/* * Copyright 2007 by Kevin Ottens * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "private/applethandle_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "applet.h" #include "applet_p.h" #include "containment.h" #include "corona.h" #include "paintutils.h" #include "theme.h" #include "view.h" #include "framesvg.h" namespace Plasma { qreal _k_distanceForPoint(QPointF point); qreal _k_pointAngle(QPointF point); QPointF _k_rotatePoint(QPointF point, qreal angle); QPointF _k_projectPoint(QPointF point, QPointF v); AppletHandle::AppletHandle(Containment *containment, Applet *applet, const QPointF &hoverPos) : QGraphicsObject(applet), m_pressedButton(NoButton), m_containment(containment), m_applet(applet), m_iconSize(KIconLoader::SizeSmall), m_opacity(0.0), m_animType(FadeIn), m_backgroundBuffer(0), m_currentView(applet->view()), m_entryPos(hoverPos), m_buttonsOnRight(false), m_pendingFade(false) { setFlags(flags() | QGraphicsItem::ItemStacksBehindParent); KColorScheme colorScheme(QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::View, Theme::defaultTheme()->colorScheme()); setAcceptTouchEvents(true); m_gradientColor = colorScheme.background(KColorScheme::NormalBackground).color(); m_originalGeom = mapToScene(QRectF(QPoint(0,0), m_applet->size())).boundingRect(); m_originalTransform = m_applet->transform(); QPointF center = QRectF(QPointF(), m_applet->size()).center(); m_angle = _k_pointAngle(m_originalTransform.map(center + QPointF(1.0, 0.0)) - center); m_hoverTimer = new QTimer(this); m_hoverTimer->setSingleShot(true); m_hoverTimer->setInterval(333); m_leaveTimer = new QTimer(this); m_leaveTimer->setSingleShot(true); m_leaveTimer->setInterval(500); connect(m_hoverTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(hoverTimeout())); connect(m_leaveTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(leaveTimeout())); connect(m_applet, SIGNAL(appletDestroyed(Plasma::Applet*)), this, SLOT(appletDestroyed())); setAcceptsHoverEvents(true); m_hoverTimer->start(); //icons m_configureIcons = new Svg(this); m_configureIcons->setImagePath("widgets/configuration-icons"); m_configureIcons->setContainsMultipleImages(true); connect(m_configureIcons, SIGNAL(repaintNeeded()), this, SLOT(scheduleUpdate())); m_background = new FrameSvg(this); m_background->setImagePath("widgets/background"); connect(m_background, SIGNAL(repaintNeeded()), this, SLOT(scheduleUpdate())); m_applet->installSceneEventFilter(this); } AppletHandle::~AppletHandle() { detachApplet(); delete m_backgroundBuffer; } bool AppletHandle::shown() const { return !m_hoverTimer->isActive(); } Applet *AppletHandle::applet() const { return m_applet; } void AppletHandle::detachApplet() { if (!m_applet) { return; } disconnect(m_hoverTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(hoverTimeout())); disconnect(m_leaveTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(leaveTimeout())); m_applet->disconnect(this); if (m_applet->geometry() != m_originalGeom || m_applet->transform() != m_originalTransform) { emit m_applet->appletTransformedByUser(); } m_applet = 0; } QRectF Plasma::AppletHandle::boundingRect() const { return m_totalRect; } QPainterPath AppletHandle::shape() const { //when the containment changes the applet is reset to 0 if (m_applet) { QPainterPath path = PaintUtils::roundedRectangle(m_decorationRect, 10); return path.united(m_applet->shape()); } else { return QGraphicsItem::shape(); } } QPainterPath handleRect(const QRectF &rect, int radius, bool onRight) { QPainterPath path; if (onRight) { // make the left side straight path.moveTo(rect.left(), rect.top()); // Top left path.lineTo(rect.right() - radius, rect.top()); // Top side