/* * Copyright 2008 Chani Armitage * Copyright 2008, 2009 Aaron Seigo * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef APPLETINTERFACE_H #define APPLETINTERFACE_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "simplejavascriptapplet.h" class QAction; class SimpleJavaScriptApplet; class QSignalMapper; class QSizeF; namespace Plasma { class ConfigLoader; } // namespace Plasa class AppletInterface : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_ENUMS(FormFactor) Q_ENUMS(Location) Q_ENUMS(AspectRatioMode) Q_ENUMS(BackgroundHints) Q_ENUMS(QtOrientation) Q_ENUMS(QtAnchorPoint) Q_ENUMS(QtCorner) Q_ENUMS(QtSizePolicy) Q_ENUMS(QtAlignment) Q_ENUMS(AnimationDirection) Q_ENUMS(EasingCurveType) Q_PROPERTY(AspectRatioMode aspectRatioMode READ aspectRatioMode WRITE setAspectRatioMode) Q_PROPERTY(FormFactor formFactor READ formFactor) Q_PROPERTY(Location location READ location) Q_PROPERTY(QString currentActivity READ currentActivity) Q_PROPERTY(bool shouldConserveResources READ shouldConserveResources) Q_PROPERTY(QString activeConfig WRITE setActiveConfig READ activeConfig) Q_PROPERTY(bool busy WRITE setBusy READ isBusy) Q_PROPERTY(BackgroundHints backgroundHints WRITE setBackgroundHints READ backgroundHints) Q_PROPERTY(QGraphicsLayout *layout WRITE setLayout READ layout) Q_PROPERTY(bool immutable READ immutable) Q_PROPERTY(int apiVersion READ apiVersion) Q_PROPERTY(QObject *sender READ sender) public: AppletInterface(SimpleJavaScriptApplet *parent); ~AppletInterface(); //------------------------------------------------------------------ //enums copy&pasted from plasma.h because qtscript is evil enum FormFactor { Planar = 0, /**< The applet lives in a plane and has two degrees of freedom to grow. Optimize for desktop, laptop or tablet usage: a high resolution screen 1-3 feet distant from the viewer. */ MediaCenter, /**< As with Planar, the applet lives in a plane but the interface should be optimized for medium-to-high resolution screens that are 5-15 feet distant from the viewer. Sometimes referred to as a "ten foot interface".*/ Horizontal, /**< The applet is constrained vertically, but can expand horizontally. */ Vertical /**< The applet is constrained horizontally, but can expand vertically. */ }; enum Location { Floating = 0, /**< Free floating. Neither geometry or z-ordering is described precisely by this value. */ Desktop, /**< On the planar desktop layer, extending across the full screen from edge to edge */ FullScreen, /**< Full screen */ TopEdge, /**< Along the top of the screen*/ BottomEdge, /**< Along the bottom of the screen*/ LeftEdge, /**< Along the left side of the screen */ RightEdge /**< Along the right side of the screen */ }; enum AspectRatioMode { InvalidAspectRatioMode = -1, /**< Unsetted mode used for dev convenience when there is a need to store the aspectRatioMode somewhere */ IgnoreAspectRatio = 0, /**< The applet can be freely resized */ KeepAspectRatio = 1, /**< The applet keeps a fixed aspect ratio */ Square = 2, /**< The applet is always a square */ ConstrainedSquare = 3, /**< The applet is no wider (in horizontal formfactors) or no higher (in vertical ones) than a square */ FixedSize = 4 /** The applet cannot be resized */ }; enum EasingCurveType { LinearEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::Linear, InQuadEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::InQuad, OutQuadEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::OutQuad, InOutQuadEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::InOutQuad, OutInQuadEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::OutInQuad, InCubicEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::InCubic, OutCubicEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::OutCubic, InOutCubicEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::InOutCubic, OutInCubicEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::OutInCubic, InQuartEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::InQuart, OutQuartEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::OutQuart, InOutQuartEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::InOutQuart, OutInQuartEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::OutInQuart, InQuintEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::InQuint, OutQuintEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::OutQuint, InOutQuintEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::InOutQuint, OutInQuintEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::OutInQuint, InSizeEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::InSine, OutSineEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::OutSine, InOutSineEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::InOutSine, OutInSineEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::OutInSine, InExpoEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::InExpo, OutExpoEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::OutExpo, InOutExpoEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::InOutExpo, OutInExpoEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::OutInExpo, InCircEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::InCirc, OutCircEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::OutCirc, InOutCircEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::InOutCirc, OutInCircEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::OutInCirc, InElasticEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::InElastic, OutElasticEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::OutElastic, InOutElasticEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::InOutElastic, OutInElasticEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::OutInElastic, InBackEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::InBack, OutBackEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::OutBack, InOutBackEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::InOutBack, OutInBackEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::OutInBack, InBouncEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::InBounce, OutBounceEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::OutBounce, InOutBounceEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::InOutBounce, OutInBounceEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::OutInBounce, InCurveEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::InCurve, OutCurveEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::OutCurve, SineCurveEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::SineCurve, CosineCurveEasingCurve = QEasingCurve::CosineCurve, }; //From Qt namespace enum QtOrientation { QtHorizontal= Qt::Horizontal, QtVertical = Qt::Vertical }; enum QtAnchorPoint { QtAnchorLeft = Qt::AnchorLeft, QtAnchorRight = Qt::AnchorRight, QtAnchorBottom = Qt::AnchorBottom, QtAnchorTop = Qt::AnchorTop, QtAnchorHorizontalCenter = Qt::AnchorHorizontalCenter, QtAnchorVerticalCenter = Qt::AnchorVerticalCenter }; enum QtCorner { QtTopLeftCorner = Qt::TopLeftCorner, QtTopRightCorner = Qt::TopRightCorner, QtBottomLeftCorner = Qt::BottomLeftCorner, QtBottomRightCorner = Qt::BottomRightCorner }; enum QtSizePolicy { QSizePolicyFixed = QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicyMinimum = QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicyMaximum = QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicyPreferred = QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicyExpanding = QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicyMinimumExpanding = QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicyIgnored = QSizePolicy::Ignored }; enum BackgroundHints { NoBackground = Plasma::Applet::NoBackground, StandardBackground = Plasma::Applet::StandardBackground, TranslucentBackground = Plasma::Applet::TranslucentBackground, DefaultBackground = Plasma::Applet::DefaultBackground }; enum QtAlignment { QtAlignLeft = 0x0001, QtAlignRight = 0x0002, QtAlignHCenter = 0x0004, QtAlignJustify = 0x0005, QtAlignTop = 0x0020, QtAlignBottom = 0x0020, QtAlignVCenter = 0x0080 }; enum QtScrollBarPolicy { QtScrollBarAsNeeded = Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded, QtScrollBarAlwaysOff = Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff, QtScrollBarAlwaysOn = Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn }; enum AnimationDirection { AnimationForward = QAbstractAnimation::Forward, AnimationBackward = QAbstractAnimation::Backward }; //------------------------------------------------------------------- Q_INVOKABLE void gc(); Q_INVOKABLE FormFactor formFactor() const; Location location() const; QString currentActivity() const; bool shouldConserveResources() const; Q_INVOKABLE AspectRatioMode aspectRatioMode() const; Q_INVOKABLE void setAspectRatioMode(AspectRatioMode mode); Q_INVOKABLE void setFailedToLaunch(bool failed, const QString &reason = QString()); Q_INVOKABLE bool isBusy() const; Q_INVOKABLE void setBusy(bool busy); Q_INVOKABLE BackgroundHints backgroundHints() const; Q_INVOKABLE void setBackgroundHints(BackgroundHints hint); Q_INVOKABLE void setConfigurationRequired(bool needsConfiguring, const QString &reason = QString()); Q_INVOKABLE QSizeF size() const; Q_INVOKABLE QRectF rect() const; Q_INVOKABLE void setAction(const QString &name, const QString &text, const QString &icon = QString(), const QString &shortcut = QString()); Q_INVOKABLE void removeAction(const QString &name); Q_INVOKABLE void resize(qreal w, qreal h); Q_INVOKABLE void setMinimumSize(qreal w, qreal h); Q_INVOKABLE void setPreferredSize(qreal w, qreal h); Q_INVOKABLE void update(const QRectF &rect = QRectF()); Q_INVOKABLE QString activeConfig() const; Q_INVOKABLE void setActiveConfig(const QString &name); Q_INVOKABLE QScriptValue readConfig(const QString &entry) const; Q_INVOKABLE void writeConfig(const QString &entry, const QVariant &value); Q_INVOKABLE QString file(const QString &fileType); Q_INVOKABLE QString file(const QString &fileType, const QString &filePath); Q_INVOKABLE bool include(const QString &script); Q_INVOKABLE bool hasExtension(const QString &extension) const; Q_INVOKABLE void debug(const QString &msg); Q_INVOKABLE QObject *findChild(const QString &name) const; Plasma::DataEngine *dataEngine(const QString &name); const Plasma::Package *package() const; QList contextualActions() const; QGraphicsLayout *layout() const; void setLayout(QGraphicsLayout *); bool immutable() const; int apiVersion() const; SimpleJavaScriptApplet::AllowedUrls allowedUrls() const; void setAllowedUrls(const SimpleJavaScriptApplet::AllowedUrls &allowedUrls); inline Plasma::Applet *applet() const { return m_appletScriptEngine->applet(); } Q_SIGNALS: void releaseVisualFocus(); void configNeedsSaving(); public Q_SLOTS: void dataUpdated(QString source, Plasma::DataEngine::Data data); protected: SimpleJavaScriptApplet *m_appletScriptEngine; private: QSet m_actions; QSignalMapper *m_actionSignals; QString m_currentConfig; QMap m_configs; SimpleJavaScriptApplet::AllowedUrls m_allowedUrls; }; class PopupAppletInterface : public AppletInterface { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QIcon popupIcon READ popupIcon WRITE setPopupIcon) public: PopupAppletInterface(SimpleJavaScriptApplet *parent); void setPopupIcon(const QIcon &icon); QIcon popupIcon(); inline Plasma::PopupApplet *popupApplet() const { return static_cast(m_appletScriptEngine->applet()); } public Q_SLOTS: void setPopupIconByName(const QString &name); }; #endif