package it.cavallium.dbengine.database.collections; import static it.cavallium.dbengine.utils.StreamUtils.resourceStream; import it.cavallium.buffer.Buf; import it.cavallium.buffer.BufDataInput; import it.cavallium.buffer.BufDataOutput; import it.cavallium.dbengine.client.CompositeSnapshot; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.Delta; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLDictionary; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLDictionaryResultType; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLEntry; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLRange; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLUtils; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.SerializedKey; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.SubStageEntry; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.UpdateMode; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.UpdateReturnMode; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.disk.CachedSerializationFunction; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.serialization.KVSerializationFunction; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.serialization.SerializationException; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.serialization.SerializationFunction; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.serialization.Serializer; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.serialization.SerializerFixedBinaryLength; import it.cavallium.dbengine.utils.StreamUtils; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ObjectLinkedOpenHashMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ObjectSortedMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ObjectSortedMaps; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import; import; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; /** * Optimized implementation of "DatabaseMapDictionary with SubStageGetterSingle" */ public class DatabaseMapDictionary extends DatabaseMapDictionaryDeep> { private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(DatabaseMapDictionary.class); private final AtomicLong totalZeroBytesErrors = new AtomicLong(); private final Serializer valueSerializer; protected DatabaseMapDictionary(LLDictionary dictionary, @Nullable Buf prefixKey, SerializerFixedBinaryLength keySuffixSerializer, Serializer valueSerializer) { // Do not retain or release or use the prefixKey here super(dictionary, prefixKey, keySuffixSerializer, new SubStageGetterSingle<>(valueSerializer), 0); this.valueSerializer = valueSerializer; } public static DatabaseMapDictionary simple(LLDictionary dictionary, SerializerFixedBinaryLength keySerializer, Serializer valueSerializer) { return new DatabaseMapDictionary<>(dictionary, null, keySerializer, valueSerializer); } public static DatabaseMapDictionary tail(LLDictionary dictionary, @Nullable Buf prefixKey, SerializerFixedBinaryLength keySuffixSerializer, Serializer valueSerializer) { return new DatabaseMapDictionary<>(dictionary, prefixKey, keySuffixSerializer, valueSerializer); } public static Stream> getLeavesFrom(DatabaseMapDictionary databaseMapDictionary, CompositeSnapshot snapshot, @Nullable K keyMin, @Nullable K keyMax, boolean reverse, boolean smallRange) { if (keyMin != null || keyMax != null) { return databaseMapDictionary.getAllEntries(snapshot, keyMin, keyMax, reverse, smallRange, Map::entry ); } else { return databaseMapDictionary.getAllEntries(snapshot, smallRange, Map::entry); } } public static Stream getKeyLeavesFrom(DatabaseMapDictionary databaseMapDictionary, CompositeSnapshot snapshot, @Nullable K keyMin, @Nullable K keyMax, boolean reverse, boolean smallRange) { Stream>> stagesFlux; if (keyMin != null || keyMax != null) { stagesFlux = databaseMapDictionary.getAllStages(snapshot, keyMin, keyMax, reverse, smallRange); } else { stagesFlux = databaseMapDictionary.getAllStages(snapshot, smallRange); } return; } private U deserializeValue(Buf value) { return valueSerializer.deserialize(BufDataInput.create(value)); } private @Nullable U deserializeValue(T keySuffix, BufDataInput value) { try { return valueSerializer.deserialize(value); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { var exMessage = ex.getMessage(); if (exMessage != null && exMessage.contains("read 0 to 0, write 0 to ")) { var totalZeroBytesErrors = this.totalZeroBytesErrors.incrementAndGet(); if (totalZeroBytesErrors < 512 || totalZeroBytesErrors % 10000 == 0) { var keySuffixBytes = serializeKeySuffixToKey(keySuffix); try { LOG.error( "Unexpected zero-bytes value at " + dictionary.getDatabaseName() + ":" + dictionary.getColumnName() + ":" + LLUtils.toStringSafe(keyPrefix) + ":" + keySuffix + "(" + LLUtils.toStringSafe( keySuffixBytes) + ") total=" + totalZeroBytesErrors); } catch (SerializationException e) { LOG.error( "Unexpected zero-bytes value at " + dictionary.getDatabaseName() + ":" + dictionary.getColumnName() + ":" + LLUtils.toStringSafe(keyPrefix) + ":" + keySuffix + "(?) total=" + totalZeroBytesErrors); } } return null; } else { throw ex; } } } private Buf serializeValue(U value) throws SerializationException { var valSizeHint = valueSerializer.getSerializedSizeHint(); if (valSizeHint == -1) valSizeHint = 128; var valBuf = BufDataOutput.create(valSizeHint); try { valueSerializer.serialize(value, valBuf); } catch (SerializationException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new SerializationException("Failed to serialize value"); } return valBuf.asList(); } private Buf serializeKeySuffixToKey(T keySuffix) throws SerializationException { BufDataOutput keyBuf = BufDataOutput.createLimited(keyPrefixLength + keySuffixLength + keyExtLength); if (keyPrefix != null) { keyBuf.writeBytes(keyPrefix); } assert keyBuf.size() == keyPrefixLength; serializeSuffixTo(keySuffix, keyBuf); assert keyBuf.size() == keyPrefixLength + keySuffixLength + keyExtLength; return keyBuf.asList(); } private Buf toKey(Buf suffixKey) { assert suffixKeyLengthConsistency(suffixKey.size()); if (keyPrefix != null) { var result = keyPrefix.copy(); result.addAll(suffixKey); assert result.size() == keyPrefixLength + keySuffixLength + keyExtLength; return result; } else { assert suffixKey.size() == keyPrefixLength + keySuffixLength + keyExtLength; return suffixKey; } } @Override public Object2ObjectSortedMap get(@Nullable CompositeSnapshot snapshot) { Stream> stream = dictionary .getRange(resolveSnapshot(snapshot), range, false, true) .map(entry -> { Entry deserializedEntry; T key; // serializedKey var buf1 = BufDataInput.create(entry.getKey()); var serializedValue = BufDataInput.create(entry.getValue()); // after this, it becomes serializedSuffixAndExt buf1.skipNBytes(keyPrefixLength); suffixAndExtKeyConsistency(buf1.available()); key = deserializeSuffix(buf1); U value = valueSerializer.deserialize(serializedValue); deserializedEntry = Map.entry(key, value); return deserializedEntry; }); // serializedKey // after this, it becomes serializedSuffixAndExt var map = StreamUtils.collect(stream, Collectors.toMap(Entry::getKey, Entry::getValue, (a, b) -> a, Object2ObjectLinkedOpenHashMap::new) ); return map == null || map.isEmpty() ? null : map; } @Override public Object2ObjectSortedMap setAndGetPrevious(Object2ObjectSortedMap value) { Object2ObjectSortedMap prev = this.get(null); if (value == null || value.isEmpty()) { dictionary.clear(); } else { dictionary.setRange(range, value.entrySet().stream().map(this::serializeEntry), true); } return prev != null && prev.isEmpty() ? null : prev; } @Override public Object2ObjectSortedMap clearAndGetPrevious() { return this.setAndGetPrevious(Object2ObjectSortedMaps.emptyMap()); } @Override public long leavesCount(@Nullable CompositeSnapshot snapshot, boolean fast) { return dictionary.sizeRange(resolveSnapshot(snapshot), range, fast); } @Override public boolean isEmpty(@Nullable CompositeSnapshot snapshot) { return dictionary.isRangeEmpty(resolveSnapshot(snapshot), range, false); } @Override public @NotNull DatabaseStageEntry at(@Nullable CompositeSnapshot snapshot, T keySuffix) { return new DatabaseMapSingle<>(dictionary, serializeKeySuffixToKey(keySuffix), valueSerializer); } @Override public boolean containsKey(@Nullable CompositeSnapshot snapshot, T keySuffix) { return !dictionary.isRangeEmpty(resolveSnapshot(snapshot), LLRange.single(serializeKeySuffixToKey(keySuffix)), true); } @Override public U getValue(@Nullable CompositeSnapshot snapshot, T keySuffix) { var keySuffixBuf = serializeKeySuffixToKey(keySuffix); Buf value = dictionary.get(resolveSnapshot(snapshot), keySuffixBuf); return value != null ? deserializeValue(keySuffix, BufDataInput.create(value)) : null; } @Override public void putValue(T keySuffix, U value) { var keyMono = serializeKeySuffixToKey(keySuffix); var valueMono = serializeValue(value); dictionary.put(keyMono, valueMono, LLDictionaryResultType.VOID); } @Override public UpdateMode getUpdateMode() { return dictionary.getUpdateMode(); } @Override public U updateValue(T keySuffix, UpdateReturnMode updateReturnMode, SerializationFunction<@Nullable U, @Nullable U> updater) { var keyMono = serializeKeySuffixToKey(keySuffix); var serializedUpdater = getSerializedUpdater(updater); dictionary.update(keyMono, serializedUpdater, UpdateReturnMode.NOTHING); return serializedUpdater.getResult(updateReturnMode); } @Override public Delta updateValueAndGetDelta(T keySuffix, SerializationFunction<@Nullable U, @Nullable U> updater) { var keyMono = serializeKeySuffixToKey(keySuffix); var serializedUpdater = getSerializedUpdater(updater); dictionary.update(keyMono, serializedUpdater, UpdateReturnMode.NOTHING); return serializedUpdater.getDelta(); } public CachedSerializationFunction getSerializedUpdater(SerializationFunction<@Nullable U, @Nullable U> updater) { return new CachedSerializationFunction<>(updater, this::serializeValue, this::deserializeValue); } public KVSerializationFunction<@NotNull T, @Nullable Buf, @Nullable Buf> getSerializedUpdater( KVSerializationFunction<@NotNull T, @Nullable U, @Nullable U> updater) { return (key, oldSerialized) -> { U result; if (oldSerialized == null) { result = updater.apply(key, null); } else { result = updater.apply(key, valueSerializer.deserialize(BufDataInput.create(oldSerialized))); } if (result == null) { return null; } else { return serializeValue(result); } }; } @Override public U putValueAndGetPrevious(T keySuffix, U value) { var keyMono = serializeKeySuffixToKey(keySuffix); var valueMono = serializeValue(value); var valueBuf = dictionary.put(keyMono, valueMono, LLDictionaryResultType.PREVIOUS_VALUE); if (valueBuf == null) { return null; } return deserializeValue(keySuffix, BufDataInput.create(valueBuf)); } @Override public boolean putValueAndGetChanged(T keySuffix, U value) { var keyMono = serializeKeySuffixToKey(keySuffix); var valueMono = serializeValue(value); var oldValueBuf = dictionary.put(keyMono, valueMono, LLDictionaryResultType.PREVIOUS_VALUE); var oldValue = oldValueBuf != null ? deserializeValue(keySuffix, BufDataInput.create(oldValueBuf)) : null; if (oldValue == null) { return