package it.cavallium.dbengine.database.memory; import io.netty5.buffer.api.Buffer; import io.netty5.buffer.api.BufferAllocator; import io.netty5.buffer.api.Send; import it.cavallium.dbengine.client.BadBlock; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.ExtraKeyOperationResult; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLDelta; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLDictionary; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLDictionaryResultType; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLEntry; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLRange; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLSnapshot; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLUtils; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.UpdateMode; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.serialization.BiSerializationFunction; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.serialization.SerializationException; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.serialization.SerializationFunction; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.bytes.ByteList; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import reactor.core.publisher.Flux; import reactor.core.publisher.Mono; import reactor.util.function.Tuple2; import reactor.util.function.Tuple3; import reactor.util.function.Tuples; public class LLMemoryDictionary implements LLDictionary { private final String databaseName; private final String columnName; private final BufferAllocator allocator; private final UpdateMode updateMode; private final Getter> snapshots; private final ConcurrentSkipListMap mainDb; private interface Getter { U get(T argument); } public LLMemoryDictionary(BufferAllocator allocator, String databaseName, String columnName, UpdateMode updateMode, ConcurrentHashMap>> snapshots, ConcurrentHashMap> mainDb) { this.databaseName = databaseName; this.columnName = columnName; this.allocator = allocator; this.updateMode = updateMode; this.snapshots = (snapshotId) -> snapshots.get(snapshotId).get(columnName); this.mainDb = mainDb.get(columnName); } @Override public String getColumnName() { return columnName; } @Override public BufferAllocator getAllocator() { return allocator; } private long resolveSnapshot(LLSnapshot snapshot) { if (snapshot == null) { return Long.MIN_VALUE + 1L; } else if (snapshot.getSequenceNumber() == Long.MIN_VALUE + 1L) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } else { return snapshot.getSequenceNumber(); } } private Mono> transformResult(Mono result, LLDictionaryResultType resultType) { if (resultType == LLDictionaryResultType.PREVIOUS_VALUE) { // Don't retain the result because it has been removed from the skip list return; } else if (resultType == LLDictionaryResultType.PREVIOUS_VALUE_EXISTENCE) { return result .map(prev -> true) .defaultIfEmpty(false) .map((Boolean bool) -> LLUtils.booleanToResponseByteBuffer(allocator, bool)); } else { return result.then(Mono.empty()); } } private ByteList k(Send buf) { return new BinaryLexicographicList(LLUtils.toArray(buf.receive())); } private Send kk(ByteList bytesList) { try (var buffer = getAllocator().allocate(bytesList.size())) { buffer.writeBytes(bytesList.toByteArray()); return buffer.send(); } } private BLRange r(Send send) { try(var range = send.receive()) { if (range.isAll()) { return new BLRange(null, null, null); } else if (range.isSingle()) { return new BLRange(null, null, k(range.getSingle())); } else if (range.hasMin() && range.hasMax()) { return new BLRange(k(range.getMin()), k(range.getMax()), null); } else if (range.hasMin()) { return new BLRange(k(range.getMin()), null, null); } else { return new BLRange(k(range.getMax()), null, null); } } } private Map mapSlice(LLSnapshot snapshot, Send rangeToReceive) { try (var range = rangeToReceive.receive()) { if (range.isAll()) { return snapshots.get(resolveSnapshot(snapshot)); } else if (range.isSingle()) { var key = k(range.getSingle()); var value = snapshots .get(resolveSnapshot(snapshot)) .get(key); if (value != null) { return Map.of(key, value); } else { return Map.of(); } } else if (range.hasMin() && range.hasMax()) { var min = k(range.getMin()); var max = k(range.getMax()); if (min.compareTo(max) > 0) { return Map.of(); } return snapshots .get(resolveSnapshot(snapshot)) .subMap(min, true, max, false); } else if (range.hasMin()) { return snapshots .get(resolveSnapshot(snapshot)) .tailMap(k(range.getMin()), true); } else { return snapshots .get(resolveSnapshot(snapshot)) .headMap(k(range.getMax()), false); } } } @Override public Mono> get(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, Mono> keyMono, boolean existsAlmostCertainly) { return Mono.usingWhen(keyMono, key -> Mono .fromCallable(() -> snapshots.get(resolveSnapshot(snapshot)).get(k(key))) .map(this::kk) .onErrorMap(cause -> new IOException("Failed to read", cause)), key -> Mono.fromRunnable(key::close) ); } @Override public Mono> put(Mono> keyMono, Mono> valueMono, LLDictionaryResultType resultType) { return Mono.usingWhen(keyMono, key -> Mono.usingWhen(valueMono, value -> Mono .fromCallable(() -> { var k = k(key); var v = k(value); return mainDb.put(k, v); }) .transform(result -> this.transformResult(result, resultType)) .onErrorMap(cause -> new IOException("Failed to read", cause)), value -> Mono.fromRunnable(value::close) ), key -> Mono.fromRunnable(key::close) ); } @Override public Mono getUpdateMode() { return Mono.just(updateMode); } @Override public Mono updateAndGetDelta(Mono> keyMono, SerializationFunction<@Nullable Send, @Nullable Send> updater, boolean existsAlmostCertainly) { return Mono.usingWhen(keyMono, key -> Mono.fromCallable(() -> { if (updateMode == UpdateMode.DISALLOW) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("update() is disallowed"); } AtomicReference> oldRef = new AtomicReference<>(null); var newValue = mainDb.compute(k(key), (_unused, old) -> { if (old != null) { oldRef.set(kk(old)); } Send v; try { v = updater.apply(old != null ? kk(old) : null); } catch (SerializationException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } try { if (v != null) { return k(v); } else { return null; } } finally { if (v != null) { v.close(); } } }); return LLDelta.of(oldRef.get(), newValue != null ? kk(newValue) : null); }), key -> Mono.fromRunnable(key::close) ); } @Override public Mono clear() { return Mono.fromRunnable(mainDb::clear); } @Override public Mono> remove(Mono> keyMono, LLDictionaryResultType resultType) { return Mono.usingWhen(keyMono, key -> Mono .fromCallable(() -> mainDb.remove(k(key))) // Don't retain the result because it has been removed from the skip list .mapNotNull(bytesList -> switch (resultType) { case VOID -> null; case PREVIOUS_VALUE_EXISTENCE -> LLUtils.booleanToResponseByteBuffer(allocator, true); case PREVIOUS_VALUE -> kk(bytesList); }) .switchIfEmpty(Mono.defer(() -> { if (resultType == LLDictionaryResultType.PREVIOUS_VALUE_EXISTENCE) { return Mono.fromCallable(() -> LLUtils.booleanToResponseByteBuffer(allocator, false)); } else { return Mono.empty(); } })) .onErrorMap(cause -> new IOException("Failed to read", cause)), key -> Mono.fromRunnable(key::close) ); } @Override public Flux, Optional>>> getMulti(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, Flux>> keys, boolean existsAlmostCertainly) { return keys .map(key -> { try (var t2 = key.getT2().receive()) { ByteList v = snapshots.get(resolveSnapshot(snapshot)).get(k(t2.copy().send())); if (v != null) { return Tuples.of(key.getT1(), t2.send(), Optional.of(kk(v))); } else { return Tuples.of(key.getT1(), t2.send(), Optional.empty()); } } }); } @Override public Flux> putMulti(Flux> entries, boolean getOldValues) { return entries.handle((entryToReceive, sink) -> { try (var entry = entryToReceive.receive()) { try (var key = entry.getKey().receive()) { try (var val = entry.getValue().receive()) { var oldValue = mainDb.put(k(key.copy().send()), k(val.send())); if (oldValue != null && getOldValues) {, kk(oldValue)).send()); } } } } }); } @Override public