This reverts commit 3a3b78c146
914 lines
26 KiB
914 lines
26 KiB
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2005 Aaron Seigo <aseigo@kde.org>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Riccardo Iaconelli <riccardo@kde.org>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008 Ménard Alexis <darktears31@gmail.com>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2009 Chani Armitage <chani@kde.org>
SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
#include "applet.h"
#include "private/applet_p.h"
#include "config-plasma.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <QFile>
#include <QList>
#include <QAbstractButton>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QMetaEnum>
#include <KActionCollection>
#include <KAuthorized>
#include <KColorScheme>
#include <KDesktopFile>
#include <QDebug>
#include <KGlobalAccel>
#include <KLocalizedString>
#include <KService>
#include <KConfigLoader>
#include <KWindowSystem>
#include "containment.h"
#include "corona.h"
#include "package.h"
#include "plasma.h"
#include "scripting/appletscript.h"
#include "pluginloader.h"
#include "private/associatedapplicationmanager_p.h"
#include "private/containment_p.h"
#include "private/package_p.h"
#include "debug_p.h"
namespace Plasma
static KPluginMetaData appletMetadataForDirectory(const QString &path)
return QFile::exists(path + QLatin1String("/metadata.json"))
? KPluginMetaData(path + QLatin1String("/metadata.json"))
: KPluginMetaData::fromDesktopFile(path + QLatin1String("/metadata.desktop"), { QStringLiteral("plasma-applet.desktop") });
Applet::Applet(const KPluginMetaData &info, QObject *parent, uint appletId)
: QObject(parent),
d(new AppletPrivate(info, appletId, this))
qCDebug(LOG_PLASMA) << " From KPluginMetaData, valid? " << info.isValid();
// WARNING: do not access config() OR globalConfig() in this method!
// that requires a scene, which is not available at this point
Applet::Applet(const KPluginInfo &info, QObject *parent, uint appletId)
: Applet(info.toMetaData(), parent, appletId)
Applet::Applet(QObject *parent, const QString &serviceID, uint appletId)
: QObject(parent),
d(new AppletPrivate(KPluginMetaData(serviceID), appletId, this))
// WARNING: do not access config() OR globalConfig() in this method!
// that requires a scene, which is not available at this point
Applet::Applet(QObject *parentObject, const QVariantList &args)
: QObject(nullptr),
d(new AppletPrivate(KPluginMetaData(), args.count() > 2 ? args[2].toInt() : 0, this))
if (!args.isEmpty()) {
const QVariant first = args.first();
if (first.canConvert<KPackage::Package>()) {
d->package = first.value<KPackage::Package>();
if (args.count() > 1) {
const QVariant second = args[1];
if (second.canConvert<QString>()) {
d->appletDescription = KPluginMetaData(second.toString());
} else if (second.canConvert<QVariantMap>()) {
auto metadata = second.toMap().value(QStringLiteral("MetaData")).toMap();
d->appletDescription = KPluginMetaData(QJsonObject::fromVariantMap(metadata), {});
d->icon = d->appletDescription.iconName();
if (args.contains(QVariant::fromValue(QStringLiteral("org.kde.plasma:force-create")))) {
setProperty("org.kde.plasma:force-create", true);
// WARNING: do not access config() OR globalConfig() in this method!
// that requires a scene, which is not available at this point
d->init(QString(), args.mid(3));
Applet::Applet(const QString &packagePath, uint appletId)
: QObject(nullptr),
d(new AppletPrivate(appletMetadataForDirectory(packagePath), appletId, this))
if (d->transient) {
//let people know that i will die
emit appletDeleted(this);
// ConfigLoader is deleted when AppletPrivate closes not Applet
// It saves on closure and emits a signal.
