2021-07-14 13:29:12 +00:00

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SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015 Marco Martin <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 as QtQuickControls
import QtQuick.Controls.Private 1.0 as QtQuickControlsPrivate
pragma Singleton
* A set of values to define semantically sizes and durations
* @inherit QtQuick.QtObject
QtObject {
id: unitsRoot
* The fundamental unit of space that should be used for sizes, expressed in pixels.
* Given the screen has an accurate DPI settings, it corresponds to a width of
* the capital letter M
property int gridUnit: fontMetrics.height
* PlasmaCore.Units.iconSizes provides access to platform-dependent icon sizing
* The icon sizes provided are normalized for different DPI, so icons
* will scale depending on the DPI.
* Icon sizes from KIconLoader, adjusted to devicePixelRatio:
* * small
* * smallMedium
* * medium
* * large
* * huge
* * enormous
* Not devicePixelRation-adjusted::
* * desktop
property QtObject iconSizes: QtObject {
property int sizeForLabels: fontMetrics.roundedIconSize(fontMetrics.height)
property int small: fontMetrics.roundedIconSize(16 * devicePixelRatio)
property int smallMedium: fontMetrics.roundedIconSize(22 * devicePixelRatio)
property int medium: fontMetrics.roundedIconSize(32 * devicePixelRatio)
property int large: fontMetrics.roundedIconSize(48 * devicePixelRatio)
property int huge: fontMetrics.roundedIconSize(64 * devicePixelRatio)
property int enormous: 128 * devicePixelRatio
* PlasmaCore.Units.smallSpacing is the amount of spacing that should be used around smaller UI elements,
* for example as spacing in Columns. Internally, this size depends on the size of
* the default font as rendered on the screen, so it takes user-configured font size and DPI
* into account.
property int smallSpacing: Math.floor(gridUnit/4)
* PlasmaCore.Units.largeSpacing is the amount of spacing that should be used inside bigger UI elements,
* for example between an icon and the corresponding text. Internally, this size depends on
* the size of the default font as rendered on the screen, so it takes user-configured font
* size and DPI into account.
property int largeSpacing: smallSpacing * 2
* The ratio between physical and device-independent pixels. This value does not depend on the \
* size of the configured font. If you want to take font sizes into account when scaling elements,
* use PlasmaCore.Theme.mSize(PlasmaCore.Theme.defaultFont), PlasmaCore.Units.smallSpacing and PlasmaCore.Units.largeSpacing.
* The devicePixelRatio follows the definition of "device independent pixel" by Microsoft.
property real devicePixelRatio: Math.max(1, ((fontMetrics.font.pixelSize*0.75) / fontMetrics.font.pointSize))
* PlasmaCore.Units.longDuration should be used for longer, screen-covering animations, for opening and
* closing of dialogs and other "not too small" animations
property int longDuration: PlasmaCore.Units.longDuration
* PlasmaCore.Units.shortDuration should be used for short animations, such as accentuating a UI event,
* hover events, etc..
property int shortDuration: PlasmaCore.Units.shortDuration
* PlasmaCore.Units.veryLongDuration should be used for specialty animations that benefit
* from being even longer than longDuration.
property int veryLongDuration: PlasmaCore.Units.veryLongDuration
* PlasmaCore.Units.veryShortDuration should be used for elements that should have a hint of smoothness,
* but otherwise animate near instantly.
property int veryShortDuration: PlasmaCore.Units.veryShortDuration
readonly property QtObject __styleItem: QtQuickControlsPrivate.StyleItem {elementType: "frame" }
* How much the mouse scroll wheel scrolls, expressed in lines of text.
* Note: this is strictly for classical mouse wheels, touchpads 2 figer scrolling won't be affected
readonly property int wheelScrollLines: __styleItem.styleHint("wheelScrollLines")
* time in ms by which the display of tooltips will be delayed.
* @sa ToolTip.delay property
property int toolTipDelay: 700
* Time in milliseconds equivalent to the theoretical human moment, which can be used
* to determine whether how long to wait until the user should be informed of something,
* or can be used as the limit for how long something should wait before being
* automatically initiated.
* Some examples:
* - When the user types text in a search field, wait no longer than this duration after
* the user completes typing before starting the search
* - When loading data which would commonly arrive rapidly enough to not require interaction,
* wait this long before showing a spinner
* This might seem an arbitrary number, but given the psychological effect that three
* seconds seems to be what humans consider a moment (and in the case of waiting for
* something to happen, a moment is that time when you think "this is taking a bit long,
* isn't it?"), the idea is to postpone for just before such a conceptual moment. The reason
* for the two seconds, rather than three, is to function as a middle ground: Not long enough
* that the user would think that something has taken too long, for also not so fast as to
* happen too soon.
* See also
* (the actual paper is hidden behind an academic paywall and consequently not readily
* available to us, so the source will have to be the blog entry above)
* @since 5.81
property int humanMoment: 2000
* metrics used by the default font
property var fontMetrics: FontMetrics {
function roundedIconSize(size) {
if (size < 16) {
return size;
} else if (size < 22) {
return 16;
} else if (size < 32) {
return 22;
} else if (size < 48) {
return 32;
} else if (size < 64) {
return 48;
} else {
return size;