package it.cavallium.dbengine.database.disk; import static it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLUtils.asArray; import it.cavallium.dbengine.buffers.Buf; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyHandle; import org.rocksdb.RocksDBException; import org.rocksdb.WriteBatch; import org.rocksdb.WriteOptions; public class CappedWriteBatch extends WriteBatch { private final RocksDBColumn db; private final int cap; private final WriteOptions writeOptions; /** * @param db * @param cap The limit of operations */ public CappedWriteBatch(RocksDBColumn db, int cap, int reservedWriteBatchSize, long maxWriteBatchSize, WriteOptions writeOptions) { super(reservedWriteBatchSize); this.db = db; this.cap = cap; this.writeOptions = writeOptions; this.setMaxBytes(maxWriteBatchSize); } private synchronized void flushIfNeeded(boolean force) throws RocksDBException { if (this.count() >= (force ? 1 : cap)) { db.write(writeOptions, this.getWriteBatch()); this.clear(); } } @Override public synchronized int count() { return super.count(); } @Override public synchronized void put(byte[] key, byte[] value) throws RocksDBException { super.put(key, value); flushIfNeeded(false); } @Override public synchronized void put(ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamilyHandle, byte[] key, byte[] value) throws RocksDBException { super.put(columnFamilyHandle, key, value); flushIfNeeded(false); } @Override public synchronized void put(ByteBuffer key, ByteBuffer value) throws RocksDBException { super.put(key, value); flushIfNeeded(false); } @Override public synchronized void put(ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamilyHandle, ByteBuffer key, ByteBuffer value) throws RocksDBException { super.put(columnFamilyHandle, key, value); flushIfNeeded(false); } public synchronized void put(ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamilyHandle, Buf keyToReceive, Buf valueToReceive) throws RocksDBException { super.put(columnFamilyHandle, asArray(keyToReceive), asArray(valueToReceive)); flushIfNeeded(false); } @Override public synchronized void merge(byte[] key, byte[] value) throws RocksDBException { super.merge(key, value); flushIfNeeded(false); } @Override public synchronized void merge(ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamilyHandle, byte[] key, byte[] value) throws RocksDBException { super.merge(columnFamilyHandle, key, value); flushIfNeeded(false); } @Override public synchronized void delete(byte[] key) throws RocksDBException { super.delete(key); flushIfNeeded(false); } @Override public synchronized void delete(ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamilyHandle, byte[] key) throws RocksDBException { super.delete(columnFamilyHandle, key); flushIfNeeded(false); } public synchronized void delete(ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamilyHandle, Buf keyToDelete) throws RocksDBException { super.delete(columnFamilyHandle, asArray(keyToDelete)); flushIfNeeded(false); } @Override public synchronized void singleDelete(byte[] key) throws RocksDBException { super.singleDelete(key); flushIfNeeded(false); } @Override public synchronized void singleDelete(ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamilyHandle, byte[] key) throws RocksDBException { super.singleDelete(columnFamilyHandle, key); flushIfNeeded(false); } @Override public synchronized void delete(ByteBuffer key) throws RocksDBException { super.delete(key); flushIfNeeded(false); } @Override public synchronized void delete(ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamilyHandle, ByteBuffer key) throws RocksDBException { super.delete(columnFamilyHandle, key); flushIfNeeded(false); } @Override public synchronized void deleteRange(byte[] beginKey, byte[] endKey) throws RocksDBException { super.deleteRange(beginKey, endKey); flushIfNeeded(false); } @Override public synchronized void deleteRange(ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamilyHandle, byte[] beginKey, byte[] endKey) throws RocksDBException { super.deleteRange(columnFamilyHandle, beginKey, endKey); flushIfNeeded(false); } @Override public synchronized void putLogData(byte[] blob) throws RocksDBException { super.putLogData(blob); flushIfNeeded(false); } @Override public synchronized void clear() { super.clear(); } @Override public synchronized void setSavePoint() { super.setSavePoint(); } @Override public synchronized void rollbackToSavePoint() throws RocksDBException { super.rollbackToSavePoint(); } @Override public synchronized void popSavePoint() throws RocksDBException { super.popSavePoint(); } @Override public synchronized void setMaxBytes(long maxBytes) { super.setMaxBytes(maxBytes); } @Override public synchronized WriteBatch getWriteBatch() { return super.getWriteBatch(); } public synchronized void writeToDbAndClose() throws RocksDBException { flushIfNeeded(true); super.close(); } public void flush() throws RocksDBException { flushIfNeeded(true); } }