Aaron J. Seigo fc89eff135 first run at per-visualization timeouts, as per the design worked out on panel-devel.
i'm sure there are several bugs at this point (so don't try and use it quite yet ;) but most importantly:

- all methods are implemented
- it compiles ;)
- it does not have any negative impact on existing engines and applets as they currently are written

next will be to put it all through its paces, starting with the time engine and analog clock applet. i may not get to that until tomorrow, hoever.

this commit also fixed a number of buglettes along the way that had creeped in, e.g. not properly connecting all signals in connectAllSources (moved that ccode to the Private class to avoid code dupe and similar bugs in the future)

svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma/; revision=710849
2007-09-11 00:49:51 +00:00

386 lines
14 KiB

* Copyright 2006-2007 Aaron Seigo <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <QtCore/QHash>
#include <QtCore/QObject>
#include <QtCore/QStringList>
#include <kgenericfactory.h>
#include <plasma/plasma_export.h>
namespace Plasma
class DataContainer;
* @class DataEngine
* @brief Data provider for plasmoids (Plasma plugins)
* This is the base class for DataEngines, which provide access to bodies of
* data via a common and consistent interface. The common use of a DataEngine
* is to provide data to a widget for display. This allows a user interface
* element to show all sorts of data: as long as there is a DataEngine, the
* data is retrievable.
* DataEngines are loaded as plugins on demand and provide zero, one or more
* data sources which are identified by name. For instance, a network
* DataEngine might provide a data source for each network interface.
class PLASMA_EXPORT DataEngine : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY( QStringList sources READ sources )
Q_PROPERTY( bool valid READ isValid )
Q_PROPERTY( QString icon READ icon WRITE setIcon )
typedef QHash<QString, DataEngine*> Dict;
typedef QHash<QString, QVariant> Data;
typedef QHashIterator<QString, QVariant> DataIterator;
typedef QHash<QString, DataContainer*> SourceDict;
* Default constructor.
* @param parent The parent object.
explicit DataEngine(QObject* parent = 0);
virtual ~DataEngine();
* @return a list of all the data sources available via this DataEngine
* Whether these sources are currently available (which is what
* the default implementation provides) or not is up to the
* DataEngine to decide.
virtual QStringList sources() const;
* Connects a source to an object for data updates. The object must
* have a slot with the following signature:
* updated(QString sourceName, Plasma::DataEngine::Data data)
* The data is a QHash of QVariants keyed by QString names, allowing
* one data source to provide sets of related data.
* @param source the name of the data source
* @param visualization the object to connect the data source to
* @param updateInterval the frequency, in milliseconds, with which to signal updates;
* a value of 0 (the default) means to update only
* when there is new data spontaneously generated
* (e.g. by the engine); any other value results in
* periodic updates from this source. This value is
* per-visualization and can be handy for items that require
* constant updates such as scrolling graphs or clocks.
Q_INVOKABLE void connectSource(const QString& source, QObject* visualization, uint updateInterval = 0) const;
* Connects all sources to an object for data updates. The object must
* have a slot with the following signature:
* SLOT(updated(QString, Plasma::DataEngine::Data))
* The data is a QHash of QVariants keyed by QString names, allowing
* one data source to provide sets of related data.
* @param visualization the object to connect the data source to
* @param updateInterval the frequency, in milliseconds, with which to signal updates;
* a value of 0 (the default) means to update only
* when there is new data spontaneously generated
* (e.g. by the engine); any other value results in
* periodic updates from this source. This value is
* per-visualization and can be handy for items that require
* constant updates such as scrolling graphs or clocks.
Q_INVOKABLE void connectAllSources(QObject* viualization, uint updateInterval = 0) const;
* Disconnects a source to an object that was receiving data updates.
* @param source the name of the data source
* @param visualization the object to connect the data source to
Q_INVOKABLE void disconnectSource(const QString& source, QObject* visualization) const;
* Retrevies a pointer to the DataContainer for a given source. This method
* should not be used if possible. An exception is for script engines that
* can not provide a QMetaObject as required by connectSource for the initial
* call to updated(). Using this method, such engines can provide their own
* connectSource API.
* @arg source the name of the source.
* @return pointer to a DataContainer, or zero on failure
Q_INVOKABLE DataContainer* containerForSource(const QString &source);
* Gets the Data associated with a data source.
* The data is a QHash of QVariants keyed by QString names, allowing
* one data source to provide sets of related data.
* @param source the data source to retrieve the data for
* @return the Data associated with the source; if the source doesn't
* exist an empty data set is returned
Q_INVOKABLE DataEngine::Data query(const QString& source) const;
* Reference counting method. Calling this method increases the count
* by one.
void ref();
* Reference counting method. Calling this method decreases the count
* by one.
void deref();
* Reference counting method. Used to determine if this DataEngine is
* used.
* @return true if the reference count is non-zero
bool isUsed() const;
