
1139 lines
34 KiB

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006-2007 Aaron Seigo <>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008-2010 Marco Martin <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
#include "svg.h"
#include "private/svg_p.h"
#include "private/theme_p.h"
#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include <QBuffer>
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDir>
#include <QMatrix>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QStringBuilder>
#include <QXmlStreamReader>
#include <QXmlStreamWriter>
#include <KColorScheme>
#include <KConfigGroup>
#include <KFilterDev>
#include <KIconEffect>
#include <KIconLoader>
#include <KIconTheme>
#include <QDebug>
#include "applet.h"
#include "debug_p.h"
#include "package.h"
#include "theme.h"
uint qHash(const Plasma::SvgPrivate::CacheId &id, uint seed)
std::array<uint, 10> parts = {::qHash(id.width),
return qHashRange(parts.begin(), parts.end(), seed);
namespace Plasma
class SvgRectsCacheSingleton
SvgRectsCache self;
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(SvgRectsCacheSingleton, privateSvgRectsCacheSelf)
const uint SvgRectsCache::s_seed = 0x9e3779b9;
SharedSvgRenderer::SharedSvgRenderer(QObject *parent)
: QSvgRenderer(parent)
SharedSvgRenderer::SharedSvgRenderer(const QString &filename, const QString &styleSheet, QHash<QString, QRectF> &interestingElements, QObject *parent)
: QSvgRenderer(parent)
KCompressionDevice file(filename, KCompressionDevice::GZip);
if (! {
load(file.readAll(), styleSheet, interestingElements);
SharedSvgRenderer::SharedSvgRenderer(const QByteArray &contents, const QString &styleSheet, QHash<QString, QRectF> &interestingElements, QObject *parent)
: QSvgRenderer(parent)
load(contents, styleSheet, interestingElements);
bool SharedSvgRenderer::load(const QByteArray &contents, const QString &styleSheet, QHash<QString, QRectF> &interestingElements)
// Apply the style sheet.
if (!styleSheet.isEmpty() && contents.contains("current-color-scheme")) {
QByteArray processedContents;
QXmlStreamReader reader(contents);
QBuffer buffer(&processedContents);;
QXmlStreamWriter writer(&buffer);
while (!reader.atEnd()) {
if (reader.readNext() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement && reader.qualifiedName() == QLatin1String("style")
&& reader.attributes().value(QLatin1String("id")) == QLatin1String("current-color-scheme")) {
while (reader.tokenType() != QXmlStreamReader::EndElement) {
} else if (reader.tokenType() != QXmlStreamReader::Invalid) {
if (!QSvgRenderer::load(processedContents)) {
return false;
} else if (!QSvgRenderer::load(contents)) {
return false;
// Search the SVG to find and store all ids that contain size hints.
const QString contentsAsString(QString::fromLatin1(contents));
static const QRegularExpression idExpr(QLatin1String("id\\s*?=\\s*?(['\"])(\\d+?-\\d+?-.*?)\\1"));
auto matchIt = idExpr.globalMatch(contentsAsString);
while (matchIt.hasNext()) {
auto match =;
QString elementId = match.captured(2);
QRectF elementRect = boundsOnElement(elementId);
if (elementRect.isValid()) {
interestingElements.insert(elementId, elementRect);
return true;
SvgRectsCache::SvgRectsCache(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
const QString svgElementsFile =
QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericCacheLocation) + QLatin1Char('/') + QStringLiteral("plasma-svgelements");
m_svgElementsCache = KSharedConfig::openConfig(svgElementsFile, KConfig::SimpleConfig);
m_configSyncTimer = new QTimer(this);
connect(m_configSyncTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, [this]() {
SvgRectsCache *SvgRectsCache::instance()
return &privateSvgRectsCacheSelf()->self;
void SvgRectsCache::insert(Plasma::SvgPrivate::CacheId cacheId, const QRectF &rect, unsigned int lastModified)
