/* * Copyright 2008 by Alessandro Diaferia * Copyright 2007 by Alexis Ménard * Copyright 2007 Sebastian Kuegler * Copyright 2006 Aaron Seigo * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "dialog.h" #include "private/dialog_p.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef Q_WS_X11 #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "plasma/applet.h" #include "plasma/animator.h" #include "plasma/containment.h" #include "plasma/corona.h" #include "plasma/extenders/extender.h" #include "plasma/private/extender_p.h" #include "plasma/framesvg.h" #include "plasma/theme.h" #include "plasma/widgets/scrollwidget.h" #include "plasma/windoweffects.h" #include "plasma/private/windowshadows_p.h" #ifdef Q_WS_X11 #include #endif namespace Plasma { void DialogPrivate::scheduleBorderCheck(bool triggeredByResize) { //kDebug(); if (triggeredByResize) { resizeChecksWithBorderCheck = true; // to keep the UI as fluid as possible, we call checkBorders // immediately when there is a resize, and therefore stop any // move-triggered scheduled calls to it. this keeps things // looking reasonable during resize while avoiding as many // calls to checkBorders as possible if (moveTimer) { moveTimer->stop(); } checkBorders(); return; } if (!moveTimer) { moveTimer = new QTimer(q); moveTimer->setSingleShot(true); QObject::connect(moveTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), q, SLOT(checkBorders())); } moveTimer->start(triggeredByResize ? 0 : 200); } void DialogPrivate::themeChanged() { checkBorders(false); if (background->hasElement("shadow-top")) { WindowShadows::self()->addWindow(q); } else { WindowShadows::self()->removeWindow(q); } const bool translucency = Plasma::Theme::defaultTheme()->windowTranslucencyEnabled(); // WA_NoSystemBackground is going to fail combined with sliding popups, but is needed // when we aren't compositing q->setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground, !translucency); updateMask(); q->update(); } void DialogPrivate::updateMask() { const bool translucency = Plasma::Theme::defaultTheme()->windowTranslucencyEnabled(); WindowEffects::enableBlurBehind(q->winId(), translucency, translucency ? background->mask() : QRegion()); if (translucency) { q->clearMask(); } else { q->setMask(background->mask()); } } void DialogPrivate::checkBorders() { checkBorders(true); } void DialogPrivate::delayedAdjustSize() { q->syncToGraphicsWidget(); } void DialogPrivate::checkBorders(bool updateMaskIfNeeded) { if (resizeChecksWithBorderCheck) { background->resizeFrame(q->size()); } QGraphicsWidget *graphicsWidget = graphicsWidgetPtr.data(); const FrameSvg::EnabledBorders currentBorders = background->enabledBorders(); FrameSvg::EnabledBorders borders = FrameSvg::AllBorders; Extender *extender = qobject_cast(graphicsWidget); Plasma::Applet *applet = appletPtr.data(); //used to remove borders at the edge of the desktop QRect avail; QRect screenGeom; QDesktopWidget *desktop = QApplication::desktop(); Plasma::Corona *c = 0; if (applet) { c = qobject_cast(applet->scene()); } else if (graphicsWidget) { c = qobject_cast(graphicsWidget->scene()); } if (c) { QRegion r = c->availableScreenRegion(desktop->screenNumber(q)); QRect maxRect; foreach (QRect rect, r.rects()) { if (rect.width() > maxRect.width() && rect.height() > maxRect.height()) { maxRect = rect; } } avail = maxRect; screenGeom = c->screenGeometry(desktop->screenNumber(q)); } else { avail = desktop->availableGeometry(desktop->screenNumber(q)); screenGeom = desktop->screenGeometry(desktop->screenNumber(q)); } QRect dialogGeom = q->geometry(); qreal topHeight(0); qreal leftWidth(0); qreal rightWidth(0); qreal bottomHeight(0); //decide