package it.cavallium.dbengine.lucene; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.DiscardingCloseable; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.SafeCloseable; public interface PriorityQueue extends ResourceIterable, DiscardingCloseable { /** * Adds an Object to a PriorityQueue in log(size) time. If one tries to add more objects than maxSize from initialize * an {@link ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException} is thrown. */ void add(T element); /** * Returns the least element of the PriorityQueue in constant time. */ T top(); /** * Removes and returns the least element of the PriorityQueue in log(size) time. */ T pop(); /** * Replace the top of the pq with {@code newTop} */ void replaceTop(T oldTop, T newTop); /** * Returns the number of elements currently stored in the PriorityQueue. */ long size(); /** * Removes all entries from the PriorityQueue. */ void clear(); /** * Removes an existing element currently stored in the PriorityQueue. Cost is linear with the size of the queue. (A * specialization of PriorityQueue which tracks element positions would provide a constant remove time but the * trade-off would be extra cost to all additions/insertions) */ boolean remove(T element); }