Jason Stubbs cb9747382b startAnimation() needs to be called if the layout geometry() changes as well
otherwise the updated layout doesn't take effect. This means that it really
does need to be called from relayout(). So to prevent a quasi-infinite loop,
don't restart the timeline if it's already running.

This fixes the tasks geometry not updating correctly when applets are added
to the panel.

svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma/; revision=754148
2007-12-29 07:14:21 +00:00

240 lines
5.9 KiB

* Copyright 2007 by Robert Knight <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "flowlayout.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <QtCore/QList>
#include <QtCore/QRectF>
#include <QtCore/QTimeLine>
#include <QtDebug>
#include "layoutanimator.h"
using namespace Plasma;
class FlowLayout::Private
Private() : columnWidth( -1 ) {}
QList<LayoutItem*> items;
qreal columnWidth;
FlowLayout::FlowLayout(LayoutItem* parent)
: Layout(parent)
, d(new Private)
delete d;
int FlowLayout::count() const
return d->items.count();
void FlowLayout::addItem(LayoutItem* item)
if (!item || d->items.contains(item)) {
d->items << item;
if (animator()) {
void FlowLayout::removeItem(LayoutItem* item)
if (!item) {
if (animator()) {
int FlowLayout::indexOf(LayoutItem* item) const
if (!item) {
return -1;
return d->items.indexOf(item);
LayoutItem* FlowLayout::itemAt(int i) const
if (i >= d->items.count()) {
return 0;
return d->items[i];
QSizeF FlowLayout::sizeHint() const
// TODO A proper algorithm here
// Idea: Return a size hint based on the golden ratio to
// make it aesthetically good
// eg. Longer side is 1.61x the length of the shorter side
// testing
return QSizeF(500,500);
LayoutItem* FlowLayout::takeAt(int i)
if (i >= d->items.count()) {
return 0;
return d->items.takeAt(i);
// FIXME: Should updateGeometry() be called?
template <class T>
T qSum(const QList<T>& container)
T total = 0;
foreach( const T& item , container ) {
total += item;
return total;
void FlowLayout::relayout()
QRectF rect = geometry().adjusted(margin(LeftMargin), margin(TopMargin), -margin(RightMargin), -margin(BottomMargin));
qDebug() << "Flow layout geometry set to " << geometry();
// calculate average size of items
qreal totalWidth = 0;
qreal totalHeight = 0;
foreach(LayoutItem *item , d->items) {
totalWidth += item->sizeHint().width();
totalHeight += item->sizeHint().height();
// use the average item width as the column width.
// Also include the spacing either side of each item as part of the
// average width, this provides the spacing between the items and
// also allows some tolerance for small differences in item widths
qreal averageWidth;
if (d->columnWidth == -1) {
averageWidth = totalWidth / d->items.count() + 2*spacing();
} else {
averageWidth = d->columnWidth;
const int columnCount = (int)(rect.width() / averageWidth);
int insertColumn = 0;
qreal rowPos = 0;
qreal rowHeight = 0;
// lay the items out in left-to-right , top-to-bottom order
foreach(LayoutItem *item , d->items) {
const QSizeF& itemSize = item->sizeHint();
int columnSpan = (int)ceil(itemSize.width() / averageWidth);
if ( insertColumn + columnSpan > columnCount ) {
// start a new row
insertColumn = 0;
rowPos += rowHeight + spacing();
// qDebug() << "Inserting item at column" << insertColumn
// << "spanning" << columnSpan << "columns"
// << "with offset" << offset;
// try to expand the item to fill its allocated number of columns
qreal itemWidth = itemSize.width();
const qreal idealWidth = columnSpan * averageWidth - spacing();
if ( itemWidth < idealWidth &&
idealWidth < item->maximumSize().width() ) {
itemWidth = idealWidth;
// calculate offset to horizontally center item
qreal offset = (columnSpan * averageWidth) - itemWidth;
if ( insertColumn == 0 )
offset -= spacing();
offset /= 2;
// try to restrict the item width to the available geometry's
// width
if ( itemWidth > rect.width() ) {
itemWidth = qMax(rect.width(),item->minimumSize().width());
offset = 0;
// position the item
const QRectF newGeometry(rect.left() + insertColumn * averageWidth + offset, + rowPos,
rowHeight = qMax(rowHeight,itemSize.height());
insertColumn += columnSpan;
if ( animator() )
animator()->setGeometry( item , newGeometry );
item->setGeometry( newGeometry );
Qt::Orientations FlowLayout::expandingDirections() const
return Qt::Vertical | Qt::Horizontal;
qreal FlowLayout::columnWidth() const
return d->columnWidth;
void FlowLayout::setColumnWidth( const qreal width )
d->columnWidth = width;