/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006-2007 Aaron Seigo SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "theme.h" #include "private/theme_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config-plasma.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "debug_p.h" namespace Plasma { Theme::Theme(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { if (!ThemePrivate::globalTheme) { ThemePrivate::globalTheme = new ThemePrivate; } ThemePrivate::globalTheme->ref.ref(); d = ThemePrivate::globalTheme; d->settingsChanged(false); if (QCoreApplication::instance()) { connect(QCoreApplication::instance(), &QCoreApplication::aboutToQuit, d, &ThemePrivate::onAppExitCleanup); } connect(d, &ThemePrivate::themeChanged, this, &Theme::themeChanged); connect(d, &ThemePrivate::defaultFontChanged, this, &Theme::defaultFontChanged); connect(d, &ThemePrivate::smallestFontChanged, this, &Theme::smallestFontChanged); } Theme::Theme(const QString &themeName, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { auto& priv = ThemePrivate::themes[themeName]; if (!priv) { priv = new ThemePrivate; } priv->ref.ref(); d = priv; // turn off caching so we don't accidentally trigger unnecessary disk activity at this point bool useCache = d->cacheTheme; d->cacheTheme = false; d->setThemeName(themeName, false, false); d->cacheTheme = useCache; d->fixedName = true; if (QCoreApplication::instance()) { connect(QCoreApplication::instance(), &QCoreApplication::aboutToQuit, d, &ThemePrivate::onAppExitCleanup); } connect(d, &ThemePrivate::themeChanged, this, &Theme::themeChanged); } Theme::~Theme() { if (d == ThemePrivate::globalTheme) { if (!d->ref.deref()) { disconnect(ThemePrivate::globalTheme, nullptr, this, nullptr); delete ThemePrivate::globalTheme; ThemePrivate::globalTheme = nullptr; d = nullptr; } } else { if (!d->ref.deref()) { delete ThemePrivate::themes.take(d->themeName); } } } void Theme::setThemeName(const QString &themeName) { if (d->themeName == themeName) { return; } if (d != ThemePrivate::globalTheme) { disconnect(QCoreApplication::instance(), nullptr, d, nullptr); if (!d->ref.deref()) { delete ThemePrivate::themes.take(d->themeName); } auto& priv = ThemePrivate::themes[themeName]; if (!priv) { priv = new ThemePrivate; } priv->ref.ref(); d = priv; if (QCoreApplication::instance()) { connect(QCoreApplication::instance(), &QCoreApplication::aboutToQuit, d, &ThemePrivate::onAppExitCleanup); } connect(d, &ThemePrivate::themeChanged, this, &Theme::themeChanged); } d->setThemeName(themeName, true, true); } QString Theme::themeName() const { return d->themeName; } QString Theme::imagePath(const QString &name) const { // look for a compressed svg file in the theme if (name.contains(QLatin1String("../")) || name.isEmpty()) { // we don't support relative paths //qCDebug(LOG_PLASMA) << "Theme says: bad image path " << name; return QString(); } const QString svgzName = name % QLatin1String(".svgz"); QString path = d->findInTheme(svgzName, d->themeName); if (path.isEmpty()) { // try for an uncompressed svg file const QString svgName = name % QLatin1String(".svg"); path = d->findInTheme(svgName, d->themeName); // search in fallback themes if necessary for (int i = 0; path.isEmpty() && i < d->fallbackThemes.count(); ++i) { if (d->themeName == d->fallbackThemes[i]) { continue; } // try a compressed svg file in the fallback theme path = d->findInTheme(svgzName, d->fallbackThemes[i]); if (path.isEmpty()) { // try an uncompressed svg file in the fallback theme path = d->findInTheme(svgName, d->fallbackThemes[i]); } } } /* if (path.isEmpty()) { #ifndef NDEBUG // qCDebug(LOG_PLASMA) << "Theme says: bad image path " << name; #endif } */ return path; } QString Theme::backgroundPath(const QString& image) const { return d->imagePath(themeName(), QStringLiteral("/appbackgrounds/"), image); } QString Theme::styleSheet(const QString &css) const { return d->processStyleSheet(css, Svg::Status::Normal); } QPalette