/* * Copyright 2006-2007 Aaron Seigo * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "theme.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef Q_WS_X11 #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "private/packages_p.h" #include "framebackgroundprovider.h" namespace Plasma { #define DEFAULT_WALLPAPER_THEME "Air" #define DEFAULT_WALLPAPER_SUFFIX ".jpg" static const int DEFAULT_WALLPAPER_WIDTH = 1920; static const int DEFAULT_WALLPAPER_HEIGHT = 1200; class StandardThemeBackgroundProvider : public FrameBackgroundProvider { public: StandardThemeBackgroundProvider(); virtual void apply(QPainter& target, QPoint offset); virtual QString identity(); QColor m_color; QString m_pattern; int m_patternAlpha; int m_offsetX; int m_offsetY; void clearCache() { m_cachedPatterns.clear(); } private: //Maps file-name to (image, alpha) typedef QPair PatternAlphaPair; //The alpha value is statically applied to the pattern QMap m_cachedPatterns; }; static StandardThemeBackgroundProvider& standardThemeBackgroundProvider() { static StandardThemeBackgroundProvider ret; return ret; } class ThemePrivate { public: ThemePrivate(Theme *theme) : q(theme), colorScheme(QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::Window, KSharedConfigPtr(0)), buttonColorScheme(QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::Button, KSharedConfigPtr(0)), defaultWallpaperTheme(DEFAULT_WALLPAPER_THEME), defaultWallpaperSuffix(DEFAULT_WALLPAPER_SUFFIX), defaultWallpaperWidth(DEFAULT_WALLPAPER_WIDTH), defaultWallpaperHeight(DEFAULT_WALLPAPER_HEIGHT), pixmapCache(0), locolor(false), compositingActive(KWindowSystem::compositingActive()), isDefault(false), useGlobal(true), hasWallpapers(false), useNativeWidgetStyle(false) { generalFont = QApplication::font(); cacheTheme = cacheConfig().readEntry("CacheTheme", true); } ~ThemePrivate() { delete pixmapCache; } KConfigGroup cacheConfig() { return KConfigGroup(KSharedConfig::openConfig(themeRcFile), "CachePolicies"); } const KConfigGroup& config() const { return const_cast(this)->config(); } KConfigGroup &config() { if (!cfg.isValid()) { QString groupName = "Theme"; if (!useGlobal) { QString app = KGlobal::mainComponent().componentName(); if (!app.isEmpty() && app != "plasma") { kDebug() << "using theme for app" << app; groupName.append("-").append(app); } } cfg = KConfigGroup(KSharedConfig::openConfig(themeRcFile), groupName); } return cfg; } /** * Reads optional configuration, that is specific to the current composite mode: * When composition is active, the configuration entry is prefixed with "composite_". * Optionally, the configuration can also be specific to the specified image path: * Then the image path has to be appended to the configuration name */ template T readOptionalConfig(QString configName, T _default, QString imagePath) { if(compositingActive) configName = "composite_" + configName; T ret = config().readEntry(configName, _default); return config().readEntry(configName + "_" + imagePath, ret); } bool hasOptionalConfig(QString configName, QString imagePath = QString()) { if(compositingActive) configName = "composite_" + configName; return config().hasKey(configName) || config().hasKey(configName + "_" + imagePath); } QString findInTheme(const QString &image, const QString &theme) const; void compositingChanged(); void discardCache(); void discardCache(bool recreateElementsCache); void colorsChanged(); bool useCache(); void settingsFileChanged(const QString &); void setThemeName(const QString &themeName, bool writeSettings); static const char *defaultTheme; static const char *themeRcFile; static PackageStructure::Ptr packageStructure; Theme *q; QString themeName; KSharedConfigPtr colors; KColorScheme colorScheme; KColorScheme buttonColorScheme; KConfigGroup cfg; QFont generalFont; QString defaultWallpaperTheme; QString defaultWallpaperSuffix; int defaultWallpaperWidth; int defaultWallpaperHeight; KPixmapCache *pixmapCache; KSharedConfigPtr svgElementsCache; QHash > invalidElements; #ifdef Q_WS_X11 KSelectionWatcher *compositeWatch; #endif bool locolor : 1; bool compositingActive : 1; bool isDefault : 1; bool useGlobal : 1; bool hasWallpapers : 1; bool cacheTheme : 1; bool useNativeWidgetStyle :1; }; PackageStructure::Ptr ThemePrivate::packageStructure(0); const char *ThemePrivate::defaultTheme = "default"; const char *ThemePrivate::themeRcFile = "plasmarc"; bool ThemePrivate::useCache() { if (cacheTheme && !pixmapCache) { pixmapCache = new KPixmapCache("plasma_theme_" + themeName); pixmapCache->setCacheLimit(cacheConfig().readEntry("ThemeCacheKb", 80 * 1024)); } return cacheTheme; } QString ThemePrivate::findInTheme(const QString &image, const QString &theme) const { //TODO: this should be using Package QString search; if (locolor) { search = "desktoptheme/" + theme + "/locolor/" + image; search = KStandardDirs::locate("data", search); } else if (!compositingActive && !config().readEntry("forceTransparentTheme", false)) { search = "desktoptheme/" + theme + "/opaque/" + image; search = KStandardDirs::locate("data", search); } //not found or compositing enabled if (search.isEmpty()) { search = "desktoptheme/" + theme + '/' + image; search = KStandardDirs::locate("data", search); } return search; } void ThemePrivate::compositingChanged() { #ifdef Q_WS_X11 bool nowCompositingActive = compositeWatch->owner() != None; if (compositingActive != nowCompositingActive) { compositingActive = nowCompositingActive; discardCache(true); emit q->themeChanged(); } #endif } void ThemePrivate::discardCache() { discardCache(true); } void ThemePrivate::discardCache(bool recreateElementsCache) { KPixmapCache::deleteCache("plasma_theme_" + themeName); delete pixmapCache; pixmapCache = 0; invalidElements.clear(); svgElementsCache = 0; QString svgElementsFile = KStandardDirs::locateLocal("cache", "plasma-svgelements-" + themeName); if (!svgElementsFile.isEmpty()) { QFile f(svgElementsFile); f.remove(); } if (recreateElementsCache) { svgElementsCache = KSharedConfig::openConfig(svgElementsFile); } } void ThemePrivate::colorsChanged() { discardCache(true); colorScheme = KColorScheme(QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::Window, colors); buttonColorScheme = KColorScheme(QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::Button, colors); emit q->themeChanged(); } class ThemeSingleton { public: ThemeSingleton() { self.d->isDefault = true; } Theme self; }; K_GLOBAL_STATIC(ThemeSingleton, privateThemeSelf) Theme *Theme::defaultTheme() { return &privateThemeSelf->self; } Theme::Theme(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), d(new ThemePrivate(this)) { settingsChanged(); #ifdef Q_WS_X11 Display *dpy = QX11Info::display(); int screen = DefaultScreen(dpy); d->locolor = DefaultDepth(dpy, screen) < 16; if (!d->locolor) { char net_wm_cm_name[100]; sprintf(net_wm_cm_name, "_NET_WM_CM_S%d", screen); d->compositeWatch = new KSelectionWatcher(net_wm_cm_name, -1, this); connect(d->compositeWatch, SIGNAL(newOwner(Window)), this, SLOT(compositingChanged())); connect(d->compositeWatch, SIGNAL(lostOwner()), this, SLOT(compositingChanged())); } #endif //FIXME: if/when kconfig gets change notification, this will be unecessary KDirWatch::self()->addFile(KStandardDirs::locateLocal("config", ThemePrivate::themeRcFile)); connect(KDirWatch::self(), SIGNAL(created(QString)), this, SLOT(settingsFileChanged(QString))); connect(KDirWatch::self(), SIGNAL(dirty(QString)), this, SLOT(settingsFileChanged(QString))); } Theme::~Theme() { QHashIterator > it(d->invalidElements); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); KConfigGroup imageGroup(d->svgElementsCache, it.key()); imageGroup.writeEntry("invalidElements", it.value().toList()); //FIXME: add QSet support to KConfig } delete d; } PackageStructure::Ptr Theme::packageStructure() { if (!ThemePrivate::packageStructure) { ThemePrivate::packageStructure = new ThemePackage(); } return ThemePrivate::packageStructure; } void ThemePrivate::settingsFileChanged(const QString &file) { kDebug() << file; QMap< QString, QString > oldEntries = config().entryMap(); config().config()->reparseConfiguration(); if(oldEntries != config().entryMap()) q->settingsChanged(); } void Theme::settingsChanged() { standardThemeBackgroundProvider().clearCache(); //So we don't waste memory with background images that are not used QString newThemeName = d->config().readEntry("name", ThemePrivate::defaultTheme); if(newThemeName != d->themeName) { d->setThemeName(newThemeName, false); }else{ ///@todo More precise monitoring of attributes d->discardCache(true); emit themeChanged(); } } void Theme::setThemeName(const QString &themeName) { d->setThemeName(themeName, true); } void ThemePrivate::setThemeName(const QString &tempThemeName, bool writeSettings) { //kDebug() << tempThemeName; QString theme = tempThemeName; if (theme.isEmpty() || theme == themeName) { // let's try and get the default theme at least if (themeName.isEmpty()) { theme = ThemePrivate::defaultTheme; } else { return; } } //TODO: should we care about names with relative paths in them? QString themePath = KStandardDirs::locate("data", "desktoptheme/" + theme + '/'); if (themePath.isEmpty() && themeName.isEmpty()) { themePath = KStandardDirs::locate("data", "desktoptheme/default/"); if (themePath.isEmpty()) { return; } theme = ThemePrivate::defaultTheme; } if (themeName == theme) { return; } //discard the old theme cache if (!themeName.isEmpty() && pixmapCache) { discardCache(false); } themeName = theme; // load the color scheme config QString colorsFile = KStandardDirs::locate("data", "desktoptheme/" + theme + "/colors"); //kDebug() << "we're going for..." << colorsFile << "*******************"; // load the wallpaper settings, if any QString metadataPath(KStandardDirs::locate("data", "desktoptheme/" + theme + "/metadata.desktop")); KConfig metadata(metadataPath); KConfigGroup cg; if (metadata.hasGroup("Wallpaper")) { // we have a theme color config, so let's also check to see if // there is a wallpaper defined in there. cg = KConfigGroup(&metadata, "Wallpaper"); } else { // since we didn't find an entry in the theme, let's look in the main // theme config cg = config(); } defaultWallpaperTheme = cg.readEntry("defaultWallpaperTheme", DEFAULT_WALLPAPER_THEME); defaultWallpaperSuffix = cg.readEntry("defaultFileSuffix", DEFAULT_WALLPAPER_SUFFIX); defaultWallpaperWidth = cg.readEntry("defaultWidth", DEFAULT_WALLPAPER_WIDTH); defaultWallpaperHeight = cg.readEntry("defaultHeight", DEFAULT_WALLPAPER_HEIGHT); cg = KConfigGroup(&metadata, "Settings"); useNativeWidgetStyle = cg.readEntry("UseNativeWidgetStyle", false); QObject::disconnect(KGlobalSettings::self(), SIGNAL(kdisplayPaletteChanged()), q, SLOT(colorsChanged())); if (colorsFile.isEmpty()) { colors = 0; QObject::connect(KGlobalSettings::self(), SIGNAL(kdisplayPaletteChanged()), q, SLOT(colorsChanged())); } else { colors = KSharedConfig::openConfig(colorsFile); } colorScheme = KColorScheme(QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::Window, colors); buttonColorScheme = KColorScheme(QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::Button, colors); hasWallpapers = KStandardDirs::exists(KStandardDirs::locateLocal("data", "desktoptheme/" + theme + "/wallpapers/")); if (isDefault && writeSettings) { // we're the default theme, let's save our state KConfigGroup &cg = config(); if (ThemePrivate::defaultTheme == themeName) { cg.deleteEntry("name"); } else { cg.writeEntry("name", themeName); } cg.sync(); } //check for expired cache QFile f(metadataPath); QFileInfo info(f); if (useCache() && info.lastModified().toTime_t() > pixmapCache->timestamp()) { discardCache(false); } invalidElements.clear(); QString svgElementsFile = KStandardDirs::locateLocal("cache", "plasma-svgelements-" + themeName); svgElementsCache = KSharedConfig::openConfig(svgElementsFile); emit q->themeChanged(); } QString Theme::themeName() const { return d->themeName; } QString Theme::imagePath(const QString &name) const { // look for a compressed svg file in the theme if (name.contains("../")) { // we don't support relative paths return QString(); } QString path = d->findInTheme(name + ".svgz", d->themeName); if (path.isEmpty()) { // try for an uncompressed svg file path = d->findInTheme(name + ".svg", d->themeName); if (path.isEmpty() && d->themeName != ThemePrivate::defaultTheme) { // try a compressed svg file in the default theme path = d->findInTheme(name + ".svgz", ThemePrivate::defaultTheme); if (path.isEmpty()) { // try an uncompressed svg file in the default theme path = d->findInTheme(name + ".svg", ThemePrivate::defaultTheme); } } } if (path.isEmpty()) { kDebug() << "Theme says: bad image path " << name; } return path; } QString Theme::wallpaperPath(const QSize &size) const { QString fullPath; QString image = d->defaultWallpaperTheme; image.append("/contents/images/%1x%2").append(d->defaultWallpaperSuffix); QString defaultImage = image.arg(d->defaultWallpaperWidth).arg(d->defaultWallpaperHeight); if (size.isValid()) { // try to customize the paper to the size requested //TODO: this should do better than just fallback to the default size. // a "best fit" matching would be far better, so we don't end // up returning a 1920x1200 wallpaper for a 640x480 request ;) image = image.arg(size.width()).arg(size.height()); } else { image = defaultImage; } //TODO: the theme's wallpaper overrides regularly installed wallpapers. // should it be possible for user installed (e.g. locateLocal) wallpapers // to override the theme? if (d->hasWallpapers) { // check in the theme first fullPath = d->findInTheme("wallpapers/" + image, d->themeName); if (fullPath.isEmpty()) { fullPath = d->findInTheme("wallpapers/" + defaultImage, d->themeName); } } if (fullPath.isEmpty()) { // we failed to find it in the theme, so look in the standard directories //kDebug() << "looking for" << image; fullPath = KStandardDirs::locate("wallpaper", image); } if (fullPath.isEmpty()) { // we still failed to find it in the theme, so look for the default in // the standard directories //kDebug() << "looking for" << defaultImage; fullPath = KStandardDirs::locate("wallpaper", defaultImage); if (fullPath.isEmpty()) { kDebug() << "exhausted every effort to find a wallpaper."; } } return fullPath; } bool Theme::currentThemeHasImage(const QString &name) const { if (name.contains("../")) { // we don't support relative paths return false; } return !(d->findInTheme(name + ".svgz", d->themeName).isEmpty()) || !(d->findInTheme(name + ".svg", d->themeName).isEmpty()); } KSharedConfigPtr Theme::colorScheme() const { return d->colors; } QColor Theme::color(ColorRole role) const { switch (role) { case TextColor: return d->colorScheme.foreground(KColorScheme::NormalText).color(); break; case HighlightColor: return d->colorScheme.background(KColorScheme::ActiveBackground).color(); break; case BackgroundColor: return d->colorScheme.background().color(); break; case ButtonTextColor: return d->buttonColorScheme.foreground(KColorScheme::NormalText).color(); break; case ButtonBackgroundColor: return d->buttonColorScheme.background(KColorScheme::ActiveBackground).color(); break; } return QColor(); } void Theme::setFont(const QFont &font, FontRole role) { Q_UNUSED(role) d->generalFont = font; } QFont Theme::font(FontRole role) const { Q_UNUSED(role) switch (role) { case DesktopFont: { KConfigGroup cg(KGlobal::config(), "General"); return cg.readEntry("desktopFont", QFont("Sans Serif", 10)); } break; case DefaultFont: default: return d->generalFont; break; } } QFontMetrics Theme::fontMetrics() const { //TODO: allow this to be overridden with a plasma specific font? return QFontMetrics(d->generalFont); } bool Theme::windowTranslucencyEnabled() const { return d->compositingActive; } void Theme::setUseGlobalSettings(bool useGlobal) { if (d->useGlobal == useGlobal) { return; } d->useGlobal = useGlobal; d->cfg = KConfigGroup(); d->themeName.clear(); settingsChanged(); } bool Theme::useGlobalSettings() const { return d->useGlobal; } bool Theme::useNativeWidgetStyle() const { return d->useNativeWidgetStyle; } bool Theme::findInCache(const QString &key, QPixmap &pix) { return d->useCache() && d->pixmapCache->find(key, pix); } // BIC FIXME: Should be merged with the other findInCache method above when we break BC bool Theme::findInCache(const QString &key, QPixmap &pix, unsigned int lastModified) { if (d->useCache() && lastModified > d->pixmapCache->timestamp()) { d->discardCache(); } return findInCache(key, pix); } void Theme::insertIntoCache(const QString& key, const QPixmap& pix) { if (d->useCache()) { d->pixmapCache->insert(key, pix); } } bool Theme::findInRectsCache(const QString &image, const QString &element, QRectF &rect) const { if (!d->pixmapCache) { return false; } KConfigGroup imageGroup(d->svgElementsCache, image); rect = imageGroup.readEntry(element + "Size", QRectF()); if (rect.isValid()) { return true; } //A single _ means the element is empty and we're asked for the size of //the whole image, so the whole image is never invalid if (element.count('_') == 1) { return false; } bool invalid = false; QHash >::iterator it = d->invalidElements.find(image); if (it == d->invalidElements.end()) { QSet elements = imageGroup.readEntry("invalidElements", QStringList()).toSet(); d->invalidElements.insert(image, elements); invalid = elements.contains(element); } else { invalid = it.value().contains(element); } return invalid; } void Theme::insertIntoRectsCache(const QString& image, const QString &element, const QRectF &rect) { if (!d->pixmapCache) { return; } if (rect.isValid()) { KConfigGroup imageGroup(d->svgElementsCache, image); imageGroup.writeEntry(element + "Size", rect); } else { QHash >::iterator it = d->invalidElements.find(image); if (it == d->invalidElements.end()) { d->invalidElements[image].insert(element); } else if (!it.value().contains(element)) { if (it.value().count() > 1000) { it.value().erase(it.value().begin()); } it.value().insert(element); } } } void Theme::invalidateRectsCache(const QString& image) { KConfigGroup imageGroup(d->svgElementsCache, image); imageGroup.deleteGroup(); releaseRectsCache(image); } void Theme::releaseRectsCache(const QString &image) { QHash >::iterator it = d->invalidElements.find(image); if (it != d->invalidElements.end()) { d->invalidElements.erase(it); } } void Theme::setCacheLimit(int kbytes) { if (d->useCache()) { d->pixmapCache->setCacheLimit(kbytes); } } StandardThemeBackgroundProvider::StandardThemeBackgroundProvider() : m_color(Qt::black), m_patternAlpha(0) { } void StandardThemeBackgroundProvider::apply(QPainter& target, QPoint offset) { target.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationOver); //Apply color if(m_color.alpha()) target.fillRect(target.clipRegion().boundingRect(), m_color); //Apply pattern if(m_patternAlpha && !m_pattern.isEmpty()) { if(!m_cachedPatterns.contains(m_pattern) || m_cachedPatterns[m_pattern].second != m_patternAlpha) { m_cachedPatterns.remove(m_pattern); m_cachedPatterns.insert(m_pattern, PatternAlphaPair(QImage(m_pattern), m_patternAlpha)); if(m_patternAlpha != 255) { PatternAlphaPair& cached(m_cachedPatterns[m_pattern]); //Apply lower alpha value to the pattern QImage alpha(cached.first.size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32); alpha.fill(QColor(cached.second, cached.second, cached.second).rgb()); cached.first.setAlphaChannel(alpha); } } PatternAlphaPair& cached(m_cachedPatterns[m_pattern]); if(!cached.first.isNull()) { QBrush brush; QColor col(Qt::white); col.setAlpha(m_patternAlpha); brush.setColor(col); brush.setTextureImage(cached.first); target.setBrushOrigin(-(m_offsetX + offset.x()), -(m_offsetY + offset.y())); target.fillRect(target.clipRegion().boundingRect(), brush); }else{ kDebug() << "failed to load pattern" << m_pattern; } } } QString StandardThemeBackgroundProvider::identity() { return QString("bgcolor_%1=").arg(m_color.alpha()) + m_color.name()+QString("_pattern_%1=").arg(m_patternAlpha)+m_pattern + QString("_offsets_%1_%2__").arg(m_offsetX).arg(m_offsetY); } FrameBackgroundProvider* Theme::frameBackgroundProvider(QString imagePath) const { if(d->locolor) return 0; if((imagePath.startsWith("widgets/panel-") || imagePath.startsWith("dialogs/")) && (d->hasOptionalConfig("frameBackgroundColor") || d->hasOptionalConfig("frameBackgroundPattern"))) { StandardThemeBackgroundProvider& provider(standardThemeBackgroundProvider());; provider.m_color = d->readOptionalConfig("frameBackgroundColor", Qt::black, imagePath); if(d->hasOptionalConfig("frameBackgroundColor")) provider.m_color.setAlpha(d->readOptionalConfig("frameBackgroundColorAlpha", 255, imagePath)); else provider.m_color.setAlpha(0); provider.m_pattern = d->readOptionalConfig("frameBackgroundPattern", QString(), imagePath); provider.m_patternAlpha = d->readOptionalConfig("frameBackgroundPatternAlpha", 255, imagePath); provider.m_offsetX = d->readOptionalConfig("frameBackgroundPatternOffsetX", 0, imagePath); provider.m_offsetY = d->readOptionalConfig("frameBackgroundPatternOffsetY", 0, imagePath); int randomX = d->readOptionalConfig("frameBackgroundPatternOffsetRandomX", 0, imagePath); int randomY = d->readOptionalConfig("frameBackgroundPatternOffsetRandomY", 0, imagePath); if(randomX || randomY) { //Add "this" so the offsets are different after every startup, but stay same for the same image path qsrand(qHash(imagePath) + ((size_t)this) + randomX + 11 * randomY); if(randomX) provider.m_offsetX += qrand() % randomX; if(randomY) provider.m_offsetY += qrand() % randomY; } return &provider; }else return 0; } } #include