/* * Copyright 2007 by Aaron Seigo * Copyright 2008 by Marco Martin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "desktoptoolbox_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Plasma { class EmptyGraphicsItem : public QGraphicsWidget { public: EmptyGraphicsItem(QGraphicsItem *parent) : QGraphicsWidget(parent), m_toolbar(true) { setAcceptsHoverEvents(true); m_layout = new QGraphicsLinearLayout(this); m_layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); m_layout->setSpacing(0); m_background = new Plasma::FrameSvg(this); setIsToolbar(false); } ~EmptyGraphicsItem() { } void setIsToolbar(bool toolbar) { if (m_toolbar == toolbar) { return; } m_toolbar = toolbar; if (m_toolbar) { m_background->setImagePath("widgets/toolbox"); m_background->setEnabledBorders(FrameSvg::LeftBorder|FrameSvg::RightBorder|FrameSvg::BottomBorder); m_layout->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal); } else { m_background->setImagePath("widgets/background"); m_background->setEnabledBorders(FrameSvg::AllBorders); m_layout->setOrientation(Qt::Vertical); } qreal left, top, right, bottom; m_background->getMargins(left, top, right, bottom); setContentsMargins(left, top, right, bottom); } bool isToolbar() const { return m_toolbar; } void paint(QPainter *p, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *) { m_background->paintFrame(p); } void clearLayout() { while (m_layout->count()) { m_layout->removeAt(0); } } void addToLayout(QGraphicsWidget *widget) { m_layout->addItem(widget); } protected: void resizeEvent(QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent *) { m_background->resizeFrame(size()); } private: bool m_toolbar; QRectF m_rect; Plasma::FrameSvg *m_toolbarBackground; Plasma::FrameSvg *m_background; QGraphicsLinearLayout *m_layout; }; // used with QGrahphicsItem::setData static const int ToolName = 7001; class DesktopToolBoxPrivate { public: DesktopToolBoxPrivate(DesktopToolBox *toolbox) : q(toolbox), background(0), containment(0), icon("plasma"), toolBacker(0), animHighlightId(0), animCircleFrame(0), animHighlightFrame(0), hovering(0) {} void adjustBackgroundBorders() { switch (q->corner()) { case InternalToolBox::TopRight: background->setEnabledBorders(FrameSvg::BottomBorder|FrameSvg::LeftBorder); break; case InternalToolBox::Top: background->setEnabledBorders(FrameSvg::BottomBorder|FrameSvg::LeftBorder|FrameSvg::RightBorder); break; case InternalToolBox::TopLeft: background->setEnabledBorders(FrameSvg::BottomBorder|FrameSvg::RightBorder); break; case InternalToolBox::Left: background->setEnabledBorders(FrameSvg::BottomBorder|FrameSvg::TopBorder|FrameSvg::RightBorder); break; case InternalToolBox::Right: background->setEnabledBorders(FrameSvg::BottomBorder|FrameSvg::TopBorder|FrameSvg::LeftBorder); break; case InternalToolBox::BottomLeft: background->setEnabledBorders(FrameSvg::TopBorder|FrameSvg::RightBorder); break; case InternalToolBox::Bottom: background->setEnabledBorders(FrameSvg::TopBorder|FrameSvg::LeftBorder|FrameSvg::RightBorder); break; case InternalToolBox::BottomRight: default: background->setEnabledBorders(FrameSvg::TopBorder|FrameSvg::LeftBorder); break; } } DesktopToolBox *q; Plasma::FrameSvg *background; Containment *containment; KIcon icon; EmptyGraphicsItem *toolBacker; int animHighlightId; qreal animCircleFrame; qreal animHighlightFrame; QRect shapeRect; QColor fgColor; QColor bgColor; bool hovering : 1; }; DesktopToolBox::DesktopToolBox(Containment *parent) : InternalToolBox(parent), d(new DesktopToolBoxPrivate(this)) { d->background = new Plasma::FrameSvg(this); d->background->setImagePath("widgets/toolbox"); d->containment = parent; setZValue(10000000); setIsMovable(true); updateTheming(); connect(this, SIGNAL(toggled()), this, SLOT(toggle())); connect(Plasma::Theme::defaultTheme(), SIGNAL(themeChanged()), this, SLOT(updateTheming())); ToolTipManager::self()->registerWidget(this); } DesktopToolBox::~DesktopToolBox() { delete d; } QSize DesktopToolBox::cornerSize() const { d->background->setEnabledBorders(FrameSvg::AllBorders); qreal left, top, right, bottom; d->background->getMargins(left, top, right, bottom); d->adjustBackgroundBorders(); return QSize(size() + left, size() + bottom); } QSize DesktopToolBox::fullWidth() const { d->background->setEnabledBorders(FrameSvg::AllBorders); qreal