Aleix Pol d809e9e4dc Remove container 2x lookups
Instead of checking for existance and then getting the value. Look it up
once and use the value if avaliable.
This saves us one hash look-up per execution which can be considerable,
especially in the case of findElementRect.
2021-07-01 17:35:53 +00:00

1140 lines
34 KiB

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006-2007 Aaron Seigo <>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008-2010 Marco Martin <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
#include "svg.h"
#include "private/svg_p.h"
#include "private/theme_p.h"
#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include <QBuffer>
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDir>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QStringBuilder>
#include <QXmlStreamReader>
#include <QXmlStreamWriter>
#include <KColorScheme>
#include <KCompressionDevice>
#include <KConfigGroup>
#include <KIconEffect>
#include <KIconLoader>
#include <KIconTheme>
#include <QDebug>
#include "applet.h"
#include "debug_p.h"
#include "package.h"
#include "theme.h"
uint qHash(const Plasma::SvgPrivate::CacheId &id, uint seed)
std::array<uint, 10> parts = {::qHash(id.width),
return qHashRange(parts.begin(), parts.end(), seed);
namespace Plasma
class SvgRectsCacheSingleton
SvgRectsCache self;
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(SvgRectsCacheSingleton, privateSvgRectsCacheSelf)
const uint SvgRectsCache::s_seed = 0x9e3779b9;
SharedSvgRenderer::SharedSvgRenderer(QObject *parent)
: QSvgRenderer(parent)
SharedSvgRenderer::SharedSvgRenderer(const QString &filename, const QString &styleSheet, QHash<QString, QRectF> &interestingElements, QObject *parent)
: QSvgRenderer(parent)
KCompressionDevice file(filename, KCompressionDevice::GZip);
if (! {
load(file.readAll(), styleSheet, interestingElements);
SharedSvgRenderer::SharedSvgRenderer(const QByteArray &contents, const QString &styleSheet, QHash<QString, QRectF> &interestingElements, QObject *parent)
: QSvgRenderer(parent)
load(contents, styleSheet, interestingElements);
bool SharedSvgRenderer::load(const QByteArray &contents, const QString &styleSheet, QHash<QString, QRectF> &interestingElements)
// Apply the style sheet.
if (!styleSheet.isEmpty() && contents.contains("current-color-scheme")) {
QByteArray processedContents;
QXmlStreamReader reader(contents);
QBuffer buffer(&processedContents);;
QXmlStreamWriter writer(&buffer);
while (!reader.atEnd()) {
if (reader.readNext() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement && reader.qualifiedName() == QLatin1String("style")
&& reader.attributes().value(QLatin1String("id")) == QLatin1String("current-color-scheme")) {
while (reader.tokenType() != QXmlStreamReader::EndElement) {
} else if (reader.tokenType() != QXmlStreamReader::Invalid) {
if (!QSvgRenderer::load(processedContents)) {
return false;
} else if (!QSvgRenderer::load(contents)) {
return false;
// Search the SVG to find and store all ids that contain size hints.