insert(qHash(cacheId, SvgRectsCache::s_seed), cacheId.filePath, rect, lastModified);
void SvgRectsCache::insert(uint id, const QString &filePath, const QRectF &rect, unsigned int lastModified)
if (m_localRectCache.contains(id)) {
m_localRectCache.insert(id, rect);
KConfigGroup imageGroup(m_svgElementsCache, filePath);
imageGroup.writeEntry("LastModified", lastModified);
if (rect.isValid()) {
imageGroup.writeEntry(QString::number(id), rect);
} else {
m_invalidElements[filePath] << id;
imageGroup.writeEntry("Invalidelements", m_invalidElements[filePath].values());
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_configSyncTimer, QOverload<>::of(&QTimer::start));
bool SvgRectsCache::findElementRect(Plasma::SvgPrivate::CacheId cacheId, QRectF &rect)
return findElementRect(qHash(cacheId, SvgRectsCache::s_seed), cacheId.filePath, rect);
bool SvgRectsCache::findElementRect(uint id, const QString &filePath, QRectF &rect)
auto it = m_localRectCache.find(id);
if (it == m_localRectCache.end()) {
if (m_invalidElements.contains(filePath) && m_invalidElements[filePath].contains(id)) {
rect = QRectF();
return true;
return false;
rect = *it;
return true;
void SvgRectsCache::loadImageFromCache(const QString &path, uint lastModified)
if (path.isEmpty()) {
KConfigGroup imageGroup(m_svgElementsCache, path);
unsigned int savedTime = imageGroup.readEntry("LastModified", 0);
if (lastModified > savedTime) {
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_configSyncTimer, QOverload<>::of(&QTimer::start));
auto &elements = m_invalidElements[path];
if (elements.isEmpty()) {
auto list = imageGroup.readEntry("Invalidelements", QList<unsigned int>());
m_invalidElements[path] = QSet<unsigned int>(list.begin(), list.end());
for (const auto &key : imageGroup.keyList()) {
bool ok = false;
uint keyUInt = key.toUInt(&ok);
if (ok) {
const QRectF rect = imageGroup.readEntry(key, QRectF());
m_localRectCache.insert(keyUInt, rect);
void SvgRectsCache::dropImageFromCache(const QString &path)
KConfigGroup imageGroup(m_svgElementsCache, path);
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_configSyncTimer, QOverload<>::of(&QTimer::start));
QList<QSize> SvgRectsCache::sizeHintsForId(const QString &path, const QString &id)
const QString pathId = path % id;
if (!m_sizeHintsForId.contains(pathId)) {
KConfigGroup imageGroup(m_svgElementsCache, path);
const QStringList &encoded = imageGroup.readEntry(id, QStringList());
QList<QSize> sizes;
for (const auto &token : encoded) {
const auto &parts = token.split(QLatin1Char('x'));
if (parts.size() != 2) {
QSize size = QSize(parts[0].toDouble(), parts[1].toDouble());
if (!size.isEmpty()) {
sizes << size;
m_sizeHintsForId[pathId] = sizes;
return sizes;
return m_sizeHintsForId.value(pathId);
void SvgRectsCache::insertSizeHintForId(const QString &path, const QString &id, const QSize &size)
// TODO: need to make this more efficient
auto sizeListToString = [](const QList<QSize> &list) {
QString ret;
for (const auto &s : list) {
ret += QString::number(s.width()) % QLatin1Char('x') % QString::number(s.height()) % QLatin1Char(',');
return ret;
m_sizeHintsForId[path % id].append(size);
KConfigGroup imageGroup(m_svgElementsCache, path);
imageGroup.writeEntry(id, sizeListToString(m_sizeHintsForId[path % id]));
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_configSyncTimer, QOverload<>::of(&QTimer::start));
QString SvgRectsCache::iconThemePath()
if (!m_iconThemePath.isEmpty()) {
return m_iconThemePath;
KConfigGroup imageGroup(m_svgElementsCache, QStringLiteral("General"));
m_iconThemePath = imageGroup.readEntry(QStringLiteral("IconThemePath"), QString());
return m_iconThemePath;
void SvgRectsCache::setIconThemePath(const QString &path)
m_iconThemePath = path;
