/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012 Marco Martin SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 David Edmundson SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "iconitem.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fadingnode_p.h" #include #include "theme.h" #include "units.h" class IconItemSource { public: explicit IconItemSource(IconItem *iconItem) : m_iconItem(iconItem) {} virtual ~IconItemSource() {} virtual bool isValid() const = 0; virtual const QSize size() const = 0; virtual QPixmap pixmap(const QSize &size) = 0; protected: QQuickWindow *window() { return m_iconItem->window(); } IconItem *m_iconItem; }; class NullSource : public IconItemSource { public: explicit NullSource(IconItem *iconItem) : IconItemSource(iconItem) {} bool isValid() const override { return false; } const QSize size() const override { return QSize(); } QPixmap pixmap(const QSize &size) override { Q_UNUSED(size) return QPixmap(); } }; class QIconSource : public IconItemSource { public: explicit QIconSource(const QIcon &icon, IconItem *iconItem) : IconItemSource(iconItem) { m_icon = icon; } bool isValid() const override { return !m_icon.isNull(); } const QSize size() const override { return QSize(); } QPixmap pixmap(const QSize &size) override { KIconLoader::global()->setCustomPalette(Plasma::Theme().palette()); QPixmap result = m_icon.pixmap(window(), size); KIconLoader::global()->resetPalette(); return result; } private: QIcon m_icon; }; class QImageSource : public IconItemSource { public: explicit QImageSource(const QImage &imageIcon, IconItem *iconItem) : IconItemSource(iconItem) { m_imageIcon = imageIcon; } bool isValid() const override { return !m_imageIcon.isNull(); } const QSize size() const override { const QSize s = m_imageIcon.size(); if (s.isValid()) { return s; } return QSize(); } QPixmap pixmap(const QSize &size) override { Q_UNUSED(size) return QPixmap::fromImage(m_imageIcon); } private: QImage m_imageIcon; }; class SvgSource : public IconItemSource { public: explicit SvgSource(const QString &sourceString, IconItem* iconItem) : IconItemSource(iconItem) { m_svgIcon = new Plasma::Svg(iconItem); m_svgIcon->setColorGroup(iconItem->colorGroup()); m_svgIcon->setStatus(iconItem->status()); m_svgIcon->setDevicePixelRatio(devicePixelRatio()); QObject::connect(m_svgIcon, &Plasma::Svg::repaintNeeded, iconItem, &IconItem::schedulePixmapUpdate); QObject::connect(iconItem, &IconItem::statusChanged, m_svgIcon, [=] { if (m_svgIcon) { m_svgIcon->setStatus(iconItem->status()); } }); QObject::connect(iconItem, &IconItem::colorGroupChanged, m_svgIcon, [=] { if (m_svgIcon) { m_svgIcon->setColorGroup(iconItem->colorGroup()); } }); if (iconItem->usesPlasmaTheme()) { //try as a svg icon from plasma theme m_svgIcon->setImagePath(QLatin1String("icons/") + sourceString.section(QLatin1Char('-'), 0, 0)); m_svgIcon->setContainsMultipleImages(true); } //success? if (iconItem->usesPlasmaTheme() && m_svgIcon->isValid() && m_svgIcon->hasElement(sourceString)) { m_svgIconName = sourceString; //ok, svg not available from the plasma theme } else { //try to load from iconloader an svg with Plasma::Svg const auto *iconTheme = KIconLoader::global()->theme(); QString iconPath; if (iconTheme) { iconPath = iconTheme->iconPath(sourceString + QLatin1String(".svg"), qMin(iconItem->width(), iconItem->height()), KIconLoader::MatchBest); if (iconPath.isEmpty()) { iconPath = iconTheme->iconPath(sourceString + QLatin1String(".svgz"), qMin(iconItem->width(), iconItem->height()), KIconLoader::MatchBest); } } else { qWarning() << "KIconLoader has no theme set"; } if (!iconPath.isEmpty()) { m_svgIcon->setImagePath(iconPath); m_svgIconName = sourceString; } else { //fail, cleanup delete m_svgIcon; } } } ~SvgSource() { if (m_svgIcon) { QObject::disconnect(m_iconItem, nullptr, m_svgIcon, nullptr); } } bool isValid() const override { return m_svgIcon; } const QSize size() const override { QSize s; if (m_svgIcon) { // FIXME: Check Svg::isValid()? Considered expensive by apidox. //resize() resets the icon to its implicit size, specified m_svgIcon->resize(); //plasma theme icon, where one file contains multiple images if (m_svgIcon->hasElement(m_svgIconName)) { s = m_svgIcon->elementSize(m_svgIconName); //normal icon: one image per file, page size is icon size } else { s = m_svgIcon->size(); } } return s; } QPixmap pixmap(const QSize &size) override { m_svgIcon->setDevicePixelRatio(devicePixelRatio()); m_svgIcon->resize(size); if (!m_svgIconName.isEmpty() && m_svgIcon->hasElement(m_svgIconName)) { return m_svgIcon->pixmap(m_svgIconName); } else if (!m_svgIconName.isEmpty()) { const auto *iconTheme = KIconLoader::global()->theme(); if (iconTheme) { QString iconPath = iconTheme->iconPath(m_svgIconName + QLatin1String(".svg"), size.width(), KIconLoader::MatchBest); if (iconPath.isEmpty()) { iconPath = iconTheme->iconPath(m_svgIconName + QLatin1String(".svgz"), size.width(), KIconLoader::MatchBest); } if (!iconPath.isEmpty()) { m_svgIcon->setImagePath(iconPath); } } else { qWarning() << "KIconLoader has no theme set"; } return m_svgIcon->pixmap(); } return QPixmap(); } private: qreal devicePixelRatio() { return window() ? window()->devicePixelRatio() : qApp->devicePixelRatio(); } QPointer m_svgIcon; QString m_svgIconName; }; IconItem::IconItem(QQuickItem *parent) : QQuickItem(parent), m_iconItemSource(new NullSource(this)), m_status(Plasma::Svg::Normal), m_active(false), m_animated(true), m_usesPlasmaTheme(true), m_roundToIconSize(true), m_textureChanged(false), m_sizeChanged(false), m_allowNextAnimation(false), m_blockNextAnimation(false), m_implicitHeightSetByUser(false), m_implicitWidthSetByUser(false), m_colorGroup(Plasma::Theme::NormalColorGroup), m_animValue(0) { m_animation = new QPropertyAnimation(this); connect(m_animation, &QPropertyAnimation::valueChanged, this, &IconItem::valueChanged); connect(m_animation, &QPropertyAnimation::finished, this, &IconItem::animationFinished); m_animation->setTargetObject(this); m_animation->setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve::InOutQuad); m_animation->setDuration(250); //FIXME from theme setFlag(ItemHasContents, true); connect(KIconLoader::global(), &KIconLoader::iconLoaderSettingsChanged, this, &IconItem::updateImplicitSize); connect(this, &IconItem::implicitWidthChanged, this, &IconItem::implicitWidthChanged2); connect(this, &IconItem::implicitHeightChanged, this, &IconItem::implicitHeightChanged2); updateImplicitSize(); } IconItem::~IconItem() { } void IconItem::updateImplicitSize() { if (m_iconItemSource->isValid()) { const QSize s = m_iconItemSource->size(); if (s.isValid()) { if (!m_implicitWidthSetByUser && !m_implicitHeightSetByUser) { setImplicitSize(s.width(), s.height()); } else if (!m_implicitWidthSetByUser) { setImplicitWidth(s.width()); } else if (!m_implicitHeightSetByUser) { setImplicitHeight(s.height()); } return; } } // Fall back to initializing implicit size to the Dialog size. const int implicitSize = KIconLoader::global()->currentSize(KIconLoader::Dialog); if (!m_implicitWidthSetByUser && !m_implicitHeightSetByUser) { setImplicitSize(implicitSize, implicitSize); } else if (!m_implicitWidthSetByUser) { setImplicitWidth(implicitSize); } else if (!m_implicitHeightSetByUser) { setImplicitHeight(implicitSize); } } void IconItem::setSource(const QVariant &source) { if (source == m_source) { return; } disconnect(KIconLoader::global(), &KIconLoader::iconChanged, this, &IconItem::iconLoaderIconChanged); const