#include <QApplication> #include <QGraphicsScene> #include <QGraphicsView> #include <QTimer> #include <KUniqueApplication> #include <KCmdLineArgs> #include <KCmdLineOptions> #include <KAboutData> #include <KIcon> #include "plasma/layouts/boxlayout.h" #include "plasma/widgets/progressbar.h" class Counter : QObject { Q_OBJECT public: Counter(Plasma::ProgressBar *p); ~Counter(); void start(); private Q_SLOTS: void updateValue(); private: QTimer timer; Plasma::ProgressBar *pbar; int seconds; }; Counter::Counter(Plasma::ProgressBar *p) : QObject(), timer(0) { seconds = 10; pbar = p; } Counter::~Counter() { } void Counter::start() { connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateValue())); timer.start(100); } void Counter::updateValue() { int inc = 1; pbar->setValue(pbar->value() + inc); if (pbar->value() >= 100) { timer.stop(); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { KAboutData aboutData(QByteArray("test"), 0, ki18n("test"), KDE_VERSION_STRING, ki18n("test"), KAboutData::License_BSD, ki18n("test")); KCmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, &aboutData); KApplication app; QGraphicsView view; QGraphicsScene scene; view.setScene(&scene); Plasma::VBoxLayout *widgetLayout = new Plasma::VBoxLayout(0); widgetLayout->setGeometry(QRectF(0.0, 0.0, 350.0, 30.0)); Plasma::HBoxLayout *h1 = new Plasma::HBoxLayout(0); widgetLayout->addItem(h1); Plasma::ProgressBar *progressBar = new Plasma::ProgressBar(0); h1->addItem(progressBar); scene.addItem(progressBar); widgetLayout->updateGeometry(); view.show(); Counter *c = new Counter(progressBar); c->start(); // Uncomment for hide the text. // progressBar->setTextVisible( false ); // // Uncomment for change the progressbar alignment // progressBar->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight ); // // Uncomment in order to invert the progress, from right to left. // progressBar->setInvertedAppearance( true );; progressBar->setGeometry(QRectF(0, 0, 200, 30)); return app.exec(); } #include "testLayouts.moc"