package it.cavallium.dbengine.database.disk; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator; import io.netty.buffer.PooledByteBufAllocator; import io.netty.util.ReferenceCounted; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLDictionary; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLDictionaryResultType; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLRange; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLSnapshot; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLUtils; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.UpdateMode; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArrayList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectArrayList; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool; import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask; import java.util.concurrent.locks.StampedLock; import java.util.function.Function; import; import; import lombok.AllArgsConstructor; import lombok.Data; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.rocksdb.AbstractSlice; import org.rocksdb.CappedWriteBatch; import org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyHandle; import org.rocksdb.CompactRangeOptions; import org.rocksdb.DirectSlice; import org.rocksdb.FlushOptions; import org.rocksdb.Holder; import org.rocksdb.ReadOptions; import org.rocksdb.RocksDB; import org.rocksdb.RocksDBException; import org.rocksdb.RocksIterator; import org.rocksdb.Slice; import org.rocksdb.Snapshot; import org.rocksdb.WriteOptions; import org.warp.commonutils.concurrency.atomicity.NotAtomic; import org.warp.commonutils.locks.Striped; import org.warp.commonutils.log.Logger; import org.warp.commonutils.log.LoggerFactory; import reactor.core.publisher.Flux; import reactor.core.publisher.Mono; import reactor.core.scheduler.Scheduler; import reactor.util.function.Tuple3; import reactor.util.function.Tuples; import static io.netty.buffer.Unpooled.*; @NotAtomic public class LLLocalDictionary implements LLDictionary { protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LLLocalDictionary.class); private static final boolean USE_CURRENT_FASTSIZE_FOR_OLD_SNAPSHOTS = false; static final int RESERVED_WRITE_BATCH_SIZE = 2 * 1024 * 1024; // 2MiB static final long MAX_WRITE_BATCH_SIZE = 1024L * 1024L * 1024L; // 1GiB static final int CAPPED_WRITE_BATCH_CAP = 50000; // 50K operations static final int MULTI_GET_WINDOW = 500; static final ReadOptions EMPTY_READ_OPTIONS = new ReadOptions(); static final WriteOptions EMPTY_WRITE_OPTIONS = new WriteOptions(); static final WriteOptions BATCH_WRITE_OPTIONS = new WriteOptions().setLowPri(true); static final boolean PREFER_SEEK_TO_FIRST = false; static final boolean VERIFY_CHECKSUMS_WHEN_NOT_NEEDED = false; public static final boolean DEBUG_PREFIXES_WHEN_ASSERTIONS_ARE_ENABLED = true; static final boolean PARALLEL_EXACT_SIZE = true; private static final int STRIPES = 512; private static final byte[] FIRST_KEY = new byte[]{}; private static final byte[] NO_DATA = new byte[0]; private static final boolean ASSERTIONS_ENABLED; static { boolean assertionsEnabled = false; //noinspection AssertWithSideEffects assert (assertionsEnabled = true); //noinspection ConstantConditions ASSERTIONS_ENABLED = assertionsEnabled; } private final RocksDB db; private final ColumnFamilyHandle cfh; private final String databaseName; private final Scheduler dbScheduler; private final Function snapshotResolver; private final Striped itemsLock = Striped.readWriteStampedLock(STRIPES); private final UpdateMode updateMode; private final ByteBufAllocator alloc; public LLLocalDictionary(@NotNull RocksDB db, @NotNull ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamilyHandle, String databaseName, Scheduler dbScheduler, Function snapshotResolver, UpdateMode updateMode) { Objects.requireNonNull(db); this.db = db; Objects.requireNonNull(columnFamilyHandle); this.cfh = columnFamilyHandle; this.databaseName = databaseName; this.dbScheduler = dbScheduler; this.snapshotResolver = snapshotResolver; this.updateMode = updateMode; alloc = PooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT; } @Override public String getDatabaseName() { return databaseName; } private ReadOptions resolveSnapshot(LLSnapshot snapshot) { if (snapshot != null) { return getReadOptions(snapshotResolver.apply(snapshot)); } else { return EMPTY_READ_OPTIONS; } } private ReadOptions getReadOptions(Snapshot snapshot) { if (snapshot != null) { return new ReadOptions().setSnapshot(snapshot); } else { return EMPTY_READ_OPTIONS; } } private int getLockIndex(ByteBuf key) { return Math.abs(key.hashCode() % STRIPES); } private IntArrayList getLockIndices(List keys) { var list = new IntArrayList(keys.size()); for (ByteBuf key : keys) { list.add(getLockIndex(key)); } return list; } private IntArrayList