bool oldValid = isValid(); m_source = source; QString sourceString = source.toString(); // If the QIcon was created with QIcon::fromTheme(), try to load it as svg if (source.canConvert() && !source.value().name().isEmpty()) { sourceString = source.value().name(); } if (!sourceString.isEmpty()) { // If a file:// URL or a absolute path is passed, take the image pointed by that from disk QString localFile; if (sourceString.startsWith(QLatin1String("file:"))) { localFile = QUrl(sourceString).toLocalFile(); } else if (sourceString.startsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) { localFile = sourceString; } if (!localFile.isEmpty()) { if (sourceString.endsWith(QLatin1String(".svg")) || sourceString.endsWith(QLatin1String(".svgz"))) { QIcon icon = QIcon(localFile); m_iconItemSource.reset(new QIconSource(icon, this)); } else { QImage imageIcon = QImage(localFile); m_iconItemSource.reset(new QImageSource(imageIcon, this)); } } else { m_iconItemSource.reset(new SvgSource(sourceString, this)); if (!m_iconItemSource->isValid()) { //if we started with a QIcon use that. QIcon icon = source.value(); if (icon.isNull()) { icon = QIcon::fromTheme(sourceString); } m_iconItemSource.reset(new QIconSource(icon, this)); //since QIcon is rendered by KIconLoader, watch for when its configuration changes now and reload as needed. connect(KIconLoader::global(), &KIconLoader::iconChanged, this, &IconItem::iconLoaderIconChanged); } } } else if (source.canConvert()) { m_iconItemSource.reset(new QIconSource(source.value(), this)); } else if (source.canConvert()) { m_iconItemSource.reset(new QImageSource(source.value(), this)); } else { m_iconItemSource.reset(new NullSource(this)); } if (width() > 0 && height() > 0) { schedulePixmapUpdate(); } updateImplicitSize(); emit sourceChanged(); if (isValid() != oldValid) { emit validChanged(); } } QVariant IconItem::source() const { return m_source; } void IconItem::setColorGroup(Plasma::Theme::ColorGroup group) { if (m_colorGroup == group) { return; } m_colorGroup = group; emit colorGroupChanged(); } Plasma::Theme::ColorGroup IconItem::colorGroup() const { return m_colorGroup; } void IconItem::setOverlays(const QStringList &overlays) { if (overlays == m_overlays) { return; } m_overlays = overlays; schedulePixmapUpdate(); emit overlaysChanged(); } QStringList IconItem::overlays() const { return m_overlays; } bool IconItem::isActive() const { return m_active; } void IconItem::setActive(bool active) { if (m_active == active) { return; } m_active = active; if (isComponentComplete()) { m_allowNextAnimation = true; schedulePixmapUpdate(); } emit activeChanged(); } bool IconItem::isAnimated() const { return m_animated; } void IconItem::setAnimated(bool animated) { if (m_animated == animated) { return; } m_animated = animated; emit animatedChanged(); } bool IconItem::usesPlasmaTheme() const { return m_usesPlasmaTheme; } void IconItem::setUsesPlasmaTheme(bool usesPlasmaTheme) { if (m_usesPlasmaTheme == usesPlasmaTheme) { return; } m_usesPlasmaTheme = usesPlasmaTheme; // Reload icon with new settings const QVariant src = m_source; m_source.clear(); setSource(src); update(); emit usesPlasmaThemeChanged(); } bool IconItem::roundToIconSize() const { return m_roundToIconSize; } void IconItem::setRoundToIconSize(bool roundToIconSize) { if (m_roundToIconSize == roundToIconSize) { return; } const QSize oldPaintedSize = paintedSize(); m_roundToIconSize = roundToIconSize; emit roundToIconSizeChanged(); if (oldPaintedSize != paintedSize()) { emit paintedSizeChanged(); } schedulePixmapUpdate(); } bool IconItem::isValid() const { return m_iconItemSource->isValid(); } int