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2021-10-15 22:03:53 +02:00
package it.cavallium.dbengine.lucene.comparators;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.disk.LLTempLMDBEnv;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.lucene.ByteArrayCodec;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.lucene.BytesRefCodec;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.lucene.FloatCodec;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.lucene.IArray;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.lucene.IntCodec;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.lucene.LMDBArray;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.lucene.index.DocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.index.SortedDocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRefBuilder;
* Sorts by field's natural Term sort order, using ordinals. This is functionally equivalent to
* {@link}, but it first resolves the
* string to their relative ordinal positions (using the index returned by {@link
* org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReader#getSortedDocValues(String)}), and does most comparisons
* using the ordinals. For medium to large results, this comparator will be much faster than
* {@link}. For very small result sets
* it may be slower.
public class TermOrdValComparator extends FieldComparator<BytesRef> implements LeafFieldComparator {
/* Ords for each slot.
@lucene.internal */
final IArray<Integer> ords;
/* Values for each slot.
@lucene.internal */
final IArray<byte[]> values;
/* Which reader last copied a value into the slot. When
we compare two slots, we just compare-by-ord if the
readerGen is the same; else we must compare the
values (slower).
@lucene.internal */
final IArray<Integer> readerGen;
/* Gen of current reader we are on.
@lucene.internal */
int currentReaderGen = -1;
/* Current reader's doc ord/values.
@lucene.internal */
SortedDocValues termsIndex;
private final String field;
/* Bottom slot, or -1 if queue isn't full yet
@lucene.internal */
int bottomSlot = -1;
/* Bottom ord (same as ords[bottomSlot] once bottomSlot
is set). Cached for faster compares.
@lucene.internal */
int bottomOrd;
/* True if current bottom slot matches the current
@lucene.internal */
boolean bottomSameReader;
/* Bottom value (same as values[bottomSlot] once
bottomSlot is set). Cached for faster compares.
@lucene.internal */
byte[] bottomValue;
/** Set by setTopValue. */
byte[] topValue;
boolean topSameReader;
int topOrd;
/** -1 if missing values are sorted first, 1 if they are sorted last */
final int missingSortCmp;
/** Which ordinal to use for a missing value. */
final int missingOrd;
/** Creates this, sorting missing values first. */
public TermOrdValComparator(LLTempLMDBEnv env, int numHits, String field) {
this(env, numHits, field, false);
* Creates this, with control over how missing values are sorted. Pass sortMissingLast=true to
* put missing values at the end.
public TermOrdValComparator(LLTempLMDBEnv env, int numHits, String field, boolean sortMissingLast) {
ords = new LMDBArray<>(env, new IntCodec(), numHits, 0);
values = new LMDBArray<>(env, new ByteArrayCodec(), numHits, null);
readerGen = new LMDBArray<>(env, new IntCodec(), numHits, 0);
this.field = field;
if (sortMissingLast) {
missingSortCmp = 1;
missingOrd = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
missingSortCmp = -1;
missingOrd = -1;
private int getOrdForDoc(int doc) throws IOException {
if (termsIndex.advanceExact(doc)) {
return termsIndex.ordValue();
} else {
return -1;
public int compare(int slot1, int slot2) {
if ((int) readerGen.getOrDefault(slot2, 0) == readerGen.getOrDefault(slot1, 0)) {
return ords.getOrDefault(slot1, 0) - ords.getOrDefault(slot2, 0);
final var val1 = values.get(slot1);
final var val2 = values.get(slot2);
if (val1 == null) {
if (val2 == null) {
return 0;
return missingSortCmp;
} else if (val2 == null) {
return -missingSortCmp;
return, val2);
public int compareBottom(int doc) throws IOException {
assert bottomSlot != -1;
int docOrd = getOrdForDoc(doc);
if (docOrd == -1) {
docOrd = missingOrd;
if (bottomSameReader) {
// ord is precisely comparable, even in the equal case
return bottomOrd - docOrd;
} else if (bottomOrd >= docOrd) {
// the equals case always means bottom is > doc
// (because we set bottomOrd to the lower bound in
// setBottom):
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
public void copy(int slot, int doc) throws IOException {
int ord = getOrdForDoc(doc);
if (ord == -1) {
ord = missingOrd;
} else {
assert ord >= 0;
values.set(slot, copyBytes(termsIndex.lookupOrd(ord)));
ords.set(slot, ord);
readerGen.set(slot, currentReaderGen);
private byte[] copyBytes(BytesRef lookupOrd) {
if (lookupOrd == null) return null;
return Arrays.copyOfRange(lookupOrd.bytes, lookupOrd.offset, lookupOrd.length);
/** Retrieves the SortedDocValues for the field in this segment */
protected SortedDocValues getSortedDocValues(LeafReaderContext context, String field)
throws IOException {
return DocValues.getSorted(context.reader(), field);
public LeafFieldComparator getLeafComparator(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
termsIndex = getSortedDocValues(context, field);
if (topValue != null) {
// Recompute topOrd/SameReader
int ord = termsIndex.lookupTerm(new BytesRef(topValue));
if (ord >= 0) {
topSameReader = true;
topOrd = ord;
} else {
topSameReader = false;
topOrd = -ord - 2;
} else {
topOrd = missingOrd;
topSameReader = true;
// System.out.println(" getLeafComparator topOrd=" + topOrd + " topSameReader=" +
// topSameReader);
if (bottomSlot != -1) {
// Recompute bottomOrd/SameReader
return this;
public void setBottom(final int bottom) throws IOException {
bottomSlot = bottom;
bottomValue = values.get(bottomSlot);
if (currentReaderGen == readerGen.getOrDefault(bottomSlot, 0)) {
bottomOrd = ords.getOrDefault(bottomSlot, 0);
bottomSameReader = true;
} else {
if (bottomValue == null) {
// missingOrd is null for all segments
assert ords.getOrDefault(bottomSlot, 0) == missingOrd;
bottomOrd = missingOrd;
bottomSameReader = true;
readerGen.set(bottomSlot, currentReaderGen);
} else {
final int ord = termsIndex.lookupTerm(new BytesRef(bottomValue));
if (ord < 0) {
bottomOrd = -ord - 2;
bottomSameReader = false;
} else {
bottomOrd = ord;
// exact value match
bottomSameReader = true;
readerGen.set(bottomSlot, currentReaderGen);
ords.set(bottomSlot, bottomOrd);
public void setTopValue(BytesRef value) {
// null is fine: it means the last doc of the prior
// search was missing this value
topValue = copyBytes(value);
// System.out.println("setTopValue " + topValue);
public BytesRef value(int slot) {
return getBytesRef(values.get(slot));
private BytesRef getBytesRef(byte[] bytes) {
if (bytes == null) return null;
return new BytesRef(bytes);
public int compareTop(int doc) throws IOException {
int ord = getOrdForDoc(doc);
if (ord == -1) {
ord = missingOrd;
if (topSameReader) {
// ord is precisely comparable, even in the equal
// case
// System.out.println("compareTop doc=" + doc + " ord=" + ord + " ret=" + (topOrd-ord));
return topOrd - ord;
} else if (ord <= topOrd) {
// the equals case always means doc is < value
// (because we set lastOrd to the lower bound)
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
public int compareValues(BytesRef val1, BytesRef val2) {
if (val1 == null) {
if (val2 == null) {
return 0;
return missingSortCmp;
} else if (val2 == null) {
return -missingSortCmp;
return val1.compareTo(val2);
public void setScorer(Scorable scorer) {}