Stephen Kelly b1b68adb7d Don't use the QtGui module name in includes.
In Qt5, many of them are moved to QtWidgets, so this is the only
way to be source compatible with both Qt 4 and Qt 5.
2012-02-02 10:35:53 +01:00

314 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright 2005 by Aaron Seigo <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
/** @header plasma/plasma.h <Plasma/Plasma> */
#include <QGraphicsItem>
#include <QPainterPath>
#include <plasma/plasma_export.h>
class QAction;
class QGraphicsView;
* Namespace for everything in libplasma
namespace Plasma
* The Constraint enumeration lists the various constraints that Plasma
* objects have managed for them and which they may wish to react to,
* for instance in Applet::constraintsUpdated
enum Constraint {
NoConstraint = 0,
/** The FormFactor for an object */
FormFactorConstraint = 1,
/** The Location of an object */
LocationConstraint = 2,
/** Which screen an object is on */
ScreenConstraint = 4,
/** the size of the applet was changed */
SizeConstraint = 8,
/** the immutability (locked) nature of the applet changed */
ImmutableConstraint = 16,
/** application startup has completed */
StartupCompletedConstraint = 32,
/** the position of the popup needs to be recalculated*/
PopupConstraint = 128,
AllConstraints = FormFactorConstraint | LocationConstraint | ScreenConstraint |
SizeConstraint | ImmutableConstraint | PopupConstraint
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Constraints, Constraint)
* The FormFactor enumeration describes how a Plasma::Applet should arrange
* itself. The value is derived from the container managing the Applet
* (e.g. in Plasma, a Corona on the desktop or on a panel).
enum FormFactor {
Planar = 0, /**< The applet lives in a plane and has two
degrees of freedom to grow. Optimize for
desktop, laptop or tablet usage: a high
resolution screen 1-3 feet distant from the
viewer. */
MediaCenter, /**< As with Planar, the applet lives in a plane
but the interface should be optimized for
medium-to-high resolution screens that are
5-15 feet distant from the viewer. Sometimes
referred to as a "ten foot interface".*/
Horizontal, /**< The applet is constrained vertically, but
can expand horizontally. */
Vertical /**< The applet is constrained horizontally, but
can expand vertically. */
* The Direction enumeration describes in which direction, relative to the
* Applet (and its managing container), popup menus, expanders, balloons,
* message boxes, arrows and other such visually associated widgets should
* appear in. This is usually the oposite of the Location.
enum Direction {
Down = 0, /**< Display downards */
Up, /**< Display upwards */
Left, /**< Display to the left */
Right /**< Display to the right */
* The Location enumeration describes where on screen an element, such as an
* Applet or its managing container, is positioned on the screen.
enum Location {
Floating = 0, /**< Free floating. Neither geometry or z-ordering
is described precisely by this value. */
Desktop, /**< On the planar desktop layer, extending across
the full screen from edge to edge */
FullScreen, /**< Full screen */
TopEdge, /**< Along the top of the screen*/
BottomEdge, /**< Along the bottom of the screen*/
LeftEdge, /**< Along the left side of the screen */
RightEdge /**< Along the right side of the screen */
* The position enumeration
enum Position {
LeftPositioned, /**< Positioned left */
RightPositioned, /**< Positioned right */
TopPositioned, /**< Positioned top */
BottomPositioned, /**< Positioned bottom */
CenterPositioned /**< Positioned in the center */
* The popup position enumeration relatively to his attached widget
enum PopupPlacement {
FloatingPopup = 0, /**< Free floating, non attached popup */
TopPosedLeftAlignedPopup, /**< Popup positioned on the top, aligned
to the left of the wigdet */
TopPosedRightAlignedPopup, /**< Popup positioned on the top, aligned
to the right of the widget */
LeftPosedTopAlignedPopup, /**< Popup positioned on the left, aligned
to the right of the wigdet */
LeftPosedBottomAlignedPopup, /**< Popup positioned on the left, aligned
to the bottom of the widget */
BottomPosedLeftAlignedPopup, /**< Popup positioned on the bottom, aligned
to the left of the wigdet */
BottomPosedRightAlignedPopup, /**< Popup positioned on the bottom, aligned
to the right of the widget */
RightPosedTopAlignedPopup, /**< Popup positioned on the right, aligned
to the top of the wigdet */
RightPosedBottomAlignedPopup /**< Popup positioned on the right, aligned
to the bottom of the widget */
* Flip enumeration
enum FlipDirection {
NoFlip = 0, /**< Do not flip */
HorizontalFlip = 1, /**< Flip horizontally */
VerticalFlip = 2 /**< Flip vertically */
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Flip, FlipDirection)
* Possible timing alignments
enum IntervalAlignment {
NoAlignment = 0, /**< No alignment **/
AlignToMinute, /**< Align to the minute **/
AlignToHour /**< Align to the hour **/
enum ItemTypes {
AppletType = QGraphicsItem::UserType + 1,
LineEditType = QGraphicsItem::UserType + 2
* Defines the immutability of items like applets, corona and containments
* they can be free to modify, locked down by the user or locked down by the
* system (e.g. kiosk setups).