KConfigGroup imageGroup(m_svgElementsCache, QStringLiteral("General"));
imageGroup.writeEntry(QStringLiteral("IconThemePath"), path);
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_configSyncTimer, QOverload<>::of(&QTimer::start));
void SvgRectsCache::expireCache(const QString &path)
KConfigGroup imageGroup(m_svgElementsCache, path);
unsigned int savedTime = imageGroup.readEntry("LastModified", QDateTime().toSecsSinceEpoch());
QFileInfo info(path);
if (info.exists()) {
unsigned int lastModified = info.lastModified().toSecsSinceEpoch();
if (lastModified <= savedTime) {
void SvgRectsCache::setNaturalSize(const QString &path, qreal scaleFactor, const QSizeF &size)
KConfigGroup imageGroup(m_svgElementsCache, path);
// FIXME: needs something faster, perhaps even sprintf
imageGroup.writeEntry(QStringLiteral("NaturalSize_") % QString::number(scaleFactor), size);
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_configSyncTimer, QOverload<>::of(&QTimer::start));
QSizeF SvgRectsCache::naturalSize(const QString &path, qreal scaleFactor)
KConfigGroup imageGroup(m_svgElementsCache, path);
// FIXME: needs something faster, perhaps even sprintf
return imageGroup.readEntry(QStringLiteral("NaturalSize_") % QString::number(scaleFactor), QSizeF());
QStringList SvgRectsCache::cachedKeysForPath(const QString &path) const
KConfigGroup imageGroup(m_svgElementsCache, path);
QStringList list = imageGroup.keyList();
QStringList filtered;
std::copy_if(list.begin(), list.end(), std::back_inserter(filtered), [](const QString element) {
bool ok;
return ok;
return filtered;
void SvgRectsCache::updateLastModified(const QString &filePath, unsigned int lastModified)
KConfigGroup imageGroup(m_svgElementsCache, filePath);
imageGroup.writeEntry("LastModified", lastModified);
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_configSyncTimer, QOverload<>::of(&QTimer::start));
SvgPrivate::SvgPrivate(Svg *svg)
: q(svg)
, renderer(nullptr)
, styleCrc(0)
, colorGroup(Plasma::Theme::NormalColorGroup)
, lastModified(0)
, devicePixelRatio(1.0)
, scaleFactor(s_lastScaleFactor)
, status(Svg::Status::Normal)
, multipleImages(false)
, themed(false)
, useSystemColors(false)
, fromCurrentTheme(false)
, applyColors(false)
, usesColors(false)
, cacheRendering(true)
, themeFailed(false)
// This function is meant for the rects cache
SvgPrivate::CacheId SvgPrivate::cacheId(const QString &elementId) const
auto idSize = size.isValid() && size != naturalSize ? size : QSizeF{-1.0, -1.0};
return CacheId{idSize.width(), idSize.height(), path, elementId, status, devicePixelRatio, scaleFactor, -1, 0, lastModified};
// This function is meant for the pixmap cache
QString SvgPrivate::cachePath(const QString &id, const QSize &size) const
auto cacheId = CacheId{double(size.width()), double(size.height()), path, id, status, devicePixelRatio, scaleFactor, colorGroup, 0, lastModified};
return QString::number(qHash(cacheId, SvgRectsCache::s_seed));
bool SvgPrivate::setImagePath(const QString &imagePath)
QString actualPath = imagePath;
if (imagePath.startsWith(QLatin1String("file://"))) {
// length of file://
actualPath.remove(0, 7);
bool isThemed = !actualPath.isEmpty() && !QDir::isAbsolutePath(actualPath);
bool inIconTheme = false;
// an absolute path.. let's try if this actually an *icon* theme
if (!isThemed && !actualPath.isEmpty()) {
const auto *iconTheme = KIconLoader::global()->theme();
isThemed = inIconTheme = iconTheme && actualPath.startsWith(iconTheme->dir());
// lets check to see if we're already set to this file
if (isThemed == themed && ((themed && themePath == actualPath) || (!themed && path == actualPath))) {
return false;
// if we don't have any path right now and are going to set one,
// then lets not schedule a repaint because we are just initializing!