const QString contentsAsString(QString::fromLatin1(contents));
static const QRegularExpression idExpr(QLatin1String("id\\s*?=\\s*?(['\"])(\\d+?-\\d+?-.*?)\\1"));
auto matchIt = idExpr.globalMatch(contentsAsString);
while (matchIt.hasNext()) {
auto match =;
QString elementId = match.captured(2);
QRectF elementRect = boundsOnElement(elementId);
if (elementRect.isValid()) {
interestingElements.insert(elementId, elementRect);
return true;
SvgRectsCache::SvgRectsCache(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
const QString svgElementsFile =
QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericCacheLocation) + QLatin1Char('/') + QStringLiteral("plasma-svgelements");
m_svgElementsCache = KSharedConfig::openConfig(svgElementsFile, KConfig::SimpleConfig);
m_configSyncTimer = new QTimer(this);
connect(m_configSyncTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, [this]() {
SvgRectsCache *SvgRectsCache::instance()
return &privateSvgRectsCacheSelf()->self;
void SvgRectsCache::insert(Plasma::SvgPrivate::CacheId cacheId, const QRectF &rect, unsigned int lastModified)
insert(qHash(cacheId, SvgRectsCache::s_seed), cacheId.filePath, rect, lastModified);
void SvgRectsCache::insert(uint id, const QString &filePath, const QRectF &rect, unsigned int lastModified)
if (m_localRectCache.contains(id)) {
m_localRectCache.insert(id, rect);
KConfigGroup imageGroup(m_svgElementsCache, filePath);
imageGroup.writeEntry("LastModified", lastModified);
if (rect.isValid()) {
imageGroup.writeEntry(QString::number(id), rect);
} else {
m_invalidElements[filePath] << id;
imageGroup.writeEntry("Invalidelements", m_invalidElements[filePath].values());
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_configSyncTimer, QOverload<>::of(&QTimer::start));
bool SvgRectsCache::findElementRect(Plasma::SvgPrivate::CacheId cacheId, QRectF &rect)
return findElementRect(qHash(cacheId, SvgRectsCache::s_seed), cacheId.filePath, rect);
bool SvgRectsCache::findElementRect(uint id, const QString &filePath, QRectF &rect)
auto it = m_localRectCache.find(id);
if (it == m_localRectCache.end()) {
auto elements = m_invalidElements.value(filePath);
if (elements.contains(id)) {
rect = QRectF();
return true;
return false;
rect = *it;
return true;
void SvgRectsCache::loadImageFromCache(const QString &path, uint lastModified)
if (path.isEmpty()) {
KConfigGroup imageGroup(m_svgElementsCache, path);
unsigned int savedTime = imageGroup.readEntry("LastModified", 0);
if (lastModified > savedTime) {
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_configSyncTimer, QOverload<>::of(&QTimer::start));
auto &elements = m_invalidElements[path];
if (elements.isEmpty()) {
auto list = imageGroup.readEntry("Invalidelements", QList<unsigned int>());
m_invalidElements[path] = QSet<unsigned int>(list.begin(), list.end());
for (const auto &key : imageGroup.keyList()) {
bool ok = false;
uint keyUInt = key.toUInt(&ok);
if (ok) {
const QRectF rect = imageGroup.readEntry(key, QRectF());
m_localRectCache.insert(keyUInt, rect);
void SvgRectsCache::dropImageFromCache(const QString &path)
KConfigGroup imageGroup(m_svgElementsCache, path);
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_configSyncTimer, QOverload<>::of(&QTimer::start));
QList<QSize> SvgRectsCache::sizeHintsForId(const QString &path, const QString &id)
const QString pathId = path % id;
auto it = m_sizeHintsForId.constFind(pathId);
if (it == m_sizeHintsForId.constEnd()) {
KConfigGroup imageGroup(m_svgElementsCache, path);
const QStringList &encoded = imageGroup.readEntry(id, QStringList());
QList<QSize> sizes;
for (const auto &token : encoded) {
const auto &parts = token.split(QLatin1Char('x'));
if (parts.size() != 2) {
QSize size = QSize(parts[0].toDouble(), parts[1].toDouble());
if (!size.isEmpty()) {
sizes << size;
m_sizeHintsForId[pathId] = sizes;
return sizes;
return *it;
void SvgRectsCache::insertSizeHintForId(const QString &path, const QString &id, const QSize &size)
// TODO: need to make this more efficient
auto sizeListToString = [](const QList<QSize> &list) {
QString ret;
for (const auto &s : list) {
ret += QString::number(s.width()) % QLatin1Char('x') % QString::number(s.height()) % QLatin1Char(',');
return ret;
m_sizeHintsForId[path % id].append(size);
KConfigGroup imageGroup(m_svgElementsCache, path);
