/* * Copyright 2009 Rob Scheepmaker <r.scheepmaker@student.utwente.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, * or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef JOLIEMESSAGEHELPER_H #define JOLIEMESSAGEHELPER_H #include <QByteArray> #include <QtJolie/Message> #include <QtJolie/Value> #include <kdebug.h> #include <klocalizedstring.h> namespace Message { namespace Field { static const QByteArray DESTINATION = "Destination"; static const QByteArray ENABLEDOPERATIONS = "EnabledOperations"; static const QByteArray IDENTITY = "Credentials"; static const QByteArray IDENTITYID = "CredentialsID"; static const QByteArray PARAMETERS = "Parameters"; static const QByteArray PIN = "PIN"; static const QByteArray RESULT = "Result"; static const QByteArray SIGNATURE = "Signature"; static const QByteArray TOKEN = "Token"; static const QByteArray UUID = "UUID"; static const QByteArray OPERATION = "Operation"; static const QByteArray OPERATIONSDESCRIPTION = "OperationsDescription"; } namespace Error { static const QByteArray INVALIDTOKEN = "InvalidToken"; static const QByteArray REQUIREPIN = "RequirePIN"; static const QByteArray ACCESSDENIED = "AccessDenied"; } inline QString errorMessage(const QByteArray &error) { if (error == Error::INVALIDTOKEN) { return i18nc("Error message, access to a remote service failed.", "Invalid token."); } else if (error == Error::REQUIREPIN) { return i18nc("Error message, access to a remote service failed.", "Matching password required."); } else if (error == Error::ACCESSDENIED) { return i18nc("Error message, access to a remote service failed.", "Access denied."); } return i18n("Unknown error."); } inline QByteArray field(const QByteArray &fieldName, const Jolie::Message &message) { if (!message.data().children(fieldName).isEmpty()) { return message.data().children(fieldName).first().toByteArray(); } else { return QByteArray(); } } inline QByteArray payload(const Jolie::Message &message) { QByteArray result; //result = "payload!"; result.append(message.operationName()); result.append(field(Field::PARAMETERS, message)); result.append(field(Field::IDENTITY, message)); result.append(field(Field::IDENTITYID, message)); result.append(field(Field::OPERATION, message)); result.append(field(Field::OPERATIONSDESCRIPTION, message)); result.append(field(Field::PIN, message)); result.append(field(Field::TOKEN, message)); return result; } inline QString print(const Jolie::Message &message) { QString result; result = QString("\n=== JOLIE MESSAGE ===\nId = %1\nOperation = %2\nResource = %3\nData= %4\n") .arg(QString::number(message.id())) .arg(QString(message.operationName())) .arg(QString(message.resourcePath())) .arg(QString(message.data().toByteArray())); result += "=====================\n"; foreach (const QByteArray &child, message.data().childrenNames()) { result += "\n******" + child + "******\n"; foreach (const Jolie::Value &value, message.data().children(child)) { if (child == Field::TOKEN || child == Field::PARAMETERS || child == Field::SIGNATURE) { result += value.toByteArray().toBase64(); } else { result += value.toByteArray(); } } } result += "\n== END OF MESSAGE ==\n"; return result; } } #endif