bool updateNeeded = true; //! path.isEmpty() || !themePath.isEmpty();
QObject::disconnect(actualTheme(), SIGNAL(themeChanged()), q, SLOT(themeChanged()));
if (isThemed && !themed && s_systemColorsCache) {
// catch the case where we weren't themed, but now we are, and the colors cache was set up
// ensure we are not connected to that theme previously
QObject::disconnect(, nullptr, q, nullptr);
themed = isThemed;
bool oldFromCurrentTheme = fromCurrentTheme;
fromCurrentTheme = !inIconTheme && isThemed && actualTheme()->currentThemeHasImage(imagePath);
if (fromCurrentTheme != oldFromCurrentTheme) {
Q_EMIT q->fromCurrentThemeChanged(fromCurrentTheme);
if (inIconTheme) {
themePath = actualPath;
path = actualPath;
QObject::connect(actualTheme(), SIGNAL(themeChanged()), q, SLOT(themeChanged()));
} else if (themed) {
themePath = actualPath;
path = actualTheme()->imagePath(themePath);
themeFailed = path.isEmpty();
QObject::connect(actualTheme(), SIGNAL(themeChanged()), q, SLOT(themeChanged()));
} else if (QFileInfo::exists(actualPath)) {
QObject::connect(cacheAndColorsTheme(), SIGNAL(themeChanged()), q, SLOT(themeChanged()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
path = actualPath;
} else {
#ifndef NDEBUG
// qCDebug(LOG_PLASMA) << "file '" << path << "' does not exist!";
const QFileInfo info(path);
const QDateTime lastModifiedDate = info.lastModified();
lastModified = lastModifiedDate.toSecsSinceEpoch();
SvgRectsCache::instance()->loadImageFromCache(path, lastModified);
// check if svg wants colorscheme applied
// also images with absolute path needs to have a natural size initialized,
// even if looks a bit weird using Theme to store non-themed stuff
if ((themed && !path.isEmpty() && lastModifiedDate.isValid()) || QFileInfo::exists(actualPath)) {
naturalSize = SvgRectsCache::instance()->naturalSize(path, scaleFactor);
if (naturalSize.isEmpty()) {
naturalSize = renderer->defaultSize() * scaleFactor;
SvgRectsCache::instance()->setNaturalSize(path, scaleFactor, naturalSize);
Q_EMIT q->imagePathChanged();
return updateNeeded;
Theme *SvgPrivate::actualTheme()
if (!theme) {
theme = new Plasma::Theme(q);
Theme *SvgPrivate::cacheAndColorsTheme()
if (themed || !useSystemColors) {
return actualTheme();
} else {
// use a separate cache source for unthemed svg's
if (!s_systemColorsCache) {
// FIXME: reference count this, so that it is deleted when no longer in use
s_systemColorsCache = new Plasma::Theme(QStringLiteral("internal-system-colors"));
QPixmap SvgPrivate::findInCache(const QString &elementId, qreal ratio, const QSizeF &s)
QSize size;
QString actualElementId;
// Look at the size hinted elements and try to find the smallest one with an
// identical aspect ratio.
