Aleix Pol 333bdd7fb3 Use KPackage to install Plasma Packages
Plasma packages are essentially kpackages, so use the macros from KPackage
to install Plasma packages.
This allows to reuse the facilities set up there.

REVIEW: 128579
2016-08-03 13:05:58 +02:00

56 lines
2.0 KiB

find_package(ECM 0.0.9 CONFIG REQUIRED)
# plasma_install_package(path componentname [root] [type])
# Installs a Plasma package to the system path
# @arg path The source path to install from, location of metadata.desktop
# @arg componentname The plugin name of the component, corresponding to the
# X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name key in metadata.desktop
# @arg root The subdirectory to install to, default: plasmoids
# @arg type The type, default to applet, or applet, package, containment,
# wallpaper, shell, lookandfeel, etc.
# @see Types column in plasmapkg --list-types
# Examples:
# plasma_install_package(mywidget org.kde.plasma.mywidget) # installs an applet
# plasma_install_package(declarativetoolbox org.kde.toolbox packages package) # installs a generic package
macro(plasma_install_package dir component)
set(root ${ARGV2})
set(type ${ARGV3})
if(NOT root)
set(root plasmoids)
if(NOT type)
set(type applet)
kpackage_install_package(${dir} ${component} ${root} ${PLASMA_RELATIVE_DATA_INSTALL_DIR})
install(FILES ${dir}/metadata.desktop DESTINATION ${SERVICES_INSTALL_DIR} RENAME plasma-${type}-${component}.desktop)
# plasma_add_plugin(pluginname sources_SRC)
# Use instead of add_library. Replacement for kde4_add_plugin
# Basically does add_library and removes the prefix of the library
# @arg pluginname The name of the plugin,
# @arg sources_SRC The source files to be built
# Example:
# plasma_add_plugin(plasma_engine_statusnotifieritem ${statusnotifieritem_engine_SRCS})
macro(plasma_add_plugin plugin)
message(WARNING "plasma_add_plugin() is deprecated, use add_library(MODULE) instead. You can use the porting scripts in plasma-framework/tools")
set(plugin_sources ${ARGN} )
add_library(${plugin} MODULE ${plugin_sources} )
set_target_properties(${plugin} PROPERTIES PREFIX "")