/* * Copyright 2011 Marco Martin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "storagethread_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Plasma { class StorageThreadSingleton { public: StorageThreadSingleton() { } StorageThread self; }; Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(StorageThreadSingleton, privateStorageThreadSelf) static void closeConnection() { StorageThread::self()->closeDb(); StorageThread::self()->quit(); } StorageThread::StorageThread(QObject *parent) : QThread(parent) { qAddPostRoutine(closeConnection); } StorageThread::~StorageThread() { } Plasma::StorageThread *StorageThread::self() { return &privateStorageThreadSelf()->self; } void StorageThread::closeDb() { QString name = m_db.connectionName(); QSqlDatabase::removeDatabase(name); m_db = QSqlDatabase(); } void StorageThread::initializeDb(StorageJob *caller) { if (!m_db.open()) { m_db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE", QString("plasma-storage-%1").arg((quintptr)this)); const QString storageDir = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DataLocation); QDir().mkpath(storageDir); m_db.setDatabaseName(storageDir + QLatin1Char('/') + "plasma-storage2.db"); } if (!m_db.open()) { kWarning() << "Unable to open the plasma storage cache database: " << m_db.lastError(); } else if (!m_db.tables().contains(caller->clientName())) { QSqlQuery query(m_db); query.prepare(QString("create table ") + caller->clientName() + " (valueGroup varchar(256), id varchar(256), txt TEXT, int INTEGER, float REAL, binary BLOB, creationTime datetime, accessTime datetime, primary key (valueGroup, id))"); if (!query.exec()) { kWarning() << "Unable to create table for" << caller->clientName(); m_db.close(); } } m_db.transaction(); } void StorageThread::save(QWeakPointer wcaller, const QVariantHash ¶ms) { StorageJob *caller = wcaller.data(); if (!caller) { return; } initializeDb(caller); QString valueGroup = params["group"].toString(); if (valueGroup.isEmpty()) { valueGroup = "default"; } QSqlQuery query(m_db); if (params.value("key").toString().isNull()) { caller->data().insert(params.value("key").toString(), params.value("data")); } QHashIterator it(caller->data()); QString ids; while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); QSqlField field(":id", QVariant::String); field.setValue(it.key()); if (!ids.isEmpty()) { ids.append(", "); } ids.append(m_db.driver()->formatValue(field)); } query.prepare("delete from " + caller->clientName() + " where valueGroup = :valueGroup and id in (" + ids + ");"); query.bindValue(":valueGroup", valueGroup); if (!query.exec()) { m_db.commit(); emit newResult(caller, false); return; } query.prepare("insert into " + caller->clientName() + " values(:valueGroup, :id, :txt, :int, :float, :binary, date('now'), date('now'))"); query.bindValue(":valueGroup", valueGroup); query.bindValue(":txt", QVariant()); query.bindValue(":int", QVariant()); query.bindValue(":float", QVariant()); query.bindValue(":binary", QVariant()); const QString key = params.value("key").toString(); if (!key.isEmpty()) { caller->data().insert(key, params["data"]); } it.toFront(); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); //kDebug() << "going to insert" << valueGroup << it.key(); query.bindValue(":id", it.key()); QString field; bool binary = false; switch (QMetaType::Type(it.value().type())) { case QVariant::String: field = ":txt"; break; case QVariant::Int: field = ":int"; break; case QVariant::Double: case QMetaType::Float: field = ":float"; break; case QVariant::ByteArray: binary = true; field = ":binary"; break; default: continue; break; } if (binary) { QByteArray b; QDataStream ds(&b, QIODevice::WriteOnly); ds << it.value(); query.bindValue(field, b); } else { query.bindValue(field, it.value()); } if (!query.exec()) { //kDebug() << "query failed:" << query.lastQuery() << query.lastError().text(); m_db.commit(); emit newResult(caller, false); return; } query.bindValue(field, QVariant()); } m_db.commit(); emit