if (s.isValid() && !elementId.isEmpty()) {
const QList<QSize> elementSizeHints = SvgRectsCache::instance()->sizeHintsForId(path, elementId);
if (!elementSizeHints.isEmpty()) {
QSizeF bestFit(-1, -1);
for (const auto &hint : elementSizeHints) {
if (hint.width() >= s.width() * ratio && hint.height() >= s.height() * ratio
&& (!bestFit.isValid() || (bestFit.width() * bestFit.height()) > (hint.width() * hint.height()))) {
bestFit = hint;
if (bestFit.isValid()) {
actualElementId = QString::number(bestFit.width()) % QLatin1Char('-') % QString::number(bestFit.height()) % QLatin1Char('-') % elementId;
if (elementId.isEmpty() || !q->hasElement(actualElementId)) {
actualElementId = elementId;
if (elementId.isEmpty() || (multipleImages && s.isValid())) {
size = s.toSize() * ratio;
} else {
size = elementRect(actualElementId).size().toSize() * ratio;
if (size.isEmpty()) {
return QPixmap();
const QString id = cachePath(actualElementId, size);
QPixmap p;
if (cacheRendering && cacheAndColorsTheme()->findInCache(id, p, lastModified)) {
// qCDebug(LOG_PLASMA) << "found cached version of " << id << p.size();
return p;
QRectF finalRect = makeUniform(renderer->boundsOnElement(actualElementId), QRect(QPoint(0, 0), size));
// don't alter the pixmap size or it won't match up properly to, e.g., FrameSvg elements
// makeUniform should never change the size so much that it gains or loses a whole pixel
p = QPixmap(size);
QPainter renderPainter(&p);
if (actualElementId.isEmpty()) {
renderer->render(&renderPainter, finalRect);
} else {
renderer->render(&renderPainter, actualElementId, finalRect);
// Apply current color scheme if the svg asks for it
if (applyColors) {
QImage itmp = p.toImage();
KIconEffect::colorize(itmp, cacheAndColorsTheme()->color(Theme::BackgroundColor), 1.0);
p = p.fromImage(itmp);
if (cacheRendering) {
cacheAndColorsTheme()->insertIntoCache(id, p, QString::number((qint64)q, 16) % QLatin1Char('_') % actualElementId);
SvgRectsCache::instance()->updateLastModified(path, lastModified);
return p;
void SvgPrivate::createRenderer()
if (renderer) {
if (themed && path.isEmpty() && !themeFailed) {
Applet *applet = qobject_cast<Applet *>(q->parent());
// FIXME: this maybe could be more efficient if we knew if the package was empty, e.g. for
// C++; however, I'm not sure this has any real world runtime impact. something to measure
// for.
if (applet && applet->kPackage().isValid()) {
const KPackage::Package package = applet->kPackage();
path = package.filePath("images", themePath + QLatin1String(".svg"));
if (path.isEmpty()) {
path = package.filePath("images", themePath + QLatin1String(".svgz"));
if (path.isEmpty()) {
path = actualTheme()->imagePath(themePath);
themeFailed = path.isEmpty();
if (themeFailed) {
qCWarning(LOG_PLASMA) << "No image path found for" << themePath;
QString styleSheet = cacheAndColorsTheme()->d->svgStyleSheet(colorGroup, status);
styleCrc = qChecksum(styleSheet.toUtf8().constData(), styleSheet.size());
QHash<QString, SharedSvgRenderer::Ptr>::const_iterator it = s_renderers.constFind(styleCrc + path);
if (it != s_renderers.constEnd()) {
renderer = it.value();
} else {
if (path.isEmpty()) {
renderer = new SharedSvgRenderer();
} else {
QHash<QString, QRectF> interestingElements;
renderer = new SharedSvgRenderer(path, styleSheet, interestingElements);
// Add interesting elements to the theme's rect cache.