about disabling the border attached to the panel if (applet) { background->getMargins(leftWidth, topHeight, rightWidth, bottomHeight); switch (applet->location()) { case BottomEdge: if (applet->containment() && dialogGeom.bottom() + 2 >= screenGeom.bottom() - applet->containment()->size().height() && dialogGeom.width() <= applet->containment()->size().width()) { borders &= ~FrameSvg::BottomBorder; leftWidth = 0; rightWidth = 0; bottomHeight = 0; } break; case TopEdge: if (applet->containment() && dialogGeom.top() <= screenGeom.top() + applet->containment()->size().height() && dialogGeom.width() <= applet->containment()->size().width()) { borders &= ~FrameSvg::TopBorder; topHeight = 0; leftWidth = 0; rightWidth = 0; } break; case LeftEdge: if (applet->containment() && dialogGeom.left() <= screenGeom.left() + applet->containment()->size().width() && dialogGeom.height() <= applet->containment()->size().height()) { borders &= ~FrameSvg::LeftBorder; leftWidth = 0; rightWidth = 0; } break; case RightEdge: if (applet->containment() && dialogGeom.right() + 2 >= screenGeom.right() - applet->containment()->size().width() && dialogGeom.height() <= applet->containment()->size().height()) { borders &= ~FrameSvg::RightBorder; leftWidth = 0; rightWidth = 0; } break; default: break; } } //decide if to disable the other borders if (q->isVisible()) { if (dialogGeom.left() <= avail.left()) { borders &= ~FrameSvg::LeftBorder; } if (dialogGeom.top() <= avail.top()) { borders &= ~FrameSvg::TopBorder; } //FIXME: that 2 pixels offset has probably something to do with kwin if (dialogGeom.right() + 2 > avail.right()) { borders &= ~FrameSvg::RightBorder; } if (dialogGeom.bottom() + 2 > avail.bottom()) { borders &= ~FrameSvg::BottomBorder; } } background->setEnabledBorders(borders); if (extender) { FrameSvg::EnabledBorders disabledBorders = FrameSvg::NoBorder; if (!(borders & FrameSvg::LeftBorder)) { disabledBorders |= FrameSvg::LeftBorder; } if (!(borders & FrameSvg::RightBorder)) { disabledBorders |= FrameSvg::RightBorder; } extender->d->setDisabledBordersHint(disabledBorders); //if there is a scrollbar, reserve a margin to not draw it over the shadow qreal left, top, right, bottom; background->getMargins(left, top, right, bottom); if (extender->d->scrollWidget->viewportGeometry().height() < extender->d->scrollWidget->contentsSize().height()) { if (QApplication::layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft) { leftWidth = left; } else { rightWidth = right; } } } else { background->getMargins(leftWidth, topHeight, rightWidth, bottomHeight); } //kDebug() << leftWidth << topHeight << rightWidth << bottomHeight; q->setContentsMargins(leftWidth, topHeight, rightWidth, bottomHeight); if (resizeChecksWithBorderCheck) { updateResizeCorners(); updateMask(); q->update(); } else if (currentBorders != borders) { if (updateMaskIfNeeded) { updateMask(); } q->update(); } resizeChecksWithBorderCheck = false; } void Dialog::syncToGraphicsWidget() { d->adjustViewTimer->stop(); QGraphicsWidget *graphicsWidget = d->graphicsWidgetPtr.data(); if (d->view && graphicsWidget && d->resizeStartCorner != -1) { const int prevStartCorner = d->resizeStartCorner; d->resizeStartCorner = -1; QSize prevSize = size(); /* #ifndef NDEBUG kDebug() << "Widget size:" << graphicsWidget->size() #endif << "| Widget size hint:" << graphicsWidget->effectiveSizeHint(Qt::PreferredSize) << "| Widget minsize hint:" << graphicsWidget->minimumSize() << "| Widget maxsize hint:" << graphicsWidget->maximumSize() << "| Widget bounding rect:" << graphicsWidget->sceneBoundingRect(); */ //set the sizehints correctly: int