2021-03-13 17:35:34 +00:00

256 lines
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SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010 Marco Martin <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
#include <QAbstractItemModel>
#include <QJSValue>
#include <QSortFilterProxyModel>
#include <QVector>
#include <Plasma/DataEngine>
class QTimer;
namespace Plasma
class DataSource;
class DataModel;
* @class SortFilterModel
* @short Filter and sort an existing QAbstractItemModel
class SortFilterModel : public QSortFilterProxyModel
* The source model of this sorting proxy model. It has to inherit QAbstractItemModel (ListModel is not supported)
Q_PROPERTY(QAbstractItemModel *sourceModel READ sourceModel WRITE setModel NOTIFY sourceModelChanged)
* The regular expression for the filter, only items with their filterRole matching filterRegExp will be displayed
Q_PROPERTY(QString filterRegExp READ filterRegExp WRITE setFilterRegExp NOTIFY filterRegExpChanged)
* The string for the filter, only items with their filterRole matching filterString will be displayed
Q_PROPERTY(QString filterString READ filterString WRITE setFilterString NOTIFY filterStringChanged REVISION 1)
* A JavaScript callable that is passed the source model row index as first argument and the value
* of filterRole as second argument. The callable's return value is evaluated as boolean to determine
* whether the row is accepted (true) or filtered out (false). It overrides the default implementation
* that uses filterRegExp or filterString; while filterCallable is set those two properties are
* ignored. Attempts to write a non-callable to this property are silently ignored, but you can set
* it to null.
Q_PROPERTY(QJSValue filterCallback READ filterCallback WRITE setFilterCallback NOTIFY filterCallbackChanged REVISION 1)
* The role of the sourceModel on which filterRegExp must be applied.
Q_PROPERTY(QString filterRole READ filterRole WRITE setFilterRole)
* The role of the sourceModel that will be used for sorting. if empty the order will be left unaltered
Q_PROPERTY(QString sortRole READ sortRole WRITE setSortRole)
* One of Qt.Ascending or Qt.Descending
Q_PROPERTY(Qt::SortOrder sortOrder READ sortOrder WRITE setSortOrder)
* Specify which column should be used for sorting
Q_PROPERTY(int sortColumn READ sortColumn WRITE setSortColumn NOTIFY sortColumnChanged)
* How many items are in this model
Q_PROPERTY(int count READ count NOTIFY countChanged)
friend class DataModel;
explicit SortFilterModel(QObject *parent = nullptr);
~SortFilterModel() override;
void setModel(QAbstractItemModel *source);
void setFilterRegExp(const QString &exp);
QString filterRegExp() const;
void setFilterString(const QString &filterString);
QString filterString() const;
void setFilterCallback(const QJSValue &callback);
QJSValue filterCallback() const;
void setFilterRole(const QString &role);
QString filterRole() const;
void setSortRole(const QString &role);
QString sortRole() const;
void setSortOrder(const Qt::SortOrder order);
void setSortColumn(int column);
int count() const
return QSortFilterProxyModel::rowCount();
* Returns the item at index in the list model.
* This allows the item data to be accessed (but not modified) from JavaScript.
* It returns an Object with a property for each role.
* @param i the row we want
Q_INVOKABLE QVariantMap get(int i) const;
Q_INVOKABLE int mapRowToSource(int i) const;
Q_INVOKABLE int mapRowFromSource(int i) const;
void countChanged();
void sortColumnChanged();
void sourceModelChanged(QObject *);
void filterRegExpChanged(const QString &);
Q_REVISION(1) void filterStringChanged(const QString &);
Q_REVISION(1) void filterCallbackChanged(const QJSValue &);
int roleNameToId(const QString &name) const;
bool filterAcceptsRow(int source_row, const QModelIndex &source_parent) const override;
QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames() const override;
protected Q_SLOTS:
void syncRoleNames();
QString m_filterRole;
QString m_sortRole;
QString m_filterString;
QJSValue m_filterCallback;
QHash<QString, int> m_roleIds;
* @class DataModel
* @short DataSource data as a model
class DataModel : public QAbstractItemModel
* The instance of DataSource to construct this model on
Q_PROPERTY(QObject *dataSource READ dataSource WRITE setDataSource)
* It's a regular expression. Only data with keys that match this filter expression will be inserted in the model
Q_PROPERTY(QString keyRoleFilter READ keyRoleFilter WRITE setKeyRoleFilter)
* it's a regular expression. If the DataSource is connected to more than one source, only inserts data from sources matching this filter expression in the
* model. If we want to have a source watch all sources beginning with say "name:", the required regexp would be sourceFilter: "name:.*"
Q_PROPERTY(QString sourceFilter READ sourceFilter WRITE setSourceFilter)
* How many items are in this model
Q_PROPERTY(int count READ count NOTIFY countChanged)
DataModel(QObject *parent = nullptr);
void setDataSource(QObject *source);
QObject *dataSource() const;
* Include only items with a key that matches this regexp in the model
void setKeyRoleFilter(const QString &key);
QString keyRoleFilter() const;
* Include only sources that matches this regexp in the model
void setSourceFilter(const QString &key);
QString sourceFilter() const;
// Reimplemented
QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const override;
QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override;
QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const override;
QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex &child) const override;
int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const override;
int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const override;
int count() const
return countItems();
* Returns the item at index in the list model.
* This allows the item data to be accessed (but not modified) from JavaScript.
* It returns an Object with a property for each role.
* @param i the row we want
Q_INVOKABLE QVariantMap get(int i) const;
void setItems(const QString &sourceName, const QVariantList &list);
inline int countItems() const;
QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames() const override;
void countChanged();
void sourceModelChanged(QObject *);
void filterRegExpChanged(const QString &);
private Q_SLOTS:
void dataUpdated(const QString &sourceName, const QVariantMap &data);
void removeSource(const QString &sourceName);
DataSource *m_dataSource;
QString m_keyRoleFilter;
QRegExp m_keyRoleFilterRE;
QString m_sourceFilter;
QRegExp m_sourceFilterRE;
QMap<QString, QVector<QVariant>> m_items;
QHash<int, QByteArray> m_roleNames;
QHash<QString, int> m_roleIds;
int m_maxRoleId;
int DataModel::countItems() const
int count = 0;
for (const QVector<QVariant> &v : qAsConst(m_items)) {
count += v.count();
return count;