QHashIterator<QString, QRectF> i(interestingElements);
QRegularExpression sizeHintedKeyExpr(QStringLiteral("^(\\d+)-(\\d+)-(.+)$"));
while (i.hasNext()) {;
const QString &elementId = i.key();
QString originalId = i.key();
const QRectF &elementRect = i.value();
originalId.replace(sizeHintedKeyExpr, QStringLiteral("\\3"));
SvgRectsCache::instance()->insertSizeHintForId(path, originalId, elementRect.size().toSize());
const CacheId cacheId({-1.0, -1.0, path, elementId, status, devicePixelRatio, scaleFactor, -1, 0, lastModified});
SvgRectsCache::instance()->insert(cacheId, elementRect, lastModified);
s_renderers[styleCrc + path] = renderer;
if (size == QSizeF()) {
size = renderer->defaultSize();
void SvgPrivate::eraseRenderer()
if (renderer && renderer->ref.loadRelaxed() == 2) {
// this and the cache reference it
s_renderers.erase(s_renderers.find(styleCrc + path));
renderer = nullptr;
styleCrc = 0;
QRectF SvgPrivate::elementRect(const QString &elementId)
if (themed && path.isEmpty()) {
if (themeFailed) {
return QRectF();
path = actualTheme()->imagePath(themePath);
themeFailed = path.isEmpty();
if (themeFailed) {
return QRectF();
if (path.isEmpty()) {
return QRectF();
QRectF rect;
const CacheId cacheId = SvgPrivate::cacheId(elementId);
bool found = SvgRectsCache::instance()->findElementRect(cacheId, rect);
// This is a corner case where we are *sure* the element is not valid
if (!found) {
rect = findAndCacheElementRect(elementId);
return rect;
QRectF SvgPrivate::findAndCacheElementRect(const QString &elementId)
// we need to check the id before createRenderer(), otherwise it may generate a different id compared to the previous cacheId)( call
const CacheId cacheId = SvgPrivate::cacheId(elementId);
// This code will usually never be run because createRenderer already caches all the boundingRect in the elements in the svg
QRectF elementRect =
renderer->elementExists(elementId) ? renderer->transformForElement(elementId).map(renderer->boundsOnElement(elementId)).boundingRect() : QRectF();
naturalSize = renderer->defaultSize() * scaleFactor;
qreal dx = size.width() / renderer->defaultSize().width();
qreal dy = size.height() / renderer->defaultSize().height();
elementRect = QRectF(elementRect.x() * dx, elementRect.y() * dy, elementRect.width() * dx, elementRect.height() * dy);
SvgRectsCache::instance()->insert(cacheId, elementRect, lastModified);
return elementRect;
void SvgPrivate::checkColorHints()
if (elementRect(QStringLiteral("hint-apply-color-scheme")).isValid()) {
applyColors = true;
usesColors = true;
} else if (elementRect(QStringLiteral("current-color-scheme")).isValid()) {
applyColors = false;
usesColors = true;
} else {
applyColors = false;
usesColors = false;
// check to see if we are using colors, but the theme isn't being used or isn't providing
// a colorscheme
if (qGuiApp) {
if (usesColors && (!themed || !actualTheme()->colorScheme())) {
QObject::connect(actualTheme()->d, SIGNAL(applicationPaletteChange()), q, SLOT(colorsChanged()));
} else {
QObject::disconnect(actualTheme()->d, SIGNAL(applicationPaletteChange()), q, SLOT(colorsChanged()));
bool Svg::eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event)
return QObject::eventFilter(watched, event);
// Following two are utility functions to snap rendered elements to the pixel grid
// to and from are always 0 <= val <= 1
qreal SvgPrivate::closestDistance(qreal to, qreal from)
qreal a = to - from;
if (qFuzzyCompare(to, from)) {
return 0;
} else if (to > from) {
qreal b = to - from - 1;
return (qAbs(a) > qAbs(b)) ? b : a;
} else {
qreal b = 1 + to - from;