getLockIndicesEntries(List> keys) { var list = new IntArrayList(keys.size()); for (Entry key : keys) { list.add(getLockIndex(key.getKey())); } return list; } @Override public ByteBufAllocator getAllocator() { return alloc; } @Override public Mono get(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, ByteBuf key, boolean existsAlmostCertainly) { return Mono .fromCallable(() -> { StampedLock lock; long stamp; if (updateMode == UpdateMode.ALLOW) { lock = itemsLock.getAt(getLockIndex(key)); stamp = lock.readLock(); } else { lock = null; stamp = 0; } try { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Reading {}", LLUtils.toString(key)); } return dbGet(cfh, resolveSnapshot(snapshot), key.retain()); } finally { if (updateMode == UpdateMode.ALLOW) { lock.unlockRead(stamp); } } }) .onErrorMap(cause -> new IOException("Failed to read " + LLUtils.toString(key), cause)) .subscribeOn(dbScheduler) .doFinally(s -> key.release()); } private ByteBuf dbGet(ColumnFamilyHandle cfh, @Nullable ReadOptions readOptions, ByteBuf key) throws RocksDBException { //todo: implement keyMayExist if existsAlmostCertainly is false. // Unfortunately it's not feasible until RocksDB implements keyMayExist with buffers // Create the key nio buffer to pass to RocksDB if (!key.isDirect()) { throw new RocksDBException("Key buffer must be direct"); } try { ByteBuf keyDirectBuf = key.retain(); ByteBuffer keyNioBuffer = LLUtils.toDirectFast(keyDirectBuf.retain()); if (keyNioBuffer == null) { keyDirectBuf.release(); keyDirectBuf = LLUtils.toDirectCopy(key.retain()); keyNioBuffer = keyDirectBuf.nioBuffer(); } try { assert keyNioBuffer.isDirect(); // Create a direct result buffer because RocksDB works only with direct buffers ByteBuf resultBuf = alloc.directBuffer(); try { int valueSize; int assertionReadData = -1; ByteBuffer resultNioBuf; do { // Create the result nio buffer to pass to RocksDB resultNioBuf = resultBuf.nioBuffer(0, resultBuf.capacity()); assert keyNioBuffer.isDirect(); assert resultNioBuf.isDirect(); valueSize = db.get(cfh, Objects.requireNonNullElse(readOptions, EMPTY_READ_OPTIONS), keyNioBuffer, resultNioBuf); if (valueSize != RocksDB.NOT_FOUND) { // todo: check if position is equal to data that have been read // todo: check if limit is equal to value size or data that have been read assert valueSize <= 0 || resultNioBuf.limit() > 0; // If the locking is enabled the data is safe, so since we are appending data to the end, // we need to check if it has been appended correctly or it it has been overwritten. // We must not do this check otherwise because if there is no locking the data can be // overwritten with a smaller value the next time. if (updateMode == UpdateMode.ALLOW) { // Check if read data is larger than previously read data. // If it's smaller or equals it means that RocksDB is overwriting the beginning of the result buffer. assert resultNioBuf.limit() > assertionReadData; if (ASSERTIONS_ENABLED) { assertionReadData = resultNioBuf.limit(); } } // Check if read data is not bigger than the total value size. // If it's bigger it means that RocksDB is writing the start of the result into the result // buffer more than once. assert resultNioBuf.limit() <= valueSize; if (valueSize <= resultNioBuf.limit()) { // Return the result ready to be read return resultBuf.setIndex(0, valueSize).retain(); } else { // If the locking is enabled the data is safe, so we can append the next read data. // Otherwise we need to re-read everything. if (updateMode == UpdateMode.ALLOW) { // Update the resultBuf writerIndex with the new position resultBuf.writerIndex(resultNioBuf.limit()); } //noinspection UnusedAssignment resultNioBuf = null; } // Rewind the keyNioBuf position, making it readable again for the next loop iteration keyNioBuffer.rewind(); if (resultBuf.capacity() < valueSize) { // Expand the resultBuf size if the result is bigger than the current result buffer size resultBuf.capacity(valueSize); } } // Repeat if the result has been found but it's still not finished } while (valueSize != RocksDB.NOT_FOUND); // If the value is not found return null return null; } finally { resultBuf.release(); } } finally { keyDirectBuf.release(); } } finally { key.release(); } } private void dbPut(ColumnFamilyHandle cfh, @Nullable WriteOptions writeOptions, ByteBuf key, ByteBuf value) throws RocksDBException { if (!key.isDirect()) { throw new RocksDBException("Key buffer must be direct"); } if (!value.isDirect()) { throw new RocksDBException("Value buffer must be direct"); } try { ByteBuf keyDirectBuffer = key.retain(); var keyNioBuffer = LLUtils.toDirectFast(keyDirectBuffer.retain()); if (keyNioBuffer == null) { keyDirectBuffer.release(); keyDirectBuffer = LLUtils.toDirectCopy(key.retain()); keyNioBuffer = keyDirectBuffer.nioBuffer(); } try { assert keyNioBuffer.isDirect(); ByteBuf