It has a timer that wakes up every 2 seconds and drains my battery just simply because I have debug builds. This make it on demand. Don't track containments twice. Containments inherit from Applets which also have the same line Change-Id: Ia9a9b58a0b1197083d692c58e4ce75838c311db4 REVIEW: 126472
libplasma This directory contains the classes making up libplasma, which provides the core framework used by Plasma applications, such as the Plasma desktop shell and its components. This includes applet and extension definitions and loading, common GUI elements, data and service interaction, search system, etc. Domain specific sets of functionality, e.g. for network awareness or sensors, are not found here but as DataEngine, Service, Applet, Package, Wallpaper, ContainmentActions, Containment and other plugins. Commit Guidelines: * If your patch is not an obvious or trivial bug fix, have it peer reviewed by another Plasma developer; http://reviewboard.kde.org is your friend :) * All code MUST follow the kdelibs coding style, as found at: http://techbase.kde.org/Policies/Kdelibs_Coding_Style * All new public API MUST have apidox written before committing and must go through an API review with another Plasma developer. We have to maintain binary compatibility, remember! Unit tests are next to godliness. (Though as you can see, right now libplasma is hellbound.) Please refer to the Plasma website (http://plasma.kde.org) and Plasma wiki (http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Plasma) for API documentation and design documents regarding this library.