package it.cavallium.dbengine.database.disk; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import io.micrometer.core.instrument.Gauge; import io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry; import io.net5.buffer.api.Buffer; import io.net5.buffer.api.BufferAllocator; import io.net5.buffer.api.Send; import io.net5.buffer.api.StandardAllocationTypes; import io.net5.util.internal.PlatformDependent; import it.cavallium.dbengine.client.DatabaseOptions; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLUtils; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLUtils.DirectBuffer; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.RepeatedElementList; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyHandle; import org.rocksdb.CompactRangeOptions; import org.rocksdb.FlushOptions; import org.rocksdb.Holder; import org.rocksdb.ReadOptions; import org.rocksdb.RocksDB; import org.rocksdb.RocksDBException; import org.rocksdb.RocksIterator; import org.rocksdb.Transaction; import org.rocksdb.WriteBatch; import org.rocksdb.WriteOptions; import org.warp.commonutils.log.Logger; import org.warp.commonutils.log.LoggerFactory; import reactor.core.scheduler.Schedulers; public sealed abstract class AbstractRocksDBColumn implements RocksDBColumn permits StandardRocksDBColumn, OptimisticRocksDBColumn, PessimisticRocksDBColumn { private static final int INITIAL_DIRECT_READ_BYTE_BUF_SIZE_BYTES = 4096; private static final byte[] NO_DATA = new byte[0]; protected static final UpdateAtomicResult RESULT_NOTHING = new UpdateAtomicResultNothing(); protected final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); private final T db; private final DatabaseOptions opts; private final boolean nettyDirect; private final BufferAllocator alloc; private final ColumnFamilyHandle cfh; private final MeterRegistry meterRegistry; private final AtomicInteger lastDataSizeMetric = new AtomicInteger(0); public AbstractRocksDBColumn(T db, DatabaseOptions databaseOptions, BufferAllocator alloc, ColumnFamilyHandle cfh, MeterRegistry meterRegistry) { this.db = db; this.opts = databaseOptions; this.nettyDirect = opts.allowNettyDirect() && alloc.getAllocationType() == StandardAllocationTypes.OFF_HEAP; this.alloc = alloc; this.cfh = cfh; this.meterRegistry = meterRegistry; Gauge .builder("it.cavallium.dbengine.database.disk.column.lastdatasize", lastDataSizeMetric::get) .description("Last data size read using get()") .register(meterRegistry); } protected T getDb() { return db; } protected DatabaseOptions getOpts() { return opts; } protected ColumnFamilyHandle getCfh() { return cfh; } @Override public @Nullable Send get(@NotNull ReadOptions readOptions, Send keySend, boolean existsAlmostCertainly) throws RocksDBException { try (var key = keySend.receive()) { if (Schedulers.isInNonBlockingThread()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Called dbGet in a nonblocking thread"); } if (!db.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Database is closed"); } if (!readOptions.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("ReadOptions is closed"); } if (!cfh.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Column family is closed"); } if (nettyDirect) { //todo: implement keyMayExist if existsAlmostCertainly is false. // Unfortunately it's not feasible until RocksDB implements keyMayExist with buffers // Create the key nio buffer to pass to RocksDB var keyNioBuffer = LLUtils.convertToReadableDirect(alloc, key.send()); // Create a direct result buffer because RocksDB works only with direct buffers try (Buffer resultBuf = alloc.allocate(INITIAL_DIRECT_READ_BYTE_BUF_SIZE_BYTES)) { int valueSize; ByteBuffer resultNioBuf; do { // Create the result nio buffer to pass to RocksDB resultNioBuf = LLUtils.obtainDirect(resultBuf, true); assert keyNioBuffer.byteBuffer().isDirect(); assert resultNioBuf.isDirect(); // todo: use keyMayExist when rocksdb will implement keyMayExist with buffers valueSize = db.get(cfh, readOptions, keyNioBuffer.byteBuffer().position(0), resultNioBuf ); if (valueSize != RocksDB.NOT_FOUND) { // todo: check if position is equal to data that have been read // todo: check if limit is equal to value size or data that have been read assert valueSize <= 0 || resultNioBuf.limit() > 0; // Check if read data is not bigger than the total value size. // If it's