/* * Copyright (C) 2007 Ivan Cukic * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library/Lesser General Public License * version 2, or (at your option) any later version, as published by the * Free Software Foundation * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library/Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kcategorizeditemsviewdelegate_p.h" #include #include #include #include "kcategorizeditemsview_p.h" #define FAV_ICON_SIZE 24 #define EMBLEM_ICON_SIZE 16 #define UNIVERSAL_PADDING 6 #define FADE_LENGTH 32 #define MAIN_ICON_SIZE 48 #define DROPDOWN_PADDING 2 #define DROPDOWN_SEPARATOR_HEIGHT 32 KCategorizedItemsViewDelegate::KCategorizedItemsViewDelegate(QObject * parent) : QItemDelegate(parent), m_favoriteIcon("bookmarks"), m_favoriteAddIcon("list-add"), m_removeIcon("list-remove"), m_onFavoriteIconItem(NULL) { m_parent = (KCategorizedItemsView *) parent; } void KCategorizedItemsViewDelegate::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { KCategorizedItemsViewModels::AbstractItem * item = getItemByProxyIndex(index); if (!item) { return; } QStyleOptionViewItemV4 opt(option); QStyle *style = opt.widget ? opt.widget->style() : QApplication::style(); style->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &opt, painter, opt.widget); switch (index.column()) { case 0: paintColMain(painter, option, item); break; case 1: paintColFav(painter, option, item); break; case 2: paintColRemove(painter, option, item); break; default: kDebug() << "unexpected column"; } } int KCategorizedItemsViewDelegate::calcItemHeight(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option) const { // Painting main column QFont titleFont = option.font; titleFont.setBold(true); titleFont.setPointSize(titleFont.pointSize() + 2); int textHeight = QFontInfo(titleFont).pixelSize() + QFontInfo(option.font).pixelSize(); //kDebug() << textHeight << qMax(textHeight, MAIN_ICON_SIZE) + 2 * UNIVERSAL_PADDING; return qMax(textHeight, MAIN_ICON_SIZE) + 2 * UNIVERSAL_PADDING; } void KCategorizedItemsViewDelegate::paintColMain( QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const KCategorizedItemsViewModels::AbstractItem *item) const { const int left = option.rect.left(); const int top = option.rect.top(); const int width = option.rect.width(); const int height = calcItemHeight(option); bool leftToRight = (painter->layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight); QIcon::Mode iconMode = QIcon::Normal; QColor foregroundColor = (option.state.testFlag(QStyle::State_Selected))? option.palette.color(QPalette::HighlightedText):option.palette.color(QPalette::Text); // Painting main column QFont titleFont = option.font; titleFont.setBold(true); titleFont.setPointSize(titleFont.pointSize() + 2); QPixmap pixmap(width, height); pixmap.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter p(&pixmap); p.translate(-option.rect.topLeft()); QLinearGradient gradient; QString title = item->name(); QString description = item->description(); // Painting // Text int textInner = 2 * UNIVERSAL_PADDING + MAIN_ICON_SIZE; p.setPen(foregroundColor); p.setFont(titleFont); p.drawText(left + (leftToRight ? textInner : 0), top, width - textInner, height / 2, Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignLeft, title); p.setFont(option.font); p.drawText(left + (leftToRight ? textInner : 0), top + height / 2, width - textInner, height / 2, Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignLeft, description); // Main icon item->icon().paint( &p, leftToRight ? left + UNIVERSAL_PADDING : left + width - UNIVERSAL_PADDING - MAIN_ICON_SIZE, top + UNIVERSAL_PADDING, MAIN_ICON_SIZE, MAIN_ICON_SIZE, Qt::AlignCenter, iconMode); // Counting the number of emblems for this item int emblemCount = 0; QPair < Filter, QIcon > emblem; foreach (emblem, m_parent->m_emblems) { if (item->passesFiltering(emblem.first)) { ++emblemCount; } } // Gradient part of the background - fading of the text at the end if (leftToRight) { gradient = QLinearGradient(left + width - UNIVERSAL_PADDING - FADE_LENGTH, 0, left + width - UNIVERSAL_PADDING, 0); gradient.setColorAt(0, Qt::white); gradient.setColorAt(1, Qt::transparent); } else { gradient = QLinearGradient(left + UNIVERSAL_PADDING, 0, left + UNIVERSAL_PADDING + FADE_LENGTH, 0); gradient.setColorAt(0, Qt::transparent); gradient.setColorAt(1, Qt::white); } QRect paintRect = option.rect; p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationIn); p.fillRect(paintRect, gradient); if (leftToRight) { gradient.setStart( left + width - emblemCount * (UNIVERSAL_PADDING + EMBLEM_ICON_SIZE) - FADE_LENGTH, 0); gradient.setFinalStop( left + width - emblemCount * (UNIVERSAL_PADDING + EMBLEM_ICON_SIZE), 0); } else { gradient.setStart( left + UNIVERSAL_PADDING + emblemCount * (UNIVERSAL_PADDING + EMBLEM_ICON_SIZE), 0); gradient.setFinalStop( left + UNIVERSAL_PADDING + emblemCount * (UNIVERSAL_PADDING + EMBLEM_ICON_SIZE) + FADE_LENGTH, 0); } paintRect.setHeight(UNIVERSAL_PADDING + MAIN_ICON_SIZE / 2); p.fillRect(paintRect, gradient); // Emblems icons p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver); int emblemLeft = leftToRight ? (left + width - EMBLEM_ICON_SIZE) : left; // - FAV_ICON_SIZE - 2 * UNIVERSAL_PADDING foreach (emblem, m_parent->m_emblems) { if (item->passesFiltering(emblem.first)) { emblem.second.paint(&p, emblemLeft, top + UNIVERSAL_PADDING, EMBLEM_ICON_SIZE, EMBLEM_ICON_SIZE, Qt::AlignCenter, iconMode); if (leftToRight) { emblemLeft -= UNIVERSAL_PADDING + EMBLEM_ICON_SIZE; } else { emblemLeft += UNIVERSAL_PADDING + EMBLEM_ICON_SIZE; } } } p.end(); painter->drawPixmap(option.rect.topLeft(), pixmap); } void KCategorizedItemsViewDelegate::paintColFav( QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const KCategorizedItemsViewModels::AbstractItem *item) const { int left = option.rect.left(); int top = option.rect.top(); int width = option.rect.width(); // Painting favorite icon column if (! (option.