left, top, right, bottom; getContentsMargins(&left, &top, &right, &bottom); QDesktopWidget *desktop = QApplication::desktop(); QSize maxSize = desktop->availableGeometry(desktop->screenNumber(this)).size(); graphicsWidget->setMaximumSize(maxSize - QSize(left + right, top + bottom).boundedTo(graphicsWidget->effectiveSizeHint(Qt::MaximumSize).toSize())); setMinimumSize(0, 0); setMaximumSize(QWIDGETSIZE_MAX, QWIDGETSIZE_MAX); QSize newSize(qMin(int(graphicsWidget->size().width()) + left + right, maxSize.width()), qMin(int(graphicsWidget->size().height()) + top + bottom, maxSize.height())); const QSizeF minimum = graphicsWidget->effectiveSizeHint(Qt::MinimumSize); QSize newMinimumSize(qMin(int(minimum.width()) + left + right, maxSize.width()), qMin(int(minimum.height()) + top + bottom, maxSize.height())); QSize newMaximumSize(qMin(int(graphicsWidget->maximumSize().width()) + left + right, maxSize.width()), qMin(int(graphicsWidget->maximumSize().height()) + top + bottom, maxSize.height())); Plasma::Applet *applet = d->appletPtr.data(); if (applet) { QRect currentGeometry(geometry()); currentGeometry.setSize(newSize); if (applet->location() == Plasma::TopEdge || applet->location() == Plasma::LeftEdge) { currentGeometry.setSize(newSize); } else if (applet->location() == Plasma::RightEdge) { currentGeometry.moveTopRight(geometry().topRight()); //BottomEdge and floating } else { currentGeometry.moveBottomLeft(geometry().bottomLeft()); } setGeometry(currentGeometry); } else { resize(newSize); } setMinimumSize(newMinimumSize); setMaximumSize(newMaximumSize); updateGeometry(); //reposition and resize the view. //force a valid rect, otherwise it will take up the whole scene QRectF sceneRect(graphicsWidget->sceneBoundingRect()); sceneRect.setWidth(qMax(qreal(1), sceneRect.width())); sceneRect.setHeight(qMax(qreal(1), sceneRect.height())); d->view->setSceneRect(sceneRect); //d->view->resize(graphicsWidget->size().toSize()); d->view->centerOn(graphicsWidget); if (size() != prevSize) { //the size of the dialog has changed, emit the signal: emit dialogResized(); } d->resizeStartCorner = prevStartCorner; } } int DialogPrivate::calculateWidthForHeightAndRatio(int height, qreal ratio) { switch (aspectRatioMode) { case KeepAspectRatio: return qRound(height * ratio); break; case Square: return height; break; case ConstrainedSquare: return height; break; default: return -1; } } Dialog::Dialog(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : QWidget(parent, f | Qt::FramelessWindowHint), d(new DialogPrivate(this)) { setMouseTracking(true); setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground); d->background = new FrameSvg(this); d->background->setImagePath("dialogs/background"); d->background->setEnabledBorders(FrameSvg::AllBorders); d->background->resizeFrame(size()); connect(d->background, SIGNAL(repaintNeeded()), this, SLOT(themeChanged())); QPalette pal = palette(); pal.setColor(backgroundRole(), Qt::transparent); setPalette(pal); WindowEffects::overrideShadow(winId(), true); d->adjustViewTimer = new QTimer(this); d->adjustViewTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(d->adjustViewTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(syncToGraphicsWidget())); d->adjustSizeTimer = new QTimer(this); d->adjustSizeTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(d->adjustSizeTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(delayedAdjustSize())); d->themeChanged(); } Dialog::~Dialog() { delete d; } void Dialog::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { QPainter p(this); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); d->background->paintFrame(&p, e->rect(), e->rect()); } void Dialog::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (event->modifiers() == Qt::AltModifier) { unsetCursor(); } else if (d->resizeAreas[Dialog::NorthEast].contains(event->pos())) { setCursor(Qt::SizeBDiagCursor); } else if (d->resizeAreas[Dialog::NorthWest].contains(event->pos())) { setCursor(Qt::SizeFDiagCursor); } else if (d->resizeAreas[Dialog::SouthEast].contains(event->pos())) { setCursor(Qt::SizeFDiagCursor); } else if (d->resizeAreas[Dialog::SouthWest].contains(event->pos())) { setCursor(Qt::SizeBDiagCursor); } else if (!