left, top, right, bottom; d->background->getMargins(left, top, right, bottom); d->adjustBackgroundBorders(); int extraSpace = 0; if (!d->containment->activity().isNull()) { extraSpace = Plasma::Theme::defaultTheme()->fontMetrics().width(d->containment->activity()+'x'); } return QSize(size() + left + right + extraSpace, size() + bottom); } QSize DesktopToolBox::fullHeight() const { d->background->setEnabledBorders(FrameSvg::AllBorders); qreal left, top, right, bottom; d->background->getMargins(left, top, right, bottom); d->adjustBackgroundBorders(); int extraSpace = 0; if (!d->containment->activity().isNull()) { extraSpace = Plasma::Theme::defaultTheme()->fontMetrics().width(d->containment->activity()+'x'); } return QSize(size() + left, size() + top + bottom + extraSpace); } void DesktopToolBox::toolTipAboutToShow() { if (isToolbar() || isShowing()) { return; } ToolTipContent c(i18n("Tool Box"), i18n("Click to access configuration options and controls, or to add more widgets to the %1.", containment()->name()), KIcon("plasma")); c.setAutohide(false); ToolTipManager::self()->setContent(this, c); } void DesktopToolBox::toolTipHidden() { ToolTipManager::self()->clearContent(this); } QRectF DesktopToolBox::boundingRect() const { int extraSpace = size(); d->adjustBackgroundBorders(); //keep space for the label and a character more if (!d->containment->activity().isNull()) { extraSpace = Plasma::Theme::defaultTheme()->fontMetrics().width(d->containment->activity()+'x'); } qreal left, top, right, bottom; d->background->getMargins(left, top, right, bottom); QRectF rect; //disable text at corners if (corner() == TopLeft || corner() == TopRight || corner() == BottomLeft || corner() == BottomRight) { rect = QRectF(0, 0, size()+left+right, size()+top+bottom); } else if (corner() == Left || corner() == Right) { rect = QRectF(0, 0, size()+left+right, size()+extraSpace+top+bottom); //top or bottom } else { rect = QRectF(0, 0, size()+extraSpace+left+right, size()+top+bottom); } return rect; } void DesktopToolBox::updateTheming() { d->bgColor = Plasma::Theme::defaultTheme()->color(Plasma::Theme::BackgroundColor); d->fgColor = Plasma::Theme::defaultTheme()->color(Plasma::Theme::TextColor); } void DesktopToolBox::toolTriggered(bool) { QAction *action = qobject_cast(sender()); if (isShowing() && (!action || !action->autoRepeat())) { emit toggled(); } } void DesktopToolBox::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) { Q_UNUSED(option) Q_UNUSED(widget) if (isToolbar()){ return; } QPainterPath p = shape(); QPoint iconPos; QRect backgroundRect; const QRectF rect = boundingRect(); const QSize icons = iconSize(); QString cornerElement; switch (corner()) { case TopLeft: cornerElement = "desktop-northwest"; break; case TopRight: cornerElement = "desktop-northeast"; break; case BottomRight: cornerElement = "desktop-southeast"; break; case BottomLeft: cornerElement = "desktop-southwest"; break; default: break; } QString activityName; QSize textSize; if (cornerElement.isNull()) { activityName = d->containment->activity(); textSize = Plasma::Theme::defaultTheme()->fontMetrics().size(Qt::TextSingleLine, activityName+'x'); } d->adjustBackgroundBorders(); d->background->resizeFrame(rect.size()); if (!cornerElement.isNull()) { d->background->paint(painter, rect, cornerElement); } else { d->background->paintFrame(painter, rect.topLeft()); } QRect iconRect; QRect textRect; if (corner() == Left || corner() == Right) { Qt::Alignment alignment; if (activityName.isNull()) { alignment = Qt::Alignment(Qt::AlignCenter); } else { alignment = Qt::Alignment(Qt::AlignHCenter|Qt::AlignTop); } iconRect = QStyle::alignedRect(QApplication::layoutDirection(), alignment, iconSize(), d->background->contentsRect().toRect()); QRect boundRect(QPoint(d->background->contentsRect().top(), d->background->contentsRect().left()), QSize(d->background->contentsRect().height(), d->background->contentsRect().width())); textRect = QStyle::alignedRect(QApplication::layoutDirection(), Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter, textSize, boundRect); textRect.moveTopLeft(textRect.topLeft() + QPoint(rect.top(), rect.left())); } else { Qt::Alignment alignment; if (activityName.isNull()) { alignment = Qt::Alignment(Qt::AlignCenter); } else { alignment = Qt::Alignment(Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter); } iconRect = QStyle::alignedRect(QApplication::layoutDirection(), alignment, iconSize(), d->background->contentsRect().toRect()); textRect = QStyle::alignedRect(QApplication::layoutDirection(), Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter, textSize, d->background->contentsRect().toRect()); textRect.moveTopLeft(textRect.topLeft() + rect.topLeft().toPoint()); } iconRect.moveTopLeft(iconRect.topLeft() + rect.topLeft().toPoint()); iconPos = iconRect.topLeft(); const qreal progress = d->animHighlightFrame; if (qFuzzyCompare(qreal(1.0), progress)) { d->icon.paint(painter, QRect(iconPos, iconSize())); } else if (qFuzzyCompare(qreal(1.0), 1 + progress)) { d->icon.paint(painter, QRect(iconPos, iconSize()), Qt::AlignCenter, QIcon::Disabled, QIcon::Off); } else { QPixmap disabled = d->icon.pixmap(iconSize(), QIcon::Disabled, QIcon::Off); QPixmap enabled = d->icon.pixmap(iconSize()); QPixmap result = PaintUtils::transition( d->icon.pixmap(iconSize(), QIcon::Disabled, QIcon::Off), d->icon.pixmap(iconSize()), progress); painter->drawPixmap(QRect(iconPos, iconSize()), result); } if (!cornerElement.isNull() || activityName.isNull()) { return; } QColor textColor = Plasma::Theme::defaultTheme()->color(Theme::TextColor); QColor shadowColor; QPoint shadowOffset; if (qGray(textColor.rgb()) > 192) { shadowColor = Qt::black; shadowOffset = QPoint(1,1); } else { shadowColor = Qt::white; shadowOffset = QPoint(0,0); } QPixmap shadowText = Plasma::PaintUtils::shadowText(activityName, textColor, shadowColor, shadowOffset); painter->save(); if (corner() == Left || corner() == Right) { painter->rotate(90); painter->translate(textRect.left(), -textRect.top()-textRect.height()); painter->drawPixmap(QPoint(0,0), shadowText); } else { painter->drawPixmap(textRect.topLeft(), shadowText); } painter->restore(); } QPainterPath DesktopToolBox::shape() const { const QRectF rect = boundingRect(); const int w = rect.width(); const int h = rect.height(); QPainterPath path; switch (corner()) { case BottomLeft: path.moveTo(rect.bottomLeft()); path.arcTo(QRectF(rect.left() - w, rect.top(), w * 2, h * 2), 0, 90); break; case BottomRight: path.moveTo(rect.bottomRight()); path.arcTo(QRectF(rect.left(), rect.top(), w * 2, h * 2), 90, 90); break; case TopRight: path.moveTo(rect.topRight()); path.arcTo(QRectF(rect.left(), rect.top() - h, w * 2, h * 2), 180, 90); break; case TopLeft: path.arcTo(QRectF(rect.left() - w, rect.top() - h, w * 2, h * 2), 270, 90); break; default: path.addRect(rect); break; } return path; } void DesktopToolBox::hoverEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event) { if (isShowing() || d->hovering) { QGraphicsItem::hoverEnterEvent(event); return; } Plasma::Animator *animdriver = Plasma::Animator::self(); if (d->animHighlightId) { animdriver->stopCustomAnimation(d->animHighlightId); } d->hovering = true; d->animHighlightId = animdriver->customAnimation( 10, 240, Plasma::Animator::EaseInCurve, this, "animateHighlight"); QGraphicsItem::hoverEnterEvent(event); } QGraphicsWidget *DesktopToolBox::toolParent() { if (!d->toolBacker) { d->toolBacker = new EmptyGraphicsItem(this); d->toolBacker->hide(); } return d->toolBacker; } void DesktopToolBox::showToolBox() { setFlag(ItemIgnoresTransformations, isToolbar()); if (isShowing() && !isToolbar()) { return; } if (!d->toolBacker) { d->toolBacker = new EmptyGraphicsItem(this); } d->toolBacker->setZValue(zValue() + 1); d->toolBacker->clearLayout(); d->toolBacker->setIsToolbar(isToolbar()); QMap t = tools(); QMapIterator it(t); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); IconWidget *icon = it.value(); //kDebug() << "showing off" << it.key() << icon->text(); if (icon->isEnabled()) { icon->show(); d->toolBacker->addToLayout(icon); } else { icon->hide(); } if (viewTransform().m11() != Plasma::scalingFactor(Plasma::OverviewZoom) && (viewTransform().m11() == Plasma::scalingFactor(Plasma::DesktopZoom) || icon->action() == d->containment->action("add sibling containment") || icon->action() == d->containment->action("add widgets"))) { icon->setText(icon->action()->text()); } else { icon->setText(QString()); } } qreal left, top, right, bottom; d->toolBacker->getContentsMargins(&left, &top, &right, &bottom); d->toolBacker->adjustSize(); int