* Returns true if this engine is valid, otherwise returns false
bool isValid() const;
* Sets the icon for this data engine
void setIcon(const QString& icon);
* @return the name of the icon for this data engine; and empty string
* is returned if there is no associated icon.
QString icon() const;
* Emitted when a new data source is created
* @param source the name of the new data source
void newSource(const QString& source);
* Emitted when a data source is removed.
* @param source the name of the data source that was removed
void sourceRemoved(const QString& source);
* This method is called when the DataEngine is started. When this
* method is called the DataEngine is fully constructed and ready to be
* used. This method should be reimplemented by DataEngine subclasses
* which have the need to perform a startup routine.
virtual void init();
* When a source that does not currently exist is requested by the
* consumer, this method is called to give the DataEngine the
* opportunity to create one.
* The name of the data source (e.g. the source parameter passed into
* setData) it must be the same as the name passed to sourceRequested
* otherwise the requesting visualization may not receive notice of a
* data update.
* @return true if a DataContainer was set up, false otherwise
virtual bool sourceRequested(const QString &name);
* Called by internal updating mechanisms to trigger the engine
* to refresh the data contained in a given source. Reimplement this
* method when using facilities such as setupdateInterval.
* @see setupdateInterval
* @param source the name of the source that should be updated
* @return true if the data was changed, or false if there was no
* change or if the change will occur later
virtual bool updateSource(const QString& source);
* Sets a value for a data source. If the source
* doesn't exist then it is created.
* @param source the name of the data source
* @param value the data to associated with the source
void setData(const QString &source, const QVariant &value);
* Sets a value for a data source. If the source
* doesn't exist then it is created.
* @param source the name of the data source
* @param key the key to use for the data
* @param value the data to associated with the source
void setData(const QString& source, const QString& key, const QVariant& value);
* Adds a set of data to a data source. If the source
* doesn't exist then it is created.
* @param source the name of the data source
* @param data the data to add to the source
void setData(const QString &source, const Data &data);
* Clears all the data associated with a data source.
* @param source the name of the data source
void clearData(const QString& source);
* Removes a data entry from a source
* @param source the name of the data source
* @param key the data entry to remove
void removeData(const QString& source, const QString& key);
* Adds an already constructed data source. The DataEngine takes
* ownership of the DataContainer object.
* @param source the DataContainer to add to the DataEngine
void addSource(DataContainer* source);
* Sets an upper limit on the number of data sources to keep in this engine.
* If the limit is exceeded, then the oldest data source, as defined by last
* update, is dropped.
* @param limit the maximum number of sources to keep active
void setSourceLimit(uint limit);
* Sets the minimum amount of time, in milliseconds, that must pass between
* successive updates of data. This can help prevent too many updates happening
* due to multiple update requests coming in, which can be useful for
* expensive (time- or resource-wise) update mechanisms.
* @arg minimumMs the minimum time lapse, in milliseconds, between updates.
* A value less than 0 means to never perform automatic updates,
* a value of 0 means update immediately on every update request,
* a value >0 will result in a minimum time lapse being enforced.
void setMinimumUpdateInterval(int minimumMs);
* @return the minimum time between updates. @see setMinimumupdateInterval
int minimumUpdateInterval() const;
* Sets up an internal update tick for all data sources. On every update,
* updateSource will be called for each applicable source.
* @see updateSource
* @param frequency the time, in milliseconds, between updates. A value of 0
* will stop internally triggered updates.
void setupdateInterval(uint frequency);
* Returns the current update frequency.
* @see setupdateInterval
NOTE: This is not implemented to prevent having to store the value internally.
When there is a good use case for needing access to this value, we can
add another member to the Private class and add this method.
uint updateInterval();
* Removes all data sources
void clearSources();
* Sets whether or not this engine is valid, e.g. can be used.
* In practice, only the internal fall-back engine, the NullEngine
* should have need for this.
* @param valid whether or not the engine is valid
void setValid(bool valid);
* @return the list of active DataContainers.
SourceDict sourceDict() const;
* Reimplemented from QObject
void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event);
protected Q_SLOTS:
* Call this method when you call setData directly on a DataContainer instead
* of using the DataEngine::setData methods.
* If this method is not called, no updated(..) signals will be emitted!
void checkForUpdates();
* Removes a data source.
* @param source the name of the data source to remove
void removeSource(const QString& source);
* @internal
void startInit();
class Private;
Private* const d;
} // Plasma namespace
#define K_EXPORT_PLASMA_DATAENGINE(libname, classname) \
K_PLUGIN_FACTORY(factory, registerPlugin<classname>();) \
K_EXPORT_PLUGIN(factory("plasma_engine_" #libname))
#endif // multiple inclusion guard