/* * Copyright (C) 2007 Ivan Cukic <ivan.cukic+kde@gmail.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library/Lesser General Public License * version 2, or (at your option) any later version, as published by the * Free Software Foundation * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library/Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "plasma/appletbrowser.h" #include <QVBoxLayout> #include <QLabel> #include <KAction> #include <KConfig> #include <KConfigGroup> #include <KMenu> #include <KPageWidgetItem> #include <KPushButton> #include <KServiceTypeTrader> #include <KStandardAction> #include <knewstuff2/engine.h> #include "plasma/applet.h" #include "plasma/corona.h" #include "plasma/containment.h" #include "plasma/appletbrowser/kcategorizeditemsview_p.h" #include "plasma/appletbrowser/plasmaappletitemmodel_p.h" #include "plasma/appletbrowser/openwidgetassistant_p.h" namespace Plasma { class AppletBrowserWidgetPrivate { public: AppletBrowserWidgetPrivate(AppletBrowserWidget* w) : q(w), containment(0), appletList(0), config("plasmarc"), configGroup(&config, "Applet Browser"), itemModel(configGroup, w), filterModel(w) { } void initFilters(); void init(); void initRunningApplets(); void containmentDestroyed(); /** * Tracks a new running applet */ void appletAdded(Plasma::Applet* applet); /** * A running applet is no more */ void appletRemoved(Plasma::Applet* applet); AppletBrowserWidget *q; QString application; Plasma::Containment *containment; KCategorizedItemsView *appletList; QHash<QString, int> runningApplets; // applet name => count //extra hash so we can look up the names of deleted applets QHash<Plasma::Applet*, QString> appletNames; KConfig config; KConfigGroup configGroup; PlasmaAppletItemModel itemModel; KCategorizedItemsViewModels::DefaultFilterModel filterModel; }; void AppletBrowserWidgetPrivate::initFilters() { filterModel.clear(); filterModel.addFilter(i18n("All Widgets"), KCategorizedItemsViewModels::Filter(), KIcon("plasma")); // Recommended emblems and filters QRegExp rx("recommended[.]([0-9A-Za-z]+)[.]caption"); QMapIterator<QString, QString> i(configGroup.entryMap()); while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); if (!rx.exactMatch(i.key())) { continue; } //kDebug() << "These are the key/vals in rc file " << rx.cap(1) << "\n"; QString id = rx.cap(1); QString caption = configGroup.readEntry("recommended." + id + ".caption"); QString icon = configGroup.readEntry("recommended." + id + ".icon"); QString plugins = configGroup.readEntry("recommended." + id + ".plugins"); appletList->addEmblem(i18n("Recommended by %1", caption), KIcon(icon), KCategorizedItemsViewModels::Filter("recommended." + id, true)); filterModel.addFilter(i18n("Recommended by %1", caption), KCategorizedItemsViewModels::Filter("recommended." + id, true), KIcon(icon)); } // Filters: Special filterModel.addFilter(i18n("My Favorite Widgets"), KCategorizedItemsViewModels::Filter("favorite", true), KIcon("bookmarks")); filterModel.addFilter(i18n("Widgets I Have Used Before"), KCategorizedItemsViewModels::Filter("used", true), KIcon("view-history")); filterModel.addFilter(i18n("Currently Running Widgets"), KCategorizedItemsViewModels::Filter("running", true), KIcon("view-history")); filterModel.addSeparator(i18n("Categories:")); foreach (const QString& category, Plasma::Applet::listCategories(application)) { filterModel.addFilter(category, KCategorizedItemsViewModels::Filter("category", category)); } } AppletBrowserWidget::AppletBrowserWidget(QWidget * parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : QWidget(parent, f), d(new AppletBrowserWidgetPrivate(this)) { d->init(); } AppletBrowserWidget::~AppletBrowserWidget() { delete d; } void AppletBrowserWidgetPrivate::init() { QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(q); appletList = new KCategorizedItemsView(q); QObject::connect(appletList, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &)), q, SLOT(addApplet())); layout->addWidget(appletList); // Other Emblems appletList->addEmblem(i18n("Widgets I Have Used Before"), KIcon("view-history"), KCategorizedItemsViewModels::Filter("used", true)); initFilters(); appletList->setFilterModel(&filterModel); // Other models appletList->setItemModel(&itemModel); initRunningApplets(); q->setLayout(layout); } void AppletBrowserWidgetPrivate::initRunningApplets() { //get applets from corona, count them, send results to model if (!containment) { return; } //kDebug() << runningApplets.count(); Plasma::Corona *c = containment->corona(); //we've tried our best to get a corona //we don't want just one containment, we want them all if (!c) { kDebug() << "can't happen"; return; } appletNames.clear(); runningApplets.clear(); QList<Containment*> containments = c->containments(); foreach (Containment *containment, containments) { QObject::connect(containment, SIGNAL(appletAdded(Plasma::Applet*,QPointF)), q, SLOT(appletAdded(Plasma::Applet*))); QObject::connect(containment, SIGNAL(appletRemoved(Plasma::Applet*)), q, SLOT(appletRemoved(Plasma::Applet*))); foreach (Applet *applet, containment->applets()) { runningApplets[applet->name()]++; } } //kDebug() << runningApplets; itemModel.setRunningApplets(runningApplets); } void AppletBrowserWidget::setApplication(const QString& app) { d->application = app; d->initFilters(); d->itemModel.setApplication(app); //FIXME: AFAIK this shouldn't be necessary ... but here it is. need to find out what in that // maze of models and views is screwing up