Aaron J. Seigo b3f60fa248 this one took me a while to figure out =/
we need a separate private contentSize() for Applet because we need to be able to override what the subclass might be trying to accomplish. since the method is virtual, i had to put it in the dptr and call Applet::contentSize from there on successfully passing various tests such as "is this a script?" and "has this applet been marked as failed?". stupid polymorphism.

end result is that now an applet can, as expected, call setFailedToLaunch(true) and the applet gets the right size, no matter when or where it was called from.


svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma/; revision=692630
2007-07-26 02:36:53 +00:00

729 lines
21 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2005 by Aaron Seigo <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "applet.h"
#include <QApplication>
#include <QEvent>
#include <QList>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QSize>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QStyleOptionGraphicsItem>
#include <KIcon>
#include <KDialog>
#include <KPluginInfo>
#include <KStandardDirs>
#include <KService>
#include <KServiceTypeTrader>
#include <KIconLoader>
#include "plasma/corona.h"
#include "plasma/dataenginemanager.h"
#include "plasma/package.h"
#include "plasma/packages_p.h"
#include "plasma/plasma.h"
#include "plasma/scriptengine.h"
#include "plasma/svg.h"
#include "plasma/widgets/widget.h"
#include "plasma/widgets/lineedit.h"
#include "plasma/widgets/vboxlayout.h"
//#include "stackblur_shadows.cpp"
namespace Plasma
class Applet::Private
Private(KService::Ptr service, int uniqueID)
: appletId(uniqueID),
if (appletId == 0) {
appletId = nextId();
if (appletId > s_maxAppletId) {
s_maxAppletId = appletId;
foreach ( const QString& engine, loadedEngines ) {
DataEngineManager::self()->unloadDataEngine( engine );
delete background;
delete package;
void init(Applet* applet)
applet->setImmutable(applet->globalConfig().isImmutable() ||
if (!appletDescription.isValid()) {
QString language ="X-Plasma-Language").toString();
// we have a scripted plasmoid
if (!language.isEmpty()) {
// find where the Package is
QString path = KStandardDirs::locate("appdata",
"plasmoids/" +
if (!path.isEmpty()) {
// create the package and see if we have something real
package = new Package(path,
if (package->isValid()) {
// now we try and set up the script engine.
// it will be parented to this applet and so will get
// deleted when the applet does
scriptEngine = ScriptEngine::load(language, applet);
if (!scriptEngine) {
delete package;
package = 0;
} else {
delete package;
package = 0;
if (!package) {
void paintBackground(QPainter* p, Applet* q)
//TODO: we should cache this background rather that repaint it over and over
QSize contents = contentSize(q).toSize();
const int contentWidth = contents.width();
const int contentHeight = contents.height();
#if 0
// this could be used to draw a dynamic shadow
QImage image(w, h, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
QPainter* p = new QPainter(&image);
const int topHeight = background->elementSize("top").height();
const int topWidth = background->elementSize("top").width();
const int leftWidth = background->elementSize("left").width();
const int leftHeight = background->elementSize("left").height();
const int rightWidth = background->elementSize("right").width();
const int bottomHeight = background->elementSize("bottom").height();
//const int lrWidths = leftWidth + rightWidth;
//const int tbHeights = topHeight + bottomHeight;
// contents top-left corner is (0,0). We need to draw up and left of that
const int topOffset = 0 - topHeight;
const int leftOffset = 0 - leftWidth;
const int rightOffset = contentWidth;
const int bottomOffset = contentHeight;
const int contentTop = 0;
const int contentLeft = 0;
background->paint(p, QRect(leftOffset, topOffset, leftWidth, topHeight), "topleft");
background->paint(p, QRect(rightOffset, topOffset, rightWidth, topHeight), "topright");
