package it.cavallium.dbengine.database; import static io.netty.buffer.Unpooled.wrappedBuffer; import static io.netty.buffer.Unpooled.wrappedUnmodifiableBuffer; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufUtil; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.StringJoiner; /** * Range of data, from min (inclusive),to max (exclusive) */ public class LLRange { private static final LLRange RANGE_ALL = new LLRange(null, null); private final ByteBuf min; private final ByteBuf max; private LLRange(ByteBuf min, ByteBuf max) { assert min == null || min.refCnt() > 0; assert max == null || max.refCnt() > 0; if (min != null && !min.isDirect()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Min buffer must be direct"); } if (max != null && !max.isDirect()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Min buffer must be direct"); } this.min = min; this.max = max; } public static LLRange all() { return RANGE_ALL; } public static LLRange from(ByteBuf min) { return new LLRange(min, null); } public static LLRange to(ByteBuf max) { return new LLRange(null, max); } public static LLRange single(ByteBuf single) { return new LLRange(single, single); } public static LLRange of(ByteBuf min, ByteBuf max) { return new LLRange(min, max); } public boolean isAll() { assert min == null || min.refCnt() > 0; assert max == null || max.refCnt() > 0; return min == null && max == null; } public boolean isSingle() { assert min == null || min.refCnt() > 0; assert max == null || max.refCnt() > 0; if (min == null || max == null) return false; return LLUtils.equals(min, max); } public boolean hasMin() { assert min == null || min.refCnt() > 0; assert max == null || max.refCnt() > 0; return min != null; } public ByteBuf getMin() { assert min == null || min.refCnt() > 0; assert max == null || max.refCnt() > 0; assert min != null; return min; } public boolean hasMax() { assert min == null || min.refCnt() > 0; assert max == null || max.refCnt() > 0; return max != null; } public ByteBuf getMax() { assert min == null || min.refCnt() > 0; assert max == null || max.refCnt() > 0; assert max != null; return max; } public ByteBuf getSingle() { assert min == null || min.refCnt() > 0; assert max == null || max.refCnt() > 0; assert isSingle(); return min; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } LLRange llRange = (LLRange) o; return LLUtils.equals(min, llRange.min) && LLUtils.equals(max, llRange.max); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = LLUtils.hashCode(min); result = 31 * result + LLUtils.hashCode(max); return result; } @Override public String toString() { return new StringJoiner(", ", LLRange.class.getSimpleName() + "[", "]") .add("min=" + LLUtils.toString(min)) .add("max=" + LLUtils.toString(max)) .toString(); } public LLRange retain() { if (min != null) { min.retain(); } if (max != null) { max.retain(); } return this; } public void release() { if (min != null) { min.release(); } if (max != null) { max.release(); } } }