(event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton)) { unsetCursor(); } // here we take care of resize.. if (d->resizeStartCorner != Dialog::NoCorner) { int newWidth; int newHeight; QPoint position; qreal aspectRatio = (qreal)width() / (qreal)height(); switch(d->resizeStartCorner) { case Dialog::NorthEast: newHeight = qMin(maximumHeight(), qMax(minimumHeight(), height() - event->y())); newWidth = d->calculateWidthForHeightAndRatio(newHeight, aspectRatio); if (newWidth == -1) { newWidth = qMin(maximumWidth(), qMax(minimumWidth(), event->x())); } position = QPoint(x(), y() + height() - newHeight); break; case Dialog::NorthWest: newHeight = qMin(maximumHeight(), qMax(minimumHeight(), height() - event->y())); newWidth = d->calculateWidthForHeightAndRatio(newHeight, aspectRatio); if (newWidth == -1) { newWidth = qMin(maximumWidth(), qMax(minimumWidth(), width() - event->x())); } position = QPoint(x() + width() - newWidth, y() + height() - newHeight); break; case Dialog::SouthWest: newHeight = qMin(maximumHeight(), qMax(minimumHeight(), event->y())); newWidth = d->calculateWidthForHeightAndRatio(newHeight, aspectRatio); if (newWidth == -1) { newWidth = qMin(maximumWidth(), qMax(minimumWidth(), width() - event->x())); } position = QPoint(x() + width() - newWidth, y()); break; case Dialog::SouthEast: newHeight = qMin(maximumHeight(), qMax(minimumHeight(), event->y())); newWidth = d->calculateWidthForHeightAndRatio(newHeight, aspectRatio); if (newWidth == -1) { newWidth = qMin(maximumWidth(), qMax(minimumWidth(), event->x())); } position = QPoint(x(), y()); break; default: newHeight = qMin(maximumHeight(), qMax(minimumHeight(), height())); newWidth = d->calculateWidthForHeightAndRatio(newHeight, aspectRatio); if (newWidth == -1) { newWidth = qMin(maximumWidth(), qMax(minimumWidth(), width())); } position = QPoint(x(), y()); break; } if ((newWidth >= minimumSize().width()) && (newHeight >= minimumSize().height())) { setGeometry(QRect(position, QSize(newWidth, newHeight))); } } QWidget::mouseMoveEvent(event); } void Dialog::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (d->resizeAreas[Dialog::NorthEast].contains(event->pos())) { d->resizeStartCorner = Dialog::NorthEast; } else if (d->resizeAreas[Dialog::NorthWest].contains(event->pos())) { d->resizeStartCorner = Dialog::NorthWest; } else if (d->resizeAreas[Dialog::SouthEast].contains(event->pos())) { d->resizeStartCorner = Dialog::SouthEast; } else if (d->resizeAreas[Dialog::SouthWest].contains(event->pos())) { d->resizeStartCorner = Dialog::SouthWest; } else { d->resizeStartCorner = Dialog::NoCorner; } QWidget::mousePressEvent(event); } void Dialog::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (d->resizeStartCorner != Dialog::NoCorner) { d->resizeStartCorner = Dialog::NoCorner; unsetCursor(); emit dialogResized(); } QWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(event); } void Dialog::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) { hide(); } } bool Dialog::event(QEvent *event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::Paint) { QPainter