { return d->sources.keys(); } } Service *DataEngine::serviceForSource(const QString &source) { if (d->script) { Service * s = d->script->serviceForSource(source); if (s) { return s; } } return new NullService(source, this); } KPluginInfo DataEngine::pluginInfo() const { return d->dataEngineDescription; } void DataEngine::connectSource(const QString &source, QObject *visualization, uint pollingInterval, Plasma::Types::IntervalAlignment intervalAlignment) const { //qDebug() << "connectSource" << source; bool newSource; DataContainer *s = d->requestSource(source, &newSource); if (s) { // we suppress the immediate invocation of dataUpdated here if the // source was prexisting and they don't request delayed updates // (we want to do an immediate update in that case so they don't // have to wait for the first time out) if (newSource && !s->data().isEmpty()) { newSource = false; } d->connectSource(s, visualization, pollingInterval, intervalAlignment, !newSource || pollingInterval > 0); //qDebug() << " ==> source connected"; } } void DataEngine::connectAllSources(QObject *visualization, uint pollingInterval, Plasma::Types::IntervalAlignment intervalAlignment) const { foreach (DataContainer *s, d->sources) { d->connectSource(s, visualization, pollingInterval, intervalAlignment); } } void DataEngine::disconnectSource(const QString &source, QObject *visualization) const { DataContainer *s = d->source(source, false); if (s) { s->disconnectVisualization(visualization); } } DataContainer *DataEngine::containerForSource(const QString &source) { return d->source(source, false); } bool DataEngine::sourceRequestEvent(const QString &name) { if (d->script) { return d->script->sourceRequestEvent(name); } else { return false; } } bool DataEngine::updateSourceEvent(const QString &source) { if (d->script) { return d->script->updateSourceEvent(source); } else { //qDebug() << source; return false; //TODO: should this be true to trigger, even needless, updates on every tick? } } void DataEngine::setData(const QString &source, const QVariant &value) { setData(source, source, value); } void DataEngine::setData(const QString &source, const QString &key, const QVariant &value) { DataContainer *s = d->source(source, false); bool isNew = !s; if (isNew) { s = d->source(source); } s->setData(key, value); if (isNew && source != d->waitingSourceRequest) { emit sourceAdded(source); } d->scheduleSourcesUpdated(); } void DataEngine::setData(const QString &source, const QVariantMap &data) { DataContainer *s = d->source(source, false); bool isNew = !s; if (isNew) { s = d->source(source); } Data::const_iterator it = data.constBegin(); while (it != data.constEnd()) { s->setData(it.key(), it.value()); ++it; } if (isNew && source != d->waitingSourceRequest) { emit sourceAdded(source); } d->scheduleSourcesUpdated(); } void DataEngine::removeAllData(const QString &source) { DataContainer *s = d->source(source, false); if (s) { s->removeAllData(); d->scheduleSourcesUpdated(); } } void DataEngine::removeData(const QString &source, const QString &key) { DataContainer *s = d->source(source, false); if (s) { s->setData(key, QVariant()); d->scheduleSourcesUpdated(); } } void DataEngine::addSource(DataContainer *source) { if (d->sources.contains(source->objectName())) { #ifndef NDEBUG // qDebug() << "source named \"" << source->objectName() << "\" already exists."; #endif return; } QObject::connect(source, SIGNAL(updateRequested(DataContainer*)), this, SLOT(internalUpdateSource(DataContainer*))); QObject::connect(source, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(sourceDestroyed(QObject*))); d->sources.insert(source->objectName(), source); emit sourceAdded(source->objectName()); d->scheduleSourcesUpdated(); } void DataEngine::setMinimumPollingInterval(int minimumMs) { d->minPollingInterval = minimumMs; } int DataEngine::minimumPollingInterval() const { return d->minPollingInterval; } void DataEngine::setPollingInterval(uint frequency) { killTimer(d->updateTimerId); d->updateTimerId = 0; if (frequency > 0) { d->updateTimerId = startTimer(frequency); } } void DataEngine::removeSource(const QString &source) { QHash::iterator it = d->sources.find(source); if (it != d->sources.end()) { DataContainer *s = it.value(); s->d->store(); s->disconnect(this); s->deleteLater(); d->sources.erase(it); emit sourceRemoved(source); } } void DataEngine::removeAllSources() { QMutableHashIterator it(d->sources); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); Plasma::DataContainer *s = it.value(); const QString source = it.key(); it.remove(); s->disconnect(this); s->deleteLater(); emit sourceRemoved(source); } } bool DataEngine::isValid() const { return d->valid; } bool DataEngine::isEmpty() const { return d->sources.isEmpty(); } void DataEngine::setValid(bool valid) { d->valid = valid; } QHash DataEngine::containerDict() const { return d->sources; } void DataEngine::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event) { //qDebug(); if (event->timerId() == d->updateTimerId) { // if the freq update is less than 0, don't bother if (d->minPollingInterval < 0) { //qDebug() << "uh oh.. no polling allowed!"; return; } // minPollingInterval if (d->updateTimestamp.elapsed() < d->minPollingInterval) { //qDebug() << "hey now.. slow down!"; return; } d->updateTimestamp.restart(); updateAllSources(); } else if (event->timerId() == d->checkSourcesTimerId) { killTimer(d->checkSourcesTimerId); d->checkSourcesTimerId = 0; QHashIterator it(d->sources); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); it.value()->checkForUpdate(); } } else { QObject::timerEvent(event); } } void DataEngine::updateAllSources() { QHashIterator it(d->sources); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); //qDebug() << "updating" << it.key(); updateSourceEvent(it.key()); } d->scheduleSourcesUpdated(); } void DataEngine::forceImmediateUpdateOfAllVisualizations() { foreach (DataContainer *source, d->sources) { source->forceImmediateUpdate(); } } Package DataEngine::package() const { return d->package ? *d->package : Package(); } void DataEngine::setStorageEnabled(const QString &source, bool store) { DataContainer *s = d->source(source, false); if (s) { s->setStorageEnabled(store); } } // Private class implementations DataEnginePrivate::DataEnginePrivate(DataEngine *e, const KPluginInfo &info) : q(e), dataEngineDescription(info), refCount(-1), // first ref checkSourcesTimerId(0), updateTimerId(0), minPollingInterval(-1), valid(true), script(0), package(0) { updateTimestamp.start(); if (info.isValid()) { e->setObjectName(info.name()); } else { e->setObjectName("NullEngine"); } if (dataEngineDescription.isValid()) { QString api = dataEngineDescription.property("X-Plasma-API").toString(); if (!api.isEmpty()) { const QString path = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, "plasma/dataengines/" + dataEngineDescription.pluginName() + '/', QStandardPaths::LocateDirectory); package = new Package(PluginLoader::self()->loadPackage("Plasma/DataEngine", api)); package->setPath(path); if (package->isValid()) { script = Plasma::loadScriptEngine(api, q); } if (!script) { #ifndef NDEBUG // qDebug() << "Could not create a" << api << "ScriptEngine for the" // << dataEngineDescription.name() << "DataEngine."; #endif delete package; package = 0; } } } } DataEnginePrivate::~DataEnginePrivate() { delete script; script = 0; delete package; package = 0; } void DataEnginePrivate::internalUpdateSource(DataContainer *source) { if (minPollingInterval > 0 && source->timeSinceLastUpdate() < (uint)minPollingInterval) { // skip updating this source; it's been too soon //qDebug() << "internal update source is delaying" << source->timeSinceLastUpdate() << minPollingInterval; //but fake an update so that the signalrelay that triggered this gets the data from the //recent update. this way we don't have to worry about queuing - the relay will send a //signal immediately and everyone else is undisturbed. source->setNeedsUpdate(); return; } if (q->updateSourceEvent(source->objectName())) { //qDebug() << "queuing