IconItem::paintedWidth() const { return paintedSize(boundingRect().size()).width(); } int IconItem::paintedHeight() const { return paintedSize(boundingRect().size()).height(); } QSize IconItem::paintedSize(const QSizeF &containerSize) const { const QSize &actualContainerSize = (containerSize.isValid() ? containerSize : boundingRect().size()).toSize(); const QSize paintedSize = m_iconPixmap.size().scaled(actualContainerSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio); const int width = paintedSize.width(); const int height = paintedSize.height(); if (width == height) { if (m_roundToIconSize) { return QSize(Units::roundToIconSize(width), Units::roundToIconSize(height)); } else { return QSize(width, height); } } // if we don't have a square image, we still want it to be rounded to icon size // but we cannot just blindly round both as we might erroneously change a 50x45 image to be 48x32 // instead, round the bigger of the two and then downscale the smaller with the ratio if (width > height) { const int roundedWidth = m_roundToIconSize ? Units::roundToIconSize(width) : width; return QSize(roundedWidth, qRound(height * (roundedWidth / static_cast(width)))); } else { const int roundedHeight = m_roundToIconSize ? Units::roundToIconSize(height) : height; return QSize(qRound(width * (roundedHeight / static_cast(height))), roundedHeight); } } void IconItem::setStatus(Plasma::Svg::Status status) { if (m_status == status) { return; } m_status = status; emit statusChanged(); } Plasma::Svg::Status IconItem::status() const { return m_status; } void IconItem::setImplicitHeight2(int height) { m_implicitHeightSetByUser = true; setImplicitHeight(height); emit implicitHeightChanged2(); } void IconItem::setImplicitWidth2(int width) { m_implicitWidthSetByUser = true; setImplicitWidth(width); emit implicitWidthChanged2(); } void IconItem::updatePolish() { QQuickItem::updatePolish(); loadPixmap(); } QSGNode* IconItem::updatePaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, UpdatePaintNodeData *updatePaintNodeData) { Q_UNUSED(updatePaintNodeData) if (m_iconPixmap.isNull() || width() == 0.0 || height() == 0.0) { delete oldNode; return nullptr; } if (m_animation->state() == QAbstractAnimation::Running) { FadingNode *animatingNode = dynamic_cast(oldNode); if (!animatingNode || m_textureChanged) { delete oldNode; QSGTexture *source = window()->createTextureFromImage(m_oldIconPixmap.toImage(), QQuickWindow::TextureCanUseAtlas); source->setFiltering(smooth() ? QSGTexture::Linear : QSGTexture::Nearest); QSGTexture *target = window()->createTextureFromImage(m_iconPixmap.toImage(), QQuickWindow::TextureCanUseAtlas); target->setFiltering(smooth() ? QSGTexture::Linear : QSGTexture::Nearest); animatingNode = new FadingNode(source, target); m_sizeChanged = true; m_textureChanged = false; } animatingNode->setProgress(m_animValue); if (m_sizeChanged) { const QSize newSize = paintedSize(); const QRect destRect(QPointF(boundingRect().center() - QPointF(newSize.width(), newSize.height()) / 2).toPoint(), newSize); animatingNode->setRect(destRect); m_sizeChanged = false; } return animatingNode; } else { ManagedTextureNode *textureNode = dynamic_cast(oldNode); if (!textureNode || m_textureChanged) { delete oldNode; textureNode = new ManagedTextureNode; textureNode->setTexture(QSharedPointer(window()->createTextureFromImage(m_iconPixmap.toImage(), QQuickWindow::TextureCanUseAtlas))); m_sizeChanged = true; m_textureChanged = false; } textureNode->setFiltering(smooth() ? QSGTexture::Linear : QSGTexture::Nearest); if (m_sizeChanged) { const QSize newSize = paintedSize(); const QRect destRect(QPointF(boundingRect().center() - QPointF(newSize.width(), newSize.height()) / 