/* * Copyright 2005 by Aaron Seigo * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef PLASMA_DEFS_H #define PLASMA_DEFS_H /** @header plasma/plasma.h */ #include #include #include class QAction; class QGraphicsView; /** * Namespace for everything in libplasma */ namespace Plasma { /** * The Constraint enumeration lists the various constraints that Plasma * objects have managed for them and which they may wish to react to, * for instance in Applet::constraintsUpdated */ enum Constraint { NoConstraint = 0, /** The FormFactor for an object */ FormFactorConstraint = 1, /** The Location of an object */ LocationConstraint = 2, /** Which screen an object is on */ ScreenConstraint = 4, /** the size of the applet was changed */ SizeConstraint = 8, /** the immutability (locked) nature of the applet changed */ ImmutableConstraint = 16, /** application startup has completed */ StartupCompletedConstraint = 32, /** the desktop context has changed */ ContextConstraint = 64, /** the position of the popup needs to be recalculated*/ PopupConstraint = 128, AllConstraints = FormFactorConstraint | LocationConstraint | ScreenConstraint | SizeConstraint | ImmutableConstraint | ContextConstraint | PopupConstraint }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Constraints, Constraint) /** * The FormFactor enumeration describes how a Plasma::Applet should arrange * itself. The value is derived from the container managing the Applet * (e.g. in Plasma, a Corona on the desktop or on a panel). **/ enum FormFactor { Planar = 0, /**< The applet lives in a plane and has two degrees of freedom to grow. Optimize for desktop, laptop or tablet usage: a high resolution screen 1-3 feet distant from the viewer. */ MediaCenter, /**< As with Planar, the applet lives in a plane but the interface should be optimized for medium-to-high resolution screens that are 5-15 feet distant from the viewer. Sometimes referred to as a "ten foot interface".*/ Horizontal, /**< The applet is constrained vertically, but can expand horizontally. */ Vertical /**< The applet is constrained horizontally, but can expand vertically. */ }; /** * The Direction enumeration describes in which direction, relative to the * Applet (and its managing container), popup menus, expanders, balloons, * message boxes, arrows and other such visually associated widgets should * appear in. This is usually the oposite of the Location. **/ enum Direction { Down = 0, /**< Display downards */ Up, /**< Display upwards */ Left, /**< Display to the left */ Right /**< Display to the right */ }; /** * The direction of a zoom action. */ enum ZoomDirection { ZoomIn = 0, /**< Zoom in one step */ ZoomOut = 1 /**< Zoom out one step */ }; /** * The Location enumeration describes where on screen an element, such as an * Applet or its managing container, is positioned on the screen. **/ enum Location { Floating = 0, /**< Free floating. Neither geometry or z-ordering is described precisely by this value. */ Desktop, /**< On the planar desktop layer, extending across the full screen from edge to edge */ FullScreen, /**< Full screen */ TopEdge, /**< Along the top of the screen*/ BottomEdge, /**< Along the bottom of the screen*/ LeftEdge, /**< Along the left side of the screen */ RightEdge /**< Along the right side of the screen */ }; /** * The position enumeration * **/ enum Position { LeftPositioned, /**< Positioned left */ RightPositioned, /**< Positioned right */ TopPositioned, /**< Positioned top */ BottomPositioned, /**< Positioned bottom */ CenterPositioned /**< Positioned in the center */ }; /** * The popup position enumeration relatively to his attached widget * **/ enum PopupPlacement { FloatingPopup = 0, /**< Free floating, non attached popup */ TopPosedLeftAlignedPopup, /**< Popup positioned on the top, aligned to the left of the wigdet */ TopPosedRightAlignedPopup, /**< Popup positioned on the top, aligned to the right of the widget */ LeftPosedTopAlignedPopup, /**< Popup positioned on the left, aligned to the right of the wigdet */ LeftPosedBottomAlignedPopup, /**< Popup positioned on the left, aligned to the bottom of the widget */ BottomPosedLeftAlignedPopup, /**< Popup positioned on the bottom, aligned to the left of the wigdet */ BottomPosedRightAlignedPopup, /**< Popup positioned on the bottom, aligned to the right of the widget */ RightPosedTopAlignedPopup, /**< Popup positioned on the right, aligned to the top of the wigdet */ RightPosedBottomAlignedPopup /**< Popup positioned on the right, aligned to the bottom of the widget */ }; /** * Flip enumeration */ enum FlipDirection { NoFlip = 0, /**< Do not flip */ HorizontalFlip = 1, /**< Flip horizontally */ VerticalFlip = 2 /**< Flip vertically */ }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Flip, FlipDirection) /** * Zoom levels that Plasma is aware of... **/ enum ZoomLevel { DesktopZoom = 0, /**< Normal desktop usage, plasmoids are painted normally and have full interaction */ GroupZoom, /**< Plasmoids are shown as icons in visual groups; drag and drop and limited context menu interaction only */ OverviewZoom /**< Groups become icons themselves */ }; /** * Possible timing alignments **/ enum IntervalAlignment { NoAlignment = 0, /**< No alignment **/ AlignToMinute, /**< Align to the minute **/ AlignToHour /**< Align to the hour **/ }; enum ItemTypes { AppletType = QGraphicsItem::UserType + 1, LineEditType = QGraphicsItem::UserType + 2 }; /** * Defines the immutability of items like applets, corona and containments * they can be free to modify, locked down by the user or locked down by the * system (e.g. kiosk setups). */ enum ImmutabilityType { Mutable = 1, /**< The item can be modified in any way **/ UserImmutable = 2, /**< The user has requested a lock down, and can undo the lock down at any time **/ SystemImmutable = 4 /**< the item is locked down by the system, the user can't unlock it **/ }; /** * Defines the aspect ratio used when scaling an applet */ enum AspectRatioMode { InvalidAspectRatioMode = -1, /**< Unset mode used for dev convenience when there is a need to store the aspectRatioMode somewhere */ IgnoreAspectRatio = 0, /**< The applet can be freely resized */ KeepAspectRatio = 1, /**< The applet keeps a fixed aspect ratio */ Square = 2, /**< The applet is always a square */ ConstrainedSquare = 3, /**< The applet is no wider (in horizontal formfactors) or no higher (in vertical ones) than a square */ FixedSize = 4 /** The applet cannot be resized */ }; /** * The ComonentType enumeration refers to the various types of components, * or plugins, supported by plasma. */ enum ComponentType { AppletComponent = 1, /**< Plasma::Applet based plugins **/ DataEngineComponent = 2, /**< Plasma::DataEngine based plugins **/ RunnerComponent = 4, /**< Plasma::AbstractRunner based plugsin **/ AnimatorComponent = 8, /**< Plasma::Animator based plugins **/ ContainmentComponent = 16,/**< Plasma::Containment based plugins **/ WallpaperComponent = 32 /**< Plasma::Wallpaper based plugins **/ }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(ComponentTypes, ComponentType) enum MarginEdge { TopMargin = 0, /**< The top margin **/ BottomMargin, /**< The bottom margin **/ LeftMargin, /**< The left margin **/ RightMargin /**< The right margin **/ }; enum MessageButton { ButtonNone = 0, /**< None **/ ButtonOk = 1, /**< OK Button **/ ButtonYes = 2, /**< Yes Button **/ ButtonNo = 4, /**< No Button **/ ButtonCancel = 8 /**< Cancel Button **/ }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(MessageButtons, MessageButton) /** * Status of an applet * @since 4.3 */ enum ItemStatus { UnknownStatus = 0, /**< The status is unknown **/ PassiveStatus = 1, /**< The Item is passive **/ ActiveStatus = 2, /**< The Item is active **/ NeedsAttentionStatus = 3, /**< The Item needs attention **/ AcceptingInputStatus = 4 /**< The Item is accepting input **/ }; Q_ENUMS(ItemStatus) enum AnnouncementMethod { NoAnnouncement = 0, /**< No announcements **/ ZeroconfAnnouncement = 1 /**< Announcements via ZeroConf **/ }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(AnnouncementMethods, AnnouncementMethod) enum TrustLevel { UnverifiableTrust = 0, /**< The trust of the object can not be verified, usually because no trust information (e.g. a cryptographic signature) was provided */ CompletelyUntrusted, /**< The signature is broken/expired/false */ UnknownTrusted, /**< The signature is valid, but the key is unknown */ UserTrusted, /**< The signature is valid and made with a key signed by one of the user's own keys*/ SelfTrusted, /**< The signature is valid and made with one of the user's own keys*/ FullyTrusted, /**< The signature is valid and made with a key signed by the vendor's key*/ UltimatelyTrusted /**< The signature is valid and made with the vendor's key*/ }; Q_ENUMS(TrustLevel) /** * @return the scaling factor (0..1) for a ZoomLevel **/ PLASMA_EXPORT qreal scalingFactor(ZoomLevel level); /** * Converts a location to a direction. Handy for figuring out which way to send a popup based on * location or to point arrows and other directional items. * * @param location the location of the container the element will appear in * @return the visual direction the element should be oriented in **/ PLASMA_EXPORT Direction locationToDirection(Location location); /** * Converts a location to the direction facing it. Handy for figuring out which way to collapse * a popup or to point arrows at the item itself. * * @param location the location of the container the element will appear in * @return the visual direction the element should be oriented in **/ PLASMA_EXPORT Direction locationToInverseDirection(Location location); /** * Returns the most appropriate QGraphicsView for the item. * * @arg item the QGraphicsItem to locate a view for * @return pointer to a view, or 0 if none was found */ PLASMA_EXPORT QGraphicsView *viewFor(const QGraphicsItem *item); /** * Returns a list of all actions in the given QMenu * This method flattens the hierarchy of the menu by prefixing the * text of all actions in a submenu with the submenu title. * * @param menu the QMenu storing the actions * @param prefix text to display before the text of all actions in the menu * @param parent QObject to be passed as parent of all the actions in the list * * @since 4.4 */ PLASMA_EXPORT QList actionsFromMenu(QMenu *menu, const QString &prefix = QString(), QObject *parent = 0); } // Plasma namespace Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(Plasma::Constraints) Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(Plasma::Flip) Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(Plasma::ComponentTypes) Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(Plasma::MessageButtons) #endif // multiple inclusion guard