background->paint(p, QRect(leftOffset, bottomOffset, leftWidth, bottomHeight), "bottomleft");
background->paint(p, QRect(rightOffset, bottomOffset, rightWidth, bottomHeight), "bottomright");
QPixmap left(leftWidth, leftHeight);
QPainter sidePainter(&left);
background->paint(&sidePainter, QPoint(0, 0), "left");
p->drawTiledPixmap(QRect(leftOffset, contentTop, leftWidth, contentHeight), left);
QPixmap right(rightWidth, leftHeight);
QPainter sidePainter(&right);
background->paint(&sidePainter, QPoint(0, 0), "right");
p->drawTiledPixmap(QRect(rightOffset, contentTop, rightWidth, contentHeight), right);
QPixmap top(topWidth, topHeight);
QPainter sidePainter(&top);
background->paint(&sidePainter, QPoint(0, 0), "top");
p->drawTiledPixmap(QRect(contentLeft, topOffset, contentWidth, topHeight), top);
QPixmap bottom(topWidth, bottomHeight);
QPainter sidePainter(&bottom);
background->paint(&sidePainter, QPoint(0, 0), "bottom");
p->drawTiledPixmap(QRect(contentLeft, bottomOffset, contentWidth, bottomHeight), bottom);
background->paint(p, QRect(contentLeft, contentTop, contentWidth + 1, contentHeight + 1), "center");
#if 0
// this could be used to draw a dynamic shadow
delete p;
QImage image2(image);
shadowBlur(image, 1);
p2->drawImage(0, 0, image);
p2->drawImage(0, 0, image2);
void paintHover(QPainter* painter, Applet* q)
//TODO draw hover interface for close, configure, info and move
QSizeF contentSize(const Applet* q)
if (scriptEngine) {
return scriptEngine->size();
if (failureText) {
return failureText->geometry().size();
return q->contentSize();
static uint nextId()
return s_maxAppletId;
//TODO: examine the usage of memory here; there's a pretty large
// number of members at this point.
uint appletId;
KSharedConfig::Ptr globalConfig;
KSharedConfig::Ptr appletConfig;
KPluginInfo appletDescription;
Package* package;
QList<QObject*> watchedForFocus;
QStringList loadedEngines;
static uint s_maxAppletId;
Plasma::Svg *background;
Plasma::LineEdit *failureText;
ScriptEngine* scriptEngine;
bool immutable : 1;
bool hasConfigurationInterface : 1;
bool failed : 1;
uint Applet::Private::s_maxAppletId = 0;
Applet::Applet(QGraphicsItem *parent,
const QString& serviceID,
uint appletId)
: QObject(0),
d(new Private(KService::serviceByStorageId(serviceID), appletId))
Applet::Applet(QObject* parent, const QStringList& args)
: QObject(parent),
d(new Private(KService::serviceByStorageId(args.count() > 0 ? args[0] : QString()),
args.count() > 1 ? args[1].toInt() : 0))
// the brain damage seen in the initialization list is due to the
// inflexibility of KService::createInstance
needsFocus( false );
delete d;
KConfigGroup Applet::config() const
if (!d->appletConfig) {
QString file = KStandardDirs::locateLocal( "appdata",
"applets/" + instanceName() + "rc",
true );
d->appletConfig = KSharedConfig::openConfig( file );
return KConfigGroup(d->appletConfig, "General");
KConfigGroup Applet::config(const QString& group) const
KConfigGroup cg = config();
cg.changeGroup(instanceName() + '-' + group);
return cg;
KConfigGroup Applet::globalConfig() const
if ( !d->globalConfig ) {
QString file = KStandardDirs::locateLocal( "config", "plasma_" + globalName() + "rc" );
d->globalConfig = KSharedConfig::openConfig( file );
return KConfigGroup(d->globalConfig, "General");
DataEngine* Applet::dataEngine(const QString& name) const
int index = d->loadedEngines.indexOf(name);
if (index != -1) {
return DataEngineManager::self()->dataEngine(name);
DataEngine* engine = DataEngineManager::self()->loadDataEngine(name);
if (engine->isValid()) {
return engine;
const Package* Applet::package() const
return d->package;
void Applet::constraintsUpdated()
kDebug() << "Applet::constraintsUpdate(): constraints are FormFactor: " << formFactor() << ", Location: " << location() << endl;
QString Applet::name() const
if (!d->appletDescription.isValid()) {
return i18n("Unknown Applet");
return d->;
QString Applet::icon() const
if (!d->appletDescription.isValid()) {
return QString();
return d->appletDescription.icon();
QString Applet::category() const