newResult(caller, true); } void StorageThread::retrieve(QWeakPointer wcaller, const QVariantHash ¶ms) { StorageJob *caller = wcaller.data(); if (!caller) { return; } const QString clientName = caller->clientName(); initializeDb(caller); QString valueGroup = params["group"].toString(); if (valueGroup.isEmpty()) { valueGroup = "default"; } QSqlQuery query(m_db); //a bit redundant but should be the faster way with less string concatenation as possible if (params["key"].toString().isEmpty()) { //update modification time query.prepare("update " + clientName + " set accessTime=date('now') where valueGroup=:valueGroup"); query.bindValue(":valueGroup", valueGroup); query.exec(); query.prepare("select * from " + clientName + " where valueGroup=:valueGroup"); query.bindValue(":valueGroup", valueGroup); } else { //update modification time query.prepare("update " + clientName + " set accessTime=date('now') where valueGroup=:valueGroup and id=:key"); query.bindValue(":valueGroup", valueGroup); query.bindValue(":key", params["key"].toString()); query.exec(); query.prepare("select * from " + clientName + " where valueGroup=:valueGroup and id=:key"); query.bindValue(":valueGroup", valueGroup); query.bindValue(":key", params["key"].toString()); } const bool success = query.exec(); QVariant result; if (success) { QSqlRecord rec = query.record(); const int keyColumn = rec.indexOf("id"); const int textColumn = rec.indexOf("txt"); const int intColumn = rec.indexOf("int"); const int floatColumn = rec.indexOf("float"); const int binaryColumn = rec.indexOf("binary"); QVariantHash data; while (query.next()) { const QString key = query.value(keyColumn).toString(); if (!query.value(textColumn).isNull()) { data.insert(key, query.value(textColumn)); } else if (!query.value(intColumn).isNull()) { data.insert(key, query.value(intColumn)); } else if (!query.value(floatColumn).isNull()) { data.insert(key, query.value(floatColumn)); } else if (!query.value(binaryColumn).isNull()) { QByteArray bytes = query.value(binaryColumn).toByteArray(); QDataStream in(bytes); QVariant v(in); data.insert(key, v); } } result = data; } else { result = false; } emit newResult(caller, result); } void StorageThread::deleteEntry(QWeakPointer wcaller, const QVariantHash ¶ms) { StorageJob *caller = wcaller.data(); if (!caller) { return; } initializeDb(caller); QString valueGroup = params["group"].toString(); if (valueGroup.isEmpty()) { valueGroup = "default"; } QSqlQuery query(m_db); if (params["key"].toString().isEmpty()) { query.prepare("delete from " + caller->clientName() + " where valueGroup=:valueGroup"); query.bindValue(":valueGroup", valueGroup); } else { query.prepare("delete from " + caller->clientName() + " where valueGroup=:valueGroup and id=:key"); query.bindValue(":valueGroup", valueGroup); query.bindValue(":key", params["key"].toString()); } const bool success = query.exec(); m_db.commit(); emit newResult(caller, success); } void StorageThread::expire(QWeakPointer wcaller, const QVariantHash ¶ms) { StorageJob *caller = wcaller.data(); if (!caller) { return; } initializeDb(caller); QString valueGroup = params["group"].toString(); if (valueGroup.isEmpty()) { valueGroup = "default"; } QSqlQuery query(m_db); if (valueGroup.isEmpty()) { query.prepare("delete from " + caller->clientName() + " where accessTime < :date"); QDateTime time(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); time.addSecs(-params["age"].toUInt()); query.bindValue(":date", time.toTime_t()); } else { query.prepare("delete from " + caller->clientName() + " where valueGroup=:valueGroup and accessTime < :date"); query.bindValue(":valueGroup", valueGroup); QDateTime time(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); time.addSecs(-params["age"].toUInt()); query.bindValue(":date", time.toTime_t()); } const bool success = query.exec(); emit newResult(caller, success); } void StorageThread::run() { exec(); } } #include "moc_storagethread_p.cpp"