imageGroup.writeEntry(id, sizeListToString(m_sizeHintsForId[path % id]));
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_configSyncTimer, QOverload<>::of(&QTimer::start));
QString SvgRectsCache::iconThemePath()
if (!m_iconThemePath.isEmpty()) {
return m_iconThemePath;
KConfigGroup imageGroup(m_svgElementsCache, QStringLiteral("General"));
m_iconThemePath = imageGroup.readEntry(QStringLiteral("IconThemePath"), QString());
return m_iconThemePath;
void SvgRectsCache::setIconThemePath(const QString &path)
m_iconThemePath = path;
KConfigGroup imageGroup(m_svgElementsCache, QStringLiteral("General"));
imageGroup.writeEntry(QStringLiteral("IconThemePath"), path);
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_configSyncTimer, QOverload<>::of(&QTimer::start));
void SvgRectsCache::expireCache(const QString &path)
KConfigGroup imageGroup(m_svgElementsCache, path);
unsigned int savedTime = imageGroup.readEntry("LastModified", QDateTime().toSecsSinceEpoch());
QFileInfo info(path);
if (info.exists()) {
unsigned int lastModified = info.lastModified().toSecsSinceEpoch();
if (lastModified <= savedTime) {
void SvgRectsCache::setNaturalSize(const QString &path, qreal scaleFactor, const QSizeF &size)
KConfigGroup imageGroup(m_svgElementsCache, path);
// FIXME: needs something faster, perhaps even sprintf
imageGroup.writeEntry(QStringLiteral("NaturalSize_") % QString::number(scaleFactor), size);
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_configSyncTimer, QOverload<>::of(&QTimer::start));
QSizeF SvgRectsCache::naturalSize(const QString &path, qreal scaleFactor)
KConfigGroup imageGroup(m_svgElementsCache, path);
// FIXME: needs something faster, perhaps even sprintf
return imageGroup.readEntry(QStringLiteral("NaturalSize_") % QString::number(scaleFactor), QSizeF());
QStringList SvgRectsCache::cachedKeysForPath(const QString &path) const
KConfigGroup imageGroup(m_svgElementsCache, path);
QStringList list = imageGroup.keyList();
QStringList filtered;
std::copy_if(list.begin(), list.end(), std::back_inserter(filtered), [](const QString element) {
bool ok;
return ok;
return filtered;
void SvgRectsCache::updateLastModified(const QString &filePath, unsigned int lastModified)
KConfigGroup imageGroup(m_svgElementsCache, filePath);
imageGroup.writeEntry("LastModified", lastModified);
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_configSyncTimer, QOverload<>::of(&QTimer::start));
SvgPrivate::SvgPrivate(Svg *svg)
: q(svg)
, renderer(nullptr)
, styleCrc(0)
, colorGroup(Plasma::Theme::NormalColorGroup)
, lastModified(0)
, devicePixelRatio(1.0)
, scaleFactor(s_lastScaleFactor)
, status(Svg::Status::Normal)
, multipleImages(false)
, themed(false)
, useSystemColors(false)
, fromCurrentTheme(false)
, applyColors(false)
, usesColors(false)
, cacheRendering(true)
, themeFailed(false)
// This function is meant for the rects cache
SvgPrivate::CacheId SvgPrivate::cacheId(const QString &elementId) const
auto idSize = size.isValid() && size != naturalSize ? size : QSizeF{-1.0, -1.0};
return CacheId{idSize.width(), idSize.height(), path, elementId, status, devicePixelRatio, scaleFactor, -1, 0, lastModified};
// This function is meant for the pixmap cache
QString SvgPrivate::cachePath(const QString &id, const QSize &size) const
auto cacheId = CacheId{double(size.width()), double(size.height()), path, id, status, devicePixelRatio, scaleFactor, colorGroup, 0, lastModified};
return QString::number(qHash(cacheId, SvgRectsCache::s_seed));
bool SvgPrivate::setImagePath(const QString &imagePath)
QString actualPath = imagePath;
if (imagePath.startsWith(QLatin1String("file://"))) {
// length of file://
actualPath.remove(0, 7);
bool isThemed = !actualPath.isEmpty() && !QDir::isAbsolutePath(actualPath);
bool inIconTheme = false;
// an absolute path.. let's try if this actually an *icon* theme
if (!isThemed && !actualPath.isEmpty()) {
const auto *iconTheme = KIconLoader::global()->theme();
isThemed = inIconTheme = iconTheme && actualPath.startsWith(iconTheme->dir());
// lets check to see if we're already set to this file
if (isThemed == themed && ((themed && themePath == actualPath) || (!themed && path == actualPath))) {
return false;
// if we don't have any path right now and are going to set one,
// then lets not schedule a repaint because we are just initializing!