if (!d->appletDescription.isValid()) {
return i18n("Misc");
return d->"X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category").toString();
QString Applet::category(const KPluginInfo& applet)
QString Applet::category(const QString& appletName)
if (appletName.isEmpty()) {
return QString();
QString constraint = QString("[X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name] == '%1'").arg(appletName);
KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("Plasma/Applet", constraint);
if (offers.isEmpty()) {
return QString();
return offers.first()->property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category").toString();
bool Applet::isImmutable() const
return d->immutable;
void Applet::setImmutable(bool immutable)
d->immutable = immutable;
QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlags f = flags();
if (immutable) {
f ^= QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable;
} else if (!scene() || !static_cast<Corona*>(scene())->isImmutable()) {
f |= QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable;
bool Applet::drawStandardBackground()
return d->background != 0;
void Applet::setDrawStandardBackground(bool drawBackground)
if (drawBackground) {
if (!d->background) {
d->background = new Plasma::Svg("widgets/background");
} else {
delete d->background;
d->background = 0;
bool Applet::failedToLaunch() const
return d->failed;
QString visibleFailureText(const QString& reason)
QString text;
if (reason.isEmpty()) {
text = i18n("This object could not be created.");
} else {
text = i18n("This object could not be created for the following reason:<p>%1</p>", reason);
return text;
void Applet::setFailedToLaunch(bool failed, const QString& reason)
if (d->failed == failed) {
if (d->failureText) {
d->failed = failed;
delete layout();
if (failed) {
setDrawStandardBackground(failed || d->background != 0);
Layout* failureLayout = new VBoxLayout(this);
d->failureText = new LineEdit(this, scene());
} else {
d->failureText = 0;
int Applet::type() const
return Type;
QRectF Applet::boundingRect () const
QRectF rect = QRectF(QPointF(0,0), d->contentSize(this));
if (!d->background) {
return rect;
const int topHeight = d->background->elementSize("top").height();
const int leftWidth = d->background->elementSize("left").width();
const int rightWidth = d->background->elementSize("right").width();
const int bottomHeight = d->background->elementSize("bottom").height();
rect.adjust(0 - leftWidth, 0 - topHeight, rightWidth, bottomHeight);
return rect;
void Applet::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
qreal zoomLevel = painter->transform().m11() / transform().m11();
if (zoomLevel == scalingFactor(Plasma::DesktopZoom)) { // Show Desktop
if (d->background) {
d->paintBackground(painter, this);
if (d->failed) {
paintInterface(painter, option, QRect(QPoint(0,0), d->contentSize(this).toSize()));
d->paintHover(painter, this);
} else if (zoomLevel == scalingFactor(Plasma::GroupZoom)) { // Show Groups + Applet outline
//TODO: make pretty.
painter->fillRect(boundingRect(), QBrush(QColor(20, 20, 20, 200)));
int iconDim = KIconLoader().currentSize(K3Icon::Desktop);
int midX = (boundingRect().width() / 2) - (iconDim / 2);
int midY = (boundingRect().height() / 2 )- (iconDim / 2);
KIcon(icon()).paint(painter, midX, midY, iconDim, iconDim);
}/* else if (zoomLevel == scalingFactor(Plasma::OverviewZoom)) { //Show Groups only
} */
void Applet::paintInterface(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option,
const QRect & contentsRect)
if (d->scriptEngine) {
d->scriptEngine->paintInterface(painter, option);
} else {
kDebug() << "Applet::paintInterface() default impl" << endl;
FormFactor Applet::formFactor() const
if (!scene()) {
return Plasma::Planar;
return static_cast<Corona*>(scene())->formFactor();
Location Applet::location() const
if (!scene()) {
return Plasma::Desktop;
return static_cast<Corona*>(scene())->location();
QSizeF Applet::contentSize() const
//FIXME: this should be big enough to allow for the failure text?
