package it.cavallium.dbengine.database.disk; import static it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLUtils.MARKER_ROCKSDB; import io.micrometer.core.instrument.DistributionSummary; import io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry; import io.netty5.buffer.api.Buffer; import io.netty5.buffer.api.BufferAllocator; import io.netty5.buffer.api.MemoryManager; import io.netty5.buffer.api.Send; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLDelta; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLUtils; import it.cavallium.dbengine.lucene.ExponentialPageLimits; import; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport; import java.util.concurrent.locks.StampedLock; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyHandle; import org.rocksdb.OptimisticTransactionDB; import org.rocksdb.ReadOptions; import org.rocksdb.RocksDBException; import org.rocksdb.Status.Code; import org.rocksdb.Transaction; import org.rocksdb.WriteBatch; import org.rocksdb.WriteOptions; import reactor.core.scheduler.Schedulers; public final class OptimisticRocksDBColumn extends AbstractRocksDBColumn { private static final boolean ALWAYS_PRINT_OPTIMISTIC_RETRIES = false; private final DistributionSummary optimisticAttempts; public OptimisticRocksDBColumn(OptimisticTransactionDB db, boolean nettyDirect, BufferAllocator alloc, String databaseName, ColumnFamilyHandle cfh, MeterRegistry meterRegistry, StampedLock closeLock) { super(db, nettyDirect, alloc, databaseName, cfh, meterRegistry, closeLock); this.optimisticAttempts = DistributionSummary .builder("db.optimistic.attempts.distribution") .publishPercentiles(0.2, 0.5, 0.95) .baseUnit("times") .scale(1) .publishPercentileHistogram() .tags("", databaseName, "db.column", columnName) .register(meterRegistry); } @Override protected boolean commitOptimistically(Transaction tx) throws RocksDBException { try { tx.commit(); return true; } catch (RocksDBException ex) { var status = ex.getStatus() != null ? ex.getStatus().getCode() : Code.Ok; if (status == Code.Busy || status == Code.TryAgain) { return false; } throw ex; } } @Override protected Transaction beginTransaction(@NotNull WriteOptions writeOptions) { return getDb().beginTransaction(writeOptions); } @Override public void write(WriteOptions writeOptions, WriteBatch writeBatch) throws RocksDBException { getDb().write(writeOptions, writeBatch); } @Override public @NotNull UpdateAtomicResult updateAtomicImpl(@NotNull ReadOptions readOptions, @NotNull WriteOptions writeOptions, Buffer key, BinarySerializationFunction updater, UpdateAtomicResultMode returnMode) throws IOException { long initNanoTime = System.nanoTime(); try { var cfh = getCfh(); var keyArray = LLUtils.toArray(key); if (Schedulers.isInNonBlockingThread()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Called update in a nonblocking thread"); } try (var tx = beginTransaction(writeOptions)) { boolean committedSuccessfully; int retries = 0; ExponentialPageLimits retryTime = null; Send sentPrevData; Send sentCurData; boolean changed; do { var prevDataArray = tx.getForUpdate(readOptions, cfh, keyArray, true); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace(MARKER_ROCKSDB, "Reading {}: {} (before update)", LLUtils.toStringSafe(key), LLUtils.toStringSafe(prevDataArray) ); } Buffer prevData; if (prevDataArray != null) { prevData = MemoryManager.unsafeWrap(prevDataArray); prevDataArray = null; } else { prevData = null; } try (prevData) { Buffer prevDataToSendToUpdater; if (prevData != null) { prevDataToSendToUpdater = prevData.copy().makeReadOnly(); } else { prevDataToSendToUpdater = null; } @Nullable Buffer newData = applyUpdateAndCloseIfNecessary(updater, prevDataToSendToUpdater); try (newData) { var newDataArray = newData == null ? null : LLUtils.toArray(newData); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace(MARKER_ROCKSDB, "Updating {}. previous data: {}, updated data: {}", LLUtils.toStringSafe(key), LLUtils.toStringSafe(prevDataArray), LLUtils.toStringSafe(newDataArray) ); } if (prevData != null && newData == null) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace(MARKER_ROCKSDB, "Deleting {} (after update)", LLUtils.toStringSafe(key)); } tx.delete(cfh, keyArray, true); changed = true; committedSuccessfully = commitOptimistically(tx); } else if (newData != null && (prevData == null || !LLUtils.equals(prevData, newData))) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace(MARKER_ROCKSDB, "Writing {}: {} (after update)", LLUtils.toStringSafe(key), LLUtils.toStringSafe(newData) ); } tx.put(cfh, keyArray, newDataArray); changed = true; committedSuccessfully = commitOptimistically(tx); } else { changed = false; committedSuccessfully = true; tx.rollback(); } sentPrevData = prevData == null ? null : prevData.send(); sentCurData = newData == null ? null : newData.send(); if (!committedSuccessfully) { tx.undoGetForUpdate(cfh, keyArray); tx.rollback(); if (sentPrevData != null) { sentPrevData.close(); } if (sentCurData != null) { sentCurData.close(); } retries++; if (retries == 1) { retryTime = new ExponentialPageLimits(0, 2, 2000); } long retryNs = 1000000L * retryTime.getPageLimit(retries); // +- 30% retryNs = retryNs + ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong(-retryNs * 30L / 100L, retryNs * 30L / 100L); if (retries >= 5 && retries % 5 == 0 || ALWAYS_PRINT_OPTIMISTIC_RETRIES) { logger.warn(MARKER_ROCKSDB, "Failed optimistic transaction {} (update):" + " waiting {} ms before retrying for the {} time", LLUtils.toStringSafe(key), retryNs / 1000000d, retries); } else if (logger.isDebugEnabled(MARKER_ROCKSDB)) { logger.debug(MARKER_ROCKSDB, "Failed optimistic transaction {} (update):" + " waiting {} ms before retrying for the {} time", LLUtils.toStringSafe(key), retryNs / 1000000d, retries); } // Wait for n milliseconds if (retryNs > 0) { LockSupport.parkNanos(retryNs); } } } } } while (!committedSuccessfully); if (retries > 5) { logger.warn(MARKER_ROCKSDB, "Took {} retries to update key {}", retries, LLUtils.toStringSafe(key)); } recordAtomicUpdateTime(changed, sentPrevData != null, sentCurData != null, initNanoTime); optimisticAttempts.record(retries); return switch (returnMode) { case NOTHING -> { if (sentPrevData != null) { sentPrevData.close(); } if (sentCurData != null) { sentCurData.close(); } yield RESULT_NOTHING; } case CURRENT -> { if (sentPrevData != null) { sentPrevData.close(); } yield new UpdateAtomicResultCurrent(sentCurData); } case PREVIOUS -> { if (sentCurData != null) { sentCurData.close(); } yield new UpdateAtomicResultPrevious(sentPrevData); } case BINARY_CHANGED -> new UpdateAtomicResultBinaryChanged(changed); case DELTA -> new UpdateAtomicResultDelta(LLDelta.of(sentPrevData, sentCurData).send()); }; } } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new IOException("Failed to update key " + LLUtils.toStringSafe(key), ex); } } @Override public boolean supportsTransactions() { return true; } }