value != null; } else { return !Objects.equals(oldValue, value); } } @Override public void remove(T keySuffix) { var keyMono = serializeKeySuffixToKey(keySuffix); dictionary.remove(keyMono, LLDictionaryResultType.VOID); } @Override public U removeAndGetPrevious(T keySuffix) { var keyMono = serializeKeySuffixToKey(keySuffix); var valueBuf = dictionary.remove(keyMono, LLDictionaryResultType.PREVIOUS_VALUE); return valueBuf != null ? deserializeValue(keySuffix, BufDataInput.create(valueBuf)) : null; } @Override public boolean removeAndGetStatus(T keySuffix) { var keyMono = serializeKeySuffixToKey(keySuffix); return LLUtils.responseToBoolean(dictionary.remove(keyMono, LLDictionaryResultType.PREVIOUS_VALUE_EXISTENCE)); } @Override public Stream> getMulti(@Nullable CompositeSnapshot snapshot, Stream keys) { var mappedKeys = -> serializeKeySuffixToKey(keySuffix)); return dictionary .getMulti(resolveSnapshot(snapshot), mappedKeys) .map(valueBufOpt -> { if (valueBufOpt.isPresent()) { return Optional.of(valueSerializer.deserialize(BufDataInput.create(valueBufOpt.get()))); } else { return Optional.empty(); } }); } private LLEntry serializeEntry(T keySuffix, U value) throws SerializationException { var key = serializeKeySuffixToKey(keySuffix); var serializedValue = serializeValue(value); return LLEntry.of(key, serializedValue); } private LLEntry serializeEntry(Entry entry) throws SerializationException { return serializeEntry(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } @Override public void putMulti(Stream> entries) { try (var serializedEntries = -> serializeEntry(entry))) { dictionary.putMulti(serializedEntries); } } @Override public Stream updateMulti(Stream keys, KVSerializationFunction updater) { var serializedKeys = -> new SerializedKey<>(keySuffix, serializeKeySuffixToKey(keySuffix))); var serializedUpdater = getSerializedUpdater(updater); return dictionary.updateMulti(serializedKeys, serializedUpdater); } @Override public Stream>> getAllStages(@Nullable CompositeSnapshot snapshot, boolean smallRange) { return getAllStages(snapshot, range, false, smallRange); } private LLRange getPatchedRange(@NotNull LLRange range, @Nullable T keyMin, @Nullable T keyMax) throws SerializationException { Buf keyMinBuf = serializeSuffixForRange(keyMin); if (keyMinBuf == null) { keyMinBuf = range.getMin(); } Buf keyMaxBuf = serializeSuffixForRange(keyMax); if (keyMaxBuf == null) { keyMaxBuf = range.getMax(); } return LLRange.of(keyMinBuf, keyMaxBuf); } private Buf serializeSuffixForRange(@Nullable T key) throws SerializationException { if (key == null) { return null; } var keyWithoutExtBuf = BufDataOutput.createLimited(keyPrefixLength + keySuffixLength); if (keyPrefix != null) { keyWithoutExtBuf.writeBytes(keyPrefix); } serializeSuffixTo(key, keyWithoutExtBuf); return keyWithoutExtBuf.asList(); } /** * Get all stages * @param reverse if true, the results will go backwards from the specified key (inclusive) */ public Stream>> getAllStages(@Nullable CompositeSnapshot snapshot, @Nullable T keyMin, @Nullable T keyMax, boolean reverse, boolean smallRange) { if (keyMin == null && keyMax == null) { return getAllStages(snapshot, smallRange); } else { LLRange boundedRange = getPatchedRange(range, keyMin, keyMax); return getAllStages(snapshot, boundedRange, reverse, smallRange); } } private Stream>> getAllStages(@Nullable CompositeSnapshot snapshot, LLRange sliceRange, boolean reverse, boolean smallRange) { return dictionary .getRangeKeys(resolveSnapshot(snapshot), sliceRange, reverse, smallRange) .map(keyBuf -> { assert keyBuf.size() == keyPrefixLength + keySuffixLength + keyExtLength; // Remove prefix. Keep only the suffix and the ext var suffixAndExtIn = BufDataInput.create(keyBuf); suffixAndExtIn.skipBytes(keyPrefixLength); suffixKeyLengthConsistency(suffixAndExtIn.available()); T keySuffix = deserializeSuffix(suffixAndExtIn); var subStage = new DatabaseMapSingle<>(dictionary, keyBuf, valueSerializer); return new SubStageEntry<>(keySuffix, subStage); }); } private Stream getAllKeys(@Nullable CompositeSnapshot snapshot, LLRange sliceRange, boolean reverse, boolean smallRange) { return dictionary .getRangeKeys(resolveSnapshot(snapshot), sliceRange, reverse, smallRange) .map(keyBuf -> { assert keyBuf.size() == keyPrefixLength + keySuffixLength + keyExtLength; // Remove prefix. Keep only the suffix and the ext var suffixAndExtIn = BufDataInput.create(keyBuf); suffixAndExtIn.skipBytes(keyPrefixLength); suffixKeyLengthConsistency(suffixAndExtIn.available()); return deserializeSuffix(suffixAndExtIn); }); } @Override public Stream> getAllEntries(@Nullable CompositeSnapshot snapshot, boolean smallRange) { return getAllEntries(snapshot, smallRange, Map::entry); } @Override public Stream getAllValues(@Nullable CompositeSnapshot snapshot, boolean smallRange) { return getAllEntries(snapshot, range, false, smallRange, (k, v) -> v); } @Override public Stream getAllKeys(@Nullable CompositeSnapshot snapshot, boolean smallRange) { return getAllKeys(snapshot, range, false, smallRange); } /** * Get all values * @param reverse if true, the results will go backwards from the specified key (inclusive) */ public Stream> getAllEntries(@Nullable CompositeSnapshot snapshot, @Nullable T keyMin, @Nullable T keyMax, boolean reverse, boolean smallRange) { return getAllEntries(snapshot, keyMin, keyMax, reverse, smallRange, Map::entry); } /** * Get all values * @param reverse if true, the results will go backwards from the specified key (inclusive) */ public Stream getAllEntries(@Nullable CompositeSnapshot snapshot, @Nullable T keyMin, @Nullable T keyMax, boolean reverse, boolean smallRange, BiFunction mapper) { if (keyMin == null && keyMax == null) { return getAllEntries(snapshot, smallRange, mapper); } else { LLRange boundedRange = getPatchedRange(range, keyMin, keyMax); return getAllEntries(snapshot, boundedRange, reverse, smallRange, mapper); } } private Stream getAllEntries(@Nullable CompositeSnapshot snapshot, boolean smallRange, BiFunction mapper) { return getAllEntries(snapshot, range, false, smallRange, mapper); } private Stream getAllEntries(@Nullable CompositeSnapshot snapshot, LLRange sliceRangeMono, boolean reverse, boolean smallRange, BiFunction mapper) { return dictionary .getRange(resolveSnapshot(snapshot), sliceRangeMono, reverse, smallRange) .map((serializedEntry) -> { X entry; var keyBuf = serializedEntry.getKey(); assert keyBuf != null; assert keyBuf.size() == keyPrefixLength + keySuffixLength + keyExtLength; // Remove prefix. Keep only the suffix and the ext var suffixAndExtIn = BufDataInput.create(keyBuf); suffixAndExtIn.skipBytes(keyPrefixLength); assert suffixKeyLengthConsistency(suffixAndExtIn.available()); T keySuffix = deserializeSuffix(suffixAndExtIn); assert serializedEntry.getValue() != null; U value = valueSerializer.deserialize(BufDataInput.create(serializedEntry.getValue())); entry = mapper.apply(keySuffix, value); return entry; }); } @Override public Stream> setAllEntriesAndGetPrevious(Stream> entries) { return resourceStream( () -> getAllEntries(null, false), () -> dictionary.setRange(range, -> serializeEntry(entry)), false) ); } @Override public void clear() { if (range.isAll()) { dictionary.clear(); } else if (range.isSingle()) { dictionary.remove(range.getSingleUnsafe(), LLDictionaryResultType.VOID); } else { dictionary.setRange(range, Stream.empty(), false); } } }