package it.cavallium.dbengine.database.disk; import static io.netty5.buffer.api.StandardAllocationTypes.OFF_HEAP; import static it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLUtils.ALLOW_STATIC_OPTIONS; import static it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLUtils.MARKER_ROCKSDB; import static it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLUtils.fromByteArray; import static it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLUtils.isBoundedRange; import static it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLUtils.isReadOnlyDirect; import static it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLUtils.toStringSafe; import static it.cavallium.dbengine.database.disk.UpdateAtomicResultMode.DELTA; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import io.micrometer.core.instrument.Counter; import io.micrometer.core.instrument.Timer; import io.netty5.buffer.api.Buffer; import io.netty5.buffer.api.BufferAllocator; import io.netty5.buffer.api.ReadableComponent; import io.netty5.buffer.api.Resource; import it.cavallium.dbengine.client.BadBlock; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.ColumnUtils; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.DiscardingCloseable; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLDelta; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLDictionary; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLDictionaryResultType; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLEntry; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLRange; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLSnapshot; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLUtils; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.OptionalBuf; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.SafeCloseable; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.UpdateMode; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.UpdateReturnMode; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.serialization.KVSerializationFunction; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.time.Duration; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool; import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask; import java.util.function.Function; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.logging.log4j.util.Supplier; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.rocksdb.AbstractNativeReference; import org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyHandle; import org.rocksdb.CompactRangeOptions; import org.rocksdb.FlushOptions; import org.rocksdb.ReadOptions; import org.rocksdb.RocksDBException; import org.rocksdb.Slice; import org.rocksdb.Snapshot; import org.rocksdb.WriteBatch; import org.rocksdb.WriteOptions; import reactor.core.publisher.Flux; import reactor.core.publisher.Mono; import reactor.core.scheduler.Scheduler; import reactor.core.scheduler.Schedulers; import reactor.util.function.Tuple2; import reactor.util.function.Tuple3; import reactor.util.function.Tuples; public class LLLocalDictionary implements LLDictionary { protected static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(LLLocalDictionary.class); private static final boolean USE_CURRENT_FASTSIZE_FOR_OLD_SNAPSHOTS = false; static final int RESERVED_WRITE_BATCH_SIZE = 2 * 1024 * 1024; // 2MiB static final long MAX_WRITE_BATCH_SIZE = 1024L * 1024L * 1024L; // 1GiB static final int CAPPED_WRITE_BATCH_CAP = 50000; // 50K operations static final int MULTI_GET_WINDOW = 16; private static final ReadOptions EMPTY_READ_OPTIONS = LLUtils.ALLOW_STATIC_OPTIONS ? new ReadOptions() : null; static final boolean PREFER_AUTO_SEEK_BOUND = false; /** * It used to be false, * now it's true to avoid crashes during iterations on completely corrupted files */ static final boolean VERIFY_CHECKSUMS_WHEN_NOT_NEEDED = !LLUtils.FORCE_DISABLE_CHECKSUM_VERIFICATION; /** * Default: true. Use false to debug problems with windowing. */ static final boolean USE_WINDOW_IN_SET_RANGE = true; /** * Default: true. Use false to debug problems with write batches. */ static final boolean USE_WRITE_BATCHES_IN_PUT_MULTI = true; /** * Default: true. Use false to debug problems with write batches. */ static final boolean USE_WRITE_BATCHES_IN_SET_RANGE = true; /** * Default: true. Use false to debug problems with capped write batches. */ static final boolean USE_CAPPED_WRITE_BATCH_IN_SET_RANGE = true; /** * Default: true. Use false to debug problems with write batches deletes. */ static final boolean USE_WRITE_BATCH_IN_SET_RANGE_DELETE = false; static final boolean PARALLEL_EXACT_SIZE = true; private static final byte[] FIRST_KEY = new byte[]{}; /** * 1KiB dummy buffer, write only, used for debugging purposes */ private static final ByteBuffer DUMMY_WRITE_ONLY_BYTE_BUFFER = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(1024); private final RocksDBColumn db; private final ColumnFamilyHandle cfh; private final String databaseName; private final String columnName; private final Scheduler dbWScheduler; private final Scheduler dbRScheduler; private final Function snapshotResolver; private final