2).toPoint(), newSize); textureNode->setRect(destRect); m_sizeChanged = false; } return textureNode; } } void IconItem::valueChanged(const QVariant &value) { m_animValue = value.toReal(); update(); } void IconItem::onEnabledChanged() { m_allowNextAnimation = true; schedulePixmapUpdate(); } void IconItem::animationFinished() { m_oldIconPixmap = QPixmap(); m_textureChanged = true; update(); } void IconItem::iconLoaderIconChanged(int group) { Q_UNUSED(group); schedulePixmapUpdate(); } void IconItem::windowVisibleChanged(bool visible) { if (visible) { m_blockNextAnimation = true; } } void IconItem::schedulePixmapUpdate() { polish(); } void IconItem::loadPixmap() { if (!isComponentComplete()) { return; } int size = qMin(qRound(width()), qRound(height())); if (m_roundToIconSize) { size = Units::roundToIconSize(size); } //final pixmap to paint QPixmap result; if (size <= 0) { m_iconPixmap = QPixmap(); m_animation->stop(); update(); return; } if (m_iconItemSource->isValid()) { result = m_iconItemSource->pixmap(QSize(size, size)); } else { m_iconPixmap = QPixmap(); m_animation->stop(); update(); return; } // Strangely KFileItem::overlays() returns empty string-values, so // we need to check first whether an overlay must be drawn at all. // It is more efficient to do it here, as KIconLoader::drawOverlays() // assumes that an overlay will be drawn and has some additional // setup time. for (const QString &overlay : qAsConst(m_overlays)) { if (!overlay.isEmpty()) { // There is at least one overlay, draw all overlays above m_pixmap // and cancel the check KIconLoader::global()->drawOverlays(m_overlays, result, KIconLoader::Desktop); break; } } if (!isEnabled()) { result = KIconLoader::global()->iconEffect()->apply(result, KIconLoader::Desktop, KIconLoader::DisabledState); } else if (m_active) { result = KIconLoader::global()->iconEffect()->apply(result, KIconLoader::Desktop, KIconLoader::ActiveState); } const QSize oldPaintedSize = paintedSize(); m_oldIconPixmap = m_iconPixmap; m_iconPixmap = result; m_textureChanged = true; if (oldPaintedSize != paintedSize()) { emit paintedSizeChanged(); } //don't animate initial setting bool animated = (m_animated || m_allowNextAnimation) && !m_oldIconPixmap.isNull() && !m_sizeChanged && !m_blockNextAnimation; if (QQuickWindow::sceneGraphBackend() == QLatin1String("software")) { animated = false; } if (animated) { m_animValue = 0.0; m_animation->setStartValue((qreal)0); m_animation->setEndValue((qreal)1); m_animation->start(); m_allowNextAnimation = false; } else { m_animValue = 1.0; m_animation->stop(); m_blockNextAnimation = false; } update(); } void IconItem::itemChange(ItemChange change, const ItemChangeData &value) { if (change == ItemVisibleHasChanged && value.boolValue) { m_blockNextAnimation = true; } else if (change == ItemEnabledHasChanged) { onEnabledChanged(); } else if (change == ItemSceneChange && value.window) { if (m_window) { disconnect(m_window.data(), &QWindow::visibleChanged, this, &IconItem::windowVisibleChanged); } m_window = value.window; if (m_window) { connect(m_window.data(), &QWindow::visibleChanged, this, &IconItem::windowVisibleChanged); } schedulePixmapUpdate(); } QQuickItem::itemChange(change, value); } void IconItem::geometryChanged(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry) { if (newGeometry.size() != oldGeometry.size()) { m_sizeChanged = true; if (newGeometry.width() > 0 && newGeometry.height() > 0) { schedulePixmapUpdate(); } else { update(); } if (paintedSize(oldGeometry.size()) != paintedSize(newGeometry.size())) { emit paintedSizeChanged(); } } QQuickItem::geometryChanged(newGeometry, oldGeometry); } void IconItem::componentComplete() { QQuickItem::componentComplete(); schedulePixmapUpdate(); }