// disconnect early to avoid a crash. See 411221
disconnect(d->configLoader, SIGNAL(configChanged()), this, SLOT(propagateConfigChanged()));
delete d;
void Applet::init()
//Don't implement anything here, it will be overridden by subclasses
uint Applet::id() const
return d->appletId;
void Applet::save(KConfigGroup &g) const
if (d->transient || !d->appletDescription.isValid()) {
KConfigGroup group = g;
if (!group.isValid()) {
group = *d->mainConfigGroup();
//qCDebug(LOG_PLASMA) << "saving" << pluginName() << "to" << group.name();
// we call the dptr member directly for locked since isImmutable()
// also checks kiosk and parent containers
group.writeEntry("immutability", (int)d->immutability);
group.writeEntry("plugin", d->appletDescription.pluginId());
if (!d->started) {
KConfigGroup appletConfigGroup(&group, "Configuration");
if (d->configLoader) {
// we're saving so we know its changed, we don't need or want the configChanged
// signal bubbling up at this point due to that
disconnect(d->configLoader, SIGNAL(configChanged()), this, SLOT(propagateConfigChanged()));
connect(d->configLoader, SIGNAL(configChanged()), this, SLOT(propagateConfigChanged()));
void Applet::restore(KConfigGroup &group)
setImmutability((Types::ImmutabilityType)group.readEntry("immutability", (int)Types::Mutable));
KConfigGroup shortcutConfig(&group, "Shortcuts");
QString shortcutText = shortcutConfig.readEntryUntranslated("global", QString());
if (!shortcutText.isEmpty()) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
// qCDebug(LOG_PLASMA) << "got global shortcut for" << name() << "of" << QKeySequence(shortcutText);
#ifndef NDEBUG
// qCDebug(LOG_PLASMA) << "set to" << d->activationAction->objectName()
<< d->activationAction->globalShortcut().primary();
// local shortcut, if any
//TODO: implement; the shortcut will need to be registered with the containment
#include "accessmanager.h"
#include "private/plasmoidservice_p.h"
#include "authorizationmanager.h"
#include "authorizationmanager.h"
shortcutText = shortcutConfig.readEntryUntranslated("local", QString());
if (!shortcutText.isEmpty()) {
//TODO: implement; the shortcut
// User background hints
// TODO support flags in the config
QByteArray hintsString = config().readEntry("UserBackgroundHints", QString()).toUtf8();
QMetaEnum hintEnum = QMetaEnum::fromType<Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints>();
bool ok;
int value = hintEnum.keyToValue(hintsString.constData(), &ok);
if (ok) {
d->userBackgroundHints = Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints(value);
d->userBackgroundHintsInitialized = true;
emit userBackgroundHintsChanged();
if (d->backgroundHints & Plasma::Types::ConfigurableBackground) {
emit effectiveBackgroundHintsChanged();
void Applet::setLaunchErrorMessage(const QString &message)
if (message == d->launchErrorMessage) {
d->failed = true;
d->launchErrorMessage = message;
void Applet::saveState(KConfigGroup &group) const
if (d->script) {
emit d->script->saveState(group);
if (group.config()->name() != config().config()->name()) {
// we're being saved to a different file!
// let's just copy the current values in our configuration over
KConfigGroup c = config();
KConfigGroup Applet::config() const
if (d->transient) {
return KConfigGroup(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "PlasmaTransientsConfig");
if (isContainment()) {
return *(d->mainConfigGroup());
return KConfigGroup(d->mainConfigGroup(), "Configuration");
KConfigGroup Applet::globalConfig() const
KConfigGroup globalAppletConfig;
QString group = isContainment() ? QStringLiteral("ContainmentGlobals") : QStringLiteral("AppletGlobals");
Containment *cont = containment();
Corona *corona = nullptr;
if (cont) {
corona = cont->corona();
if (corona) {
KSharedConfig::Ptr coronaConfig = corona->config();
globalAppletConfig = KConfigGroup(coronaConfig, group);
} else {
globalAppletConfig = KConfigGroup(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), group);
return KConfigGroup(&globalAppletConfig, d->globalName());
void Applet::destroy()
if (immutability() != Types::Mutable || d->transient || !d->started) {
return; //don't double delete
//FIXME: an animation on leave if !isContainment() would be good again .. which should be handled by the containment class
bool Applet::destroyed() const
return d->transient;
KConfigLoader *Applet::configScheme() const
if (!d->configLoader) {
const QString xmlPath = d->package.isValid() ? d->package.filePath("mainconfigxml") : QString();
KConfigGroup cfg = config();
if (xmlPath.isEmpty()) {
d->configLoader = new KConfigLoader(cfg, nullptr);
} else {
QFile file(xmlPath);
d->configLoader = new KConfigLoader(cfg, &file);
QObject::connect(d->configLoader, SIGNAL(configChanged()), this, SLOT(propagateConfigChanged()));
return d->configLoader;
Package Applet::package() const
Package p;
p.d->internalPackage = new KPackage::Package(d->package);
return p;
KPackage::Package Applet::kPackage() const
return d->package;
void Applet::updateConstraints(Plasma::Types::Constraints constraints)
void Applet::constraintsEvent(Plasma::Types::Constraints constraints)
//NOTE: do NOT put any code in here that reacts to constraints updates
// as it will not get called for any applet that reimplements constraintsEvent
// without calling the Applet:: version as well, which it shouldn't need to.
