2021-09-10 12:56:45 +02:00
# CavalliumDB Engine
2021-02-03 17:36:23 +01:00

2020-12-07 22:11:36 +01:00
2021-10-02 23:20:35 +02:00
[Reactive ](https://www.reactive-streams.org/ ) database engine written in Java (17+) using [Project Reactor ](https://github.com/reactor/reactor-core ).
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2022-05-07 14:20:52 +02:00
2021-09-10 12:56:45 +02:00
This library provides a basic reactive abstraction and implementation of a **key-value store** and a **search engine** .
Four implementations exists out-of-the-box, two for the key-value store, two for the search engine, but it's possible to add more implementations.
## Key-value store implementations
1. [RocksDB ](https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb ): A persistent key-value store for flash storage
3. [ConcurrentSkipListMap ](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/16/docs/api/java.base/java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentSkipListMap.html ): A concurrent in-memory key-value store
## Search engine implementations
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1. Persistent [Lucene Core ](https://github.com/apache/lucene ) with custom sharding: Featureful and fast text search engine library
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2. In-memory temporary [Lucene Core ](https://github.com/apache/lucene ) instance: Useful for building and analyzing temporary indices
## Extra features
### Serializable search engine queries
Queries can be serialized and deserialized using an efficient custom serialization format
### Direct byte buffer
The database abstraction can avoid copying the data multiple times by using RocksDB JNI and Netty 5 buffers
### Declarative data records generator and versioned codecs
A data generator that generates [Java 16 records ](https://www.baeldung.com/java-record-keyword ) is available:
it allows you to generate custom records by defining the fields using a .yaml file.
The generator also generates at compile time the source of specialized serializers,
deserializers, and upgraders, for each custom record.
The key-value store abstraction allows you to deserialize old versions of your data transparently, by using
the custom upgraders and the custom deserializers automatically.
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The data generator can be found in the [Data generator ](https://github.com/Cavallium/data-generator ) repository.
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# Features
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- **RocksDB key-value store**
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- Snapshots
- Multi-column database
- Write-ahead log and corruption recovery
- Multiple data types:
- Single value (Singleton)
- Map (Dictionary)
- Composable nested map (Deep dictionary)
- Customizable data serializers
- Values codecs
- Update-on-write value versioning using versioned codecs
- **Apache Lucene Core indexing library**
- Snapshots
- Documents structure
- Sorting
- Ascending and descending
- Numeric or non-numeric
- Searching
- Nested search terms
- Combined search terms
- Fuzzy text search
- Coordinates, integers, longs, strings, text
- Indicization and analysis
- N-gram
- Edge N-gram
- English words
- Stemming
- Stopwords removal
- Results filtering
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# F.A.Q.
2021-02-03 14:08:32 +01:00
- **Why is it so difficult to use?**
This is not a DBMS.
This is an engine on which a DBMS can be built upon; for this reason it's very difficult to use directly without building another abstraction layer on top.
- **Can I use objects instead of byte arrays?**
Yes, you must serialize/deserialize them using a library of your choice.
CodecSerializer allows you to implement versioned data using a codec for each data version.
Note that it uses 1 to 4 bytes more for each value to store the version.
- **Why there is a snapshot function for each database part?**
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Since RocksDB and lucene indices are different libraries, you can't take a snapshot of every database atomically.
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An universal snapshot must be implemented as a collection of each database snapshot.
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- **Is CavalliumDB Engine suitable for your project?**
This engine is largely undocumented, and it doesn't provide extensive tests.
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# Examples
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In `src/example/java` you can find some *(ugly)* examples.