path.quadTo(rect.right(), rect.top(), rect.right(), rect.top() + radius); // Top right corner path.lineTo(rect.right(), rect.bottom() - radius); // Right side path.quadTo(rect.right(), rect.bottom(), rect.right() - radius, rect.bottom()); // Bottom right corner path.lineTo(rect.left(), rect.bottom()); // Bottom side } else { // make the right side straight path.moveTo(QPointF(rect.left(), rect.top() + radius)); path.quadTo(rect.left(), rect.top(), rect.left() + radius, rect.top()); // Top left corner path.lineTo(rect.right(), rect.top()); // Top side path.lineTo(rect.right(), rect.bottom()); // Right side path.lineTo(rect.left() + radius, rect.bottom()); // Bottom side path.quadTo(rect.left(), rect.bottom(), rect.left(), rect.bottom() - radius); // Bottom left corner } path.closeSubpath(); return path; } void AppletHandle::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) { Q_UNUSED(option); Q_UNUSED(widget); //kDebug() << m_opacity << m_anim << FadeOut; if (qFuzzyCompare(m_opacity + 1.0, 1.0)) { if (m_animType == FadeOut) { //kDebug() << "WOOOOOOOOO"; QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(emitDisappear())); } return; } qreal translation; if (m_buttonsOnRight) { //kDebug() << "translating by" << m_opacity // << (-(1 - m_opacity) * m_rect.width()) << m_rect.width(); translation = -(1 - m_opacity) * m_rect.width(); } else { translation = (1 - m_opacity) * m_rect.width(); } painter->translate(translation, 0); painter->setPen(Qt::NoPen); painter->setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing|QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform); int iconMargin = m_iconSize / 2; const QSize pixmapSize(int(m_decorationRect.width()), int(m_decorationRect.height()) + m_iconSize * 5 + 1); const QSize iconSize(KIconLoader::SizeSmall, KIconLoader::SizeSmall); bool isRunning = false; if (m_anim.data()) { isRunning = m_anim.data()->state() == QAbstractAnimation::Running ? \ true : false; } //regenerate our buffer? if (isRunning || !m_backgroundBuffer || m_backgroundBuffer->size() != pixmapSize) { QColor transparencyColor = Qt::black; transparencyColor.setAlphaF(qMin(m_opacity, qreal(0.99))); QLinearGradient g(QPoint(0, 0), QPoint(m_decorationRect.width(), 0)); //fading out panel if (m_rect.height() > qreal(minimumHeight()) * 1.25) { if (m_buttonsOnRight) { qreal opaquePoint = (m_background->marginSize(LeftMargin) - translation) / m_decorationRect.width(); //kDebug() << "opaquePoint" << opaquePoint // << m_background->marginSize(LeftMargin) << m_decorationRect.width(); g.setColorAt(0.0, Qt::transparent); g.setColorAt(qMax(0.0, opaquePoint - 0.05), Qt::transparent); //krazy:exclude=qminmax g.setColorAt(opaquePoint, transparencyColor); g.setColorAt(1.0, transparencyColor); } else { qreal opaquePoint = 1 - ((m_background->marginSize(RightMargin) + translation) / m_decorationRect.width()); g.setColorAt(1.0, Qt::transparent); g.setColorAt(opaquePoint + 0.05, Qt::transparent); g.setColorAt(qMax(qreal(0), opaquePoint), transparencyColor); g.setColorAt(0.0, transparencyColor); } //complete panel } else { g.setColorAt(0.0, transparencyColor); } m_background->resizeFrame(m_decorationRect.size()); if (!m_backgroundBuffer || m_backgroundBuffer->size() != pixmapSize) { delete m_backgroundBuffer; m_backgroundBuffer = new QPixmap(pixmapSize); } m_backgroundBuffer->fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter buffPainter(m_backgroundBuffer); m_background->paintFrame(&buffPainter); //+1 because otherwise due to rounding errors when rotated could appear one pixel //of the icon at the border of the applet //QRectF iconRect(QPointF(pixmapSize.width() - m_iconSize + 1, m_iconSize), iconSize); QRectF