UpdateMode updateMode; private final boolean nettyDirect; private final BufferAllocator alloc; private final Counter startedUpdates; private final Counter endedUpdates; private final Timer updateTime; private final Counter startedGet; private final Counter endedGet; private final Timer getTime; private final Counter startedContains; private final Counter endedContains; private final Timer containsTime; private final Counter startedPut; private final Counter endedPut; private final Timer putTime; private final Counter startedRemove; private final Counter endedRemove; private final Timer removeTime; public LLLocalDictionary(BufferAllocator allocator, @NotNull RocksDBColumn db, String databaseName, String columnName, Scheduler dbWScheduler, Scheduler dbRScheduler, Function snapshotResolver, UpdateMode updateMode, DatabaseOptions databaseOptions) { requireNonNull(db); this.db = db; this.cfh = db.getColumnFamilyHandle(); this.databaseName = databaseName; this.columnName = columnName; this.dbWScheduler = dbWScheduler; this.dbRScheduler = dbRScheduler; this.snapshotResolver = snapshotResolver; this.updateMode = updateMode; alloc = allocator; this.nettyDirect = databaseOptions.allowNettyDirect() && alloc.getAllocationType() == OFF_HEAP; var meterRegistry = db.getMeterRegistry(); this.startedGet = meterRegistry.counter("", "", databaseName, "db.column", columnName); this.endedGet = meterRegistry.counter("", "", databaseName, "db.column", columnName); this.getTime = Timer .builder("") .publishPercentiles(0.2, 0.5, 0.95) .publishPercentileHistogram() .tags("", databaseName, "db.column", columnName) .register(meterRegistry); this.startedContains = meterRegistry.counter("", "", databaseName, "db.column", columnName); this.endedContains = meterRegistry.counter("", "", databaseName, "db.column", columnName); this.containsTime = Timer .builder("") .publishPercentiles(0.2, 0.5, 0.95) .publishPercentileHistogram() .tags("", databaseName, "db.column", columnName) .register(meterRegistry); this.startedUpdates = meterRegistry.counter("", "", databaseName, "db.column", columnName); this.endedUpdates = meterRegistry.counter("", "", databaseName, "db.column", columnName); this.updateTime = Timer .builder("") .publishPercentiles(0.2, 0.5, 0.95) .publishPercentileHistogram() .tags("", databaseName, "db.column", columnName) .register(meterRegistry); this.startedPut = meterRegistry.counter("", "", databaseName, "db.column", columnName); this.endedPut = meterRegistry.counter("", "", databaseName, "db.column", columnName); this.putTime = Timer .builder("") .publishPercentiles(0.2, 0.5, 0.95) .publishPercentileHistogram() .tags("", databaseName, "db.column", columnName) .register(meterRegistry); this.startedRemove = meterRegistry.counter("", "", databaseName, "db.column", columnName); this.endedRemove = meterRegistry.counter("", "", databaseName, "db.column", columnName); this.removeTime = Timer .builder("") .publishPercentiles(0.2, 0.5, 0.95) .publishPercentileHistogram() .tags("", databaseName, "db.column", columnName) .register(meterRegistry); } @Override public String getDatabaseName() { return databaseName; } public String getColumnName() { return columnName; } @NotNull private ReadOptions generateReadOptionsOrStatic(LLSnapshot snapshot) { var resolved = generateReadOptions(snapshot != null ? snapshotResolver.apply(snapshot) : null, true); if (resolved != null) { return resolved; } else { return new ReadOptions(); } } @Nullable private ReadOptions generateReadOptionsOrNull(LLSnapshot snapshot) { return generateReadOptions(snapshot != null ? snapshotResolver.apply(snapshot) : null, false); } @NotNull private ReadOptions generateReadOptionsOrNew(LLSnapshot snapshot) { var result = generateReadOptions(snapshot != null ? snapshotResolver.apply(snapshot) : null, false); if (result != null) { return result; } else { return new ReadOptions(); } } private ReadOptions generateReadOptions(Snapshot snapshot, boolean orStaticOpts) { if (snapshot != null) { return new ReadOptions().setSnapshot(snapshot); } else if (ALLOW_STATIC_OPTIONS && orStaticOpts) { return EMPTY_READ_OPTIONS; } else { return null; } } @Override public BufferAllocator getAllocator() { return alloc; } private @NotNull Mono runOnDb(boolean write, Callable<@Nullable T> callable) { return Mono.fromCallable(callable).subscribeOn(write ? dbWScheduler : dbRScheduler); } @Override public Mono get(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, Mono keyMono) { return Mono.usingWhen(keyMono, key -> runOnDb(false, () -> this.getSync(snapshot, key)), LLUtils::finalizeResource ); } private Buffer getSync(LLSnapshot snapshot, Buffer key) throws IOException { logger.trace(MARKER_ROCKSDB, "Reading {}", () -> toStringSafe(key)); try { var readOptions = generateReadOptionsOrStatic(snapshot); Buffer result; startedGet.increment(); try { var initTime = System.nanoTime(); result = db.get(readOptions, key); getTime.record(Duration.ofNanos(System.nanoTime() - initTime)); } finally { endedGet.increment(); if (readOptions != EMPTY_READ_OPTIONS) { readOptions.close(); } } logger.trace(MARKER_ROCKSDB, "Read {}: {}", () -> toStringSafe(key), () -> toStringSafe(result)); return result; } catch (RocksDBException ex) { throw new IOException("Failed to read " + toStringSafe(key) + ": " + ex.getMessage()); } } @Override public Mono isRangeEmpty(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, Mono rangeMono, boolean fillCache) { return Mono.usingWhen(rangeMono, range -> runOnDb(false, () -> { assert !Schedulers.isInNonBlockingThread() : "Called isRangeEmpty in a nonblocking thread"; startedContains.increment(); try { Boolean isRangeEmpty = containsTime.recordCallable(() -> { if (range.isSingle()) { return !containsKey(snapshot, range.getSingleUnsafe()); } else { // Temporary resources to release after finished try (var readOpts = LLUtils.generateCustomReadOptions(generateReadOptionsOrNull(snapshot), true, isBoundedRange(range), true )) { readOpts.setVerifyChecksums(VERIFY_CHECKSUMS_WHEN_NOT_NEEDED); readOpts.setFillCache(fillCache); try (var rocksIterator = db.newIterator(readOpts, range.getMinUnsafe(), range.getMaxUnsafe())) { if (!LLLocalDictionary.PREFER_AUTO_SEEK_BOUND && range.hasMin()) { if (nettyDirect && isReadOnlyDirect(range.getMinUnsafe())) { var seekBuf = ((ReadableComponent) range.getMinUnsafe()).readableBuffer();; } else { var seekArray = LLUtils.toArray(range.getMinUnsafe());; } } else { rocksIterator.seekToFirst(); } return !rocksIterator.isValid(); } } } }); assert isRangeEmpty != null; return isRangeEmpty; } catch (RocksDBException ex) { throw new RocksDBException("Failed to read range " + LLUtils.toStringSafe(range) + ": " + ex.getMessage()); } finally { endedContains.increment(); } }), LLUtils::finalizeResource); } private boolean containsKey(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, Buffer key) throws RocksDBException { startedContains.increment(); try { var result = containsTime.recordCallable(() -> { var readOptions = generateReadOptionsOrStatic(snapshot); try { return db.exists(readOptions, key); } finally { if (readOptions != EMPTY_READ_OPTIONS) { readOptions.close(); } } }); assert result != null; return result; } catch (RocksDBException | RuntimeException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } finally { endedContains.increment(); } } @Override public Mono put(Mono keyMono, Mono valueMono, LLDictionaryResultType resultType) { // Obtain the previous value from the database var previousDataMono = this.getPreviousData(keyMono, resultType); // Zip the entry to write to the database var entryMono =, valueMono, (k, v) -> LLEntry.of( k.touch("put entry key"), v.touch("put entry value") )); // Write the new entry to the database Mono putMono = Mono.usingWhen(entryMono, entry -> runOnDb(true, () -> { var key = entry.getKeyUnsafe(); var value = entry.getValueUnsafe(); assert key != null : "Key is null"; assert value != null : "Value is null"; key.touch("Dictionary put key"); value.touch("Dictionary put value"); put(key, value); return null; }), entry -> Mono.fromRunnable(entry::close)); // Read the previous data, then write the new data, then return the previous data return Flux.concatDelayError(Flux.just(previousDataMono, putMono), true, 1).singleOrEmpty(); } private void put(Buffer key, Buffer value) throws RocksDBException { assert key.isAccessible(); assert value.isAccessible(); if (logger.isTraceEnabled(MARKER_ROCKSDB)) { var varargs = new Supplier[]{() -> toStringSafe(key), () -> toStringSafe(value)}; logger.trace(MARKER_ROCKSDB, "Writing {}: {}", varargs); } startedPut.increment(); try (var writeOptions = new WriteOptions()) { putTime.recordCallable(() -> { key.touch("low-level put key"); value.touch("low-level put value"); db.put(writeOptions, key, value); return null; }); } catch (RocksDBException ex) { throw new RocksDBException("Failed to write: " + ex.getMessage()); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to write", ex); } finally { endedPut.increment(); } } @Override public Mono getUpdateMode() { return Mono.just(updateMode); } @SuppressWarnings("DuplicatedCode") @Override public Mono update(Mono keyMono, BinarySerializationFunction updater, UpdateReturnMode updateReturnMode) { return Mono.usingWhen(keyMono, key -> runOnDb(true, () -> { assert !Schedulers.isInNonBlockingThread() : "Called update in a nonblocking thread"; if (updateMode == UpdateMode.DISALLOW) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("update() is disallowed"); } UpdateAtomicResultMode returnMode = switch (updateReturnMode) { case NOTHING -> UpdateAtomicResultMode.NOTHING; case GET_NEW_VALUE -> UpdateAtomicResultMode.CURRENT; case GET_OLD_VALUE -> UpdateAtomicResultMode.PREVIOUS; }; UpdateAtomicResult result = null; try { var readOptions = generateReadOptionsOrStatic(null); startedUpdates.increment(); try (var writeOptions = new WriteOptions()) { result = updateTime.recordCallable(() -> db.updateAtomic(readOptions, writeOptions, key, updater, returnMode)); } finally { endedUpdates.increment(); if (readOptions != EMPTY_READ_OPTIONS) { readOptions.close(); } } assert result != null; return switch (updateReturnMode) { case NOTHING -> { result.close(); yield null; } case GET_NEW_VALUE -> ((UpdateAtomicResultCurrent) result).current(); case