valueDirectBuffer = value.retain(); var valueNioBuffer = LLUtils.toDirectFast(valueDirectBuffer.retain()); if (valueNioBuffer == null) { valueDirectBuffer.release(); valueDirectBuffer = LLUtils.toDirectCopy(value.retain()); valueNioBuffer = valueDirectBuffer.nioBuffer(); } try { assert valueNioBuffer.isDirect(); db.put(cfh, Objects.requireNonNullElse(writeOptions, EMPTY_WRITE_OPTIONS), keyNioBuffer, valueNioBuffer); } finally { valueDirectBuffer.release(); } } finally { keyDirectBuffer.release(); } } finally { key.release(); value.release(); } } @Override public Mono isRangeEmpty(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, LLRange range) { Mono contains; if (range.isSingle()) { contains = containsKey(snapshot, range.getSingle().retain()); } else { contains = containsRange(snapshot, range.retain()); } return -> !isContained).doFinally(s -> range.release()); } public Mono containsRange(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, LLRange range) { return Mono .fromCallable(() -> { var readOpts = resolveSnapshot(snapshot); readOpts.setVerifyChecksums(VERIFY_CHECKSUMS_WHEN_NOT_NEEDED); readOpts.setFillCache(false); if (range.hasMin()) { readOpts.setIterateLowerBound(new DirectSlice(Objects.requireNonNull(LLUtils.toDirectFast(range.getMin().retain()), "This range must use direct buffers" ))); } if (range.hasMax()) { readOpts.setIterateUpperBound(new DirectSlice(Objects.requireNonNull(LLUtils.toDirectFast(range.getMax().retain()), "This range must use direct buffers" ))); } try (RocksIterator rocksIterator = db.newIterator(cfh, readOpts)) { if (!LLLocalDictionary.PREFER_SEEK_TO_FIRST && range.hasMin()) {, "This range must use direct buffers" )); } else { rocksIterator.seekToFirst(); } return rocksIterator.isValid(); } }) .onErrorMap(cause -> new IOException("Failed to read range " + range.toString(), cause)) .subscribeOn(dbScheduler) .doFinally(s -> range.release()); } private Mono containsKey(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, ByteBuf key) { return Mono .fromCallable(() -> { StampedLock lock; long stamp; if (updateMode == UpdateMode.ALLOW) { lock = itemsLock.getAt(getLockIndex(key)); stamp = lock.readLock(); } else { lock = null; stamp = 0; } try { int size = RocksDB.NOT_FOUND; byte[] keyBytes = LLUtils.toArray(key); Holder data = new Holder<>(); if (db.keyMayExist(cfh, resolveSnapshot(snapshot), keyBytes, data)) { if (data.getValue() != null) { size = data.getValue().length; } else { size = db.get(cfh, resolveSnapshot(snapshot), keyBytes, NO_DATA); } } return size != RocksDB.NOT_FOUND; } finally { if (updateMode == UpdateMode.ALLOW) { lock.unlockRead(stamp); } } }) .onErrorMap(cause -> new IOException("Failed to read " + LLUtils.toString(key), cause)) .subscribeOn(dbScheduler) .doFinally(s -> key.release()); } @Override public Mono put(ByteBuf key, ByteBuf value, LLDictionaryResultType resultType) { if (!key.isDirect()) { return Mono.fromCallable(() -> { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Key must not be direct"); }); } if (!value.isDirect()) { return Mono.fromCallable(() -> { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value must not be direct"); }); } return getPreviousData(key.retain(), resultType) .concatWith(Mono .fromCallable(() -> { StampedLock lock; long stamp; if (updateMode == UpdateMode.ALLOW) { lock = itemsLock.getAt(getLockIndex(key)); stamp = lock.writeLock(); } else { lock = null; stamp = 0; } try { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Writing {}: {}", LLUtils.toString(key), LLUtils.toString(value)); } if (!key.isDirect()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Key must not be direct"); } if (!value.isDirect()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value must not be direct"); } dbPut(cfh, null, key.retain(), value.retain()); assert value.refCnt() > 0; return null; } finally { if (updateMode == UpdateMode.ALLOW) { lock.unlockWrite(stamp); } } }) .onErrorMap(cause -> new IOException("Failed to write " + LLUtils.toString(key), cause)) .subscribeOn(dbScheduler) .then(Mono.empty()) ) .singleOrEmpty() .doFinally(s -> { key.release(); value.release(); }); } @Override public Mono update(ByteBuf key, Function<@Nullable ByteBuf, @Nullable ByteBuf> updater, boolean existsAlmostCertainly) { return Mono .fromCallable(() -> { if (updateMode == UpdateMode.DISALLOW) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("update() is disallowed"); StampedLock lock; long stamp; if (updateMode == UpdateMode.ALLOW) { lock = itemsLock.getAt(getLockIndex(key)); stamp = lock.readLock(); } else { lock = null; stamp = 0; } try { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Reading {}", LLUtils.toString(key)); } while (true) { boolean changed = false; @Nullable ByteBuf prevData; var prevDataHolder = existsAlmostCertainly ? null : new Holder(); if (existsAlmostCertainly || db.keyMayExist(cfh, LLUtils.toArray(key), prevDataHolder)) { if (!existsAlmostCertainly && prevDataHolder.getValue() != null) { byte @Nullable [] prevDataBytes = prevDataHolder.getValue(); if (prevDataBytes != null) { prevData = wrappedBuffer(prevDataBytes); } else { prevData = null; } } else { prevData = dbGet(cfh, null, key.retain()); } } else { prevData = null; } try { @Nullable ByteBuf newData; ByteBuf prevDataToSendToUpdater = prevData == null ? null : prevData.retainedSlice(); try { newData = updater.apply( prevDataToSendToUpdater == null ? null : prevDataToSendToUpdater.retain()); assert prevDataToSendToUpdater == null || prevDataToSendToUpdater.readerIndex() == 0 || !prevDataToSendToUpdater.isReadable(); } finally { if (prevDataToSendToUpdater != null) { prevDataToSendToUpdater.release(); } } try { if (prevData != null && newData == null) { //noinspection DuplicatedCode if (updateMode == UpdateMode.ALLOW) { var ws = lock.tryConvertToWriteLock(stamp); if (ws != 0) { stamp = ws; } else { lock.unlockRead(stamp); stamp = lock.writeLock(); continue; } } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Deleting {}", LLUtils.toString(key)); } changed = true; dbDelete(cfh, null, key.retain()); } else if (newData != null && (prevData == null || !LLUtils.equals(prevData, newData))) { //noinspection DuplicatedCode if (updateMode == UpdateMode.ALLOW) { var ws = lock.tryConvertToWriteLock(stamp); if (ws != 0) { stamp = ws; } else { lock.unlockRead(stamp); stamp = lock.writeLock(); continue; } } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Writing {}: {}", LLUtils.toString(key), LLUtils.toString(newData)); } changed = true; dbPut(cfh, null, key.retain(), newData.retain()); } return changed; } finally { if (newData != null) { newData.release(); } } } finally { if (prevData != null) { prevData.release(); } } } } finally { if (updateMode == UpdateMode.ALLOW) { lock.unlock(stamp); } } }) .onErrorMap(cause -> new IOException("Failed to read or write " + LLUtils.toString(key), cause)) .subscribeOn(dbScheduler) .doFinally(s -> key.release()); } private void dbDelete(ColumnFamilyHandle cfh, @Nullable WriteOptions writeOptions, ByteBuf key) throws RocksDBException { try { if (!key.isDirect()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Key must be a direct buffer"); } ByteBuf keyDirectBuffer = key.retain(); var keyNioBuffer = LLUtils.toDirectFast(keyDirectBuffer.retain()); if (keyNioBuffer == null) { keyDirectBuffer.release(); keyDirectBuffer = LLUtils.toDirectCopy(key.retain()); keyNioBuffer = keyDirectBuffer.nioBuffer(); } try { db.delete(cfh, Objects.requireNonNullElse(writeOptions, EMPTY_WRITE_OPTIONS), keyNioBuffer); } finally { keyDirectBuffer.release(); } } finally { key.release(); } } @Override public Mono remove(ByteBuf key, LLDictionaryResultType resultType) { return getPreviousData(key.retain(), resultType) .concatWith(Mono .fromCallable(() -> { StampedLock lock; long stamp; if (updateMode == UpdateMode.ALLOW) { lock = itemsLock.getAt(getLockIndex(key)); stamp = lock.writeLock(); } else { lock = null; stamp = 0; } try { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Deleting {}", LLUtils.toString(key)); } dbDelete(cfh, null, key.retain()); return null; } finally { if (updateMode == UpdateMode.ALLOW) { lock.unlockWrite(stamp); } } }) .onErrorMap(cause -> new IOException("Failed to delete " + LLUtils.toString(key), cause)) .subscribeOn(dbScheduler) .then(Mono.empty()) ).singleOrEmpty() .doFinally(s -> key.release()); } private Mono getPreviousData(ByteBuf key, LLDictionaryResultType resultType) { Mono prevValue; switch (resultType) { case PREVIOUS_VALUE_EXISTENCE: prevValue = this .containsKey(null, key.retain()) .single() .map(LLUtils::booleanToResponseByteBuffer) .doFinally(s -> { assert key.refCnt() > 0; }); break; case PREVIOUS_VALUE: prevValue = Mono .fromCallable(() -> { StampedLock lock; long stamp; if (updateMode == UpdateMode.ALLOW) { lock = itemsLock.getAt(getLockIndex(key)); stamp = lock.readLock(); } else { lock = null; stamp = 0; } try { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Reading {}", LLUtils.toArray(key)); } var data = new Holder(); if (db.keyMayExist(cfh, LLUtils.toArray(key), data)) { if (data.getValue() != null) { return wrappedBuffer(data.getValue()); } else { try { return dbGet(cfh, null, key.retain()); } finally { assert key.refCnt() > 0; } } } else { return null; } } finally { if (updateMode == UpdateMode.ALLOW) { lock.unlockRead(stamp); } } }) .onErrorMap(cause -> new IOException("Failed to read " + LLUtils.toString(key), cause)) .subscribeOn(dbScheduler); break; case VOID: prevValue = Mono.empty(); break; default: prevValue = Mono.error(new IllegalStateException("Unexpected value: " + resultType)); break; } return prevValue.doFinally(s -> key.release()); } @Override public Flux> getMulti(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, Flux keys, boolean existsAlmostCertainly) { return keys .window(MULTI_GET_WINDOW) .flatMap(keysWindowFlux -> keysWindowFlux.collectList() .flatMapMany(keysWindow -> Mono .fromCallable(() -> { Iterable locks; ArrayList stamps; if (updateMode == UpdateMode.ALLOW) { locks = itemsLock.bulkGetAt(getLockIndices(keysWindow)); stamps = new ArrayList<>(); for (var lock : locks) { stamps.add(lock.readLock()); } } else { locks = null; stamps = null; } try { var handlesArray = new ColumnFamilyHandle[keysWindow.size()]; Arrays.fill(handlesArray, cfh); var handles = ObjectArrayList.wrap(handlesArray, handlesArray.length); var results = db.multiGetAsList(resolveSnapshot(snapshot), handles, LLUtils.toArray(keysWindow)); var mappedResults = new ArrayList>(results.size()); for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { var val = results.get(i); if (val != null) { results.set(i, null); mappedResults.add(Map.entry(keysWindow.get(i).retain(), wrappedBuffer(val))); } } return mappedResults; } finally { if (updateMode == UpdateMode.ALLOW) { int index = 0; for (var lock : locks) { lock.unlockRead(stamps.get(index)); index++; } } } }) .subscribeOn(dbScheduler) .flatMapMany(Flux::fromIterable) .onErrorMap(cause -> new IOException("Failed to read keys " + Arrays.deepToString(keysWindow.toArray(ByteBuf[]::new)), cause)) .doFinally(s -> keysWindow.forEach(ReferenceCounted::release)) ) ); } @Override public Flux> putMulti(Flux> entries, boolean getOldValues) { return entries .window(Math.min(MULTI_GET_WINDOW, CAPPED_WRITE_BATCH_CAP)) .flatMap(Flux::collectList) .flatMap(entriesWindow -> { Flux> oldValues; if (getOldValues) { oldValues = this .getMulti(null, Flux .fromIterable(entriesWindow) .map(Entry::getKey) .map(ByteBuf::retain), false) .publishOn(dbScheduler); } else { oldValues = Flux.empty(); } return oldValues .concatWith(Mono.fromCallable(() -> { Iterable locks; ArrayList stamps; if (updateMode == UpdateMode.ALLOW) { locks = itemsLock.bulkGetAt(getLockIndicesEntries(entriesWindow)); stamps = new ArrayList<>(); for (var lock : locks) { stamps.add(lock.writeLock()); } } else { locks = null; stamps = null; } try { var batch = new CappedWriteBatch(db, CAPPED_WRITE_BATCH_CAP, RESERVED_WRITE_BATCH_SIZE, MAX_WRITE_BATCH_SIZE, BATCH_WRITE_OPTIONS ); for (Entry entry : entriesWindow) { batch.put(cfh, entry.getKey().retain(), entry.getValue().retain()); } batch.writeToDbAndClose(); batch.close(); return null; } finally { if (updateMode == UpdateMode.ALLOW) { int index = 0; for (var lock : locks) { lock.unlockWrite(stamps.get(index)); index++; } } } })) .doFinally(s -> entriesWindow.forEach(entry -> { entry.getKey().release(); entry.getValue().release(); })); } ); } @NotNull private Mono> putEntryToWriteBatch(Entry newEntry, boolean getOldValues, CappedWriteBatch writeBatch) { Mono getOldValueMono; if (getOldValues) { getOldValueMono = get(null, newEntry.getKey().retain(), false); } else { getOldValueMono = Mono.empty(); } return getOldValueMono .concatWith(Mono .fromCallable(() -> { writeBatch.put(cfh, newEntry.getKey().retain(), newEntry.getValue().retain()); return null; }) .subscribeOn(dbScheduler) ) .singleOrEmpty() .map(oldValue -> Map.entry(newEntry.getKey().retain(), oldValue)) .doFinally(s -> { newEntry.getKey().release(); newEntry.getValue().release(); }); } @Override public Flux> getRange(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, LLRange range, boolean existsAlmostCertainly) { Flux> result; if (range.isSingle()) { result = getRangeSingle(snapshot, range.getMin().retain(), existsAlmostCertainly); } else { result = getRangeMulti(snapshot, range.retain()); } return result.doFinally(s -> range.release()); } @Override public Flux>> getRangeGrouped(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, LLRange range, int prefixLength, boolean existsAlmostCertainly) { Flux>> result; if (range.isSingle()) { result = getRangeSingle(snapshot, range.getMin().retain(), existsAlmostCertainly).map(List::of); } else { result = getRangeMultiGrouped(snapshot, range.retain(), prefixLength); } return result.doFinally(s -> range.release()); } private Flux> getRangeSingle(LLSnapshot snapshot, ByteBuf key, boolean existsAlmostCertainly) { return this .get(snapshot, key.retain(), existsAlmostCertainly) .map(value -> Map.entry(key.retain(), value)) .flux() .doFinally(s -> key.release()); } private Flux> getRangeMulti(LLSnapshot snapshot, LLRange range) { return new LLLocalEntryReactiveRocksIterator(db, alloc, cfh, range.retain(), resolveSnapshot(snapshot)) .flux() .subscribeOn(dbScheduler) .doFinally(s -> range.release()); } private Flux>> getRangeMultiGrouped(LLSnapshot snapshot, LLRange range, int prefixLength) { return new