2012-12-17 22:53:45 +01:00

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* Copyright (C) 2011 by Daker Fernandes Pinheiro <>
* Copyright (C) 2011 Marco Martin <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
import QtQuick 1.1
import org.kde.plasma.core 0.1 as PlasmaCore
import "private" as Private
* A simple Scroll Bar using the plasma theme.
* This component does not belong to the QtComponents API specification but it
* was based on the ScrollDecorator component. You should not use it for touch
* interfaces, use a flickable and a ScrollDecorator instead.
* By default, this component looks and behaves like a scroll decorator
* on touchscreens.
// TODO: add support mouse wheel events
Item {
id: scrollbar
// Common API
* The Flickable component which the ScrollBar will interact with.
property Flickable flickableItem: null
* The orientation where the ScrollBar will scroll.
* The orientation * can be either Qt.Horizontal or Qt.Vertical.
* The default value is Qt.Vertical.
property int orientation: Qt.Vertical
* Whether the ScrollBar is interactive.
* The default value is true.
property bool interactive: true
// Plasma API
* Whether the ScrollBar will increase the Flickable content in the normal
* direction (Left to Right or Top to Bottom) or if this will be inverted.
* The default value is false.
property bool inverted: false
* type:bool
* How many steps exist while moving the handler. If you want the
* ScrollBar buttons to appear you must set this property to a value
* bigger than 0.
* The default value is 0.
property alias stepSize: range.stepSize
* Indicates if the ScrollBar is pressed.
property bool pressed: internalLoader.item.mouseArea?internalLoader.item.mouseArea.pressed:false
* The interval time used by the ScrollBar button to increase or decrease
* steps.
property real scrollButtonInterval: 50
implicitWidth: internalLoader.isVertical ? (internalLoader.item ? internalLoader.item.implicitWidth : 12) : 200
implicitHeight: internalLoader.isVertical ? 200 : (internalLoader.item ? internalLoader.item.implicitHeight : 12)
// TODO: needs to define if there will be specific graphics for
// disabled scroll bars
opacity: enabled ? 1.0 : 0.5
visible: flickableItem && internalLoader.handleEnabled
anchors {
right: internalLoader.anchorableWithFlickable ? flickableItem.right : undefined
left: (orientation == Qt.Vertical) ? undefined : (internalLoader.anchorableWithFlickable ? flickableItem.left : undefined)
top: (orientation == Qt.Vertical) ? (internalLoader.anchorableWithFlickable ? : undefined) : undefined
bottom: internalLoader.anchorableWithFlickable ? flickableItem.bottom : undefined
Loader {
id: internalLoader
anchors.fill: parent
//property bool handleEnabled: internalLoader.isVertical ? item.handle.height < item.contents.height : item.handle.width < item.contents.width
property bool handleEnabled: internalLoader.isVertical ? flickableItem.contentHeight > flickableItem.height : flickableItem.contentWidth > flickableItem.width
property bool isVertical: orientation == Qt.Vertical
property bool anchorableWithFlickable: scrollbar.parent == flickableItem || scrollbar.parent == flickableItem.parent
function incrementValue(increment)
if (!flickableItem)
if (internalLoader.isVertical) {
flickableItem.contentY = Math.max(0, Math.min(flickableItem.contentHeight - flickableItem.height,
flickableItem.contentY + increment))
} else {
flickableItem.contentX = Math.max(0, Math.min(flickableItem.contentWidth - flickableItem.width,
flickableItem.contentX + increment))
Connections {
target: flickableItem
onContentHeightChanged: {
range.value = flickableItem.contentY
onContentYChanged: {
if (internalLoader.isVertical) {
range.value = flickableItem.contentY
onContentXChanged: {
if (!internalLoader.isVertical) {
range.value = flickableItem.contentX
Connections {
target: internalLoader.item.handle
onYChanged: updateFromHandleTimer.running = true
onXChanged: updateFromHandleTimer.running = true
RangeModel {
id: range
minimumValue: 0
maximumValue: {
var diff;
if (internalLoader.isVertical) {
diff = flickableItem.contentHeight - flickableItem.height
} else {
diff = flickableItem.contentWidth - flickableItem.width
return Math.max(0, diff)
stepSize: 10
inverted: scrollbar.inverted
positionAtMinimum: 0
positionAtMaximum: {
if (internalLoader.isVertical) {
internalLoader.item.contents.height - internalLoader.item.handle.height
} else {
internalLoader.item.contents.width - internalLoader.item.handle.width
onValueChanged: {
if (flickableItem.moving) {
if (internalLoader.isVertical) {
flickableItem.contentY = value
} else {
flickableItem.contentX = value
onPositionChanged: {
if (internalLoader.item.mouseArea && internalLoader.item.mouseArea.pressed) {
if (internalLoader.isVertical) {
internalLoader.item.handle.y = position
} else {
internalLoader.item.handle.x = position
Timer {
id: updateFromHandleTimer
interval: 10
onTriggered: {
if(!enabled || !interactive)
if (internalLoader.isVertical) {
range.position = internalLoader.item.handle.y
} else {
range.position = internalLoader.item.handle.x
source: interactive ? "private/ScrollBarDelegate.qml" : "private/ScrollDecoratorDelegate.qml"