Theme::palette() const { return d->palette; } QString Theme::wallpaperPath(const QSize &size) const { QString fullPath; QString image = d->defaultWallpaperTheme + QStringLiteral("/contents/images/%1x%2") + d->defaultWallpaperSuffix; QString defaultImage = image.arg(d->defaultWallpaperWidth).arg(d->defaultWallpaperHeight); if (size.isValid()) { // try to customize the paper to the size requested //TODO: this should do better than just fallback to the default size. // a "best fit" matching would be far better, so we don't end // up returning a 1920x1200 wallpaper for a 640x480 request ;) image = image.arg(size.width()).arg(size.height()); } else { image = defaultImage; } //TODO: the theme's wallpaper overrides regularly installed wallpapers. // should it be possible for user installed (e.g. locateLocal) wallpapers // to override the theme? if (d->hasWallpapers) { // check in the theme first fullPath = d->findInTheme(QLatin1String("wallpapers/") % image, d->themeName); if (fullPath.isEmpty()) { fullPath = d->findInTheme(QLatin1String("wallpapers/") % defaultImage, d->themeName); } } if (fullPath.isEmpty()) { // we failed to find it in the theme, so look in the standard directories //qCDebug(LOG_PLASMA) << "looking for" << image; fullPath = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, QLatin1String("wallpapers/") + image); } if (fullPath.isEmpty()) { // we still failed to find it in the theme, so look for the default in // the standard directories //qCDebug(LOG_PLASMA) << "looking for" << defaultImage; fullPath = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, QLatin1String("wallpapers/") + defaultImage); if (fullPath.isEmpty()) { #ifndef NDEBUG // qCDebug(LOG_PLASMA) << "exhausted every effort to find a wallpaper."; #endif } } return fullPath; } QString Theme::wallpaperPathForSize(int width, int height) const { return Plasma::Theme::wallpaperPath(QSize(width, height)); } bool Theme::currentThemeHasImage(const QString &name) const { if (name.contains(QLatin1String("../"))) { // we don't support relative paths return false; } return !(d->findInTheme(name % QLatin1String(".svgz"), d->themeName, false).isEmpty()) || !(d->findInTheme(name % QLatin1String(".svg"), d->themeName, false).isEmpty()); } KSharedConfigPtr Theme::colorScheme() const { return d->colors; } QColor Theme::color(ColorRole role, ColorGroup group) const { return d->color(role, group); } void Theme::setUseGlobalSettings(bool useGlobal) { if (d->useGlobal == useGlobal) { return; } d->useGlobal = useGlobal; d->cfg = KConfigGroup(); d->themeName.clear(); d->settingsChanged(true); } bool Theme::useGlobalSettings() const { return d->useGlobal; } bool Theme::findInCache(const QString &key, QPixmap &pix, unsigned int lastModified) { //TODO KF6: Make lastModified non-optional. if (lastModified == 0) { qCWarning(LOG_PLASMA) << "findInCache with a lastModified timestamp of 0 is deprecated"; return false; } if (!d->useCache()) { return false; } if (lastModified > uint(d->pixmapCache->lastModifiedTime().toSecsSinceEpoch())) { return false; } const QString id = d->keysToCache.value(key); const auto it = d->pixmapsToCache.constFind(id); if (it != d->pixmapsToCache.constEnd()) { pix = *it; return !pix.isNull(); } QPixmap temp; if (d->pixmapCache->findPixmap(key, &temp) && !temp.isNull()) { pix = temp; return true; } return false; } void Theme::insertIntoCache(const QString &key, const QPixmap &pix) { if (d->useCache()) { d->pixmapCache->insertPixmap(key, pix); } } void Theme::insertIntoCache(const QString &key, const QPixmap &pix, const QString &id) { if (d->useCache()) { d->pixmapsToCache[id] = pix; d->keysToCache[key] = id; d->idsToCache[id] = key; //always start timer in d->pixmapSaveTimer's thread QMetaObject::invokeMethod(d->pixmapSaveTimer, "start", Qt::QueuedConnection); } } bool Theme::findInRectsCache(const QString &image, const QString &element, QRectF &rect) const { if (!d->useCache()) { return