LLLocalGroupedEntryReactiveRocksIterator(db, alloc, cfh, prefixLength, range.retain(), resolveSnapshot(snapshot), "getRangeMultiGrouped" ) .flux() .subscribeOn(dbScheduler) .doFinally(s -> range.release()); } @Override public Flux getRangeKeys(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, LLRange range) { Flux result; if (range.isSingle()) { result = getRangeKeysSingle(snapshot, range.getMin().retain()); } else { result = getRangeKeysMulti(snapshot, range.retain()); } return result.doFinally(s -> range.release()); } @Override public Flux> getRangeKeysGrouped(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, LLRange range, int prefixLength) { return new LLLocalGroupedKeyReactiveRocksIterator(db, alloc, cfh, prefixLength, range.retain(), resolveSnapshot(snapshot), "getRangeKeysGrouped" ).flux().subscribeOn(dbScheduler).doFinally(s -> range.release()); } @Override public Flux getRangeKeyPrefixes(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, LLRange range, int prefixLength) { return new LLLocalKeyPrefixReactiveRocksIterator(db, alloc, cfh, prefixLength, range.retain(), resolveSnapshot(snapshot), true, "getRangeKeysGrouped" ).flux().subscribeOn(dbScheduler).doFinally(s -> range.release()); } private Flux getRangeKeysSingle(LLSnapshot snapshot, ByteBuf key) { return this .containsKey(snapshot, key.retain()) .filter(contains -> contains) .map(contains -> key.retain()) .flux() .doFinally(s -> key.release()); } private Flux getRangeKeysMulti(LLSnapshot snapshot, LLRange range) { return new LLLocalKeyReactiveRocksIterator(db, alloc, cfh, range.retain(), resolveSnapshot(snapshot)) .flux() .subscribeOn(dbScheduler) .doFinally(s -> range.release()); } @Override public Flux> setRange(LLRange range, Flux> entries, boolean getOldValues) { Flux> oldValues; if (getOldValues) { oldValues = getRange(null, range); } else { oldValues = Flux.empty(); } return oldValues .concatWith(Flux .usingWhen( Mono .fromCallable(() -> new CappedWriteBatch(db, CAPPED_WRITE_BATCH_CAP, RESERVED_WRITE_BATCH_SIZE, MAX_WRITE_BATCH_SIZE, BATCH_WRITE_OPTIONS) ) .subscribeOn(dbScheduler), writeBatch -> Mono .fromCallable(() -> { if (range.isSingle()) { writeBatch.delete(cfh, LLUtils.toArray(range.getSingle().retain())); } else { deleteSmallRangeWriteBatch(writeBatch, range.retain()); } return null; }) .subscribeOn(dbScheduler) .thenMany(entries) .>concatMap(newEntry -> this .putEntryToWriteBatch(newEntry, false, writeBatch) .then(Mono.empty()) ), writeBatch -> Mono .fromCallable(() -> { try (writeBatch) { writeBatch.writeToDbAndClose(); } return null; }) .subscribeOn(dbScheduler) ) .subscribeOn(dbScheduler) .onErrorMap(cause -> new IOException("Failed to write range", cause)) .doFinally(s -> range.release()) ); } private void deleteSmallRangeWriteBatch(CappedWriteBatch writeBatch, LLRange range) throws RocksDBException { var readOpts = getReadOptions(null); readOpts.setFillCache(false); ReleasableSlice minBound; if (range.hasMin()) { minBound = setIterateBound(readOpts, IterateBound.LOWER, range.getMin().retain()); } else { minBound = EMPTY_RELEASABLE_SLICE; } ReleasableSlice maxBound; if (range.hasMax()) { maxBound = setIterateBound(readOpts, IterateBound.UPPER, range.getMax().retain()); } else { maxBound = EMPTY_RELEASABLE_SLICE; } try (var rocksIterator = db.newIterator(cfh, readOpts)) { if (!LLLocalDictionary.PREFER_SEEK_TO_FIRST && range.hasMin()) { rocksIterSeekTo(rocksIterator, range.getMin().retain()); } else { rocksIterator.seekToFirst(); } while (rocksIterator.isValid()) { writeBatch.delete(cfh, LLUtils.readDirectNioBuffer(alloc, rocksIterator::key));; } } finally { minBound.release(); maxBound.release(); range.release(); } } private static void rocksIterSeekTo(RocksIterator rocksIterator, ByteBuf buffer) { try { ByteBuf directBuffer = buffer.retain(); ByteBuffer nioBuffer = LLUtils.toDirectFast(directBuffer.retain()); if (nioBuffer == null) { directBuffer.release(); directBuffer = LLUtils.toDirectCopy(buffer.retain()); assert directBuffer.isDirect(); nioBuffer = directBuffer.nioBuffer(); } try { assert nioBuffer.isDirect();; } finally { directBuffer.release(); } } finally { buffer.release(); } } private static ReleasableSlice setIterateBound(ReadOptions readOpts, IterateBound boundType, ByteBuf buffer) { try { ByteBuf directBuffer = buffer.retain(); ByteBuffer nioBuffer = LLUtils.toDirectFast(directBuffer.retain()); if (nioBuffer == null) { directBuffer = LLUtils.toDirectCopy(buffer.retain()); assert directBuffer.isDirect(); nioBuffer = directBuffer.nioBuffer(); } AbstractSlice slice; try { assert nioBuffer.isDirect(); slice = new DirectSlice(nioBuffer); if (boundType == IterateBound.LOWER) { readOpts.setIterateLowerBound(slice); } else { readOpts.setIterateUpperBound(slice); } } catch (Throwable t) { directBuffer.release(); throw t; } return new ReleasableSlice(slice, directBuffer); } finally { buffer.release(); } } private static final ReleasableSlice EMPTY_RELEASABLE_SLICE = new ReleasableSlice(new Slice(new byte[0]), null) { @Override public void release() { } }; @Data @AllArgsConstructor public static class ReleasableSlice { AbstractSlice slice; @Nullable ByteBuf byteBuf; public void release() { slice.clear(); if (byteBuf != null) { byteBuf.release(); } } } public Mono clear() { return Mono .fromCallable(() -> { var readOpts = getReadOptions(null); readOpts.setVerifyChecksums(VERIFY_CHECKSUMS_WHEN_NOT_NEEDED); // readOpts.setIgnoreRangeDeletions(true); readOpts.setFillCache(false); //readOpts.setReadaheadSize(2 * 1024 * 1024); try (CappedWriteBatch writeBatch = new CappedWriteBatch(db, CAPPED_WRITE_BATCH_CAP, RESERVED_WRITE_BATCH_SIZE, MAX_WRITE_BATCH_SIZE, BATCH_WRITE_OPTIONS )) { byte[] firstDeletedKey = null; byte[] lastDeletedKey = null; try (RocksIterator iter = db.newIterator(cfh, readOpts)) { iter.seekToLast(); if (iter.isValid()) { firstDeletedKey = FIRST_KEY; lastDeletedKey = iter.key(); writeBatch.deleteRange(cfh, FIRST_KEY, iter.key()); writeBatch.delete(cfh, iter.key()); } } writeBatch.writeToDbAndClose(); // Compact range db.suggestCompactRange(cfh); if (firstDeletedKey != null && lastDeletedKey != null) { db.compactRange(cfh, firstDeletedKey, lastDeletedKey, new CompactRangeOptions() .setAllowWriteStall(false) .setExclusiveManualCompaction(false) .setChangeLevel(false) ); } db.flush(new FlushOptions().setWaitForFlush(true).setAllowWriteStall(true), cfh); db.flushWal(true); } return null; }) .onErrorMap(cause -> new IOException("Failed to clear", cause)) .subscribeOn(dbScheduler); } @Override public Mono sizeRange(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, LLRange range, boolean fast) { Mono result; if (range.isAll()) { result = Mono .fromCallable(() -> fast ? fastSizeAll(snapshot) : exactSizeAll(snapshot)) .onErrorMap(IOException::new) .subscribeOn(dbScheduler); } else { result = Mono .fromCallable(() -> { var readOpts = resolveSnapshot(snapshot); readOpts.setFillCache(false); readOpts.setVerifyChecksums(VERIFY_CHECKSUMS_WHEN_NOT_NEEDED); ReleasableSlice minBound; if (range.hasMin()) { minBound = setIterateBound(readOpts, IterateBound.LOWER, range.getMin().retain()); } else { minBound = EMPTY_RELEASABLE_SLICE; } ReleasableSlice maxBound; if (range.hasMax()) { maxBound = setIterateBound(readOpts, IterateBound.UPPER, range.getMax().retain()); } else { maxBound = EMPTY_RELEASABLE_SLICE; } try { if (fast) { readOpts.setIgnoreRangeDeletions(true); } try (var rocksIterator = db.newIterator(cfh, readOpts)) { if (!LLLocalDictionary.PREFER_SEEK_TO_FIRST && range.hasMin()) { rocksIterSeekTo(rocksIterator, range.getMin().retain()); } else { rocksIterator.seekToFirst(); } long i = 0; while (rocksIterator.isValid()) {; i++; } return i; } } finally { minBound.release(); maxBound.release(); } }) .onErrorMap(cause -> new IOException("Failed to get size of range " + range.toString(), cause)) .subscribeOn(dbScheduler); } return result.doFinally(s -> range.release()); } @Override public Mono> getOne(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, LLRange range) { return Mono .fromCallable(() -> { var readOpts = resolveSnapshot(snapshot); ReleasableSlice minBound; if (range.hasMin()) { minBound = setIterateBound(readOpts, IterateBound.LOWER, range.getMin().retain()); } else { minBound = EMPTY_RELEASABLE_SLICE; } ReleasableSlice maxBound; if (range.hasMax()) { maxBound = setIterateBound(readOpts, IterateBound.UPPER, range.getMax().retain()); } else { maxBound = EMPTY_RELEASABLE_SLICE; } try (var rocksIterator = db.newIterator(cfh, readOpts)) { if (!LLLocalDictionary.PREFER_SEEK_TO_FIRST && range.hasMin()) { rocksIterSeekTo(rocksIterator, range.getMin().retain()); } else { rocksIterator.seekToFirst(); } ByteBuf key; if (rocksIterator.isValid()) { key = LLUtils.readDirectNioBuffer(alloc, rocksIterator::key); return Map.entry(key, LLUtils.readDirectNioBuffer(alloc, rocksIterator::value)); } else { return null; } } finally { minBound.release(); maxBound.release(); } }) .subscribeOn(dbScheduler) .doFinally(s -> range.release()); } @Override public Mono getOneKey(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, LLRange range) { return Mono .fromCallable(() -> { var readOpts = resolveSnapshot(snapshot); ReleasableSlice minBound; if (range.hasMin()) { minBound = setIterateBound(readOpts, IterateBound.LOWER, range.getMin().retain()); } else { minBound = EMPTY_RELEASABLE_SLICE; } ReleasableSlice maxBound; if (range.hasMax()) { maxBound = setIterateBound(readOpts, IterateBound.UPPER, range.getMax().retain()); } else { maxBound = EMPTY_RELEASABLE_SLICE; } try (var rocksIterator = db.newIterator(cfh, readOpts)) { if (!LLLocalDictionary.PREFER_SEEK_TO_FIRST && range.hasMin()) { rocksIterSeekTo(rocksIterator, range.getMin().retain()); } else { rocksIterator.seekToFirst(); } ByteBuf key; if (rocksIterator.isValid()) { key = LLUtils.readDirectNioBuffer(alloc, rocksIterator::key); return key; } else { return null; } } finally { minBound.release(); maxBound.release(); } }) .subscribeOn(dbScheduler) .doFinally(s -> range.release()); } private long fastSizeAll(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot) { var rocksdbSnapshot = resolveSnapshot(snapshot); if (USE_CURRENT_FASTSIZE_FOR_OLD_SNAPSHOTS || rocksdbSnapshot.snapshot() == null) { try { return db.getLongProperty(cfh, "rocksdb.estimate-num-keys"); } catch (RocksDBException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return 0; } } else if (PARALLEL_EXACT_SIZE) { return exactSizeAll(snapshot); } else { rocksdbSnapshot.setFillCache(false); rocksdbSnapshot.setVerifyChecksums(VERIFY_CHECKSUMS_WHEN_NOT_NEEDED); rocksdbSnapshot.setIgnoreRangeDeletions(true); long count = 0; try (RocksIterator iter = db.newIterator(cfh, rocksdbSnapshot)) { iter.seekToFirst(); // If it's a fast size of a snapshot, count only up to 100'000 elements while (iter.isValid() && count < 100_000) { count++;; } return count; } } } private long exactSizeAll(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot) { var readOpts = resolveSnapshot(snapshot); readOpts.setFillCache(false); //readOpts.setReadaheadSize(2 * 1024 * 1024); readOpts.setVerifyChecksums(VERIFY_CHECKSUMS_WHEN_NOT_NEEDED); if (PARALLEL_EXACT_SIZE) { var commonPool = ForkJoinPool.commonPool(); var futures = IntStream .range(-1, LLUtils.LEXICONOGRAPHIC_ITERATION_SEEKS.length) .mapToObj(idx -> Pair.of(idx == -1 ? new byte[0] : LLUtils.LEXICONOGRAPHIC_ITERATION_SEEKS[idx], idx + 1 >= LLUtils.LEXICONOGRAPHIC_ITERATION_SEEKS.length ? null : LLUtils.LEXICONOGRAPHIC_ITERATION_SEEKS[idx + 1] )) .map(range -> (Callable) () -> { long partialCount = 0; var rangeReadOpts = new ReadOptions(readOpts); Slice sliceBegin; if (range.getKey() != null) { sliceBegin = new Slice(range.getKey()); } else { sliceBegin = null; } Slice sliceEnd; if (range.getValue() != null) { sliceEnd = new Slice(range.getValue()); } else { sliceEnd = null; } try { if (sliceBegin != null) { rangeReadOpts.setIterateLowerBound(sliceBegin); } if (sliceBegin != null) { rangeReadOpts.setIterateUpperBound(sliceEnd); } try (RocksIterator iter = db.newIterator(cfh, rangeReadOpts)) { iter.seekToFirst(); while (iter.isValid()) { partialCount++;; } return partialCount; } } finally { if (sliceBegin != null) { sliceBegin.close(); } if (sliceEnd != null) { sliceEnd.close(); } } }) .map(commonPool::submit) .collect(Collectors.toList()); long count = 0; for (ForkJoinTask future : futures) { count += future.join(); } return count; } else { long count = 0; try (RocksIterator iter = db.newIterator(cfh, readOpts)) { iter.seekToFirst(); while (iter.isValid()) { count++;; } return count; } } } @Override public Mono> removeOne(LLRange range) { return Mono .fromCallable(() -> { var readOpts = getReadOptions(null); ReleasableSlice minBound; if (range.hasMin()) { minBound = setIterateBound(readOpts, IterateBound.LOWER, range.getMin().retain()); } else { minBound = EMPTY_RELEASABLE_SLICE; } ReleasableSlice maxBound; if (range.hasMax()) { maxBound = setIterateBound(readOpts, IterateBound.UPPER, range.getMax().retain()); } else { maxBound = EMPTY_RELEASABLE_SLICE; } try (RocksIterator rocksIterator = db.newIterator(cfh, readOpts)) { if (!LLLocalDictionary.PREFER_SEEK_TO_FIRST && range.hasMin()) { rocksIterSeekTo(rocksIterator, range.getMin().retain()); } else { rocksIterator.seekToFirst(); } if (!rocksIterator.isValid()) { return null; } ByteBuf key = LLUtils.readDirectNioBuffer(alloc, rocksIterator::key); ByteBuf value = LLUtils.readDirectNioBuffer(alloc, rocksIterator::value); dbDelete(cfh, null, key); return Map.entry(key, value); } finally { minBound.release(); maxBound.release(); } }) .onErrorMap(cause -> new IOException("Failed to delete " + range.toString(), cause)) .subscribeOn(dbScheduler) .doFinally(s -> range.release()); } @NotNull public static Tuple3 getRocksIterator(ReadOptions readOptions, LLRange range, RocksDB db, ColumnFamilyHandle cfh) { try { ReleasableSlice sliceMin; ReleasableSlice sliceMax; if (range.hasMin()) { sliceMin = setIterateBound(readOptions, IterateBound.LOWER, range.getMin().retain()); } else { sliceMin = EMPTY_RELEASABLE_SLICE; } if (range.hasMax()) { sliceMax = setIterateBound(readOptions, IterateBound.UPPER, range.getMax().retain()); } else { sliceMax = EMPTY_RELEASABLE_SLICE; } var rocksIterator = db.newIterator(cfh, readOptions); if (!PREFER_SEEK_TO_FIRST && range.hasMin()) { rocksIterSeekTo(rocksIterator, range.getMin().retain()); } else { rocksIterator.seekToFirst(); } return Tuples.of(rocksIterator, sliceMin, sliceMax); } finally { range.release(); } } }