enum ImmutabilityType {
Mutable = 1, /**< The item can be modified in any way **/
UserImmutable = 2, /**< The user has requested a lock down, and can undo
the lock down at any time **/
SystemImmutable = 4 /**< the item is locked down by the system, the user
can't unlock it **/
* Defines the aspect ratio used when resizing an applet
enum AspectRatioMode {
InvalidAspectRatioMode = -1, /**< Unset mode used for dev convenience
when there is a need to store the
aspectRatioMode somewhere */
IgnoreAspectRatio = 0, /**< The applet can be freely resized */
KeepAspectRatio = 1, /**< The applet keeps a fixed aspect ratio */
Square = 2, /**< The applet is always a square */
ConstrainedSquare = 3, /**< The applet is no wider (in horizontal
formfactors) or no higher (in vertical
ones) than a square */
FixedSize = 4 /** The applet cannot be resized */
* The ComonentType enumeration refers to the various types of components,
* or plugins, supported by plasma.
enum ComponentType {
AppletComponent = 1, /**< Plasma::Applet based plugins **/
DataEngineComponent = 2, /**< Plasma::DataEngine based plugins **/
RunnerComponent = 4, /**< Plasma::AbstractRunner based plugsin **/
AnimatorComponent = 8, /**< Plasma::Animator based plugins **/
ContainmentComponent = 16,/**< Plasma::Containment based plugins **/
WallpaperComponent = 32, /**< Plasma::Wallpaper based plugins **/
GenericComponent = 64 /** Generic repositories of files, usually they keep QML files and their assets **/
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(ComponentTypes, ComponentType)
enum MarginEdge {
TopMargin = 0, /**< The top margin **/
BottomMargin, /**< The bottom margin **/
LeftMargin, /**< The left margin **/
RightMargin /**< The right margin **/
enum MessageButton {
ButtonNone = 0, /**< None **/
ButtonOk = 1, /**< OK Button **/
ButtonYes = 2, /**< Yes Button **/
ButtonNo = 4, /**< No Button **/
ButtonCancel = 8 /**< Cancel Button **/
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(MessageButtons, MessageButton)
* Status of an applet
* @since 4.3
enum ItemStatus {
UnknownStatus = 0, /**< The status is unknown **/
PassiveStatus = 1, /**< The Item is passive **/
ActiveStatus = 2, /**< The Item is active **/
NeedsAttentionStatus = 3, /**< The Item needs attention **/
AcceptingInputStatus = 4 /**< The Item is accepting input **/
enum AnnouncementMethod {
NoAnnouncement = 0, /**< No announcements **/
ZeroconfAnnouncement = 1 /**< Announcements via ZeroConf **/
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(AnnouncementMethods, AnnouncementMethod)
enum TrustLevel {
UnverifiableTrust = 0, /**< The trust of the object can not be verified, usually because no
trust information (e.g. a cryptographic signature) was provided */
CompletelyUntrusted, /**< The signature is broken/expired/false */
UnknownTrusted, /**< The signature is valid, but the key is unknown */
UserTrusted, /**< The signature is valid and made with a key signed by one of the
user's own keys*/
SelfTrusted, /**< The signature is valid and made with one of the user's own keys*/
FullyTrusted, /**< The signature is valid and made with a key signed by the vendor's key*/
UltimatelyTrusted /**< The signature is valid and made with the vendor's key*/
* Description on how draw a background for the applet
enum BackgroundHints {
NoBackground = 0, /**< Not drawing a background under the applet, the applet has its own implementation */
StandardBackground = 1, /**< The standard background from the theme is drawn */
TranslucentBackground = 2, /**< An alternate version of the background is drawn, usually more translucent */
DefaultBackground = StandardBackground /**< Default settings: both standard background */
* Converts a location to a direction. Handy for figuring out which way to send a popup based on
* location or to point arrows and other directional items.
* @param location the location of the container the element will appear in
* @return the visual direction the element should be oriented in
PLASMA_EXPORT Direction locationToDirection(Location location);
* Converts a location to the direction facing it. Handy for figuring out which way to collapse
* a popup or to point arrows at the item itself.
* @param location the location of the container the element will appear in
* @return the visual direction the element should be oriented in
PLASMA_EXPORT Direction locationToInverseDirection(Location location);
* Returns the most appropriate QGraphicsView for the item.
* @param item the QGraphicsItem to locate a view for
* @return pointer to a view, or 0 if none was found
PLASMA_EXPORT QGraphicsView *viewFor(const QGraphicsItem *item);
} // Plasma namespace
#endif // multiple inclusion guard