You can assign a QAction as "action", this way you can just pass it e.g. plasmoid.action("configure"). However, when assigning a null action as can happen with kiosk restrictions, it would crash as it assigns m_action the nullptr but never checks for that. This patch ensures we always have a QAction, creating a new empty one, if neccessary. Also deletes our own action if an external one is assigned Differential Revision:
118 lines
4.0 KiB
118 lines
4.0 KiB
import QtQuick 2.0
import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents
Rectangle {
width: 600
height: 250
color: "white"
Flow {
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.margins: 20
spacing: 20
PlasmaComponents.Button {
text: "Simple menu"
onClicked:, height)
PlasmaComponents.Menu {
id: simpleMenu
PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { text: "Hello" }
PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { text: "This is just a simple" }
PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { text: "Menu" }
PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { text: "without separators" }
PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { text: "and other stuff" }
PlasmaComponents.Button {
text: "Checkable menu items"
onClicked:, height)
PlasmaComponents.Menu {
id: checkableMenu
PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { text: "Apple"; checkable: true }
PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { text: "Banana"; checkable: true }
PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { text: "Orange"; checkable: true }
PlasmaComponents.Button {
text: "Icons"
onClicked:, height)
PlasmaComponents.Menu {
id: iconsMenu
PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { text: "Error"; icon: "dialog-error" }
PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { text: "Warning"; icon: "dialog-warning" }
PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { text: "Information"; icon: "dialog-information" }
PlasmaComponents.Button {
text: "Separators and sections"
onClicked:, height)
PlasmaComponents.Menu {
id: sectionsMenu
PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { text: "A menu"; section: true }
PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { text: "One entry" }
PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { text: "Another entry" }
PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { separator: true }
PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { text: "One item" }
PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { text: "Another item" }
Row {
spacing: units.smallSpacing
PlasmaComponents.Button {
id: minMaxButton
text: "Fixed minimum and maximum width"
onClicked:, height)
PlasmaComponents.Menu {
id: minMaxMenu
minimumWidth: minMaxButton.width
maximumWidth: limitMenuMaxWidth.checked ? minMaxButton.width : undefined // has a RESET property
PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { text: "Hello" }
PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { text: "This is just a simple" }
PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { text: "Menu" }
PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { text: "with some very very long text in one item that will "
+ "make the menu super huge if you don't do anything about it" }
PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { text: "and other stuff" }
PlasmaComponents.CheckBox {
id: limitMenuMaxWidth
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
text: "Limit maximum width"
checked: true
PlasmaComponents.Button {
text: "Don't crash on null MenuItem action"
onClicked:, height)
PlasmaComponents.Menu {
id: noActionCrashMenu
PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { text: "This is an item" }
PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { text: "Below me should NOT be an empty item"}
PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { action: null }
PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { text: "I am not empty" }