false; } KConfigGroup imageGroup(d->svgElementsCache, image); rect = imageGroup.readEntry(element % QLatin1String("Size"), QRectF()); if (rect.isValid()) { return true; } //Name starting by _ means the element is empty and we're asked for the size of //the whole image, so the whole image is never invalid if (element.indexOf(QLatin1Char('_')) <= 0) { return false; } bool invalid = false; QHash >::iterator it = d->invalidElements.find(image); if (it == d->invalidElements.end()) { const QStringList elementList = imageGroup.readEntry("invalidElements", QStringList()); #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 14, 0) const QSet elements(elementList.begin(), elementList.end()); #else const QSet elements = elementList.toSet(); #endif d->invalidElements.insert(image, elements); invalid = elements.contains(element); } else { invalid = it.value().contains(element); } return invalid; } QStringList Theme::listCachedRectKeys(const QString &image) const { if (!d->useCache()) { return QStringList(); } KConfigGroup imageGroup(d->svgElementsCache, image); QStringList keys = imageGroup.keyList(); QMutableListIterator i(keys); while (i.hasNext()) { QString key = i.next(); if (key.endsWith(QLatin1String("Size"))) { // The actual cache id used from outside doesn't end on "Size". key.resize(key.size() - 4); i.setValue(key); } else { i.remove(); } } return keys; } void Theme::insertIntoRectsCache(const QString &image, const QString &element, const QRectF &rect) { if (!d->useCache()) { return; } if (rect.isValid()) { KConfigGroup imageGroup(d->svgElementsCache, image); imageGroup.writeEntry(element % QLatin1String("Size"), rect); } else { QHash >::iterator it = d->invalidElements.find(image); if (it == d->invalidElements.end()) { d->invalidElements[image].insert(element); } else if (!it.value().contains(element)) { if (it.value().count() > 1000) { it.value().erase(it.value().begin()); } it.value().insert(element); } } QMetaObject::invokeMethod(d->rectSaveTimer, "start"); } void Theme::invalidateRectsCache(const QString &image) { if (d->useCache()) { KConfigGroup imageGroup(d->svgElementsCache, image); imageGroup.deleteGroup(); } d->invalidElements.remove(image); } void Theme::releaseRectsCache(const QString &image) { QHash >::iterator it = d->invalidElements.find(image); if (it != d->invalidElements.end()) { if (d->useCache()) { KConfigGroup imageGroup(d->svgElementsCache, it.key()); imageGroup.writeEntry("invalidElements", it.value().values()); } d->invalidElements.erase(it); } } void Theme::setCacheLimit(int kbytes) { d->cacheSize = kbytes; delete d->pixmapCache; d->pixmapCache = nullptr; } KPluginInfo Theme::pluginInfo() const { return KPluginInfo(d->pluginMetaData); } QFont Theme::defaultFont() const { return QGuiApplication::font(); } QFont Theme::smallestFont() const { return QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::SmallestReadableFont); } QSizeF Theme::mSize(const QFont &font) const { return QFontMetrics(font).boundingRect(QStringLiteral("M")).size(); } bool Theme::backgroundContrastEnabled() const { return d->backgroundContrastEnabled; } qreal Theme::backgroundContrast() const { if (qIsNaN(d->backgroundContrast)) { // Make up sensible default values, based on the background color // If we're using a dark background color, darken the background if (qGray(color(Plasma::Theme::BackgroundColor).rgb()) < 127) { return 0.45; // for a light theme lighten up the background } else { return 0.3; } } return d->backgroundContrast; } qreal Theme::backgroundIntensity() const { if (qIsNaN(d->backgroundIntensity)) { if (qGray(color(Plasma::Theme::BackgroundColor).rgb()) < 127) { return 0.45; } else { return 1.9; } } return d->backgroundIntensity; } qreal Theme::backgroundSaturation() const { if (qIsNaN(d->backgroundSaturation)) { return 1.7; } return d->backgroundSaturation; } bool Theme::blurBehindEnabled() const { return d->blurBehindEnabled; } } #include "moc_theme.cpp"