return QSizeF(300, 300);
QString Applet::globalName() const
if (!d->appletDescription.isValid()) {
return QString();
return d->appletDescription.service()->library();
QString Applet::instanceName() const
if (!d->appletDescription.isValid()) {
return QString();
return d->appletDescription.service()->library() + QString::number( d->appletId );
void Applet::watchForFocus(QObject *widget, bool watch)
if ( !widget ) {
int index = d->watchedForFocus.indexOf(widget);
if ( watch ) {
if ( index == -1 ) {
d->watchedForFocus.append( widget );
widget->installEventFilter( this );
} else if ( index != -1 ) {
d->watchedForFocus.removeAt( index );
widget->removeEventFilter( this );
void Applet::needsFocus(bool focus)
if (focus == QGraphicsItem::hasFocus()) {
emit requestFocus(focus);
bool Applet::hasConfigurationInterface()
return d->hasConfigurationInterface;
void Applet::setHasConfigurationInterface(bool hasInterface)
d->hasConfigurationInterface = hasInterface;
bool Applet::eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent * e )
if ( !d->watchedForFocus.contains( o ) )
if ( e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease ||
e->type() == QEvent::FocusIn ) {
needsFocus( true );
} else if ( e->type() == QEvent::FocusOut ) {
needsFocus( false );
return QObject::eventFilter(o, e);
void Applet::showConfigurationInterface()
KPluginInfo::List Applet::knownApplets(const QString &category,
const QString &parentApp)
QString constraint;
if (parentApp.isEmpty()) {
constraint.append("not exist [X-KDE-ParentApp]");
} else {
constraint.append("[X-KDE-ParentApp] == '").append(parentApp).append("'");
if (!category.isEmpty()) {
if (!constraint.isEmpty()) {
constraint.append(" and ");
constraint.append("[X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category] == '").append(category).append("'");
if (category == "Misc") {
constraint.append(" or (not exist [X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category] or [X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category] == '')");
KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("Plasma/Applet", constraint);
//kDebug() << "Applet::knownApplets constraint was '" << constraint << "' which got us " << offers.count() << " matches" << endl;
return KPluginInfo::fromServices(offers);
QStringList Applet::knownCategories(const QString &parentApp)
QString constraint = "exist [X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category]";
if (parentApp.isEmpty()) {
constraint.append(" and not exist [X-KDE-ParentApp]");
} else {
constraint.append(" and [X-KDE-ParentApp] == '").append(parentApp).append("'");
KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("Plasma/Applet", constraint);
QStringList categories;
foreach (KService::Ptr applet, offers) {
QString appletCategory = applet->property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category").toString();
kDebug() << " and we have " << appletCategory << endl;
if (appletCategory.isEmpty()) {
if (!categories.contains(i18n("Misc"))) {
categories << i18n("Misc");
} else if (!categories.contains(appletCategory)) {
categories << appletCategory;
return categories;
Applet* Applet::loadApplet(const QString& appletName, uint appletId, const QStringList& args)
if (appletName.isEmpty()) {
return 0;
QString constraint = QString("[X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name] == '%1'").arg(appletName);
KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("Plasma/Applet", constraint);
if (offers.isEmpty()) {
//TODO: what would be -really- cool is offer to try and download the applet
// from the network at this point
kDebug() << "Applet::loadApplet: offers is empty for \"" << appletName << "\"" << endl;
return 0;
if (appletId == 0) {
appletId = Private::nextId();
QStringList allArgs;
QString id;
allArgs << offers.first()->storageId() << id << args;
Applet* applet = KService::createInstance<Plasma::Applet>(offers.first(), 0, allArgs);
if (!applet) {
kDebug() << "Couldn't load applet \"" << appletName << "\"!" << endl;
return applet;
Applet* Applet::loadApplet(const KPluginInfo& info, uint appletId, const QStringList& args)
if (!info.isValid()) {
return 0;
return loadApplet(info.pluginName(), appletId, args);
} // Plasma namespace
#include "applet.moc"