GET_OLD_VALUE -> ((UpdateAtomicResultPrevious) result).previous(); }; } catch (Throwable ex) { if (result != null) { result.close(); } throw ex; } }), LLUtils::finalizeResource); } @SuppressWarnings("DuplicatedCode") @Override public Mono updateAndGetDelta(Mono keyMono, BinarySerializationFunction updater) { return Mono.usingWhen(keyMono, key -> runOnDb(true, () -> { key.touch("low-level dictionary update"); assert !Schedulers.isInNonBlockingThread() : "Called update in a nonblocking thread"; if (updateMode == UpdateMode.DISALLOW) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("update() is disallowed"); } if (updateMode == UpdateMode.ALLOW && !db.supportsTransactions()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("update() is disallowed because the database doesn't support" + "safe atomic operations"); } UpdateAtomicResultDelta result = null; try { var readOptions = generateReadOptionsOrStatic(null); startedUpdates.increment(); try (var writeOptions = new WriteOptions()) { result = updateTime.recordCallable(() -> (UpdateAtomicResultDelta) db.updateAtomic(readOptions, writeOptions, key, updater, DELTA)); } finally { endedUpdates.increment(); if (readOptions != EMPTY_READ_OPTIONS) { readOptions.close(); } } assert result != null; return; } catch (Throwable ex) { if (result != null && { result.close(); } throw ex; } }), LLUtils::finalizeResource); } @Override public Mono remove(Mono keyMono, LLDictionaryResultType resultType) { // Obtain the previous value from the database Mono previousDataMono = this.getPreviousData(keyMono, resultType); // Delete the value from the database Mono removeMono = Mono.usingWhen(keyMono, key -> runOnDb(true, () -> { try { logger.trace(MARKER_ROCKSDB, "Deleting {}", () -> toStringSafe(key)); startedRemove.increment(); try (var writeOptions = new WriteOptions()) { removeTime.recordCallable(() -> { db.delete(writeOptions, key); return null; }); } finally { endedRemove.increment(); } return null; } catch (RocksDBException ex) { throw new RocksDBException("Failed to delete: " + ex.getMessage()); } }), LLUtils::finalizeResource); // Read the previous data, then delete the data, then return the previous data return Flux.concat(previousDataMono, removeMono).singleOrEmpty(); } private Mono getPreviousData(Mono keyMono, LLDictionaryResultType resultType) { return switch (resultType) { case PREVIOUS_VALUE_EXISTENCE -> Mono.usingWhen(keyMono, key -> runOnDb(false, () -> { var contained = containsKey(null, key); return LLUtils.booleanToResponseByteBuffer(alloc, contained); }), LLUtils::finalizeResource); case PREVIOUS_VALUE -> Mono.usingWhen(keyMono, key -> runOnDb(false, () -> { assert !Schedulers.isInNonBlockingThread() : "Called getPreviousData in a nonblocking thread"; Buffer result; var readOptions = generateReadOptionsOrStatic(null); try { result = db.get(readOptions, key); } finally { if (readOptions != EMPTY_READ_OPTIONS) { readOptions.close(); } } logger.trace(MARKER_ROCKSDB, "Read {}: {}", () -> toStringSafe(key), () -> toStringSafe(result)); return result; }), LLUtils::finalizeResource); case VOID -> Mono.empty(); }; } @Override public Flux getMulti(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, Flux keys) { return keys .publishOn(dbRScheduler) .handle((key, sink) -> { try (key) {, key))); } catch (IOException ex) { sink.error(ex); } }); } @Override public Mono putMulti(Flux entries) { return entries .buffer(Math.min(MULTI_GET_WINDOW, CAPPED_WRITE_BATCH_CAP)) .publishOn(dbWScheduler) .handle((entriesWindow, sink) -> { try (var writeOptions = new WriteOptions()) { assert !Schedulers.isInNonBlockingThread() : "Called putMulti in a nonblocking thread"; if (USE_WRITE_BATCHES_IN_PUT_MULTI) { try (var batch = new CappedWriteBatch(db, alloc, CAPPED_WRITE_BATCH_CAP, RESERVED_WRITE_BATCH_SIZE, MAX_WRITE_BATCH_SIZE, writeOptions )) { for (LLEntry entry : entriesWindow) { var k = entry.getKeyUnsafe(); var v = entry.getValueUnsafe(); if (nettyDirect) { batch.put(cfh, k.send(), v.send()); } else { batch.put(cfh, LLUtils.toArray(k), LLUtils.toArray(v)); } } batch.flush(); } } else { for (LLEntry entry : entriesWindow) { db.put(writeOptions, entry.getKeyUnsafe(), entry.getValueUnsafe()); } }; } catch (RocksDBException ex) { sink.error(new RocksDBException("Failed to write: " + ex.getMessage())); } finally { for (LLEntry llEntry : entriesWindow) { llEntry.close(); } } }) .then(); } @Override public Flux updateMulti(Flux keys, Flux serializedKeys, KVSerializationFunction updateFunction) { return, serializedKeys) .buffer(Math.min(MULTI_GET_WINDOW, CAPPED_WRITE_BATCH_CAP)) .flatMapSequential(entriesWindow -> this.