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver) && m_onFavoriteIconItem == item) { m_onFavoriteIconItem = NULL; } QIcon::Mode iconMode = QIcon::Normal; if (!item->isFavorite()) { iconMode = QIcon::Disabled; } else if (option.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver) { iconMode = QIcon::Active; } m_favoriteIcon.paint( painter, left + width - FAV_ICON_SIZE - UNIVERSAL_PADDING, top + UNIVERSAL_PADDING, FAV_ICON_SIZE, FAV_ICON_SIZE, Qt::AlignCenter, iconMode); const KIcon &icon = (item->isFavorite())? m_removeIcon : m_favoriteAddIcon; if ((option.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver) && (m_onFavoriteIconItem != item)) { icon.paint( painter, left + width - EMBLEM_ICON_SIZE - UNIVERSAL_PADDING, top + UNIVERSAL_PADDING, EMBLEM_ICON_SIZE, EMBLEM_ICON_SIZE, Qt::AlignCenter, iconMode); } } void KCategorizedItemsViewDelegate::paintColRemove( QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const KCategorizedItemsViewModels::AbstractItem *item) const { // Painting remove icon column int running = item->running(); if (!running) { return; } int left = option.rect.left(); int top = option.rect.top(); int width = option.rect.width(); QIcon::Mode iconMode = QIcon::Normal; if (option.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver) { iconMode = QIcon::Active; } m_removeIcon.paint(painter, left + width - FAV_ICON_SIZE - UNIVERSAL_PADDING, top + UNIVERSAL_PADDING, FAV_ICON_SIZE, FAV_ICON_SIZE, Qt::AlignCenter, iconMode); if (running == 1) { return; } //paint number QColor foregroundColor = (option.state.testFlag(QStyle::State_Selected))? option.palette.color(QPalette::HighlightedText):option.palette.color(QPalette::Text); painter->setPen(foregroundColor); painter->setFont(option.font); painter->drawText( left + UNIVERSAL_PADDING, //FIXME might be wrong top + UNIVERSAL_PADDING + MAIN_ICON_SIZE / 2, width - 2 * UNIVERSAL_PADDING, MAIN_ICON_SIZE / 2, Qt::AlignCenter, QString::number(running)); } bool KCategorizedItemsViewDelegate::editorEvent( QEvent *event, QAbstractItemModel *model, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) { if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) { KCategorizedItemsViewModels::AbstractItem *item = getItemByProxyIndex(index); if (index.column() == 1) { m_onFavoriteIconItem = item; item->setFavorite(!item->isFavorite()); return true; } else if (index.column() == 2 && item->running()) { item->setRunning(0); emit destroyApplets(item->name()); return true; } } return QItemDelegate::editorEvent(event, model, option, index); } QSize KCategorizedItemsViewDelegate::sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { int width = (index.column() == 0) ? 0 : FAV_ICON_SIZE; return QSize(width, calcItemHeight(option)); } int KCategorizedItemsViewDelegate::columnWidth (int column, int viewWidth) const { if (column != 0) { return FAV_ICON_SIZE + 2 * UNIVERSAL_PADDING; } else { return viewWidth - 2 * columnWidth(1, viewWidth); } } KCategorizedItemsViewModels::AbstractItem *KCategorizedItemsViewDelegate::getItemByProxyIndex( const QModelIndex &index) const { return (AbstractItem *)m_parent->m_modelItems->itemFromIndex(m_parent->m_modelFilterItems->mapToSource(index)); } // KCategorizedItemsViewFilterDelegate KCategorizedItemsViewFilterDelegate::KCategorizedItemsViewFilterDelegate(QObject *parent) : QItemDelegate(parent) { kDebug() << "KCategorizedItemsViewFilterDelegate(QObject *parent)\n"; } void KCategorizedItemsViewFilterDelegate::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { if (index.flags() & Qt::ItemIsEnabled) { QItemDelegate::paint(painter, option, index); } else { QStyleOptionViewItem separatorOption(option); int height = QItemDelegate::sizeHint(option, index).height() + 2 * DROPDOWN_PADDING; separatorOption.state &= ~(QStyle::State_Selected | QStyle::State_MouseOver | QStyle::State_HasFocus); separatorOption.rect.setTop( separatorOption.rect.top() + separatorOption.rect.height() - height); separatorOption.rect.setHeight(height); QItemDelegate::paint(painter, separatorOption, index); /*painter->drawLine( option.rect.left(), option.rect.top() + 1, option.rect.left() + option.rect.width(), option.rect.top() + 1);*/ } } QSize KCategorizedItemsViewFilterDelegate::sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { QSize size = QItemDelegate::sizeHint(option, index); if (index.flags() & Qt::ItemIsEnabled) { size.setHeight(size.height() + 2 * DROPDOWN_PADDING); } else { size.setHeight(DROPDOWN_SEPARATOR_HEIGHT); } return size; } #include "kcategorizeditemsviewdelegate_p.moc"