iconRect(QPointF(0, m_decorationRect.height() + 1), iconSize); if (m_buttonsOnRight) { iconRect.moveLeft( pixmapSize.width() - m_iconSize - m_background->marginSize(LeftMargin)); m_configureIcons->paint(&buffPainter, iconRect, "size-diagonal-tr2bl"); } else { iconRect.moveLeft(m_background->marginSize(RightMargin)); m_configureIcons->paint(&buffPainter, iconRect, "size-diagonal-tl2br"); } iconRect.translate(0, m_iconSize); m_configureIcons->paint(&buffPainter, iconRect, "rotate"); if (m_applet && m_applet->hasConfigurationInterface()) { iconRect.translate(0, m_iconSize); m_configureIcons->paint(&buffPainter, iconRect, "configure"); } if (m_applet && m_applet->hasValidAssociatedApplication()) { iconRect.translate(0, m_iconSize); m_configureIcons->paint(&buffPainter, iconRect, "maximize"); } iconRect.translate(0, m_iconSize); m_configureIcons->paint(&buffPainter, iconRect, "close"); buffPainter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationIn); //blend the background buffPainter.fillRect(m_backgroundBuffer->rect(), g); //blend the icons //buffPainter.fillRect(QRect(QPoint((int)m_decorationRect.width(), 0), QSize(m_iconSize + 1, // (int)m_decorationRect.height())), transparencyColor); } painter->drawPixmap(m_decorationRect.toRect(), *m_backgroundBuffer, QRect(QPoint(0, 0), m_decorationRect.size().toSize())); //XXX this code is duplicated in the next function QPointF basePoint = m_rect.topLeft() + QPointF(HANDLE_MARGIN, iconMargin); QPointF step = QPointF(0, m_iconSize + iconMargin); QPointF separator = step + QPointF(0, iconMargin); //end duplicate code QPointF shiftC; QPointF shiftD; QPointF shiftR; QPointF shiftM; QPointF shiftMx; switch(m_pressedButton) { case ConfigureButton: shiftC = QPointF(2, 2); break; case RemoveButton: shiftD = QPointF(2, 2); break; case RotateButton: shiftR = QPointF(2, 2); break; case ResizeButton: shiftM = QPointF(2, 2); break; case MaximizeButton: shiftMx = QPointF(2, 2); break; default: break; } QRectF sourceIconRect(QPointF(0, m_decorationRect.height() + 1), iconSize); if (m_buttonsOnRight) { sourceIconRect.moveLeft( pixmapSize.width() - m_iconSize - m_background->marginSize(LeftMargin)); } else { sourceIconRect.moveLeft(m_background->marginSize(RightMargin)); } if (m_applet && m_applet->aspectRatioMode() != FixedSize) { //resize painter->drawPixmap( QRectF(basePoint + shiftM, iconSize), *m_backgroundBuffer, sourceIconRect); basePoint += step; } //rotate sourceIconRect.translate(0, m_iconSize); painter->drawPixmap(QRectF(basePoint + shiftR, iconSize), *m_backgroundBuffer, sourceIconRect); //configure if (m_applet && m_applet->hasConfigurationInterface()) { basePoint += step; sourceIconRect.translate(0, m_iconSize); painter->drawPixmap( QRectF(basePoint + shiftC, iconSize), *m_backgroundBuffer, sourceIconRect); } //maximize if (m_applet && m_applet->hasValidAssociatedApplication()) { basePoint += step; sourceIconRect.translate(0, m_iconSize); painter->drawPixmap( QRectF(basePoint + shiftMx, iconSize), *m_backgroundBuffer, sourceIconRect); } //close basePoint = m_rect.bottomLeft() + QPointF(HANDLE_MARGIN, 0) - step; sourceIconRect.translate(0, m_iconSize); painter->drawPixmap(QRectF(basePoint + shiftD, iconSize), *m_backgroundBuffer, sourceIconRect); } void AppletHandle::emitDisappear() { emit disappearDone(this); } void AppletHandle::scheduleUpdate() { update(); } AppletHandle::ButtonType AppletHandle::mapToButton(const QPointF &point) const { int iconMargin = m_iconSize / 2; //XXX this code is duplicated in the prev. function QPointF basePoint = m_rect.topLeft() + QPointF(HANDLE_MARGIN, iconMargin); QPointF step = QPointF(0, m_iconSize + iconMargin); QPointF separator = step + QPointF(0, iconMargin); //end duplicate code QRectF activeArea = QRectF(basePoint, QSizeF(m_iconSize, m_iconSize)); if (m_applet && m_applet->aspectRatioMode() != FixedSize) { if (activeArea.contains(point)) { return ResizeButton; } activeArea.translate(step); } if (activeArea.contains(point)) { return RotateButton; } if (m_applet && m_applet->hasConfigurationInterface()) { activeArea.translate(step); if (activeArea.contains(point)) { return ConfigureButton; } } if (m_applet && m_applet->hasValidAssociatedApplication()) { activeArea.translate(step); if (activeArea.contains(point)) { return MaximizeButton; } } activeArea.moveTop(m_rect.bottom() - activeArea.height() - iconMargin); if (activeArea.contains(point)) { return RemoveButton; } return MoveButton; //return m_applet->mapToParent(m_applet->shape()).contains(point) ? NoButton : MoveButton; } void AppletHandle::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { //containment recently switched? if (!m_applet) { QGraphicsItem::mousePressEvent(event); return; } if (m_pendingFade) { //m_pendingFade = false; return; } if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { m_pressedButton = mapToButton(event->pos()); //kDebug() << "button pressed:" << m_pressedButton; if (m_pressedButton != NoButton) { m_applet->raise(); m_zValue = m_applet->zValue(); setZValue(m_zValue); } if (m_pressedButton == ResizeButton || m_pressedButton == RotateButton) { m_originalGeom = mapToScene(QRectF(QPoint(0,0), m_applet->size())).boundingRect(); m_origAppletCenter = m_originalGeom.center(); m_origAppletSize = QPointF(m_applet->size().width(), m_applet->size().height()); // resize if (m_buttonsOnRight) { m_resizeStaticPoint = m_applet->mapToScene(QPointF(0, m_applet->size().height())); } else { m_resizeStaticPoint = m_applet->mapToScene(m_origAppletSize); } m_resizeGrabPoint = event->scenePos(); // rotate m_rotateAngleOffset = m_angle - _k_pointAngle(event->scenePos() - m_origAppletCenter); } event->accept(); //set mousePos to the position in the applet, in screencoords, so it becomes easy //to reposition the toplevel view to the correct position. if (m_currentView && m_applet) { QPoint localpos = m_currentView.data()->mapFromScene(m_applet->scenePos()); m_mousePos = event->screenPos() - m_currentView.data()->mapToGlobal(localpos); } return; } QGraphicsItem::mousePressEvent(event); } bool AppletHandle::leaveCurrentView(const QPoint &pos) const { foreach (QWidget *widget, QApplication::topLevelWidgets()) { if (widget->geometry().contains(pos)) { //is this widget a plasma view, a different view then our current one, //AND not a dashboardview? Plasma::View *v = qobject_cast(widget); if (v && v != m_currentView.data() && v->containment() != m_containment) { return true; } } } return false; } void AppletHandle::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { //kDebug() << "button pressed:" << m_pressedButton << ", fade pending?" << m_pendingFade; if (m_pendingFade) { startFading(FadeOut, m_entryPos); m_pendingFade = false; } ButtonType releasedAtButton = mapToButton(event->pos()); if (m_applet && event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { switch (m_pressedButton) { case ConfigureButton: //FIXME: Remove this call once the configuration management change was done if (m_pressedButton == releasedAtButton) { m_applet->showConfigurationInterface(); } break; case RemoveButton: if (m_pressedButton == releasedAtButton) { forceDisappear(); m_applet->destroy(); } break; case MoveButton: { // test for containment change //kDebug() << "testing for containment change, sceneBoundingRect = " // << m_containment->sceneBoundingRect(); if (!m_containment->sceneBoundingRect().contains(m_applet->scenePos())) { // see