bigger it means that RocksDB is writing the start // of the result into the result buffer more than once. assert resultNioBuf.limit() <= valueSize; // Update data size metrics this.lastDataSizeMetric.set(valueSize); if (valueSize <= resultNioBuf.limit()) { // Return the result ready to be read return resultBuf.readerOffset(0).writerOffset(valueSize).send(); } else { //noinspection UnusedAssignment resultNioBuf = null; } // Rewind the keyNioBuf position, making it readable again for the next loop iteration keyNioBuffer.byteBuffer().rewind(); if (resultBuf.capacity() < valueSize) { // Expand the resultBuf size if the result is bigger than the current result // buffer size resultBuf.ensureWritable(valueSize); } } // Repeat if the result has been found but it's still not finished } while (valueSize != RocksDB.NOT_FOUND); // If the value is not found return null return null; } finally { keyNioBuffer.buffer().close(); PlatformDependent.freeDirectBuffer(keyNioBuffer.byteBuffer()); } } else { try { byte[] keyArray = LLUtils.toArray(key); requireNonNull(keyArray); Holder data = existsAlmostCertainly ? null : new Holder<>(); if (existsAlmostCertainly || db.keyMayExist(cfh, readOptions, keyArray, data)) { if (!existsAlmostCertainly && data.getValue() != null) { return LLUtils.fromByteArray(alloc, data.getValue()).send(); } else { byte[] result = db.get(cfh, readOptions, keyArray); if (result == null) { return null; } else { return LLUtils.fromByteArray(alloc, result).send(); } } } else { return null; } } finally { if (!(readOptions instanceof UnreleasableReadOptions)) { readOptions.close(); } } } } } @Override public void put(@NotNull WriteOptions writeOptions, Send keyToReceive, Send valueToReceive) throws RocksDBException { try { try (var key = keyToReceive.receive()) { try (var value = valueToReceive.receive()) { if (Schedulers.isInNonBlockingThread()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Called dbPut in a nonblocking thread"); } if (!db.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Database is closed"); } if (!writeOptions.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("WriteOptions is closed"); } if (!cfh.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Column family is closed"); } assert key.isAccessible(); assert value.isAccessible(); if (nettyDirect) { var keyNioBuffer = LLUtils.convertToReadableDirect(alloc, key.send()); try (var ignored1 = keyNioBuffer.buffer().receive()) { assert keyNioBuffer.byteBuffer().isDirect(); var valueNioBuffer = LLUtils.convertToReadableDirect(alloc, value.send()); try (var ignored2 = valueNioBuffer.buffer().receive()) { assert valueNioBuffer.byteBuffer().isDirect(); db.put(cfh, writeOptions, keyNioBuffer.byteBuffer(), valueNioBuffer.byteBuffer()); } finally { PlatformDependent.freeDirectBuffer(valueNioBuffer.byteBuffer()); } } finally { PlatformDependent.freeDirectBuffer(keyNioBuffer.byteBuffer()); } } else { db.put(cfh, writeOptions, LLUtils.toArray(key), LLUtils.toArray(value)); } } } } finally { if (!(writeOptions instanceof UnreleasableWriteOptions)) { writeOptions.close(); } } } @Override public boolean exists(@NotNull ReadOptions readOptions, Send keySend) throws RocksDBException { try (var key = keySend.receive()) { if (Schedulers.isInNonBlockingThread()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Called containsKey in a nonblocking thread"); } if (!db.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Database is closed"); } if (!readOptions.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("ReadOptions is closed"); } if (!cfh.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Column family is closed"); } int size = RocksDB.NOT_FOUND; byte[] keyBytes = LLUtils.toArray(key); Holder data = new Holder<>(); try { if (db.keyMayExist(cfh, readOptions, keyBytes, data)) { if (data.getValue() != null) { size = data.getValue().length; } else { size = db.get(cfh, readOptions, keyBytes, NO_DATA); } } } finally { if (!(readOptions instanceof UnreleasableReadOptions)) { readOptions.close(); } } return size != RocksDB.NOT_FOUND; } } @Override public void delete(WriteOptions writeOptions, Send keySend) throws RocksDBException { try (var key = keySend.receive()) { if (!db.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Database is closed"); } if (!writeOptions.