#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../pushbutton.h" #include "../lineedit.h" #include "../vboxlayout.h" #include "../hboxlayout.h" #include "../widget.h" #include "../label.h" int main(int argc, char **argv) { KAboutData aboutData( QByteArray("test"), 0, ki18n("test"), KDE_VERSION_STRING, ki18n("test"), KAboutData::License_BSD, ki18n("test") ); KCmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, &aboutData); KApplication app; QGraphicsView view; QGraphicsScene scene; view.setScene(&scene); Plasma::VBoxLayout *widgetLayout = new Plasma::VBoxLayout(0); widgetLayout->setGeometry( QRectF(0.0, 0.0, 400.0, 700.0) ); Plasma::HBoxLayout *h1 = new Plasma::HBoxLayout( 0 ); Plasma::HBoxLayout *h2 = new Plasma::HBoxLayout( 0 ); widgetLayout->addItem( h1 ); widgetLayout->addItem( h2 ); // should be first row Plasma::PushButton *pushOne = new Plasma::PushButton("pushbutton one"); h1->addItem(pushOne); scene.addItem(pushOne); Plasma::LineEdit *editOne = new Plasma::LineEdit; h1->addItem(editOne); scene.addItem(editOne); Plasma::Label *labelOne = new Plasma::Label( 0 ); labelOne->setText( "hello world 1" ); h1->addItem(labelOne); scene.addItem(labelOne); // should be second row Plasma::PushButton *pushTwo = new Plasma::PushButton("pushbutton two"); h2->addItem(pushTwo); scene.addItem(pushTwo); Plasma::LineEdit *editTwo = new Plasma::LineEdit; h2->addItem(editTwo); scene.addItem(editTwo); Plasma::Label *labelTwo = new Plasma::Label( 0 ); labelTwo->setText( "hello world 2" ); h2->addItem(labelTwo); scene.addItem(labelTwo); view.show(); return app.exec(); }