// INSTEAD put such code into flushPendingConstraintsEvents
//qCDebug(LOG_PLASMA) << constraints << "constraints are FormFactor: " << formFactor()
// << ", Location: " << location();
if (d->script) {
QString Applet::title() const
if (!d->customTitle.isEmpty()) {
return d->customTitle;
if (d->appletDescription.isValid()) {
return d->appletDescription.name();
return i18n("Unknown");
void Applet::setTitle(const QString &title)
if (title == d->customTitle) {
d->customTitle = title;
emit titleChanged(title);
QString Applet::icon() const
return d->icon;
void Applet::setIcon(const QString &icon)
if (icon == d->icon) {
d->icon = icon;
emit iconChanged(icon);
bool Applet::isBusy() const
return d->busy;
void Applet::setBusy(bool busy)
if (busy == d->busy) {
d->busy = busy;
emit busyChanged(busy);
Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints Applet::backgroundHints() const
return d->backgroundHints;
void Applet::setBackgroundHints(Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints hint)
if (d->backgroundHints == hint) {
Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints oldeffectiveHints = effectiveBackgroundHints();
d->backgroundHints = hint;
emit backgroundHintsChanged();
if (oldeffectiveHints != effectiveBackgroundHints()) {
emit effectiveBackgroundHintsChanged();
Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints Applet::effectiveBackgroundHints() const
if (d->userBackgroundHintsInitialized
&& (d->backgroundHints & Plasma::Types::ConfigurableBackground)) {
return d->userBackgroundHints;
} else {
return d->backgroundHints;
Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints Applet::userBackgroundHints() const
return d->userBackgroundHints;
void Applet::setUserBackgroundHints(Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints hint)
if (d->userBackgroundHints == hint && d->userBackgroundHintsInitialized) {
d->userBackgroundHints = hint;
d->userBackgroundHintsInitialized = true;
QMetaEnum hintEnum = QMetaEnum::fromType<Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints>();
config().writeEntry("UserBackgroundHints", hintEnum.valueToKey(d->userBackgroundHints));
if (containment() && containment()->corona()) {
emit userBackgroundHintsChanged();
if (d->backgroundHints & Plasma::Types::ConfigurableBackground) {
emit effectiveBackgroundHintsChanged();
KPluginInfo Applet::pluginInfo() const
return KPluginInfo(d->appletDescription);
KPluginMetaData Applet::pluginMetaData() const
return d->appletDescription;
Types::ImmutabilityType Applet::immutability() const
// if this object is itself system immutable, then just return that; it's the most
// restrictive setting possible and will override anything that might be happening above it
// in the Corona->Containment->Applet hierarchy
if (d->transient || (d->mainConfig && d->mainConfig->isImmutable())) {
return Types::SystemImmutable;
//Returning the more strict immutability between the applet immutability, Containment and Corona
Types::ImmutabilityType upperImmutability = Types::Mutable;
if (isContainment()) {
Corona *cor = static_cast<Containment *>(const_cast<Applet *>(this))->corona();
if (cor) {
upperImmutability = cor->immutability();
} else {
const Containment *cont = containment();
if (cont) {
if (cont->corona()) {
upperImmutability = cont->corona()->immutability();
} else {
upperImmutability = cont->immutability();
if (upperImmutability != Types::Mutable) {
// it's either system or user immutable, and we already check for local system immutability,
// so upperImmutability is guaranteed to be as or more severe as this object's immutability
return upperImmutability;
} else {
return d->immutability;
void Applet::setImmutability(const Types::ImmutabilityType immutable)
if (d->immutability == immutable || immutable == Types::SystemImmutable) {
// we do not store system immutability in d->immutability since that gets saved
// out to the config file; instead, we check with
// the config group itself for this information at all times. this differs from
// corona, where SystemImmutability is stored in d->immutability.