>runOnDb(true, () -> { try (var writeOptions = new WriteOptions()) { if (Schedulers.isInNonBlockingThread()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Called updateMulti in a nonblocking thread"); } List keyBufsWindow = new ArrayList<>(entriesWindow.size()); for (Tuple2 objects : entriesWindow) { keyBufsWindow.add(objects.getT2()); } ArrayList> mappedInputs; { var readOptions = generateReadOptionsOrStatic(null); try { var inputs = db.multiGetAsList(readOptions, LLUtils.toArray(keyBufsWindow)); mappedInputs = new ArrayList<>(inputs.size()); for (int i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++) { var val = inputs.get(i); if (val != null) { inputs.set(i, null); mappedInputs.add(Tuples.of( entriesWindow.get(i).getT1(), keyBufsWindow.get(i), OptionalBuf.of(fromByteArray(alloc, val)) )); } else { mappedInputs.add(Tuples.of( entriesWindow.get(i).getT1(), keyBufsWindow.get(i), OptionalBuf.empty() )); } } } finally { if (readOptions != EMPTY_READ_OPTIONS) { readOptions.close(); } } } var updatedValuesToWrite = new ArrayList(mappedInputs.size()); var valueChangedResult = new ArrayList(mappedInputs.size()); try { for (var mappedInput : mappedInputs) { var updatedValue = updateFunction.apply(mappedInput.getT1(), mappedInput.getT2()); try { if (updatedValue != null) { try (var t3 = mappedInput.getT3().orElse(null)) { valueChangedResult.add(!LLUtils.equals(t3, updatedValue)); } updatedValuesToWrite.add(updatedValue); } else { try (var t3 = mappedInput.getT3().orElse(null)) { valueChangedResult.add(!LLUtils.equals(t3, null)); } updatedValuesToWrite.add(null); } } catch (Throwable t) { if (updatedValue != null) { updatedValue.close(); } throw t; } } } finally { for (var mappedInput : mappedInputs) { mappedInput.getT3().ifPresent(LLUtils::finalizeResourceNow); } } if (USE_WRITE_BATCHES_IN_PUT_MULTI) { try (var batch = new CappedWriteBatch(db, alloc, CAPPED_WRITE_BATCH_CAP, RESERVED_WRITE_BATCH_SIZE, MAX_WRITE_BATCH_SIZE, writeOptions )) { int i = 0; for (Tuple2 entry : entriesWindow) { try (var valueToWrite = updatedValuesToWrite.get(i)) { if (valueToWrite == null) { batch.delete(cfh, entry.getT2().send()); } else { batch.put(cfh, entry.getT2().send(), valueToWrite.send()); } } i++; } batch.flush(); } } else { int i = 0; for (Tuple2 entry : entriesWindow) { db.put(writeOptions, entry.getT2(), updatedValuesToWrite.get(i)); i++; } } return valueChangedResult; } finally { for (Tuple2 tuple : entriesWindow) { tuple.getT2().close(); } } }).flatMapIterable(list -> list), /* Max concurrency is 2 to update data while preparing the next segment */ 2); } @Override public Flux getRange(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, Mono rangeMono, boolean reverse, boolean smallRange) { return rangeMono.flatMapMany(range -> { try (range) { if (range.isSingle()) { var rangeSingleMono =; return getRangeSingle(snapshot, rangeSingleMono); } else { return getRangeMulti(snapshot, rangeMono, reverse, smallRange); } } }); } @Override public Flux> getRangeGrouped(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, Mono rangeMono, int prefixLength, boolean smallRange) { return rangeMono.flatMapMany(range -> { try (range) { if (range.isSingle()) { var rangeSingleMono =; return getRangeSingle(snapshot, rangeSingleMono).map(List::of); } else { return getRangeMultiGrouped(snapshot, rangeMono, prefixLength, smallRange); } } }); } private Flux getRangeSingle(LLSnapshot snapshot, Mono keyMono) { return, this.get(snapshot, keyMono), LLEntry::of).flux(); } private Flux getRangeMulti(LLSnapshot snapshot, Mono rangeMono, boolean reverse, boolean smallRange) { Mono iteratorMono = -> { var readOptions = generateReadOptionsOrNull(snapshot); return new LLLocalEntryReactiveRocksIterator(db, range, nettyDirect, readOptions, reverse, smallRange); }); return Flux.usingWhen(iteratorMono, iterator -> iterator.flux().subscribeOn(dbRScheduler, false), LLUtils::finalizeResource ); } private Flux> getRangeMultiGrouped(LLSnapshot snapshot, Mono rangeMono, int prefixLength, boolean smallRange) { Mono iteratorMono = -> { var readOptions = generateReadOptionsOrNull(snapshot); return new LLLocalGroupedEntryReactiveRocksIterator(db, prefixLength, range, nettyDirect, readOptions, smallRange ); }); return Flux.usingWhen( iteratorMono, iterator -> iterator.flux().subscribeOn(dbRScheduler, false), LLUtils::finalizeResource ); } @Override public Flux getRangeKeys(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, Mono rangeMono, boolean reverse, boolean smallRange) { return rangeMono.flatMapMany(range -> { try { if (range.isSingle()) { return this.getRangeKeysSingle(snapshot,; } else { return this.getRangeKeysMulti(snapshot, rangeMono, reverse, smallRange); } } finally { if (range != null && range.isAccessible()) { range.close(); } } }); } @Override public Flux> getRangeKeysGrouped(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, Mono rangeMono, int prefixLength, boolean smallRange) { Mono iteratorMono = -> { var readOptions = generateReadOptionsOrNull(snapshot); return new LLLocalGroupedKeyReactiveRocksIterator(db, prefixLength, range, nettyDirect, readOptions, smallRange ); }); return Flux.usingWhen(iteratorMono, iterator -> iterator.flux().subscribeOn(dbRScheduler, false), LLUtils::finalizeResource ); } @Override public Flux badBlocks(Mono rangeMono) { return Flux.usingWhen(rangeMono, range -> Flux .create(sink -> { try (var ro = LLUtils.generateCustomReadOptions(null, false, isBoundedRange(range), false )) { ro.setFillCache(false); if (!range.isSingle()) { if (LLUtils.MANUAL_READAHEAD) { ro.setReadaheadSize(32 * 1024); } } ro.setVerifyChecksums(true); try (var