return (qAbs(a) > qAbs(b)) ? b : a;
QRectF SvgPrivate::makeUniform(const QRectF &orig, const QRectF &dst)
if (qFuzzyIsNull(orig.x()) || qFuzzyIsNull(orig.y())) {
return dst;
QRectF res(dst);
qreal div_w = dst.width() / orig.width();
qreal div_h = dst.height() / orig.height();
qreal div_x = dst.x() / orig.x();
qreal div_y = dst.y() / orig.y();
// horizontal snap
if (!qFuzzyIsNull(div_x) && !qFuzzyCompare(div_w, div_x)) {
qreal rem_orig = orig.x() - (floor(orig.x()));
qreal rem_dst = dst.x() - (floor(dst.x()));
qreal offset = closestDistance(rem_dst, rem_orig);
res.translate(offset + offset * div_w, 0);
res.setWidth(res.width() + offset);
// vertical snap
if (!qFuzzyIsNull(div_y) && !qFuzzyCompare(div_h, div_y)) {
qreal rem_orig = orig.y() - (floor(orig.y()));
qreal rem_dst = dst.y() - (floor(dst.y()));
qreal offset = closestDistance(rem_dst, rem_orig);
res.translate(0, offset + offset * div_h);
res.setHeight(res.height() + offset);
return res;
void SvgPrivate::themeChanged()
if (q->imagePath().isEmpty()) {
if (themed) {
// check if new theme svg wants colorscheme applied
QString currentPath = themed ? themePath : path;
// qCDebug(LOG_PLASMA) << themePath << ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> theme changed";
Q_EMIT q->repaintNeeded();
void SvgPrivate::colorsChanged()
if (!usesColors) {
qCDebug(LOG_PLASMA) << "repaint needed from colorsChanged";
Q_EMIT q->repaintNeeded();
QHash<QString, SharedSvgRenderer::Ptr> SvgPrivate::s_renderers;
QPointer<Theme> SvgPrivate::s_systemColorsCache;
qreal SvgPrivate::s_lastScaleFactor = 1.0;
Svg::Svg(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
, d(new SvgPrivate(this))
delete d;
void Svg::setDevicePixelRatio(qreal ratio)
// be completely integer for now
// devicepixelratio is always set integer in the svg, so needs at least 192dpi to double up.
//(it needs to be integer to have lines contained inside a svg piece to keep being pixel aligned)
if (floor(d->devicePixelRatio) == floor(ratio)) {
if (FrameSvg *f = qobject_cast<FrameSvg *>(this)) {
d->devicePixelRatio = floor(ratio);
Q_EMIT repaintNeeded();
qreal Svg::devicePixelRatio()
return d->devicePixelRatio;
void Svg::setScaleFactor(qreal ratio)
// be completely integer for now
// devicepixelratio is always set integer in the svg, so needs at least 192dpi to double up.
//(it needs to be integer to have lines contained inside a svg piece to keep being pixel aligned)
if (floor(d->scaleFactor) == floor(ratio)) {
d->scaleFactor = floor(ratio);
d->s_lastScaleFactor = d->scaleFactor;
// not resize() because we want to do it unconditionally
d->naturalSize = SvgRectsCache::instance()->naturalSize(d->path, d->scaleFactor);
if (d->naturalSize.isEmpty()) {
d->naturalSize = d->renderer->defaultSize() * d->scaleFactor;
d->size = d->naturalSize;
Q_EMIT repaintNeeded();
Q_EMIT sizeChanged();
qreal Svg::scaleFactor() const
return d->scaleFactor;
void Svg::setColorGroup(Plasma::Theme::ColorGroup group)
if (d->colorGroup == group) {
d->colorGroup = group;
d->renderer = nullptr;
Q_EMIT colorGroupChanged();
Q_EMIT repaintNeeded();
Plasma::Theme::ColorGroup Svg::colorGroup() const
return d->colorGroup;
QPixmap Svg::pixmap(const QString &elementID)
if (elementID.isNull() || d->multipleImages) {
return d->findInCache(elementID, d->devicePixelRatio, size());
} else {
return d->findInCache(elementID, d->devicePixelRatio);
QImage Svg::image(const QSize &size, const QString &elementID)
QPixmap pix(d->findInCache(elementID, d->devicePixelRatio, size));
return pix.toImage();
void Svg::paint(QPainter *painter, const QPointF &point, const QString &elementID)