bool updateNeeded = true; //! path.isEmpty() || !themePath.isEmpty();
QObject::disconnect(actualTheme(), SIGNAL(themeChanged()), q, SLOT(themeChanged()));
if (isThemed && !themed && s_systemColorsCache) {
// catch the case where we weren't themed, but now we are, and the colors cache was set up
// ensure we are not connected to that theme previously
QObject::disconnect(, nullptr, q, nullptr);
themed = isThemed;
bool oldFromCurrentTheme = fromCurrentTheme;
fromCurrentTheme = !inIconTheme && isThemed && actualTheme()->currentThemeHasImage(imagePath);
if (fromCurrentTheme != oldFromCurrentTheme) {
Q_EMIT q->fromCurrentThemeChanged(fromCurrentTheme);
if (inIconTheme) {
themePath = actualPath;
path = actualPath;
QObject::connect(actualTheme(), SIGNAL(themeChanged()), q, SLOT(themeChanged()));
} else if (themed) {
themePath = actualPath;
path = actualTheme()->imagePath(themePath);
themeFailed = path.isEmpty();
QObject::connect(actualTheme(), SIGNAL(themeChanged()), q, SLOT(themeChanged()));
} else if (QFileInfo::exists(actualPath)) {
QObject::connect(cacheAndColorsTheme(), SIGNAL(themeChanged()), q, SLOT(themeChanged()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
path = actualPath;
} else {
#ifndef NDEBUG
// qCDebug(LOG_PLASMA) << "file '" << path << "' does not exist!";
const QFileInfo info(path);
const QDateTime lastModifiedDate = info.lastModified();
lastModified = lastModifiedDate.toSecsSinceEpoch();
SvgRectsCache::instance()->loadImageFromCache(path, lastModified);
// check if svg wants colorscheme applied
// also images with absolute path needs to have a natural size initialized,
// even if looks a bit weird using Theme to store non-themed stuff
if ((themed && !path.isEmpty() && lastModifiedDate.isValid()) || QFileInfo::exists(actualPath)) {
naturalSize = SvgRectsCache::instance()->naturalSize(path, scaleFactor);
if (naturalSize.isEmpty()) {
naturalSize = renderer->defaultSize() * scaleFactor;
SvgRectsCache::instance()->setNaturalSize(path, scaleFactor, naturalSize);
Q_EMIT q->imagePathChanged();
return updateNeeded;
Theme *SvgPrivate::actualTheme()
if (!theme) {
theme = new Plasma::Theme(q);
Theme *SvgPrivate::cacheAndColorsTheme()
if (themed || !useSystemColors) {
return actualTheme();
} else {
// use a separate cache source for unthemed svg's
if (!s_systemColorsCache) {
// FIXME: reference count this, so that it is deleted when no longer in use
s_systemColorsCache = new Plasma::Theme(QStringLiteral("internal-system-colors"));
QPixmap SvgPrivate::findInCache(const QString &elementId, qreal ratio, const QSizeF &s)
QSize size;
QString actualElementId;
// Look at the size hinted elements and try to find the smallest one with an
// identical aspect ratio.