x = 0; int y = 0; const int iconWidth = KIconLoader::SizeMedium; switch (corner()) { case TopRight: x = (int)boundingRect().right() - iconWidth - 5 - d->toolBacker->size().width(); y = (int)boundingRect().top() + 10; break; case Top: x = (int)boundingRect().center().x() - iconWidth - (d->toolBacker->size().width() / 2); y = (int)boundingRect().top() + iconWidth + 10; break; case TopLeft: x = (int)boundingRect().left() + iconWidth + 5; y = (int)boundingRect().top() + 10; break; case Left: x = (int)boundingRect().left() + iconWidth + 5; y = (int)boundingRect().center().y() - iconWidth; break; case Right: x = (int)boundingRect().right() - iconWidth - 5 - d->toolBacker->size().width(); y = (int)boundingRect().center().y() - iconWidth; break; case BottomLeft: x = (int)boundingRect().left() + iconWidth + 5; y = (int)boundingRect().bottom() - 5; break; case Bottom: x = (int)boundingRect().center().x() - iconWidth - (d->toolBacker->size().width() / 2); y = (int)boundingRect().bottom() - iconWidth - 5; break; case BottomRight: default: x = (int)boundingRect().right() - iconWidth - 5 - d->toolBacker->size().width(); y = (int)boundingRect().bottom() - iconWidth - 5; break; } if (isToolbar()) { QPointF topRight; //could that cast ever fail? if (d->containment) { topRight = viewTransform().map(mapFromParent(d->containment->boundingRect().bottomRight())); } else { topRight = boundingRect().topRight(); } d->toolBacker->setPos(topRight.x() - d->toolBacker->size().width(), topRight.y()); } else { //kDebug() << "starting at" << x << startY; d->toolBacker->setPos(x, y); // now check that it actually fits within the parent's boundaries QRectF backerRect = mapToParent(d->toolBacker->geometry()).boundingRect(); QSizeF parentSize = parentWidget()->size(); if (backerRect.x() < 5) { d->toolBacker->setPos(5, y); } else if (backerRect.right() > parentSize.width() - 5) { d->toolBacker->setPos(parentSize.width() - 5 - backerRect.width(), y); } if (backerRect.y() < 5) { d->toolBacker->setPos(x, 5); } else if (backerRect.bottom() > parentSize.height() - 5) { d->toolBacker->setPos(x, parentSize.height() - 5 - backerRect.height()); } // re-map our starting points back to our coordinate system backerRect = mapFromParent(backerRect).boundingRect(); } d->toolBacker->setOpacity(0); d->toolBacker->show(); Plasma::Animation *fadeAnim = Animator::create(Animator::FadeAnimation, d->toolBacker); fadeAnim->setTargetWidget(d->toolBacker); fadeAnim->setProperty("startOpacity", 0); fadeAnim->setProperty("targetOpacity", 1); fadeAnim->start(QAbstractAnimation::DeleteWhenStopped); } void DesktopToolBox::hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event) { //kDebug() << event->pos() << event->scenePos() // << d->toolBacker->rect().contains(event->scenePos().toPoint()); if (!d->hovering || isShowing() || isToolbar()) { QGraphicsItem::hoverLeaveEvent(event); return; } Plasma::Animator *animdriver = Plasma::Animator::self(); if (d->animHighlightId) { animdriver->stopCustomAnimation(d->animHighlightId); } d->hovering = false; d->animHighlightId = animdriver->customAnimation( 10, 240, Plasma::Animator::EaseOutCurve, this, "animateHighlight"); QGraphicsItem::hoverLeaveEvent(event); } void DesktopToolBox::hideToolBox() { Plasma::Animator *animdriver = Plasma::Animator::self(); foreach (QGraphicsItem *tool, tools()) { const int height = static_cast(tool->boundingRect().height()); if (isToolbar()) { tool->setPos(toolPosition(height)); tool->hide(); } } if (d->toolBacker) { Plasma::Animation *fadeAnim = Animator::create(Animator::FadeAnimation, d->toolBacker); connect(fadeAnim, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(hideToolBacker())); fadeAnim->setTargetWidget(d->toolBacker); fadeAnim->setProperty("startOpacity", 1); fadeAnim->setProperty("targetOpacity", 0); fadeAnim->start(QAbstractAnimation::DeleteWhenStopped); } } void DesktopToolBox::hideToolBacker() { d->toolBacker->hide(); } void DesktopToolBox::animateHighlight(qreal progress) { if (d->hovering) { d->animHighlightFrame = progress; } else { d->animHighlightFrame = 1.0 - progress; } if (progress >= 1) { d->animHighlightId = 0; } update(); } void DesktopToolBox::toggle() { if (isToolbar()) { return; } setShowing(!isShowing()); } } // plasma namespace #include "desktoptoolbox_p.moc"