d->appletList->setItemModel(&d->itemModel); //kDebug() << d->runningApplets; d->itemModel.setRunningApplets(d->runningApplets); } QString AppletBrowserWidget::application() { return d->application; } void AppletBrowserWidget::setContainment(Plasma::Containment *containment) { if (d->containment != containment) { if (d->containment) { d->containment->disconnect(this); } d->containment = containment; if (d->containment) { connect(d->containment, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(containmentDestroyed())); } d->initRunningApplets(); } } Containment *AppletBrowserWidget::containment() const { return d->containment; } void AppletBrowserWidgetPrivate::containmentDestroyed() { containment = 0; } void AppletBrowserWidget::addApplet() { if (!d->containment) { return; } foreach (AbstractItem *item, d->appletList->selectedItems()) { PlasmaAppletItem *selectedItem = (PlasmaAppletItem *) item; //kDebug() << "Adding applet " << selectedItem->name() << "to containment"; d->containment->addApplet(selectedItem->pluginName(), selectedItem->arguments()); } } void AppletBrowserWidgetPrivate::appletAdded(Plasma::Applet* applet) { QString name = applet->name(); //kDebug() << name; runningApplets[name]++; appletNames.insert(applet, name); itemModel.setRunningApplets(name, runningApplets[name]); } void AppletBrowserWidgetPrivate::appletRemoved(Plasma::Applet* applet) { //kDebug() << (QObject*)applet; Plasma::Applet* a = (Plasma::Applet*)applet; //don't care if it's valid, just need the address QString name = appletNames.take(a); int count = 0; if (runningApplets.contains(name)) { count = runningApplets[name] - 1; if (count < 1) { runningApplets.remove(name); } else { runningApplets[name] = count; } } itemModel.setRunningApplets(name, count); } void AppletBrowserWidget::destroyApplets(const QString &name) { if (!d->containment) { return; } Plasma::Corona *c = d->containment->corona(); //we've tried our best to get a corona //we don't want just one containment, we want them all if (!c) { kDebug() << "can't happen"; return; } foreach (Containment *containment, c->containments()) { QList<Applet*> applets = containment->applets(); foreach (Applet *applet, applets) { if (applet->name() == name) { d->appletNames.remove(applet); applet->disconnect(this); applet->destroy(); } } } d->runningApplets.remove(name); d->itemModel.setRunningApplets(name, 0); } void AppletBrowserWidget::downloadWidgets() { KNS::Engine engine(0); if (engine.init("plasmoids.knsrc")) { KNS::Entry::List entries = engine.downloadDialogModal(this); } } void AppletBrowserWidget::openWidgetFile() { // TODO: if we already have one of these showing and the user clicks to add it again, show the same window? OpenWidgetAssistant *assistant = new OpenWidgetAssistant(topLevelWidget()); assistant->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true); assistant->show(); } class AppletBrowserPrivate { public: void init(AppletBrowser*); AppletBrowserWidget *widget; }; AppletBrowser::AppletBrowser(QWidget * parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : KDialog(parent, f), d(new AppletBrowserPrivate) { d->init(this); } void AppletBrowserPrivate::init(AppletBrowser *q) { widget = new AppletBrowserWidget(q); q->setMainWidget(widget); q->setWindowTitle(i18n("Widgets")); q->setButtons(KDialog::Apply | KDialog::Close | KDialog::User1); q->setButtonText(KDialog::Apply, i18n("Add Widget")); q->setButtonText(KDialog::User1, i18n("Install New Widgets")); KMenu *widgetsMenu = new KMenu(i18n("Get New Widgets"), q); QAction *action = new QAction(KIcon("applications-internet"), i18n("Download From Internet"), q); QObject::connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), widget, SLOT(downloadWidgets())); widgetsMenu->addAction(action); action = new QAction(KIcon("applications-internet"), i18n("Install From File..."), q); QObject::connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), widget, SLOT(openWidgetFile())); widgetsMenu->addAction(action); q->button(KDialog::User1)->setMenu(widgetsMenu); q->setButtonToolTip(KDialog::Close, i18n("Close the dialog")); q->setButtonWhatsThis(KDialog::Close, i18n("<qt>When clicking <b>Close</b>, this dialog will be closed with no further action taken.</qt>")); q->setButtonToolTip(KDialog::Apply, i18n("Add selected widgets")); q->setButtonWhatsThis(KDialog::Apply, i18n("<qt>When clicking <b>Add Widget</b>, the selected widgets will be added to your desktop.</qt>")); q->setButtonToolTip(KDialog::User1, i18n("Install new widgets")); q->setButtonWhatsThis(KDialog::User1, i18n("<qt>Selecting <b>Get New Widgets</b> will show a window that allows you to download new widgets directly from the Internet, while Install From File allows you to add new widgets from files you have on disk.</qt>")); QObject::connect(q, SIGNAL(applyClicked()), widget, SLOT(addApplet())); q->setInitialSize(QSize(400, 600)); KConfigGroup cg(KGlobal::config(), "PlasmaAppletBrowserDialog"); q->restoreDialogSize(cg); } AppletBrowser::~AppletBrowser() { KConfigGroup cg(KGlobal::config(), "PlasmaAppletBrowserDialog"); saveDialogSize(cg); } void AppletBrowser::setApplication(const QString& app) { d->widget->setApplication( app ); } QString AppletBrowser::application() { return d->widget->application(); } void AppletBrowser::setContainment(Plasma::Containment *containment) { d->widget->setContainment(containment); } Containment* AppletBrowser::containment() const { return d->widget->containment(); } } // namespace Plasma #include "appletbrowser.moc"