d->immutability = immutable;
QString Applet::launchErrorMessage() const
return d->launchErrorMessage;
bool Applet::failedToLaunch() const
return d->failed;
bool Applet::configurationRequired() const
return d->needsConfig;
QString Applet::configurationRequiredReason() const
return d->configurationRequiredReason;
void Applet::setConfigurationRequired(bool needsConfig, const QString &reason)
if (d->needsConfig == needsConfig && reason == d->configurationRequiredReason) {
d->needsConfig = needsConfig;
d->configurationRequiredReason = reason;
emit configurationRequiredChanged(needsConfig, reason);
bool Applet::isUserConfiguring() const
return d->userConfiguring;
void Applet::setUserConfiguring(bool configuring)
if (configuring == d->userConfiguring) {
d->userConfiguring = configuring;
emit userConfiguringChanged(configuring);
Types::ItemStatus Applet::status() const
return d->itemStatus;
void Applet::setStatus(const Types::ItemStatus status)
if (status == d->itemStatus) {
d->itemStatus = status;
emit statusChanged(status);
void Applet::flushPendingConstraintsEvents()
if (d->pendingConstraints == Types::NoConstraint) {
if (d->constraintsTimer.isActive()) {
//qCDebug(LOG_PLASMA) << "flushing constraints: " << d->pendingConstraints << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";
Plasma::Types::Constraints c = d->pendingConstraints;
d->pendingConstraints = Types::NoConstraint;
if (c & Plasma::Types::UiReadyConstraint) {
if (c & Plasma::Types::StartupCompletedConstraint) {
//common actions
bool unlocked = immutability() == Types::Mutable;
QAction *closeApplet = d->actions->action(QStringLiteral("remove"));
if (closeApplet) {
connect(closeApplet, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(askDestroy()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
QAction *configAction = d->actions->action(QStringLiteral("configure"));
if (configAction) {
if (d->hasConfigurationInterface) {
bool canConfig = unlocked || KAuthorized::authorize(QStringLiteral("plasma/allow_configure_when_locked"));
QAction *runAssociatedApplication = d->actions->action(QStringLiteral("run associated application"));
if (runAssociatedApplication) {
connect(runAssociatedApplication, &QAction::triggered, this, &Applet::runAssociatedApplication, Qt::UniqueConnection);
if (c & Plasma::Types::ImmutableConstraint) {
bool unlocked = immutability() == Types::Mutable;
QAction *action = d->actions->action(QStringLiteral("remove"));
if (action) {
action = d->actions->action(QStringLiteral("configure"));
if (action && d->hasConfigurationInterface) {
bool canConfig = unlocked || KAuthorized::authorize(QStringLiteral("plasma/allow_configure_when_locked"));
//an immutable constraint will always happen at startup
//make sure don't emit a change signal for nothing
if (d->oldImmutability != immutability()) {
emit immutabilityChanged(immutability());
d->oldImmutability = immutability();
// now take care of constraints in special subclass: Containment
Containment *containment = qobject_cast<Plasma::Containment *>(this);
if (containment) {
// pass the constraint on to the actual subclass
if (c & Types::StartupCompletedConstraint) {
// start up is done, we can now go do a mod timer
if (d->modificationsTimer) {
if (d->modificationsTimer->isActive()) {
} else {
d->modificationsTimer = new QBasicTimer;
if (c & Plasma::Types::FormFactorConstraint) {
emit formFactorChanged(formFactor());
if (c & Plasma::Types::LocationConstraint) {
emit locationChanged(location());
QList<QAction *> Applet::contextualActions()
//qCDebug(LOG_PLASMA) << "empty context actions";
return d->script ? d->script->contextualActions() : QList<QAction *>();
KActionCollection *Applet::actions() const
return d->actions;
Types::FormFactor Applet::formFactor() const
Containment *c = containment();
QObject *pw = qobject_cast<QObject *>(parent());
Plasma::Applet *parentApplet = qobject_cast<Plasma::Applet *>(pw);
//assumption: this loop is usually is -really- short or doesn't run at all
while (!parentApplet && pw && pw->parent()) {
pw = pw->parent();
parentApplet = qobject_cast<Plasma::Applet *>(pw);
return c ? c->d->formFactor : Plasma::Types::Planar;
Types::ContainmentDisplayHints Applet::containmentDisplayHints() const
Containment *c = containment();
return c ? c->d->containmentDisplayHints : Plasma::Types::NoContainmentDisplayHint;
Containment *Applet::containment() const
Containment *c = qobject_cast<Containment *>(const_cast<Applet *>(this));
