David Redondo 52b95888d5 Add function to hide tooltip immediately
The built in delay causes trouble on wayland where it can cause
closing of other popups.
2021-06-28 09:54:53 +00:00

235 lines
6.4 KiB

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011 Marco Martin <>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011 Artur Duque de Souza <>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013 Sebastian Kügler <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include <Plasma/Plasma>
#include <QPointer>
#include <QQuickItem>
#include <QVariant>
class QQuickItem;
class ToolTipDialog;
* @class ToolTip
* An Item managing a Plasma-themed tooltip. It is rendered in its own window.
* You can either specify icon, mainText and subText, or a custom Component
* that will be put inside the tooltip. By default the tooltip will be
* rendered when hovering over the parent item.
* The item inside the ToolTipArea is loaded on demand and will be destroyed when the
* tooltip is being hidden.
* Example usage:
* @code
* import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
* [...]
* PlasmaCore.IconItem {
* ...
* PlasmaCore.ToolTipArea {
* mainText: i18n("Tooltip Title")
* subText: i18n("Some explanation.")
* icon: "plasma"
* // alternatively, you can specify your own component
* // to be loaded when the tooltip shows
* mainItem: Component {
* YourCustomItem { ... }
* }
* ... }
* }
* @endcode
class ToolTip : public QQuickItem
* The item shown inside the tooltip.
Q_PROPERTY(QQuickItem *mainItem READ mainItem WRITE setMainItem NOTIFY mainItemChanged)
* The main text of this tooltip
Q_PROPERTY(QString mainText READ mainText WRITE setMainText NOTIFY mainTextChanged)
* The description of this tooltip
Q_PROPERTY(QString subText READ subText WRITE setSubText NOTIFY subTextChanged)
* how to handle the text format of the tooltip subtext:
* * Text.AutoText (default)
* * Text.PlainText
* * Text.StyledText
* * Text.RichText
* Note: in the default implementation the main text is always plain text
Q_PROPERTY(int textFormat READ textFormat WRITE setTextFormat NOTIFY textFormatChanged)
* An icon for this tooltip, accepted values are an icon name, a QIcon, QImage or QPixmap
Q_PROPERTY(QVariant icon READ icon WRITE setIcon NOTIFY iconChanged)
* Returns whether the mouse is inside the item
Q_PROPERTY(bool containsMouse READ containsMouse NOTIFY containsMouseChanged)
* Plasma Location of the dialog window. Useful if this dialog is a popup for a panel
Q_PROPERTY(Plasma::Types::Location location READ location WRITE setLocation NOTIFY locationChanged)
* TODO: single property for images?
* An image for this tooltip, accepted values are an icon name, a QIcon, QImage or QPixmap
Q_PROPERTY(QVariant image READ image WRITE setImage NOTIFY imageChanged)
* Property that controls if a tooltips will show on mouse over.
* The default is true.
Q_PROPERTY(bool active MEMBER m_active WRITE setActive NOTIFY activeChanged)
* If interactive is false (default), the tooltip will automatically hide
* itself as soon as the mouse leaves the tooltiparea, if is true, if the
* mouse leaves tooltiparea and goes over the tooltip itself, the tooltip
* won't hide, so it will be possible to interact with tooltip contents.
Q_PROPERTY(bool interactive MEMBER m_interactive WRITE setInteractive NOTIFY interactiveChanged)
* Timeout in milliseconds after which the tooltip will hide itself.
* Set this value to -1 to never hide the tooltip automatically.
Q_PROPERTY(int timeout MEMBER m_timeout WRITE setTimeout)
explicit ToolTip(QQuickItem *parent = nullptr);
~ToolTip() override;
QQuickItem *mainItem() const;
void setMainItem(QQuickItem *mainItem);
QString mainText() const;
void setMainText(const QString &mainText);
QString subText() const;
void setSubText(const QString &subText);
int textFormat() const;
void setTextFormat(int format);
QVariant icon() const;
void setIcon(const QVariant &icon);
QVariant image() const;
void setImage(const QVariant &image);
Plasma::Types::Location location() const;
void setLocation(Plasma::Types::Location location);
bool containsMouse() const;
void setContainsMouse(bool contains);
void setActive(bool active);
void setInteractive(bool interactive);
void setTimeout(int timeout);
/// @endcond
public Q_SLOTS:
* Shows the tooltip.
* @since 5.73
void showToolTip();
* Hides the tooltip after a grace period if shown. Does not affect whether the tooltip area is active.
void hideToolTip();
* Hides the tooltip immediately, in comparison to hideToolTip.
* @since 5.84
void hideImmediately();
bool childMouseEventFilter(QQuickItem *item, QEvent *event) override;
void hoverEnterEvent(QHoverEvent *event) override;
void hoverLeaveEvent(QHoverEvent *event) override;
ToolTipDialog *tooltipDialogInstance();
/// @endcond
void mainItemChanged();
void mainTextChanged();
void subTextChanged();
void textFormatChanged();
void iconChanged();
void imageChanged();
void containsMouseChanged();
void locationChanged();
void activeChanged();
void interactiveChanged();
* Emitted just before the tooltip dialog is shown.
* @since 5.45
void aboutToShow();
private Q_SLOTS:
void settingsChanged(const QString &file);
bool isValid() const;
void loadSettings();
bool m_tooltipsEnabledGlobally;
bool m_containsMouse;
Plasma::Types::Location m_location;
QPointer<QQuickItem> m_mainItem;
QTimer *m_showTimer;
QString m_mainText;
QString m_subText;
int m_textFormat;
QVariant m_image;
QVariant m_icon;
bool m_active;
bool m_interactive;
int m_interval;
int m_timeout;
// ToolTipDialog is not a Q_GLOBAL_STATIC because QQuickwindows as global static
// are deleted too later after some stuff in the qml runtime has already been deleted,
// causing a crash on exit
bool m_usingDialog : 1;
static ToolTipDialog *s_dialog;
static int s_dialogUsers;