rocksIterator = db.newRocksIterator(nettyDirect, ro, range, false)) { rocksIterator.seekToFirst(); while (rocksIterator.isValid() && !sink.isCancelled()) { try { rocksIterator.key(DUMMY_WRITE_ONLY_BYTE_BUFFER); rocksIterator.value(DUMMY_WRITE_ONLY_BYTE_BUFFER);; } catch (RocksDBException ex) { BadBlock(databaseName, ColumnUtils.special(columnName), null, ex)); } } } sink.complete(); } catch (Throwable ex) { sink.error(ex); } }) .subscribeOn(dbRScheduler), LLUtils::finalizeResource ); } @Override public Flux getRangeKeyPrefixes(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, Mono rangeMono, int prefixLength, boolean smallRange) { Mono iteratorMono = -> { var readOptions = generateReadOptionsOrNull(snapshot); return new LLLocalKeyPrefixReactiveRocksIterator(db, prefixLength, range, nettyDirect, readOptions, true, smallRange ); }); return Flux.usingWhen(iteratorMono, iterator -> iterator.flux().subscribeOn(dbRScheduler), LLUtils::finalizeResource ); } private Flux getRangeKeysSingle(LLSnapshot snapshot, Mono keyMono) { return Mono.usingWhen(keyMono, key -> runOnDb(false, () -> { if (containsKey(snapshot, key)) { return key; } else { return null; } }), LLUtils::finalizeResource).flux(); } private record RocksObjTuple>(T t1, U t2) implements DiscardingCloseable { @Override public void close() { //noinspection EmptyTryBlock try (t1; t2) {} } } private Flux getRangeKeysMulti(LLSnapshot snapshot, Mono rangeMono, boolean reverse, boolean smallRange) { Mono> iteratorMono = -> { var readOptions = generateReadOptionsOrNull(snapshot); var it = new LLLocalKeyReactiveRocksIterator(db, range, nettyDirect, readOptions, reverse, smallRange); return new RocksObjTuple<>(readOptions, it); }); return Flux.usingWhen(iteratorMono, t -> t.t2().flux().subscribeOn(dbRScheduler, false), t -> Mono.fromRunnable(t::close) ); } @Override public Mono setRange(Mono rangeMono, Flux entries, boolean smallRange) { if (USE_WINDOW_IN_SET_RANGE) { return Mono .usingWhen(rangeMono, range -> runOnDb(true, () -> { try (var writeOptions = new WriteOptions()) { assert !Schedulers.isInNonBlockingThread() : "Called setRange in a nonblocking thread"; if (!USE_WRITE_BATCH_IN_SET_RANGE_DELETE || !USE_WRITE_BATCHES_IN_SET_RANGE) { try (var opts = LLUtils.generateCustomReadOptions(null, true, isBoundedRange(range), smallRange)) { try (var it = db.newIterator(opts, range.getMinUnsafe(), range.getMaxUnsafe())) { if (!PREFER_AUTO_SEEK_BOUND && range.hasMin()) { it.seekTo(range.getMinUnsafe()); } else { it.seekToFirst(); } while (it.isValid()) { db.delete(writeOptions, it.key());; } } } } else if (USE_CAPPED_WRITE_BATCH_IN_SET_RANGE) { try (var batch = new CappedWriteBatch(db, alloc, CAPPED_WRITE_BATCH_CAP, RESERVED_WRITE_BATCH_SIZE, MAX_WRITE_BATCH_SIZE, writeOptions )) { if (range.isSingle()) { batch.delete(cfh, range.getSingle()); } else { deleteSmallRangeWriteBatch(batch, range.copy()); } batch.flush(); } } else { try (var batch = new WriteBatch(RESERVED_WRITE_BATCH_SIZE)) { if (range.isSingle()) { batch.delete(cfh, LLUtils.toArray(range.getSingleUnsafe())); } else { deleteSmallRangeWriteBatch(batch, range.copy()); } db.write(writeOptions, batch); batch.clear(); } } return true; } catch (RocksDBException ex) { throw new RocksDBException("Failed to set a range: " + ex.getMessage()); } }), LLUtils::finalizeResource) .thenMany(entries.window(MULTI_GET_WINDOW)) .flatMap(keysWindowFlux -> keysWindowFlux .collectList() .flatMap(entriesList -> this.runOnDb(true, () -> { try (var writeOptions = new WriteOptions()) { if (!USE_WRITE_BATCHES_IN_SET_RANGE) { for (LLEntry entry : entriesList) { db.put(writeOptions, entry.getKeyUnsafe(), entry.getValueUnsafe()); } } else if (USE_CAPPED_WRITE_BATCH_IN_SET_RANGE) { try (var batch = new CappedWriteBatch(db, alloc, CAPPED_WRITE_BATCH_CAP, RESERVED_WRITE_BATCH_SIZE, MAX_WRITE_BATCH_SIZE, writeOptions )) { for (LLEntry entry : entriesList) { if (nettyDirect) { batch.put(cfh, entry.getKeyUnsafe().send(), entry.getValueUnsafe().send()); } else { batch.put(cfh, LLUtils.toArray(entry.getKeyUnsafe()), LLUtils.toArray(entry.getValueUnsafe()) ); } } batch.flush(); } } else { try (var batch = new WriteBatch(RESERVED_WRITE_BATCH_SIZE)) { for (LLEntry entry : entriesList) { batch.put(cfh, LLUtils.toArray(entry.getKeyUnsafe()), LLUtils.toArray(entry.getValueUnsafe())); } db.write(writeOptions, batch); batch.clear(); } } return null; } finally { for (LLEntry entry : entriesList) { entry.close(); } } }))) .then() .onErrorMap(cause -> new IOException("Failed to write range", cause)); } else { if (USE_WRITE_BATCHES_IN_SET_RANGE) { return Mono.error(() -> new UnsupportedOperationException( "Can't use write batches in setRange without window. Please fix the parameters")); } var deleteMono = this .getRange(null, rangeMono, false, smallRange) .publishOn(dbWScheduler) .handle((oldValue, sink) -> { try (var writeOptions = new WriteOptions(); oldValue) { db.delete(writeOptions, oldValue.getKeyUnsafe());; } catch (RocksDBException ex) { sink.error(new RocksDBException("Failed to write range: " + ex.getMessage())); } }) .then(Mono.empty()); var putMono = entries.publishOn(dbWScheduler).handle((entry, sink) -> { try (entry) { if (entry.getKeyUnsafe() != null && entry.getValueUnsafe() != null) { this.put(entry.getKeyUnsafe(), entry.getValueUnsafe()); }; } catch (RocksDBException ex) { sink.error(new RocksDBException("Failed to write range: " + ex.getMessage())); } }).then(Mono.empty()); return deleteMono.then(putMono); } } //todo: this is broken, check why. (is this still true?) private void deleteSmallRangeWriteBatch(CappedWriteBatch writeBatch, LLRange range) throws RocksDBException { try (range; var readOpts = generateReadOptionsOrNew(null)) { readOpts.setFillCache(false); try (var rocksIterator = db.newIterator(readOpts, range.getMinUnsafe(), range.getMaxUnsafe())) { if (!LLLocalDictionary.PREFER_AUTO_SEEK_BOUND && range.hasMin()) { rocksIterator.seekTo(range.getMinUnsafe()); } else { rocksIterator.seekToFirst(); } while (rocksIterator.isValid()) { writeBatch.delete(cfh, LLUtils.readDirectNioBuffer(alloc, rocksIterator::key).send());; } } } } private void deleteSmallRangeWriteBatch(WriteBatch writeBatch, LLRange range) throws RocksDBException { try (range) { try (var readOpts = LLUtils.generateCustomReadOptions(null, true, isBoundedRange(range), true)) { readOpts.setFillCache(false); try (var rocksIterator = db.newIterator(readOpts, range.getMinUnsafe(), range.getMaxUnsafe())) { if (!LLLocalDictionary.PREFER_AUTO_SEEK_BOUND && range.hasMin()) { rocksIterator.seekTo(range.getMinUnsafe()); } else { rocksIterator.seekToFirst(); } while (rocksIterator.isValid()) { writeBatch.delete(cfh, rocksIterator.key());; } } } } } public Mono clear() { return Mono .fromCallable(() -> { assert !Schedulers.isInNonBlockingThread() : "Called clear in a nonblocking thread"; boolean shouldCompactLater = false; try (var writeOptions = new WriteOptions(); var readOpts = LLUtils.generateCustomReadOptions(null, false, false, false)) { readOpts.setVerifyChecksums(VERIFY_CHECKSUMS_WHEN_NOT_NEEDED); // readOpts.setIgnoreRangeDeletions(true); readOpts.setFillCache(false); if (LLUtils.MANUAL_READAHEAD) { readOpts.setReadaheadSize(32 * 1024); // 32KiB } try (CappedWriteBatch writeBatch = new CappedWriteBatch(db, alloc, CAPPED_WRITE_BATCH_CAP, RESERVED_WRITE_BATCH_SIZE, MAX_WRITE_BATCH_SIZE, writeOptions )) { byte[] firstDeletedKey = null; byte[] lastDeletedKey = null; try (var rocksIterator = db.newIterator(readOpts, null, null)) { // If the database supports transactions, delete each key one by one if (db.supportsTransactions()) { rocksIterator.seekToFirst(); while (rocksIterator.isValid()) { writeBatch.delete(cfh, rocksIterator.key());; } } else { rocksIterator.seekToLast(); if (rocksIterator.isValid()) { firstDeletedKey = FIRST_KEY; lastDeletedKey = rocksIterator.key(); writeBatch.deleteRange(cfh, FIRST_KEY, rocksIterator.key()); writeBatch.delete(cfh, rocksIterator.key()); shouldCompactLater = true; } } } writeBatch.flush(); if (shouldCompactLater) { // Compact range db.suggestCompactRange(); if (lastDeletedKey != null) { try (var cro = new CompactRangeOptions() .setAllowWriteStall(false) .setExclusiveManualCompaction(false) .setChangeLevel(false)) { db.compactRange(firstDeletedKey, lastDeletedKey, cro); } } } try (var fo = new FlushOptions().setWaitForFlush(true).setAllowWriteStall(true)) { db.flush(fo); } db.flushWal(true); } return null; } }) .onErrorMap(cause -> new IOException("Failed to clear", cause)) .subscribeOn(dbWScheduler); } @Override public Mono sizeRange(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, Mono rangeMono, boolean fast) { return Mono.usingWhen(rangeMono, range -> runOnDb(false, () -> { try { assert !Schedulers.isInNonBlockingThread() : "Called sizeRange in a nonblocking thread"; if (range.isAll()) { return fast ? fastSizeAll(snapshot) : exactSizeAll(snapshot); } else { try (var readOpts = LLUtils.generateCustomReadOptions(generateReadOptionsOrNull(snapshot), false, isBoundedRange(range), false )) { readOpts.setFillCache(false); readOpts.setVerifyChecksums(VERIFY_CHECKSUMS_WHEN_NOT_NEEDED); if (fast) { readOpts.setIgnoreRangeDeletions(true); } try (var rocksIterator = db.newIterator(readOpts, range.getMinUnsafe(), range.getMaxUnsafe())) { if (!LLLocalDictionary.PREFER_AUTO_SEEK_BOUND && range.hasMin()) { rocksIterator.seekTo(range.getMinUnsafe()); } else { rocksIterator.seekToFirst(); } long i = 0; while (rocksIterator.isValid()) {; i++; } return i; } } } } catch (RocksDBException ex) { throw new RocksDBException("Failed to get size of range: " + ex.getMessage()); } }), LLUtils::finalizeResource); } @Override public Mono getOne(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, Mono rangeMono) { return Mono.usingWhen(rangeMono, range -> runOnDb(false, () -> { try { assert !Schedulers.isInNonBlockingThread() : "Called getOne in a nonblocking thread"; try (var readOpts = LLUtils.generateCustomReadOptions(generateReadOptionsOrNull(snapshot), true, true, true)) { try (var rocksIterator = db.newIterator(readOpts, range.getMinUnsafe(), range.getMaxUnsafe())) { if (!LLLocalDictionary.PREFER_AUTO_SEEK_BOUND && range.hasMin()) { rocksIterator.seekTo(range.getMinUnsafe()); } else { rocksIterator.seekToFirst(); } if (rocksIterator.isValid()) { try (var key = LLUtils.readDirectNioBuffer(alloc, rocksIterator::key)) { try (var value = LLUtils.readDirectNioBuffer(alloc, rocksIterator::value)) { return LLEntry.of(key.touch("get-one key"), value.touch("get-one value")); } } } else { return null; } } } } catch (RocksDBException ex) { throw new RocksDBException("Failed to get one entry: " + ex.getMessage()); } }), LLUtils::finalizeResource); } @Override public Mono getOneKey(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, Mono rangeMono) { return Mono.usingWhen(rangeMono, range -> runOnDb(false, () -> { try { assert !Schedulers.isInNonBlockingThread() : "Called getOneKey in a nonblocking thread"; try (var readOpts = LLUtils.generateCustomReadOptions(generateReadOptionsOrNull(snapshot), true, true, true)) { try (var rocksIterator = db.newIterator(readOpts, range.getMinUnsafe(), range.getMaxUnsafe())) { if (!LLLocalDictionary.PREFER_AUTO_SEEK_BOUND && range.hasMin()) { rocksIterator.seekTo(range.getMinUnsafe()); } else { rocksIterator.seekToFirst(); } if (rocksIterator.isValid()) { return LLUtils.readDirectNioBuffer(alloc, rocksIterator::key); } else { return null; } } } } catch (RocksDBException ex) { throw new RocksDBException("Failed to get one key: " + ex.getMessage()); } }), LLUtils::finalizeResource); } private long fastSizeAll(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot) throws RocksDBException { try (var rocksdbSnapshot = generateReadOptionsOrNew(snapshot)) { if (USE_CURRENT_FASTSIZE_FOR_OLD_SNAPSHOTS || rocksdbSnapshot.snapshot() == null) { try { return db.getLongProperty("rocksdb.estimate-num-keys"); } catch (RocksDBException e) { logger.error(MARKER_ROCKSDB, "Failed to get RocksDB estimated keys count property", e); return 0; } } else if (PARALLEL_EXACT_SIZE) { return exactSizeAll(snapshot); } else { rocksdbSnapshot.setFillCache(false); rocksdbSnapshot.setVerifyChecksums(VERIFY_CHECKSUMS_WHEN_NOT_NEEDED); rocksdbSnapshot.setIgnoreRangeDeletions(true); long count = 0; try (var rocksIterator = db.newIterator(rocksdbSnapshot, null, null)) { rocksIterator.seekToFirst(); // If it's a fast size of a snapshot, count only up to 100'000 elements while (rocksIterator.isValid() && count < 100_000) { count++;; } return count; } } } } private long exactSizeAll(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot) { if (Schedulers.isInNonBlockingThread()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Called exactSizeAll in a nonblocking thread"); } try (var readOpts = LLUtils.generateCustomReadOptions(generateReadOptionsOrNull(snapshot), false, false, false)) { if (LLUtils.MANUAL_READAHEAD) { readOpts.setReadaheadSize(128 * 1024); // 128KiB } readOpts.setVerifyChecksums(VERIFY_CHECKSUMS_WHEN_NOT_NEEDED); if (PARALLEL_EXACT_SIZE) { var commonPool = ForkJoinPool.commonPool(); var futures = IntStream .range(-1, LLUtils.LEXICONOGRAPHIC_ITERATION_SEEKS.length) .mapToObj(idx -> Pair.of(idx == -1 ? new byte[0] : LLUtils.LEXICONOGRAPHIC_ITERATION_SEEKS[idx], idx + 1 >= LLUtils.LEXICONOGRAPHIC_ITERATION_SEEKS.length ? null : LLUtils.LEXICONOGRAPHIC_ITERATION_SEEKS[idx + 1] )) .map(range -> (Callable) () -> { long partialCount = 0; try (var rangeReadOpts = new ReadOptions(readOpts)) { Slice sliceBegin; if (range.getKey() != null) { sliceBegin = new Slice(range.getKey()); } else { sliceBegin = null; } Slice sliceEnd; if (range.getValue() != null) { sliceEnd = new Slice(range.getValue()); } else { sliceEnd = null; } try { if (sliceBegin != null) { rangeReadOpts.setIterateLowerBound(sliceBegin); } if (sliceEnd != null) { rangeReadOpts.setIterateUpperBound(sliceEnd); } try (var rocksIterator = db.newIterator(rangeReadOpts, null, null)) { rocksIterator.seekToFirst(); while (rocksIterator.isValid()) { partialCount++;; } return partialCount; } } finally { if (sliceBegin != null) { sliceBegin.close(); } if (sliceEnd != null) { sliceEnd.close(); } } } }) .map(commonPool::submit) .toList(); long count = 0; for (ForkJoinTask future : futures) { count += future.join(); } return count; } else { long count = 0; try (var rocksIterator = db.newIterator(readOpts, null, null)) { rocksIterator.seekToFirst(); while (rocksIterator.isValid()) { count++;; } return count; } catch (RocksDBException ex) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to read exact size", ex); } } } } @Override public Mono removeOne(Mono rangeMono) { return Mono.usingWhen(rangeMono, range -> runOnDb(true, () -> { assert !Schedulers.isInNonBlockingThread() : "Called removeOne in a nonblocking thread"; try (var readOpts = new ReadOptions(); var writeOpts = new WriteOptions()) { try (var rocksIterator = db.newIterator(readOpts, range.getMinUnsafe(), range.getMaxUnsafe())) { if (!LLLocalDictionary.PREFER_AUTO_SEEK_BOUND && range.hasMin()) { rocksIterator.seekTo(range.getMinUnsafe()); } else { rocksIterator.seekToFirst(); } if (!rocksIterator.isValid()) { return null; } Buffer key = LLUtils.readDirectNioBuffer(alloc, rocksIterator::key); Buffer value = LLUtils.readDirectNioBuffer(alloc, rocksIterator::value); db.delete(writeOpts, key); return LLEntry.of(key, value); } } }), LLUtils::finalizeResource); } }