which containment it belongs to Corona * corona = qobject_cast(scene()); if (corona) { foreach (Containment *containment, corona->containments()) { QPointF pos; QGraphicsView *v = containment->view(); if (v) { pos = v->mapToScene(v->mapFromGlobal(event->screenPos() - m_mousePos)); if (containment->sceneBoundingRect().contains(pos)) { //kDebug() << "new containment = " << containments[i]; //kDebug() << "rect = " << containments[i]->sceneBoundingRect(); // add the applet to the new containment and take it from the old one //kDebug() << "moving to other containment with position" << pos;; switchContainment(containment, pos); break; } } } } } break; } case MaximizeButton: if (m_applet) { m_applet->runAssociatedApplication(); } break; default: break; } } m_pressedButton = NoButton; update(); } qreal _k_distanceForPoint(QPointF point) { return std::sqrt(point.x() * point.x() + point.y() * point.y()); } qreal _k_pointAngle(QPointF point) { qreal r = sqrt(point.x() * point.x() + point.y() * point.y()); qreal cosine = point.x() / r; if (point.y() >= 0) { return acos(cosine); } else { return -acos(cosine); } } QPointF _k_rotatePoint(QPointF point, qreal angle) { return QTransform().rotateRadians(angle).map(point); } QPointF _k_projectPoint(QPointF point, QPointF v) { v /= sqrt(v.x() * v.x() + v.y() * v.y()); qreal a = v.x() * v.x(); qreal b = v.x() * v.y(); qreal d = v.y() * v.y(); return QMatrix(a, b, b, d, 0., 0.).map(point); } void AppletHandle::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { static const qreal snapAngle = M_PI_2 /* $i 3.14159 / 2.0 */; if (!m_applet) { QGraphicsItem::mouseMoveEvent(event); return; } //Track how much the mouse has moved. QPointF deltaScene = event->scenePos() - event->lastScenePos(); if (m_pressedButton == MoveButton) { if (leaveCurrentView(event->screenPos())) { Plasma::View *v = Plasma::View::topLevelViewAt(event->screenPos()); if (v && v != m_currentView.data()) { Containment *c = v->containment(); if (c) { QPoint pos = v->mapFromGlobal(event->screenPos()); //we actually have been dropped on another containment, so //move there: we have a screenpos, we need a scenepos //FIXME how reliable is this transform? switchContainment(c, v->mapToScene(pos)); } } } if (m_applet) { QPointF mappedPoint = transform().map(QPointF(deltaScene.x(), deltaScene.y())); m_applet->moveBy(mappedPoint.x(), mappedPoint.y()); } } else if (m_pressedButton == ResizeButton || m_pressedButton == RotateButton) { QPointF cursorPoint = event->scenePos(); // the code below will adjust these based on the type of operation QPointF newSize; QPointF newCenter; qreal newAngle; // get size limits QSizeF min = m_applet->minimumSize(); QSizeF max = m_applet->maximumSize(); if (min.width() < KIconLoader::SizeSmall || min.height() < KIconLoader::SizeSmall) { min = m_applet->effectiveSizeHint(Qt::MinimumSize); } if (max.isEmpty()) { max = m_applet->effectiveSizeHint(Qt::MaximumSize); } // If the applet doesn't have a minimum size, calculate based on a // minimum content area size of 16x16 (KIconLoader::SizeSmall) if (min.width() < KIconLoader::SizeSmall || min.height() < KIconLoader::SizeSmall) { min = m_applet->boundingRect().size() - m_applet->contentsRect().size(); min = QSizeF(KIconLoader::SizeSmall, KIconLoader::SizeSmall); } if (m_pressedButton == RotateButton) { newSize = m_origAppletSize; newCenter = m_origAppletCenter; QPointF centerRelativePoint = cursorPoint - m_origAppletCenter; if (_k_distanceForPoint(centerRelativePoint) < 10) { newAngle = m_angle; } else { qreal cursorAngle = _k_pointAngle(centerRelativePoint); newAngle = m_rotateAngleOffset + cursorAngle; if (fabs(remainder(newAngle, snapAngle)) < 