Nate Graham 5447cef2d8 Port to singleton Units
The context property version is slower to access and won't be supported
in Qt6. Let's port away from it and use the singleton version instead.

Here was my full process for making this change:

1. Made the change with `find . -name '*.qml' | xargs perl -pi -e 's/units\./PlasmaCore\.Units\./g'`
2. Verified no more occurrences with `grep -r " units."`
3. Made sure this didn't change any comments in a silly way by inspecting the output of `git diff | grep "+   " | grep "//"`
4. Manually inspected the full git diff to make sure there were no other unintentional or silly changes (there were none)
5. verified that all changed files have the PlasmaCore import with the correct name with `for FILE in `git status | grep modified | cut -d ":" -f 3`; do grep -q "as PlasmaCore" $FILE || echo "$FILE needs the PlasmaCore import"; done` (one needed the import)
2021-03-07 13:34:47 +00:00

180 lines
6.5 KiB

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Marco Martin <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
import QtQuick 2.6
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls @QQC2_VERSION@
import QtQuick.Templates @QQC2_VERSION@ as T
import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
import org.kde.kconfig 1.0
import "private" as Private
import org.kde.kirigami 2.5 as Kirigami
import "mobiletextselection" as MobileTextSelection
T.TextField {
id: control
* Whether the button to clear the text from TextField is visible.
* @since 5.73
property bool clearButtonShown: false
* Whether to show a button that allows the user to reveal the password in
* plain text. This only makes sense if the echoMode is set to Password.
* @since 5.73
property bool revealPasswordButtonShown: false
// this takes into account kiosk restriction
readonly property bool __effectiveRevealPasswordButtonShown: revealPasswordButtonShown
&& KAuthorized.authorize("lineedit_reveal_password")
&& (echoMode == TextInput.Normal || control.text.length > 0)
implicitWidth: Math.max((placeholderText ? placeholder.implicitWidth : 0),
PlasmaCore.Units.gridUnit * 8,
+ base.margins.left + base.margins.right
implicitHeight: Math.max(PlasmaCore.Units.gridUnit, contentHeight)
+ topPadding + bottomPadding
leftPadding: base.margins.left + (LayoutMirroring.enabled ? inlineButtonRow.width : 0)
rightPadding: base.margins.right + (LayoutMirroring.enabled ? 0 : inlineButtonRow.width)
bottomPadding: base.margins.bottom
color: theme.viewTextColor
selectionColor: theme.highlightColor
selectedTextColor: theme.highlightedTextColor
verticalAlignment: TextInput.AlignVCenter
opacity: control.enabled ? 1 : 0.6
hoverEnabled: !Kirigami.Settings.tabletMode
// Work around Qt bug where NativeRendering breaks for non-integer scale factors
renderType: Screen.devicePixelRatio % 1 !== 0 ? Text.QtRendering : Text.NativeRendering
selectByMouse: !Kirigami.Settings.tabletMode
cursorDelegate: Kirigami.Settings.tabletMode ? mobileCursor : null
Component {
id: mobileCursor
MobileTextSelection.MobileCursor {
target: control
onFocusChanged: {
if (focus) {
MobileTextSelection.MobileTextActionsToolBar.controlRoot = control;
onTextChanged: MobileTextSelection.MobileTextActionsToolBar.shouldBeVisible = false;
onPressed: MobileTextSelection.MobileTextActionsToolBar.shouldBeVisible = true;
onPressAndHold: {
if (!Kirigami.Settings.tabletMode) {
cursorPosition = positionAt(event.x, event.y);
MobileTextSelection.MobileCursor {
target: control
selectionStartHandle: true
property var rect: target.positionToRectangle(target.selectionStart)
//FIXME: this magic values seem to be always valid, for every font,every dpi, every scaling
x: rect.x + 5
y: rect.y + 6
Label {
id: placeholder
x: control.leftPadding
y: control.topPadding
width: control.width - (control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
height: control.height - (control.topPadding + control.bottomPadding)
text: control.placeholderText
font: control.font
color: theme.viewTextColor
opacity: 0.5
enabled: false
horizontalAlignment: control.horizontalAlignment
verticalAlignment: control.verticalAlignment
visible: !control.length && !control.preeditText && (!control.activeFocus || control.horizontalAlignment !== Qt.AlignHCenter)
elide: Text.ElideRight
Row {
id: inlineButtonRow
anchors.right: control.right
anchors.rightMargin: PlasmaCore.Units.smallSpacing
anchors.verticalCenter: control.verticalCenter
PlasmaCore.IconItem {
id: showPasswordButton
source: __effectiveRevealPasswordButtonShown ? (control.echoMode === TextInput.Normal ? "visibility": "hint") : ""
height: Math.max(control.height * 0.8, PlasmaCore.Units.iconSizes.small)
width: height
opacity: (__effectiveRevealPasswordButtonShown && control.enabled) ? 1 : 0
visible: opacity > 0
Behavior on opacity {
NumberAnimation {
duration: PlasmaCore.Units.longDuration
easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
enabled: __effectiveRevealPasswordButtonShown
onClicked: {
control.echoMode = (control.echoMode == TextInput.Normal ? TextInput.Password : TextInput.Normal)
PlasmaCore.IconItem {
id: clearButton
//ltr confusingly refers to the direction of the arrow in the icon, not the text direction which it should be used in
source: clearButtonShown ? (LayoutMirroring.enabled ? "edit-clear-locationbar-ltr" : "edit-clear-locationbar-rtl") : ""
height: Math.max(control.height * 0.8, PlasmaCore.Units.iconSizes.small)
width: height
opacity: (control.length > 0 && clearButtonShown && control.enabled) ? 1 : 0
visible: opacity > 0
Behavior on opacity {
NumberAnimation {
duration: PlasmaCore.Units.longDuration
easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
control.text = ""
background: Item {
Private.TextFieldFocus {
state: control.activeFocus ? "focus" : (control.hovered ? "hover" : "hidden")
anchors.fill: parent
PlasmaCore.FrameSvgItem {
id: base
anchors.fill: parent
imagePath: "widgets/lineedit"
prefix: "base"