const int ratio = painter->device()->devicePixelRatio();
QPixmap pix((elementID.isNull() || d->multipleImages) ? d->findInCache(elementID, ratio, size()) : d->findInCache(elementID, ratio));
if (pix.isNull()) {
painter->drawPixmap(QRectF(point, size()), pix, QRectF(QPointF(0, 0), pix.size()));
void Svg::paint(QPainter *painter, int x, int y, const QString &elementID)
paint(painter, QPointF(x, y), elementID);
void Svg::paint(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect, const QString &elementID)
const int ratio = painter->device()->devicePixelRatio();
QPixmap pix(d->findInCache(elementID, ratio, rect.size()));
painter->drawPixmap(QRectF(rect.topLeft(), rect.size()), pix, QRectF(QPointF(0, 0), pix.size()));
void Svg::paint(QPainter *painter, int x, int y, int width, int height, const QString &elementID)
const int ratio = painter->device()->devicePixelRatio();
QPixmap pix(d->findInCache(elementID, ratio, QSizeF(width, height)));
painter->drawPixmap(x, y, pix, 0, 0, pix.size().width(), pix.size().height());
QSize Svg::size() const
if (d->size.isEmpty()) {
d->size = d->naturalSize;
return d->size.toSize();
void Svg::resize(qreal width, qreal height)
resize(QSize(width, height));
void Svg::resize(const QSizeF &size)
if (qFuzzyCompare(size.width(), d->size.width()) && qFuzzyCompare(size.height(), d->size.height())) {
d->size = size;
Q_EMIT sizeChanged();
void Svg::resize()
if (qFuzzyCompare(d->naturalSize.width(), d->size.width()) && qFuzzyCompare(d->naturalSize.height(), d->size.height())) {
d->size = d->naturalSize;
Q_EMIT sizeChanged();
QSize Svg::elementSize(const QString &elementId) const
return d->elementRect(elementId).size().toSize();
QRectF Svg::elementRect(const QString &elementId) const
return d->elementRect(elementId);
bool Svg::hasElement(const QString &elementId) const
if (elementId.isEmpty() || (d->path.isNull() && d->themePath.isNull())) {
return false;
return d->elementRect(elementId).isValid();
bool Svg::isValid() const
if (d->path.isNull() && d->themePath.isNull()) {
return false;
// try very hard to avoid creation of a parser
QSizeF naturalSize = SvgRectsCache::instance()->naturalSize(d->path, d->scaleFactor);
if (!naturalSize.isEmpty()) {
return true;
if (d->path.isEmpty() || !QFileInfo::exists(d->path)) {
return false;
return d->renderer->isValid();
void Svg::setContainsMultipleImages(bool multiple)
d->multipleImages = multiple;
bool Svg::containsMultipleImages() const
return d->multipleImages;
void Svg::setImagePath(const QString &svgFilePath)
if (d->setImagePath(svgFilePath)) {
Q_EMIT repaintNeeded();
QString Svg::imagePath() const
return d->themed ? d->themePath : d->path;
void Svg::setUsingRenderingCache(bool useCache)
d->cacheRendering = useCache;
bool Svg::isUsingRenderingCache() const
return d->cacheRendering;
bool Svg::fromCurrentTheme() const
return d->fromCurrentTheme;
void Svg::setUseSystemColors(bool system)
if (d->useSystemColors == system) {
d->useSystemColors = system;
Q_EMIT repaintNeeded();
bool Svg::useSystemColors() const
return d->useSystemColors;
void Svg::setTheme(Plasma::Theme *theme)
if (!theme || theme == d-> {
if (d->theme) {
disconnect(d->, nullptr, this, nullptr);
d->theme = theme;
connect(theme, SIGNAL(themeChanged()), this, SLOT(themeChanged()));
Theme *Svg::theme() const
return d->actualTheme();
void Svg::setStatus(Plasma::Svg::Status status)
if (status == d->status) {
d->status = status;
Q_EMIT statusChanged(status);
Q_EMIT repaintNeeded();
Svg::Status Svg::status() const
return d->status;
} // Plasma namespace
#include "moc_svg.cpp"
#include "private/moc_svg_p.cpp"