0.15) { newAngle = newAngle - remainder(newAngle, snapAngle); } } } else { // un-rotate screen points so we can read differences of coordinates QPointF rStaticPoint = _k_rotatePoint(m_resizeStaticPoint, -m_angle); QPointF rCursorPoint = _k_rotatePoint(cursorPoint, -m_angle); QPointF rGrabPoint = _k_rotatePoint(m_resizeGrabPoint, -m_angle); if (m_buttonsOnRight) { newSize = m_origAppletSize + QPointF(rCursorPoint.x() - rGrabPoint.x(), rGrabPoint.y() - rCursorPoint.y()); } else { newSize = m_origAppletSize + QPointF(rGrabPoint.x() - rCursorPoint.x(), rGrabPoint.y() - rCursorPoint.y()); } // preserving aspect ratio? if ((m_applet->aspectRatioMode() != Plasma::IgnoreAspectRatio && !(event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier)) || (m_applet->aspectRatioMode() == Plasma::IgnoreAspectRatio && (event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier))) { // project size to keep ratio newSize = _k_projectPoint(newSize, m_origAppletSize); // limit size, presering ratio qreal ratio = m_origAppletSize.y() / m_origAppletSize.x(); newSize.rx() = qMin(max.width(), qMax(min.width(), newSize.x())); newSize.ry() = newSize.x() * ratio; newSize.ry() = qMin(max.height(), qMax(min.height(), newSize.y())); newSize.rx() = newSize.y() / ratio; } else { // limit size newSize.rx() = qMin(max.width(), qMax(min.width(), newSize.x())); newSize.ry() = qMin(max.height(), qMax(min.height(), newSize.y())); } // move center such that the static corner remains in the same place if (m_buttonsOnRight) { newCenter = _k_rotatePoint(QPointF(rStaticPoint.x() + newSize.x()/2, rStaticPoint.y() - newSize.y()/2), m_angle); } else { newCenter = _k_rotatePoint(QPointF(rStaticPoint.x() - newSize.x()/2, rStaticPoint.y() - newSize.y()/2), m_angle); } newAngle = m_angle; } // apply size m_applet->resize(newSize.x(), newSize.y()); // apply position, no need if we're rotating if (m_pressedButton != RotateButton) { m_applet->setPos(m_containment->mapFromScene(newCenter - newSize/2)); } // apply angle QTransform at; at.translate(newSize.x()/2, newSize.y()/2); at.rotateRadians(newAngle); at.translate(-newSize.x()/2, -newSize.y()/2); m_applet->setTransform(at); m_angle = newAngle; } else { QGraphicsItem::mouseMoveEvent(event); } } bool AppletHandle::sceneEvent(QEvent *event) { switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::TouchEnd: { QTransform t = m_applet->transform(); QRectF geom = m_applet->geometry(); QPointF translation(t.m31(), t.m32()); QPointF center = geom.center(); geom.setWidth(geom.width()*qAbs(t.m11())); geom.setHeight(geom.height()*qAbs(t.m22())); geom.moveCenter(center); m_applet->setGeometry(geom); t.reset(); t.translate(m_applet->size().width()/2, m_applet->size().height()/2); t.rotateRadians(m_angle); t.translate(-m_applet->size().width()/2, -m_applet->size().height()/2); m_applet->setTransform(t); return true; } case QEvent::TouchBegin: case QEvent::TouchUpdate: { QList touchPoints = static_cast(event)->touchPoints(); if (touchPoints.count() == 2) { const QTouchEvent::TouchPoint &touchPoint0 = touchPoints.first(); const QTouchEvent::TouchPoint &touchPoint1 = touchPoints.last(); //rotation QLineF line0(touchPoint0.lastScenePos(), touchPoint1.lastScenePos()); QLineF line1(touchPoint0.scenePos(), touchPoint1.scenePos()); m_angle = m_angle+(line1.angleTo(line0)*M_PI_2/90); QTransform t = m_applet->transform(); t.translate(m_applet->size().width()/2, m_applet->size().height()/2); t.rotate(line1.angleTo(line0)); //scaling qreal scaleFactor = 1; if (line0.length() > 0) { scaleFactor = line1.length() / line0.length(); } t.