if (s.isValid() && !elementId.isEmpty()) {
const QList<QSize> elementSizeHints = SvgRectsCache::instance()->sizeHintsForId(path, elementId);
if (!elementSizeHints.isEmpty()) {
QSizeF bestFit(-1, -1);
for (const auto &hint : elementSizeHints) {
if (hint.width() >= s.width() * ratio && hint.height() >= s.height() * ratio
&& (!bestFit.isValid() || (bestFit.width() * bestFit.height()) > (hint.width() * hint.height()))) {
bestFit = hint;
if (bestFit.isValid()) {
actualElementId = QString::number(bestFit.width()) % QLatin1Char('-') % QString::number(bestFit.height()) % QLatin1Char('-') % elementId;
if (elementId.isEmpty() || !q->hasElement(actualElementId)) {
actualElementId = elementId;
if (elementId.isEmpty() || (multipleImages && s.isValid())) {
size = s.toSize() * ratio;
} else {
size = elementRect(actualElementId).size().toSize() * ratio;
if (size.isEmpty()) {
return QPixmap();
const QString id = cachePath(actualElementId, size);
QPixmap p;
if (cacheRendering && cacheAndColorsTheme()->findInCache(id, p, lastModified)) {
// qCDebug(LOG_PLASMA) << "found cached version of " << id << p.size();
return p;
QRectF finalRect = makeUniform(renderer->boundsOnElement(actualElementId), QRect(QPoint(0, 0), size));
// don't alter the pixmap size or it won't match up properly to, e.g., FrameSvg elements
// makeUniform should never change the size so much that it gains or loses a whole pixel
p = QPixmap(size);
QPainter renderPainter(&p);
if (actualElementId.isEmpty()) {
renderer->render(&renderPainter, finalRect);
} else {
renderer->render(&renderPainter, actualElementId, finalRect);
// Apply current color scheme if the svg asks for it
if (applyColors) {
QImage itmp = p.toImage();
KIconEffect::colorize(itmp, cacheAndColorsTheme()->color(Theme::BackgroundColor), 1.0);
p = p.fromImage(itmp);
if (cacheRendering) {
cacheAndColorsTheme()->insertIntoCache(id, p, QString::number((qint64)q, 16) % QLatin1Char('_') % actualElementId);
SvgRectsCache::instance()->updateLastModified(path, lastModified);
return p;
void SvgPrivate::createRenderer()
if (renderer) {
if (themed && path.isEmpty() && !themeFailed) {
Applet *applet = qobject_cast<Applet *>(q->parent());
// FIXME: this maybe could be more efficient if we knew if the package was empty, e.g. for
// C++; however, I'm not sure this has any real world runtime impact. something to measure
// for.
if (applet && applet->kPackage().isValid()) {
const KPackage::Package package = applet->kPackage();
path = package.filePath("images", themePath + QLatin1String(".svg"));
if (path.isEmpty()) {
path = package.filePath("images", themePath + QLatin1String(".svgz"));
if (path.isEmpty()) {
path = actualTheme()->imagePath(themePath);
themeFailed = path.isEmpty();
if (themeFailed) {
qCWarning(LOG_PLASMA) << "No image path found for" << themePath;
QString styleSheet = cacheAndColorsTheme()->d->svgStyleSheet(colorGroup, status);
styleCrc = qChecksum(styleSheet.toUtf8().constData(), styleSheet.size());
QHash<QString, SharedSvgRenderer::Ptr>::const_iterator it = s_renderers.constFind(styleCrc + path);
if (it != s_renderers.constEnd()) {
renderer = it.value();
} else {
if (path.isEmpty()) {
renderer = new SharedSvgRenderer();
} else {
QHash<QString, QRectF> interestingElements;
renderer = new SharedSvgRenderer(path, styleSheet, interestingElements);
// Add interesting elements to the theme's rect cache.