Flux, X>> updateMulti(Flux, X>> entries, BiSerializationFunction, X, Send> updateFunction) { return Flux.error(new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented")); } @Override public Flux> getRange(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, Mono> rangeMono, boolean existsAlmostCertainly) { return Flux.usingWhen(rangeMono, rangeToReceive -> { try (var range = rangeToReceive.receive()) { if (range.isSingle()) { var singleToReceive = range.getSingle(); return Mono.fromCallable(() -> { try (var single = singleToReceive.receive()) { var element = snapshots.get(resolveSnapshot(snapshot)).get(k(single.copy().send())); if (element != null) { return LLEntry.of(single.send(), kk(element)).send(); } else { return null; } } }).flux(); } else { var rangeToReceive2 = range.send(); return Mono .fromCallable(() -> mapSlice(snapshot, rangeToReceive2)) .flatMapMany(map -> Flux.fromIterable(map.entrySet())) .map(entry -> LLEntry.of(kk(entry.getKey()), kk(entry.getValue())).send()); } } }, range -> Mono.fromRunnable(range::close)); } @Override public Flux>> getRangeGrouped(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, Mono> rangeMono, int prefixLength, boolean existsAlmostCertainly) { return Flux.usingWhen(rangeMono, rangeToReceive -> { try (var range = rangeToReceive.receive()) { if (range.isSingle()) { var singleToReceive = range.getSingle(); return Mono.fromCallable(() -> { try (var single = singleToReceive.receive()) { var element = snapshots.get(resolveSnapshot(snapshot)).get(k(single.copy().send())); if (element != null) { return List.of(LLEntry.of(single.send(), kk(element)).send()); } else { return List.>of(); } } }).flux(); } else { var rangeToReceive2 = range.send(); return Mono .fromCallable(() -> mapSlice(snapshot, rangeToReceive2)) .flatMapMany(map -> Flux.fromIterable(map.entrySet())) .groupBy(k -> k.getKey().subList(0, prefixLength)) .flatMap(groupedFlux -> groupedFlux .map(entry -> LLEntry.of(kk(entry.getKey()), kk(entry.getValue())).send()) .collectList() ); } } }, range -> Mono.fromRunnable(range::close)); } @Override public Flux> getRangeKeys(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, Mono> rangeMono) { return Flux.usingWhen(rangeMono, rangeToReceive -> { try (var range = rangeToReceive.receive()) { if (range.isSingle()) { var singleToReceive = range.getSingle(); return Mono.fromCallable(() -> { try (var single = singleToReceive.receive()) { var contains = snapshots.get(resolveSnapshot(snapshot)).containsKey(k(single.copy().send())); return contains ? single.send() : null; } }).flux(); } else { var rangeToReceive2 = range.send(); return Mono .fromCallable(() -> mapSlice(snapshot, rangeToReceive2)) .flatMapMany(map -> Flux.fromIterable(map.entrySet())) .map(entry -> kk(entry.getKey())); } } }, range -> Mono.fromRunnable(range::close) ); } @Override public Flux>> getRangeKeysGrouped(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, Mono> rangeMono, int prefixLength) { return Flux.usingWhen(rangeMono, rangeToReceive -> { try (var range = rangeToReceive.receive()) { if (range.isSingle()) { var singleToReceive = range.getSingle(); return Mono.fromCallable(() -> { try (var single = singleToReceive.receive()) { var containsElement = snapshots.get(resolveSnapshot(snapshot)).containsKey(k(single.copy().send())); if (containsElement) { return List.of(single.send()); } else { return List.>of(); } } }).flux(); } else { var rangeToReceive2 = range.send(); return Mono .fromCallable(() -> mapSlice(snapshot, rangeToReceive2)) .flatMapMany(map -> Flux.fromIterable(map.entrySet())) .groupBy(k -> k.getKey().subList(0, prefixLength)) .flatMap(groupedFlux -> groupedFlux .map(entry -> kk(entry.getKey())) .collectList() ); } } }, range -> Mono.fromRunnable(range::close)); } @SuppressWarnings("RedundantCast") @Override public Flux> getRangeKeyPrefixes(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, Mono> rangeMono, int prefixLength) { return Flux.usingWhen(rangeMono, rangeToReceive -> { try (var range = rangeToReceive.receive()) { if (range.isSingle()) { var singleToReceive = range.getSingle(); return Mono.fromCallable(() -> { try (var single = singleToReceive.receive()) { var k = k(single.copy().send()); var containsElement = snapshots.get(resolveSnapshot(snapshot)).containsKey(k); if (containsElement) { return kk(k.subList(0, prefixLength)); } else { return null; } } }).flux(); } else { var rangeToReceive2 = range.send(); return Mono .fromCallable(() -> mapSlice(snapshot, rangeToReceive2)) .flatMapMany(map -> Flux.fromIterable(map.entrySet())) .map(k -> (ByteList) k.getKey().subList(0, prefixLength)) .distinctUntilChanged() .map(this::kk); } } }, range -> Mono.fromRunnable(range::close)); } @Override public Flux badBlocks(Mono> rangeMono) { return Flux.empty(); } @Override public Mono setRange(Mono> rangeMono, Flux> entries) { return Mono.usingWhen(rangeMono, rangeToReceive -> { try (var range = rangeToReceive.receive()) { Mono clearMono; if (range.isSingle()) { var singleToReceive = range.getSingle(); clearMono = Mono.fromRunnable(() -> { try (var single = singleToReceive.receive()) { var k = k(single.copy().send()); mainDb.remove(k); } }); } else { var rangeToReceive2 = range.copy().send(); clearMono = Mono.fromRunnable(() -> mapSlice(null, rangeToReceive2).clear()); } var r = r(range.copy().send()); return clearMono .thenMany(entries) .doOnNext(entryToReceive -> { try (var entry = entryToReceive.receive()) { if (!isInsideRange(r, k(entry.getKey()))) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Trying to set a key outside the range!"); } mainDb.put(k(entry.getKey()), k(entry.getValue())); } }) .then(); } }, range -> Mono.fromRunnable(range::close)); } private boolean isInsideRange(BLRange range, ByteList key) { if (range.isAll()) { return true; } else if (range.isSingle()) { var single = range.getSingle(); return Objects.equals(single, key); } else if (range.hasMin() && range.hasMax()) { var min = range.getMin(); var max = range.getMax(); return min.compareTo(key) <= 0 && max.compareTo(key) > 0; } else if (range.hasMin()) { var min = range.getMin(); return min.compareTo(key) <= 0; } else { var max = range.getMax(); return max.compareTo(key) > 0; } } @Override public Mono isRangeEmpty(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, Mono> rangeMono) { return getRangeKeys(snapshot, rangeMono) .map(buf -> { buf.receive().close(); return true; }) .count() .map(count -> count == 0); } @Override public Mono sizeRange(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, Mono> rangeMono, boolean fast) { return Mono.usingWhen(rangeMono, range -> Mono.fromCallable(() -> (long) mapSlice(snapshot, range).size()), range -> Mono.fromRunnable(range::close) ); } @Override public Mono> getOne(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, Mono> rangeMono) { return getRange(snapshot, rangeMono) .take(1, true) .singleOrEmpty() .doOnDiscard(Send.class, Send::close); } @Override public Mono> getOneKey(@Nullable LLSnapshot snapshot, Mono> rangeMono) { return getRangeKeys(snapshot, rangeMono) .take(1, true) .singleOrEmpty() .doOnDiscard(Send.class, Send::close); } @Override public Mono> removeOne(Mono> rangeMono) { return Mono.usingWhen(rangeMono, rangeToReceive -> { try (var range = rangeToReceive.receive()) { if (range.isSingle()) { var singleToReceive = range.getSingle(); return Mono.fromCallable(() -> { try (var single = singleToReceive.receive()) { var element = mainDb.remove(k(single.copy().send())); if (element != null) { return LLEntry.of(single.send(), kk(element)).send(); } else { return null; } } }); } else { var rangeToReceive2 = range.send(); return Mono .fromCallable(() -> mapSlice(null, rangeToReceive2)) .mapNotNull(map -> { var it = map.entrySet().iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { var next =; it.remove(); return next; } else { return null; } }) .map(entry -> LLEntry.of(kk(entry.getKey()), kk(entry.getValue())).send()); } } }, range -> Mono.fromRunnable(range::close)); } @Override public String getDatabaseName() { return databaseName; } }