/* * Copyright 2008 by Aaron Seigo * Copyright 2008 Marco Martin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "panelsvg.h" #include #include #include #include namespace Plasma { class PanelSvg::Private { public: Private(PanelSvg *psvg) : q(psvg), enabledBorders(AllBorders), cachedBackground(0), contentAtOrigin(false) { } ~Private() { delete cachedBackground; } void generateBackground(); void updateSizes(); PanelSvg *q; EnabledBorders enabledBorders; QPixmap *cachedBackground; Svg *background; QSizeF panelSize; Location location; QString prefix; //measures int topHeight; int leftWidth; int rightWidth; int bottomHeight; //size of the svg where the size of the "center" //element is contentWidth x contentHeight bool noBorderPadding : 1; bool stretchBorders : 1; bool tileCenter : 1; bool contentAtOrigin : 1; }; PanelSvg::PanelSvg(const QString& imagePath, QObject* parent) : Svg(imagePath, parent), d(new Private(this)) { d->background = new Svg(imagePath, this); connect(d->background, SIGNAL(repaintNeeded()), this, SLOT(updateSizes())); d->updateSizes(); d->panelSize = d->background->size(); } PanelSvg::~PanelSvg() { delete d; } void PanelSvg::setImagePath(const QString& imagePath) { if (imagePath == d->background->imagePath()) { return; } d->background->setImagePath(imagePath); setElementPrefix(prefix()); } QString PanelSvg::imagePath() const { return d->background->imagePath(); } void PanelSvg::setEnabledBorders(const EnabledBorders borders) { if (borders == d->enabledBorders) { return; } d->enabledBorders = borders; d->updateSizes(); } PanelSvg::EnabledBorders PanelSvg::enabledBorders() const { return d->enabledBorders; } void PanelSvg::setElementPrefix(Plasma::Location location) { switch (location) { case TopEdge: setElementPrefix("north"); break; case BottomEdge: setElementPrefix("south"); break; case LeftEdge: setElementPrefix("west"); break; case RightEdge: setElementPrefix("east"); break; default: setElementPrefix(QString()); break; } d->location = location; } void PanelSvg::setElementPrefix(const QString & prefix) { if (!d->background->hasElement(prefix + "-center")) { d->prefix.clear(); } else { d->prefix = prefix; if (!d->prefix.isEmpty()) { d->prefix += '-'; } } d->location = Floating; if (d->cachedBackground) { d->updateSizes(); } } QString PanelSvg::prefix() { if (d->prefix.isEmpty()) { return QString(); } return d->prefix.left(d->prefix.size() - 1); } void PanelSvg::resize(const QSizeF& size) { if (!size.isValid() || size.width() < 1 || size.height() < 1 || size == d->panelSize) { return; } d->panelSize = size; d->updateSizes(); } void PanelSvg::resize(qreal width, qreal height) { resize(QSize(width, height)); } qreal PanelSvg::marginSize(const Plasma::MarginEdge edge) const { if (d->noBorderPadding) { return .0; } switch (edge) { case Plasma::TopMargin: return d->topHeight; break; case Plasma::LeftMargin: return d->leftWidth; break; case Plasma::RightMargin: return d->rightWidth; break; //Plasma::BottomMargin default: return d->bottomHeight; break; } } QBitmap PanelSvg::mask() const { if (!d->cachedBackground) { d->generateBackground(); } return d->cachedBackground->alphaChannel().createMaskFromColor(Qt::black); } void PanelSvg::paint(QPainter* painter, const QRectF& rect, const QPointF& pos) { if (!d->cachedBackground) { d->generateBackground(); } //FIXME: this is redundant with generatebackground for now bool origined = d->contentAtOrigin; const int topOffset = origined ? 0 - d->topHeight : 0; const int leftOffset = origined ? 0 - d->leftWidth : 0; painter->drawPixmap(rect, *d->cachedBackground, rect.translated(-pos.x()-leftOffset,-pos.y()-topOffset)); } void PanelSvg::Private::generateBackground() { bool origined = contentAtOrigin; const int topWidth = background->elementSize(prefix + "top").width(); const int leftHeight = background->elementSize(prefix + "left").height(); const int topOffset = origined ? 0 - topHeight : 0; const int leftOffset = origined ? 0 - leftWidth : 0; if (!cachedBackground) { const int contentWidth = panelSize.width() - leftWidth - rightWidth; const int contentHeight = panelSize.height() - topHeight - bottomHeight; int contentTop = 0; int contentLeft = 0; int rightOffset = contentWidth; int bottomOffset = contentHeight; delete cachedBackground; cachedBackground = new QPixmap(leftWidth + contentWidth + rightWidth, topHeight + contentHeight + bottomHeight); cachedBackground->fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter p(cachedBackground); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform); if (origined) { p.translate(leftWidth, topHeight); } //FIXME: This is a hack to fix a drawing problems with svg files where a thin transparent border is drawn around the svg image. // the transparent border around the svg seems to vary in size depending on the size of the svg and as a result increasing the // svg image by 2 all around didn't resolve the issue. For now it resizes based on the border size. //CENTER if (tileCenter) { if (contentHeight > 0 && contentWidth > 0) { int centerTileHeight; int centerTileWidth; centerTileHeight = background->elementSize(prefix + "center").height(); centerTileWidth = background->elementSize(prefix + "center").width(); QPixmap center(centerTileWidth, centerTileHeight); center.fill(Qt::transparent); { QPainter centerPainter(¢er); centerPainter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); background->paint(¢erPainter, QPoint(0, 0), prefix + "center"); } p.drawTiledPixmap(QRect(contentLeft - leftWidth, contentTop - topHeight, contentWidth + leftWidth*2, contentHeight + topHeight*2), center); } } else { if (contentHeight > 0 && contentWidth > 0) { QSizeF scaledSize = QSizeF(panelSize.width() - (leftWidth + rightWidth) + panelSize.width()*(((qreal)(leftWidth + rightWidth)) / panelSize.width()), panelSize.height() - (topHeight + bottomHeight) + panelSize.height()*(((qreal)(topHeight + bottomHeight)) / panelSize.height())); background->resize(scaledSize.width(), scaledSize.height()); background->paint(&p, QRect(contentLeft - leftWidth, contentTop - topHeight, contentWidth + leftWidth*2, contentHeight + topHeight*2), prefix + "center"); background->resize(); } } // Corners if (enabledBorders & TopBorder) { if (!origined) { contentTop = topHeight; bottomOffset += topHeight; } if (enabledBorders & LeftBorder) { background->paint(&p, QRect(leftOffset, topOffset, leftWidth, topHeight), prefix + "topleft"); if (!origined) { contentLeft = leftWidth; rightOffset = contentWidth + leftWidth; } } if (enabledBorders & RightBorder) { background->paint(&p, QRect(rightOffset, topOffset, rightWidth, topHeight), prefix + "topright"); } } if (enabledBorders & BottomBorder) { if (enabledBorders & LeftBorder) { background->paint(&p, QRect(leftOffset, bottomOffset, leftWidth, bottomHeight), prefix + "bottomleft"); if (!origined) { contentLeft = leftWidth; rightOffset = contentWidth + leftWidth; } } if (enabledBorders & RightBorder) { background->paint(&p, QRect(rightOffset, bottomOffset, rightWidth, bottomHeight), prefix + "bottomright"); } } // Sides if (stretchBorders) { if (enabledBorders & LeftBorder) { background->paint(&p, QRect(leftOffset, contentTop, leftWidth, contentHeight), prefix + "left"); } if (enabledBorders & RightBorder) { background->paint(&p, QRect(rightOffset, contentTop, rightWidth, contentHeight), prefix + "right"); } if (enabledBorders & TopBorder) { background->paint(&p, QRect(contentLeft, topOffset, contentWidth, topHeight), prefix + "top"); } if (enabledBorders & BottomBorder) { background->paint(&p, QRect(contentLeft, bottomOffset, contentWidth, bottomHeight), prefix + "bottom"); } } else { if (enabledBorders & LeftBorder) { QPixmap left(leftWidth, leftHeight); left.fill(Qt::transparent); { QPainter sidePainter(&left); sidePainter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); background->paint(&sidePainter, QPoint(0, 0), prefix + "left"); } p.drawTiledPixmap(QRect(leftOffset, contentTop, leftWidth, contentHeight), left); } if (enabledBorders & RightBorder) { QPixmap right(rightWidth, leftHeight); right.fill(Qt::transparent); { QPainter sidePainter(&right); sidePainter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); background->paint(&sidePainter, QPoint(0, 0), prefix + "right"); } p.drawTiledPixmap(QRect(rightOffset, contentTop, rightWidth, contentHeight), right); } if (enabledBorders & TopBorder) { QPixmap top(topWidth, topHeight); top.fill(Qt::transparent); { QPainter sidePainter(&top); sidePainter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); background->paint(&sidePainter, QPoint(0, 0), prefix + "top"); } p.drawTiledPixmap(QRect(contentLeft, topOffset, contentWidth, topHeight), top); } if (enabledBorders & BottomBorder) { QPixmap bottom(topWidth, bottomHeight); bottom.fill(Qt::transparent); { QPainter sidePainter(&bottom); sidePainter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); background->paint(&sidePainter, QPoint(0, 0), prefix + "bottom"); } p.drawTiledPixmap(QRect(contentLeft, bottomOffset, contentWidth, bottomHeight), bottom); } } // re-enable this once Qt's svg rendering is un-buggered //resize(contentWidth, contentHeight); //paint(&p, QRect(contentLeft, contentTop, contentWidth, contentHeight), "center"); } } void PanelSvg::Private::updateSizes() { delete cachedBackground; cachedBackground = 0; background->resize(); if (enabledBorders & TopBorder) { topHeight = background->elementSize(prefix + "top").height(); } else { topHeight = 0; } if (enabledBorders & LeftBorder) { leftWidth = background->elementSize(prefix + "left").width(); } else { leftWidth = 0; } if (enabledBorders & RightBorder) { rightWidth = background->elementSize(prefix + "right").width(); } else { rightWidth = 0; } if (enabledBorders & BottomBorder) { bottomHeight = background->elementSize(prefix + "bottom").height(); } else { bottomHeight = 0; } //since it's rectangular, topWidth and bottomWidth must be the same tileCenter = background->hasElement("hint-tile-center"); noBorderPadding = background->hasElement("hint-no-border-padding"); stretchBorders = background->hasElement("hint-stretch-borders"); emit q->repaintNeeded(); } } // Plasma namespace #include "panelsvg.moc"