p(this); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); p.fillRect(rect(), Qt::transparent); } return QWidget::event(event); } void Dialog::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) { Q_UNUSED(event) //kDebug(); d->scheduleBorderCheck(true); if (d->resizeStartCorner != -1 && d->view && d->graphicsWidgetPtr) { QGraphicsWidget *graphicsWidget = d->graphicsWidgetPtr.data(); graphicsWidget->resize(d->view->size()); QRectF sceneRect(graphicsWidget->sceneBoundingRect()); sceneRect.setWidth(qMax(qreal(1), sceneRect.width())); sceneRect.setHeight(qMax(qreal(1), sceneRect.height())); d->view->setSceneRect(sceneRect); d->view->centerOn(graphicsWidget); } } void DialogPrivate::updateResizeCorners() { const int resizeAreaMargin = 20; const QRect r = q->rect(); const FrameSvg::EnabledBorders borders = background->enabledBorders(); // IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: we set resize corners for the corners set, but also // for the complimentary corners if we've cut out an edge of our SVG background // which implies we are up against an immovable edge (e.g. a screen edge) resizeAreas.clear(); if (resizeCorners & Dialog::NorthEast || (resizeCorners & Dialog::NorthWest && !(borders & FrameSvg::LeftBorder)) || (resizeCorners & Dialog::SouthEast && !(borders & FrameSvg::BottomBorder))) { resizeAreas[Dialog::NorthEast] = QRect(r.right() - resizeAreaMargin, 0, resizeAreaMargin, resizeAreaMargin); } if (resizeCorners & Dialog::NorthWest || (resizeCorners & Dialog::NorthEast && !(borders & FrameSvg::RightBorder)) || (resizeCorners & Dialog::SouthWest && !(borders & FrameSvg::BottomBorder))) { resizeAreas[Dialog::NorthWest] = QRect(0, 0, resizeAreaMargin, resizeAreaMargin); } if (resizeCorners & Dialog::SouthEast || (resizeCorners & Dialog::SouthWest && !(borders & FrameSvg::LeftBorder)) || (resizeCorners & Dialog::NorthEast && !(borders & FrameSvg::TopBorder))) { resizeAreas[Dialog::SouthEast] = QRect(r.right() - resizeAreaMargin, r.bottom() - resizeAreaMargin, resizeAreaMargin, resizeAreaMargin); } if (resizeCorners & Dialog::SouthWest || (resizeCorners & Dialog::SouthEast && !(borders & FrameSvg::RightBorder)) || (resizeCorners & Dialog::NorthWest && !(borders & FrameSvg::TopBorder))) { resizeAreas[Dialog::SouthWest] = QRect(0, r.bottom() - resizeAreaMargin, resizeAreaMargin, resizeAreaMargin); } } void Dialog::setGraphicsWidget(QGraphicsWidget *widget) { if (d->graphicsWidgetPtr) { d->graphicsWidgetPtr.data()->removeEventFilter(this); } d->graphicsWidgetPtr = widget; if (widget) { Plasma::Corona *c = qobject_cast(widget->scene()); if (c) { c->addOffscreenWidget(widget); } if (!layout()) { QVBoxLayout *lay = new QVBoxLayout(this); lay->setMargin(0); lay->setSpacing(0); } d->checkBorders(); if (!d->view) { d->view = new QGraphicsView(this); d->view->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); d->view->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); d->view->setFrameShape(QFrame::NoFrame); d->view->viewport()->setAutoFillBackground(false); layout()->addWidget(d->view); } d->view->setScene(widget->scene()); //try to have the proper size -before- showing the dialog d->view->centerOn(widget); if (widget->layout()) { widget->layout()->activate(); } static_cast(widget)->updateGeometry(); widget->resize(widget->size().expandedTo(widget->effectiveSizeHint(Qt::MinimumSize))); syncToGraphicsWidget(); //d->adjustSizeTimer->start(150); widget->installEventFilter(this); d->view->installEventFilter(this); } else { delete d->view; d->view = 0; } } QGraphicsWidget *Dialog::graphicsWidget() const { return d->graphicsWidgetPtr.data(); } bool Dialog::eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event) { if (d->resizeStartCorner == Dialog::NoCorner && watched == d->graphicsWidgetPtr.data() && (event->type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneResize || event->type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMove)) { d->adjustViewTimer->start(150); } // when moving the cursor with a 45° angle from the outside // to the inside passing over a resize angle the cursor changes its // shape to a resize cursor. As a side effect this is the only case // when the cursor immediately enters the view without giving // the dialog the chance to restore the original cursor shape. if (event->type() == QEvent::Enter && watched == d->view) { unsetCursor(); } return QWidget::eventFilter(watched, event); } void Dialog::hideEvent(QHideEvent * event) { Q_UNUSED(event); emit dialogVisible(false); } void Dialog::showEvent(QShowEvent * event) { Q_UNUSED(event); //check if the widget size is still synced with the view d->checkBorders(); d->updateResizeCorners(); QGraphicsWidget *graphicsWidget = d->graphicsWidgetPtr.data(); if (graphicsWidget && ((d->view && graphicsWidget->size().toSize() != d->view->size()) || d->oldGraphicsWidgetMinimumSize != graphicsWidget->minimumSize() || d->oldGraphicsWidgetMaximumSize != graphicsWidget->maximumSize())) { //here have to be done immediately, ideally should have to be done -before- shwing, but is not possible to catch show() so early syncToGraphicsWidget(); d->oldGraphicsWidgetMinimumSize = graphicsWidget->minimumSize().toSize(); d->oldGraphicsWidgetMaximumSize = graphicsWidget->maximumSize().toSize(); } if (d->view) { d->view->setFocus(); } if (graphicsWidget) { graphicsWidget->setFocus(); } emit dialogVisible(true); WindowEffects::overrideShadow(winId(), true); } void Dialog::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *event) { Q_UNUSED(event) if (d->view) { d->view->setFocus(); } QGraphicsWidget *graphicsWidget = d->graphicsWidgetPtr.data(); if (graphicsWidget) { graphicsWidget->setFocus(); } } void Dialog::moveEvent(QMoveEvent *event) { Q_UNUSED(event) //kDebug(); d->scheduleBorderCheck(); } void Dialog::setResizeHandleCorners(ResizeCorners corners) { if ((d->resizeCorners != corners) && (aspectRatioMode() != FixedSize)) { d->resizeCorners = corners; d->updateResizeCorners(); } } Dialog::ResizeCorners Dialog::resizeCorners() const { return d->resizeCorners; } void Dialog::animatedHide(Plasma::Direction direction) { if (!isVisible()) { return; } if (!KWindowSystem::compositingActive()) { hide(); return; } Location location = Desktop; switch (direction) { case Down: location = BottomEdge; break; case Right: location = RightEdge; break; case Left: location = LeftEdge; break; case Up: location = TopEdge; break; default: break; } Plasma::WindowEffects::slideWindow(this, location); hide(); } void Dialog::animatedShow(Plasma::Direction direction) { if (!KWindowSystem::compositingActive()) { show(); return; } //copied to not add new api Location location = Desktop; switch (direction) { case Up: location = BottomEdge; break; case Left: location = RightEdge; break; case Right: location = LeftEdge; break; case Down: location = TopEdge; break; default: break; } if (KWindowSystem::compositingActive()) { Plasma::WindowEffects::slideWindow(this, location); } show(); } bool Dialog::inControlArea(const QPoint &point) { foreach (const QRect &r, d->resizeAreas) { if (r.contains(point)) { return true; } } return false; } Plasma::AspectRatioMode Dialog::aspectRatioMode() const { return d->aspectRatioMode; } void Dialog::setAspectRatioMode(Plasma::AspectRatioMode mode) { if (mode == FixedSize) { setResizeHandleCorners(NoCorner); } d->aspectRatioMode = mode; } } #include "dialog.moc"