an update"; scheduleSourcesUpdated(); }/* else { #ifndef NDEBUG // qDebug() << "no update"; #endif }*/ } void DataEnginePrivate::ref() { --refCount; } void DataEnginePrivate::deref() { ++refCount; } bool DataEnginePrivate::isUsed() const { return refCount != 0; } DataContainer *DataEnginePrivate::source(const QString &sourceName, bool createWhenMissing) { QHash::const_iterator it = sources.constFind(sourceName); if (it != sources.constEnd()) { DataContainer *s = it.value(); return s; } if (!createWhenMissing) { return 0; } //qDebug() << "DataEngine " << q->objectName() << ": could not find DataContainer " << sourceName << ", creating"; DataContainer *s = new DataContainer(q); s->setObjectName(sourceName); sources.insert(sourceName, s); QObject::connect(s, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), q, SLOT(sourceDestroyed(QObject*))); QObject::connect(s, SIGNAL(updateRequested(DataContainer*)), q, SLOT(internalUpdateSource(DataContainer*))); return s; } void DataEnginePrivate::connectSource(DataContainer *s, QObject *visualization, uint pollingInterval, Plasma::Types::IntervalAlignment align, bool immediateCall) { //qDebug() << "connect source called" << s->objectName() << "with interval" << pollingInterval; if (pollingInterval > 0) { // never more frequently than allowed, never more than 20 times per second uint min = qMax(50, minPollingInterval); // for qMax below pollingInterval = qMax(min, pollingInterval); // align on the 50ms pollingInterval = pollingInterval - (pollingInterval % 50); } if (immediateCall) { // we don't want to do an immediate call if we are simply // reconnecting //qDebug() << "immediate call requested, we have:" << s->visualizationIsConnected(visualization); immediateCall = !s->data().isEmpty() && !s->visualizationIsConnected(visualization); } s->connectVisualization(visualization, pollingInterval, align); if (immediateCall) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(visualization, "dataUpdated", Q_ARG(QString, s->objectName()), Q_ARG(Plasma::DataEngine::Data, s->data())); s->d->dirty = false; } } void DataEnginePrivate::sourceDestroyed(QObject *object) { QHash::iterator it = sources.begin(); while (it != sources.end()) { if (it.value() == object) { sources.erase(it); emit q->sourceRemoved(object->objectName()); break; } ++it; } } DataContainer *DataEnginePrivate::requestSource(const QString &sourceName, bool *newSource) { if (newSource) { *newSource = false; } //qDebug() << "requesting source " << sourceName; DataContainer *s = source(sourceName, false); if (!s) { // we didn't find a data source, so give the engine an opportunity to make one /*// qDebug() << "DataEngine " << q->objectName() << ": could not find DataContainer " << sourceName << " will create on request" << endl;*/ waitingSourceRequest = sourceName; if (q->sourceRequestEvent(sourceName)) { s = source(sourceName, false); if (s) { // now we have a source; since it was created on demand, assume // it should be removed when not used if (newSource) { *newSource = true; } QObject::connect(s, SIGNAL(becameUnused(QString)), q, SLOT(removeSource(QString))); emit q->sourceAdded(sourceName); } } waitingSourceRequest.clear(); } return s; } // put all setup routines for script here. at this point we can assume that // package exists and that we have a script engine void DataEnginePrivate::setupScriptSupport() { if (!package) { return; } /* #ifndef NDEBUG // qDebug() << "sletting up script support, package is in" << package->path() #endif << "which is a" << package->structure()->type() << "package" << ", main script is" << package->filePath("mainscript"); */ // FIXME: Replace with ki18n functionality once semantics is clear. // const QString translationsPath = package->filePath("translations"); // if (!translationsPath.isEmpty()) { // KGlobal::dirs()->addResourceDir("locale", translationsPath); // } } void DataEnginePrivate::scheduleSourcesUpdated() { if (checkSourcesTimerId) { return; } checkSourcesTimerId = q->startTimer(0); } } #include "moc_dataengine.cpp"