if (c && c->isContainment()) {
return c;
} else {
c = nullptr;
QObject *parent = this->parent();
while (parent) {
Containment *possibleC = qobject_cast<Containment *>(parent);
if (possibleC && possibleC->isContainment()) {
c = possibleC;
parent = parent->parent();
return c;
void Applet::setGlobalShortcut(const QKeySequence &shortcut)
if (!d->activationAction) {
d->activationAction = new QAction(this);
d->activationAction->setText(i18n("Activate %1 Widget", title()));
d->activationAction->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("activate widget %1").arg(id())); // NO I18N
connect(d->activationAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &Applet::activated);
connect(d->activationAction, SIGNAL(changed()),
this, SLOT(globalShortcutChanged()));
} else if (d->activationAction->shortcut() == shortcut) {
d->globalShortcutEnabled = true;
QList<QKeySequence> seqs;
seqs << shortcut;
KGlobalAccel::self()->setShortcut(d->activationAction, seqs, KGlobalAccel::NoAutoloading);
QKeySequence Applet::globalShortcut() const
if (d->activationAction) {
QList<QKeySequence> shortcuts = KGlobalAccel::self()->shortcut(d->activationAction);
if (!shortcuts.isEmpty()) {
return shortcuts.first();
return QKeySequence();
Types::Location Applet::location() const
Containment *c = containment();
return c ? c->d->location : Plasma::Types::Desktop;
bool Applet::hasConfigurationInterface() const
return d->hasConfigurationInterface;
void Applet::setHasConfigurationInterface(bool hasInterface)
if (hasInterface == d->hasConfigurationInterface) {
QAction *configAction = d->actions->action(QStringLiteral("configure"));
if (configAction) {
bool enable = hasInterface;
if (enable) {
const bool unlocked = immutability() == Types::Mutable;
enable = unlocked || KAuthorized::authorize(QStringLiteral("plasma/allow_configure_when_locked"));
d->hasConfigurationInterface = hasInterface;
void Applet::configChanged()
if (d->script) {
if (d->configLoader) {
void Applet::setAssociatedApplication(const QString &string)
AssociatedApplicationManager::self()->setApplication(this, string);
QAction *runAssociatedApplication = d->actions->action(QStringLiteral("run associated application"));
if (runAssociatedApplication) {
bool valid = AssociatedApplicationManager::self()->appletHasValidAssociatedApplication(this);
void Applet::setAssociatedApplicationUrls(const QList<QUrl> &urls)
AssociatedApplicationManager::self()->setUrls(this, urls);
QAction *runAssociatedApplication = d->actions->action(QStringLiteral("run associated application"));
if (runAssociatedApplication) {
bool valid = AssociatedApplicationManager::self()->appletHasValidAssociatedApplication(this);
QString Applet::associatedApplication() const
return AssociatedApplicationManager::self()->application(this);
QList<QUrl> Applet::associatedApplicationUrls() const
return AssociatedApplicationManager::self()->urls(this);
void Applet::runAssociatedApplication()
bool Applet::hasValidAssociatedApplication() const
return AssociatedApplicationManager::self()->appletHasValidAssociatedApplication(this);
Applet *Applet::loadPlasmoid(const QString &path, uint appletId)
const KPluginMetaData md = appletMetadataForDirectory(path);
if (md.isValid()) {
QStringList types = md.serviceTypes();
if (types.contains(QLatin1String("Plasma/Containment"))) {
return new Containment(md, appletId);
} else {
return new Applet(md, nullptr, appletId);
return nullptr;
void Applet::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)
if (d->transient) {
if (d->modificationsTimer) {
if (event->timerId() == d->constraintsTimer.timerId()) {
// Don't flushPendingConstraints if we're just starting up
// flushPendingConstraints will be called by Corona
if (!(d->pendingConstraints & Plasma::Types::StartupCompletedConstraint)) {
} else if (d->modificationsTimer && event->timerId() == d->modificationsTimer->timerId()) {
// invalid group, will result in save using the default group
KConfigGroup cg;
emit configNeedsSaving();
bool Applet::isContainment() const
//HACK: this is a special case for the systray
//containment in an applet that is not a containment
Applet *pa = qobject_cast<Applet *>(parent());
if (pa && !pa->isContainment()) {
return true;
//normal "acting as a containment" condition
return qobject_cast<const Containment *>(this) && qobject_cast<Corona *>(parent());
} // Plasma namespace
#include "moc_applet.cpp"