2021-03-13 17:35:34 +00:00

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SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2009 Alan Alpert <>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010 Ménard Alexis <>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010 Marco MArtin <>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013 Sebastian Kügler <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
#include <QObject>
#include <QQmlParserStatus>
#include <QQmlPropertyMap>
#include <QScopedPointer>
#include <QtQml>
#include <Plasma/DataEngine>
#include <Plasma/DataEngineConsumer>
class QQmlPropertyMap;
namespace Plasma
class DataEngine;
* @class DataSource
* @short Provides data from a range of plugins
class DataSource : public QObject, public QQmlParserStatus, DataEngineConsumer
enum Change {
NoChange = 0,
DataEngineChanged = 1,
SourcesChanged = 2,
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Changes, Change)
typedef QMap<QString, QVariant> Data;
explicit DataSource(QObject *parent = nullptr);
void classBegin() override;
void componentComplete() override;
* true if the connection to the Plasma DataEngine is valid
Q_PROPERTY(bool valid READ valid)
bool valid() const
return m_dataEngine && m_dataEngine->isValid();
* Polling interval in milliseconds when the data will be fetched again. If 0 no polling will be done.
Q_PROPERTY(int interval READ interval WRITE setInterval NOTIFY intervalChanged)
int interval() const
return m_interval;
void setInterval(const int interval);
* The interval to align polling to
Q_PROPERTY(Plasma::Types::IntervalAlignment intervalAlignment READ intervalAlignment WRITE setIntervalAlignment NOTIFY intervalAlignmentChanged)
Plasma::Types::IntervalAlignment intervalAlignment() const
return m_intervalAlignment;
void setIntervalAlignment(Plasma::Types::IntervalAlignment intervalAlignment);
* Plugin name of the Plasma DataEngine
Q_PROPERTY(QString dataEngine READ engine WRITE setEngine NOTIFY engineChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString engine READ engine WRITE setEngine NOTIFY engineChanged)
QString engine() const
return m_engine;
void setEngine(const QString &e);
* String array of all the source names connected to the DataEngine
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList connectedSources READ connectedSources WRITE setConnectedSources NOTIFY connectedSourcesChanged)
QStringList connectedSources() const
return m_connectedSources;
void setConnectedSources(const QStringList &s);
* Read only string array of all the sources available from the DataEngine (connected or not)
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList sources READ sources NOTIFY sourcesChanged)
QStringList sources() const
return m_sources;
* All the data fetched by this dataengine.
* This is a map of maps. At the first level, there are the source names, at the second, they keys set by the DataEngine
Q_PROPERTY(QQmlPropertyMap *data READ data CONSTANT)
QQmlPropertyMap *data() const
return m_data;
* All the models associated to this DataEngine, indexed by source.
* In order for a model to be present, besides being implemented in the DataEngine,
* The user has to be connected to its source, so the source name has to be present in the connectedSources property.
Q_PROPERTY(QQmlPropertyMap *models READ models CONSTANT)
QQmlPropertyMap *models() const
return m_models;
* @returns a Plasma::Service given a source name
* @param source source name we want a service of
Q_INVOKABLE QObject *serviceForSource(const QString &source);
* Connect a new source. It adds it to connectedSources
Q_INVOKABLE void connectSource(const QString &source);
* Disconnects from a DataEngine Source. It also removes it from connectedSources
Q_INVOKABLE void disconnectSource(const QString &source);
public Q_SLOTS:
void dataUpdated(const QString &sourceName, const Plasma::DataEngine::Data &data);
void modelChanged(const QString &sourceName, QAbstractItemModel *model);
protected Q_SLOTS:
void removeSource(const QString &source);
void setupData();
void updateSources();
void newData(const QString &sourceName, const QVariantMap &data);
void sourceAdded(const QString &source);
void sourceRemoved(const QString &source);
void sourceConnected(const QString &source);
void sourceDisconnected(const QString &source);
void intervalChanged();
void intervalAlignmentChanged();
void engineChanged();
void dataChanged();
void connectedSourcesChanged();
void sourcesChanged();
bool m_ready;
QString m_id;
int m_interval;
Plasma::Types::IntervalAlignment m_intervalAlignment;
QString m_engine;
QQmlPropertyMap *m_data = nullptr;
QQmlPropertyMap *m_models = nullptr;
Plasma::DataEngine *m_dataEngine = nullptr;
QScopedPointer<Plasma::DataEngineConsumer> m_dataEngineConsumer;
QStringList m_sources;
QStringList m_connectedSources;
QStringList m_oldSources;
QStringList m_newSources;
Changes m_changes;
QHash<QString, Plasma::Service *> m_services;