package it.cavallium.dbengine.database.disk; import static it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLUtils.MARKER_ROCKSDB; import io.net5.buffer.api.Buffer; import io.net5.buffer.api.Drop; import io.net5.buffer.api.Owned; import io.net5.buffer.api.Send; import io.net5.buffer.api.internal.ResourceSupport; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLRange; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLUtils; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.rocksdb.ReadOptions; import org.rocksdb.RocksDBException; import org.warp.commonutils.log.Logger; import org.warp.commonutils.log.LoggerFactory; import reactor.core.publisher.Flux; public abstract class LLLocalGroupedReactiveRocksIterator extends ResourceSupport, LLLocalGroupedReactiveRocksIterator> { protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LLLocalGroupedReactiveRocksIterator.class); private static final Drop> DROP = new Drop<>() { @Override public void drop(LLLocalGroupedReactiveRocksIterator obj) { try { if (obj.range != null) { obj.range.close(); } } catch (Throwable ex) { logger.error("Failed to close range", ex); } try { if (obj.readOptions != null) { if (!(obj.readOptions instanceof UnreleasableReadOptions)) { obj.readOptions.close(); } } } catch (Throwable ex) { logger.error("Failed to close readOptions", ex); } } @Override public Drop> fork() { return this; } @Override public void attach(LLLocalGroupedReactiveRocksIterator obj) { } }; private final RocksDBColumn db; private final int prefixLength; private LLRange range; private final boolean allowNettyDirect; private ReadOptions readOptions; private final boolean canFillCache; private final boolean readValues; @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) public LLLocalGroupedReactiveRocksIterator(RocksDBColumn db, int prefixLength, Send range, boolean allowNettyDirect, ReadOptions readOptions, boolean canFillCache, boolean readValues) { super((Drop>) (Drop) DROP); try (range) { this.db = db; this.prefixLength = prefixLength; this.range = range.receive(); this.allowNettyDirect = allowNettyDirect; this.readOptions = readOptions; this.canFillCache = canFillCache; this.readValues = readValues; } } public final Flux> flux() { return Flux .generate(() -> { var readOptions = new ReadOptions(this.readOptions); readOptions.setFillCache(canFillCache && range.hasMin() && range.hasMax()); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace(MARKER_ROCKSDB, "Range {} started", LLUtils.toStringSafe(range)); } return LLLocalDictionary.getRocksIterator(db.getAllocator(), allowNettyDirect, readOptions, range, db); }, (tuple, sink) -> { try { var rocksIterator = tuple.getT1(); ObjectArrayList values = new ObjectArrayList<>(); Buffer firstGroupKey = null; try { rocksIterator.status(); while (rocksIterator.isValid()) { try (Buffer key = LLUtils.readDirectNioBuffer(db.getAllocator(), rocksIterator::key)) { if (firstGroupKey == null) { firstGroupKey = key.copy(); } else if (!LLUtils.equals(firstGroupKey, firstGroupKey.readerOffset(), key, key.readerOffset(), prefixLength)) { break; } @Nullable Buffer value; if (readValues) { value = LLUtils.readDirectNioBuffer(db.getAllocator(), rocksIterator::value); } else { value = null; } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace(MARKER_ROCKSDB, "Range {} is reading {}: {}", LLUtils.toStringSafe(range), LLUtils.toStringSafe(key), LLUtils.toStringSafe(value) ); } try {; rocksIterator.status(); T entry = getEntry(key.send(), value == null ? null : value.send()); values.add(entry); } finally { if (value != null) { value.close(); } } } } } finally { if (firstGroupKey != null) { firstGroupKey.close(); } } if (!values.isEmpty()) {; } else { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace(MARKER_ROCKSDB, "Range {} ended", LLUtils.toStringSafe(range)); } sink.complete(); } } catch (RocksDBException ex) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace(MARKER_ROCKSDB, "Range {} failed", LLUtils.toStringSafe(range)); } sink.error(ex); } return tuple; }, tuple -> { var rocksIterator = tuple.getT1(); rocksIterator.close(); tuple.getT2().close(); tuple.getT3().close(); tuple.getT4().close(); }); } public abstract T getEntry(@Nullable Send key, @Nullable Send value); @Override protected final RuntimeException createResourceClosedException() { return new IllegalStateException("Closed"); } @Override protected Owned> prepareSend() { var range = this.range.send(); var readOptions = new ReadOptions(this.readOptions); return drop -> new LLLocalGroupedReactiveRocksIterator<>(db, prefixLength, range, allowNettyDirect, readOptions, canFillCache, readValues ) { @Override public T getEntry(@Nullable Send key, @Nullable Send value) { return LLLocalGroupedReactiveRocksIterator.this.getEntry(key, value); } }; } protected void makeInaccessible() { this.range = null; this.readOptions = null; } }