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("WriteOptions is closed"); } if (!cfh.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Column family is closed"); } if (nettyDirect) { DirectBuffer keyNioBuffer = LLUtils.convertToReadableDirect(alloc, key.send()); try { db.delete(cfh, writeOptions, keyNioBuffer.byteBuffer()); } finally { keyNioBuffer.buffer().close(); PlatformDependent.freeDirectBuffer(keyNioBuffer.byteBuffer()); } } else { db.delete(cfh, writeOptions, LLUtils.toArray(key)); } } } @Override public void delete(WriteOptions writeOptions, byte[] key) throws RocksDBException { if (!db.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Database is closed"); } if (!writeOptions.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("WriteOptions is closed"); } if (!cfh.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Column family is closed"); } db.delete(cfh, writeOptions, key); } @Override public List multiGetAsList(ReadOptions readOptions, List keys) throws RocksDBException { if (!db.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Database is closed"); } if (!readOptions.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("ReadOptions is closed"); } if (!cfh.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Column family is closed"); } var columnFamilyHandles = new RepeatedElementList<>(cfh, keys.size()); return db.multiGetAsList(readOptions, columnFamilyHandles, keys); } @Override public void suggestCompactRange() throws RocksDBException { if (!db.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Database is closed"); } if (!cfh.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Column family is closed"); } db.suggestCompactRange(cfh); } @Override public void compactRange(byte[] begin, byte[] end, CompactRangeOptions options) throws RocksDBException { if (!db.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Database is closed"); } if (!options.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("CompactRangeOptions is closed"); } if (!cfh.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Column family is closed"); } db.compactRange(cfh, begin, end, options); } @Override public void flush(FlushOptions options) throws RocksDBException { if (!db.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Database is closed"); } if (!options.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("FlushOptions is closed"); } if (!cfh.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Column family is closed"); } db.flush(options, cfh); } @Override public void flushWal(boolean sync) throws RocksDBException { if (!db.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Database is closed"); } if (!cfh.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Column family is closed"); } db.flushWal(sync); } @Override public long getLongProperty(String property) throws RocksDBException { if (!db.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Database is closed"); } if (!cfh.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Column family is closed"); } return db.getLongProperty(cfh, property); } @Override public void write(WriteOptions writeOptions, WriteBatch writeBatch) throws RocksDBException { if (!db.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Database is closed"); } if (!writeOptions.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("WriteOptions is closed"); } if (!cfh.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Column family is closed"); } db.write(writeOptions, writeBatch); } /** * @return true if committed successfully */ protected abstract boolean commitOptimistically(Transaction tx) throws RocksDBException; protected abstract Transaction beginTransaction(@NotNull WriteOptions writeOptions); @Override @NotNull public RocksIterator newIterator(@NotNull ReadOptions readOptions) { if (!db.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Database is closed"); } if (!readOptions.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("ReadOptions is closed"); } if (!cfh.isOwningHandle()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Column family is closed"); } return db.newIterator(cfh, readOptions); } @Override public ColumnFamilyHandle getColumnFamilyHandle() { return cfh; } @Override public BufferAllocator getAllocator() { return alloc; } public MeterRegistry getMeterRegistry() { return meterRegistry; } }