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor); t.translate(-m_applet->size().width()/2, -m_applet->size().height()/2); m_applet->setTransform(t); } return true; } default: break; } return QGraphicsItem::sceneEvent(event); } //pos relative to scene void AppletHandle::switchContainment(Containment *containment, const QPointF &pos) { m_containment = containment; Applet *applet = m_applet; m_applet = 0; //make sure we don't try to act on the applet again applet->removeSceneEventFilter(this); forceDisappear(); //takes care of event filter and killing handle applet->disconnect(this); //make sure the applet doesn't tell us to do anything //applet->setZValue(m_zValue); containment->addApplet(applet, containment->mapFromScene(pos), false); deleteLater(); } void AppletHandle::hoverEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event) { Q_UNUSED(event); //kDebug() << "hover enter"; //if a disappear was scheduled stop the timer if (m_leaveTimer->isActive()) { m_leaveTimer->stop(); } // if we're already fading out, fade back in else if (!m_anim.data() && m_animType == FadeOut) { startFading(FadeIn, m_entryPos, true); } } void AppletHandle::hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event) { hoverEnterEvent(event); } void AppletHandle::hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event) { Q_UNUSED(event); foreach (QWidget *widget, QApplication::topLevelWidgets()) { QMenu *menu = qobject_cast(widget); if (menu && menu->isVisible()) { connect(menu, SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), this, SLOT(leaveTimeout())); return; } } // if we haven't even showed up yet, remove the handle if (m_hoverTimer->isActive()) { m_hoverTimer->stop(); QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(emitDisappear())); } else if (m_pressedButton != NoButton) { m_pendingFade = true; } else { //wait a moment to hide the handle in order to recheck the mouse position m_leaveTimer->start(); } } bool AppletHandle::sceneEventFilter(QGraphicsItem *watched, QEvent *event) { if (watched == m_applet && event->type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneHoverLeave) { hoverLeaveEvent(static_cast(event)); } return false; } void AppletHandle::setFadeAnimation(qreal progress) { m_opacity = progress; //kDebug() << "progress" << progress << "m_opacity" << m_opacity << m_anim << "(" << FadeIn << ")"; if (qFuzzyCompare(progress, qreal(1.0))) { delete m_backgroundBuffer; m_backgroundBuffer = 0; } update(); } qreal AppletHandle::fadeAnimation() const { return m_opacity; } void AppletHandle::hoverTimeout() { startFading(FadeIn, m_entryPos); } void AppletHandle::leaveTimeout() { if (!isUnderMouse()) { startFading(FadeOut, m_entryPos); } } void AppletHandle::appletDestroyed() { m_applet = 0; } void AppletHandle::appletResized() { prepareGeometryChange(); calculateSize(); update(); } void AppletHandle::setHoverPos(const QPointF &hoverPos) { m_entryPos = hoverPos; } void AppletHandle::startFading(FadeType anim, const QPointF &hoverPos, bool preserveSide) { QPropertyAnimation *propAnim = m_anim.data(); if (anim == FadeIn) { if (propAnim) { propAnim->stop(); } else { propAnim = new QPropertyAnimation(this, "fadeAnimation", this); m_anim = propAnim; } } m_entryPos = hoverPos; qreal time = 100; if (!m_applet) { m_animType = FadeOut; setFadeAnimation(1.0); return; } if (anim == FadeIn) { //kDebug() << m_entryPos.x() << m_applet->pos().x(); prepareGeometryChange(); bool wasOnRight = m_buttonsOnRight; if (!preserveSide) { m_buttonsOnRight = m_entryPos.x() > (m_applet->size().width() / 2); } calculateSize(); QPolygonF region = m_applet->mapToParent(m_rect).intersected(m_applet->parentWidget()->boundingRect()); //kDebug() << region << m_rect << mapToParent(m_rect) << containmnet->boundingRect(); if (region != m_applet->mapToParent(m_rect)) { // switch sides //kDebug() << "switch sides"; m_buttonsOnRight = !m_buttonsOnRight; calculateSize(); QPolygonF region2 = m_applet->mapToParent(m_rect).intersected(m_applet->parentWidget()->boundingRect()); if (region2 != mapToParent(m_rect)) { // ok, both sides failed to be perfect... which one is more perfect? QRectF f1 = region.boundingRect(); QRectF f2 = region2.boundingRect(); //kDebug() << "still not a perfect world" // << f2.width() << f2.height() << f1.width() << f1.height(); if ((f2.width() * f2.height()) < (f1.width() * f1.height())) { //kDebug() << "we did better the first time"; m_buttonsOnRight = !m_buttonsOnRight; calculateSize(); } } } if (wasOnRight != m_buttonsOnRight && m_animType == FadeIn && anim == FadeIn && m_opacity <= 1) { m_opacity = 0.0; } time *= 1.0 - m_opacity; } else { time *= m_opacity; } if (propAnim) { propAnim->setStartValue(0); propAnim->setEndValue(1); propAnim->setDuration(time); } m_animType = anim; //kDebug() << "animating for " << time << "ms"; if (m_animType == FadeIn) { propAnim->setDirection(QAbstractAnimation::Forward); propAnim->start(); } else if (propAnim) { propAnim->setDirection(QAbstractAnimation::Backward); propAnim->start(QAbstractAnimation::DeleteWhenStopped); } } void AppletHandle::forceDisappear() { setAcceptsHoverEvents(false); startFading(FadeOut, m_entryPos); } int AppletHandle::minimumHeight() { int iconMargin = m_iconSize / 2; int requiredHeight = iconMargin + //first margin (m_iconSize + iconMargin) * 4 + //XXX remember to update this if the number of buttons changes iconMargin ; //blank space before the close button if (m_applet && m_applet->hasConfigurationInterface()) { requiredHeight += (m_iconSize + iconMargin); } return requiredHeight; } void AppletHandle::calculateSize() { KIconLoader *iconLoader = KIconLoader::global(); //m_iconSize = iconLoader->currentSize(KIconLoader::Small); //does not work with double sized icon m_iconSize = iconLoader->loadIcon("transform-scale", KIconLoader::Small).width(); //workaround int handleHeight = qMax(minimumHeight(), int(m_applet->contentsRect().height() * 0.8)); int handleWidth = m_iconSize + 2 * HANDLE_MARGIN; int top = m_applet->contentsRect().top() + (m_applet->contentsRect().height() - handleHeight) / 2.0; qreal marginLeft, marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom; m_background->getMargins(marginLeft, marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom); if (m_buttonsOnRight) { //put the rect on the right of the applet m_rect = QRectF(m_applet->size().width(), top, handleWidth, handleHeight); } else { //put the rect on the left of the applet m_rect = QRectF(-handleWidth, top, handleWidth, handleHeight); } if (m_applet->contentsRect().height() > qreal(minimumHeight()) * 1.25) { int addedMargin = marginLeft / 2; // now we check to see if the shape is smaller than the contents, // and that the shape is not just the bounding rect; in those cases // we have a shaped guy and we draw a full panel; // TODO: allow applets to mark when they have translucent areas and // should therefore skip this test? if (!m_applet->shape().contains(m_applet->contentsRect())) { QPainterPath p; p.addRect(m_applet->boundingRect()); if (m_applet->shape() != p) { addedMargin = m_applet->contentsRect().width() / 2; } } if (m_buttonsOnRight) { marginLeft += addedMargin; } else { marginRight += addedMargin; } } //m_rect = m_applet->mapToParent(m_rect).boundingRect(); m_decorationRect = m_rect.adjusted(-marginLeft, -marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom); m_totalRect = m_decorationRect.united(m_applet->boundingRect()); } } // Plasma Namespace #include "applethandle_p.moc"