QHashIterator<QString, QRectF> i(interestingElements);
QRegularExpression sizeHintedKeyExpr(QStringLiteral("^(\\d+)-(\\d+)-(.+)$"));
while (i.hasNext()) {;
const QString &elementId = i.key();
QString originalId = i.key();
const QRectF &elementRect = i.value();
originalId.replace(sizeHintedKeyExpr, QStringLiteral("\\3"));
SvgRectsCache::instance()->insertSizeHintForId(path, originalId, elementRect.size().toSize());
const CacheId cacheId({-1.0, -1.0, path, elementId, status, devicePixelRatio, scaleFactor, -1, 0, lastModified});
SvgRectsCache::instance()->insert(cacheId, elementRect, lastModified);
s_renderers[styleCrc + path] = renderer;
if (size == QSizeF()) {
size = renderer->defaultSize();
void SvgPrivate::eraseRenderer()
if (renderer && renderer->ref.loadRelaxed() == 2) {
// this and the cache reference it
s_renderers.erase(s_renderers.find(styleCrc + path));
renderer = nullptr;
styleCrc = 0;
QRectF SvgPrivate::elementRect(const QString &elementId)
if (themed && path.isEmpty()) {
if (themeFailed) {
return QRectF();
path = actualTheme()->imagePath(themePath);
themeFailed = path.isEmpty();
if (themeFailed) {
return QRectF();
if (path.isEmpty()) {
return QRectF();
QRectF rect;
const CacheId cacheId = SvgPrivate::cacheId(elementId);
bool found = SvgRectsCache::instance()->findElementRect(cacheId, rect);
// This is a corner case where we are *sure* the element is not valid
if (!found) {
rect = findAndCacheElementRect(elementId);
return rect;
QRectF SvgPrivate::findAndCacheElementRect(const QString &elementId)
// we need to check the id before createRenderer(), otherwise it may generate a different id compared to the previous cacheId)( call
const CacheId cacheId = SvgPrivate::cacheId(elementId);
// This code will usually never be run because createRenderer already caches all the boundingRect in the elements in the svg
QRectF elementRect =
renderer->elementExists(elementId) ? renderer->transformForElement(elementId).map(renderer->boundsOnElement(elementId)).boundingRect() : QRectF();
naturalSize = renderer->defaultSize() * scaleFactor;
qreal dx = size.width() / renderer->defaultSize().width();
qreal dy = size.height() / renderer->defaultSize().height();
elementRect = QRectF(elementRect.x() * dx, elementRect.y() * dy, elementRect.width() * dx, elementRect.height() * dy);
SvgRectsCache::instance()->insert(cacheId, elementRect, lastModified);
return elementRect;
void SvgPrivate::checkColorHints()
if (elementRect(QStringLiteral("hint-apply-color-scheme")).isValid()) {
applyColors = true;
usesColors = true;
} else if (elementRect(QStringLiteral("current-color-scheme")).isValid()) {
applyColors = false;
usesColors = true;
} else {
applyColors = false;
usesColors = false;
// check to see if we are using colors, but the theme isn't being used or isn't providing
// a colorscheme
if (qGuiApp) {
if (usesColors && (!themed || !actualTheme()->colorScheme())) {
QObject::connect(actualTheme()->d, SIGNAL(applicationPaletteChange()), q, SLOT(colorsChanged()));
} else {
QObject::disconnect(actualTheme()->d, SIGNAL(applicationPaletteChange()), q, SLOT(colorsChanged()));
bool Svg::eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event)
return QObject::eventFilter(watched, event);
// Following two are utility functions to snap rendered elements to the pixel grid
// to and from are always 0 <= val <= 1
qreal SvgPrivate::closestDistance(qreal to, qreal from)
qreal a = to - from;
if (qFuzzyCompare(to, from)) {
return 0;
} else if (to > from) {
qreal b = to - from - 1;
return (qAbs(a) > qAbs(b)) ? b : a;
} else {
qreal b = 1 + to - from;
