# A type that starts with "-" is an optional type, otherwise it can't be null currentVersion: "0.0.0" interfacesData: Query: [] # versions must have only numbers, lowercase letters, dots, dashes. Maximum: 99.999.9999 versions: 0.0.0: details: changelog: "First version" superTypes: Query: [ BoxedQuery, TermQuery, PhraseQuery, WildcardQuery, SynonymQuery, FuzzyQuery, MatchAllDocsQuery, MatchNoDocsQuery, BooleanQuery, SortedNumericDocValuesFieldSlowRangeQuery, SortedDocFieldExistsQuery, ConstantScoreQuery, BoostQuery, IntPointRangeQuery, LongPointRangeQuery, IntPointExactQuery, LongPointExactQuery ] Occur: [OccurMust, OccurMustNot, OccurShould, OccurFilter] Sort: [NoSort, NumericSort, ScoreSort, DocSort, RandomSort] customTypes: {} classes: # Basic data # ========== # Wrapper for type Query BoxedQuery: data: query: Query # A term consists in a field that is exactly equal to the value string Term: data: field: String value: String # A Term with a position relative to the start of the query. Used internally in some specific queries TermPosition: data: term: Term position: int # A Term with a specified boost. Used internally in some specific queries TermAndBoost: data: term: Term boost: float # Occur options used for boolean queries OccurMust: data: { } OccurMustNot: data: { } OccurShould: data: { } OccurFilter: data: { } # Text queries # ============ # Query that matches a term. TermQuery: data: term: Term # Query that matches a phrase. PhraseQuery: data: # A phrase is a collection of positioned terms, with absolute positions, # counted as characters from the beginning of the phrase. phrase: TermPosition[] slop: int # Advanced query that matches text allowing asterisks in the query WildcardQuery: data: field: String pattern: String # Example: "*ing" # Advanced query that matches different exact values (synonyms) SynonymQuery: data: field: String parts: TermAndBoost[] # Each term has a boost. The preferred synonym has the highest boost value. # Advanced query. todo: document it FuzzyQuery: data: term: Term maxEdits: int prefixLength: int maxExpansions: int transpositions: boolean # Combination queries # =================== # Query that matches everything MatchAllDocsQuery: data: {} # Query that matches nothing MatchNoDocsQuery: data: {} # Query that matches if the document satisfies all the required parts BooleanQuery: data: # Each part can be: # - "MUST" # - "MUST_NOT" # - "SHOULD" # - "FILTER" (advanced, ignore this) # "SHOULD" is like "MUST" but it's not necessary. parts: BooleanQueryPart[] minShouldMatch: int # If set, it specifies how many "SHOULD" parts must be matched. 0 if not set # Part of a boolean query BooleanQueryPart: data: query: Query occur: Occur # Number queries # ============== # Advanced query that matches only a range of a sorted field, from "min" to "max". SortedNumericDocValuesFieldSlowRangeQuery: data: field: String min: long max: long # Query that matches if the sorted field exist in the document SortedDocFieldExistsQuery: data: field: String # Score modifying queries # ============ # Query that fixes the score of a query to 1 ConstantScoreQuery: data: query: Query # Query that boosts the query score BoostQuery: data: query: Query scoreBoost: float # Sorted fields queries # ===================== # Query that matches an int point field, from "min", to "max" IntPointRangeQuery: data: field: String min: int max: int # Query that matches a long point field, from "min", to "max" LongPointRangeQuery: data: field: String min: long max: long # Query that matches an int point field IntPointExactQuery: data: field: String value: int # Query that matches a long point field LongPointExactQuery: data: field: String value: long # Extra data used for parameters and the client # ============================================= # Query parameters QueryParams: data: query: Query offset: long limit: long minCompetitiveScore: -float sort: Sort complete: boolean NoSort: data: { } NumericSort: data: field: String reverse: boolean RandomSort: data: { } ScoreSort: data: { } DocSort: data: { } TotalHitsCount: stringRepresenter: "it.cavallium.dbengine.lucene.LuceneUtils.toHumanReadableString" data: value: long exact: boolean