return (qAbs(a) > qAbs(b)) ? b : a;
QRectF SvgPrivate::makeUniform(const QRectF &orig, const QRectF &dst)
if (qFuzzyIsNull(orig.x()) || qFuzzyIsNull(orig.y())) {
return dst;
QRectF res(dst);
qreal div_w = dst.width() / orig.width();
qreal div_h = dst.height() / orig.height();
qreal div_x = dst.x() / orig.x();
qreal div_y = dst.y() / orig.y();
// horizontal snap
if (!qFuzzyIsNull(div_x) && !qFuzzyCompare(div_w, div_x)) {
qreal rem_orig = orig.x() - (floor(orig.x()));
qreal rem_dst = dst.x() - (floor(dst.x()));
qreal offset = closestDistance(rem_dst, rem_orig);
res.translate(offset + offset * div_w, 0);
res.setWidth(res.width() + offset);
// vertical snap
if (!qFuzzyIsNull(div_y) && !qFuzzyCompare(div_h, div_y)) {
qreal rem_orig = orig.y() - (floor(orig.y()));
qreal rem_dst = dst.y() - (floor(dst.y()));
qreal offset = closestDistance(rem_dst, rem_orig);
res.translate(0, offset + offset * div_h);
res.setHeight(res.height() + offset);
return res;
void SvgPrivate::themeChanged()
if (q->imagePath().isEmpty()) {
if (themed) {
// check if new theme svg wants colorscheme applied
QString currentPath = themed ? themePath : path;
// qCDebug(LOG_PLASMA) << themePath << ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> theme changed";
Q_EMIT q->repaintNeeded();
void SvgPrivate::colorsChanged()
if (!usesColors) {
qCDebug(LOG_PLASMA) << "repaint needed from colorsChanged";
Q_EMIT q->repaintNeeded();
QHash<QString, SharedSvgRenderer::Ptr> SvgPrivate::s_renderers;
QPointer<Theme> SvgPrivate::s_systemColorsCache;
qreal SvgPrivate::s_lastScaleFactor = 1.0;
Svg::Svg(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
, d(new SvgPrivate(this))
delete d;
void Svg::setDevicePixelRatio(qreal ratio)
// be completely integer for now
// devicepixelratio is always set integer in the svg, so needs at least 192dpi to double up.
//(it needs to be integer to have lines contained inside a svg piece to keep being pixel aligned)
if (floor(d->devicePixelRatio) == floor(ratio)) {
if (FrameSvg *f = qobject_cast<FrameSvg *>(this)) {
d->devicePixelRatio = floor(ratio);
Q_EMIT repaintNeeded();
qreal Svg::devicePixelRatio()
return d->devicePixelRatio;
void Svg::setScaleFactor(qreal ratio)
// be completely integer for now
// devicepixelratio is always set integer in the svg, so needs at least 192dpi to double up.
//(it needs to be integer to have lines contained inside a svg piece to keep being pixel aligned)
if (floor(d->scaleFactor) == floor(ratio)) {
d->scaleFactor = floor(ratio);
d->s_lastScaleFactor = d->scaleFactor;
// not resize() because we want to do it unconditionally
d->naturalSize = SvgRectsCache::instance()->naturalSize(d->path, d->scaleFactor);
if (d->naturalSize.isEmpty()) {
d->naturalSize = d->renderer->defaultSize() * d->scaleFactor;
d->size = d->naturalSize;
Q_EMIT repaintNeeded();
Q_EMIT sizeChanged();
qreal Svg::scaleFactor() const
return d->scaleFactor;
void Svg::setColorGroup(Plasma::Theme::ColorGroup group)
if (d->colorGroup == group) {
d->colorGroup = group;
d->renderer = nullptr;
Q_EMIT colorGroupChanged();
Q_EMIT repaintNeeded();
Plasma::Theme::ColorGroup Svg::colorGroup() const
return d->colorGroup;
QPixmap Svg::pixmap(const QString &elementID)
if (elementID.isNull() || d->multipleImages) {
return d->findInCache(elementID, d->devicePixelRatio, size());
} else {
return d->findInCache(elementID, d->devicePixelRatio);
QImage Svg::image(const QSize &size, const QString &elementID)
QPixmap pix(d->findInCache(elementID, d->devicePixelRatio, size));
return pix.toImage();
void Svg::paint(QPainter *painter, const QPointF &point, const QString &elementID)
const int ratio = painter->device()->devicePixelRatio();
QPixmap pix((elementID.isNull() || d->multipleImages) ? d->findInCache(elementID, ratio, size()) : d->findInCache(elementID, ratio));
if (pix.isNull()) {
painter->drawPixmap(QRectF(point, size()), pix, QRectF(QPointF(0, 0), pix.size()));
void Svg::paint(QPainter *painter, int x, int y, const QString &elementID)
paint(painter, QPointF(x, y), elementID);
void Svg::paint(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect, const QString &elementID)
const int ratio = painter->device()->devicePixelRatio();
QPixmap pix(d->findInCache(elementID, ratio, rect.size()));
painter->drawPixmap(QRectF(rect.topLeft(), rect.size()), pix, QRectF(QPointF(0, 0), pix.size()));
void Svg::paint(QPainter *painter, int x, int y, int width, int height, const QString &elementID)
const int ratio = painter->device()->devicePixelRatio();
QPixmap pix(d->findInCache(elementID, ratio, QSizeF(width, height)));
painter->drawPixmap(x, y, pix, 0, 0, pix.size().width(), pix.size().height());
QSize Svg::size() const
if (d->size.isEmpty()) {
d->size = d->naturalSize;
return d->size.toSize();
void Svg::resize(qreal width, qreal height)
resize(QSize(width, height));
void Svg::resize(const QSizeF &size)
if (qFuzzyCompare(size.width(), d->size.width()) && qFuzzyCompare(size.height(), d->size.height())) {
d->size = size;
Q_EMIT sizeChanged();
void Svg::resize()
if (qFuzzyCompare(d->naturalSize.width(), d->size.width()) && qFuzzyCompare(d->naturalSize.height(), d->size.height())) {
d->size = d->naturalSize;
Q_EMIT sizeChanged();
QSize Svg::elementSize(const QString &elementId) const
return d->elementRect(elementId).size().toSize();
QRectF Svg::elementRect(const QString &elementId) const
return d->elementRect(elementId);
bool Svg::hasElement(const QString &elementId) const
if (elementId.isEmpty() || (d->path.isNull() && d->themePath.isNull())) {
return false;
return d->elementRect(elementId).isValid();
bool Svg::isValid() const
if (d->path.isNull() && d->themePath.isNull()) {
return false;
// try very hard to avoid creation of a parser
QSizeF naturalSize = SvgRectsCache::instance()->naturalSize(d->path, d->scaleFactor);
if (!naturalSize.isEmpty()) {
return true;
if (d->path.isEmpty() || !QFileInfo::exists(d->path)) {
return false;
return d->renderer->isValid();
void Svg::setContainsMultipleImages(bool multiple)
d->multipleImages = multiple;
bool Svg::containsMultipleImages() const
return d->multipleImages;
void Svg::setImagePath(const QString &svgFilePath)
if (d->setImagePath(svgFilePath)) {
Q_EMIT repaintNeeded();
QString Svg::imagePath() const
return d->themed ? d->themePath : d->path;
void Svg::setUsingRenderingCache(bool useCache)
d->cacheRendering = useCache;
bool Svg::isUsingRenderingCache() const
return d->cacheRendering;
bool Svg::fromCurrentTheme() const
return d->fromCurrentTheme;
void Svg::setUseSystemColors(bool system)
if (d->useSystemColors == system) {
d->useSystemColors = system;
Q_EMIT repaintNeeded();
bool Svg::useSystemColors() const
return d->useSystemColors;
void Svg::setTheme(Plasma::Theme *theme)
if (!theme || theme == d-> {
if (d->theme) {
disconnect(d->, nullptr, this, nullptr);
d->theme = theme;
connect(theme, SIGNAL(themeChanged()), this, SLOT(themeChanged()));
Theme *Svg::theme() const
return d->actualTheme();
void Svg::setStatus(Plasma::Svg::Status status)
if (status == d->status) {
d->status = status;
Q_EMIT statusChanged(status);
Q_EMIT repaintNeeded();
Svg::Status Svg::status() const
return d->status;
} // Plasma namespace
#include "moc_svg.cpp"
#include "private/moc_svg_p.cpp"