package it.cavallium.dbengine.database.serialization; import it.cavallium.dbengine.buffers.Buf; import it.cavallium.dbengine.buffers.BufDataInput; import it.cavallium.dbengine.buffers.BufDataOutput; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.Objects; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; @SuppressWarnings("unused") public interface SerializerFixedBinaryLength extends Serializer { int getSerializedBinaryLength(); @Override default int getSerializedSizeHint() { return getSerializedBinaryLength(); } static SerializerFixedBinaryLength noop(int length) { return new SerializerFixedBinaryLength<>() { @Override public @NotNull Buf deserialize(@NotNull BufDataInput in) throws SerializationException { Objects.requireNonNull(in); if (in.available() < getSerializedBinaryLength()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Fixed serializer with " + getSerializedBinaryLength() + " bytes has tried to deserialize an element with " + in.available() + " bytes instead"); } return Buf.wrap(in.readNBytes(getSerializedBinaryLength())); } @Override public void serialize(@NotNull Buf deserialized, BufDataOutput out) throws SerializationException { if (deserialized.size() != getSerializedBinaryLength()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Fixed serializer with " + getSerializedBinaryLength() + " bytes has tried to serialize an element with " + deserialized.size() + " bytes instead"); } out.writeBytes(deserialized); } @Override public int getSerializedBinaryLength() { return length; } }; } static SerializerFixedBinaryLength utf8(int length) { return new SerializerFixedBinaryLength<>() { @Override public @NotNull String deserialize(@NotNull BufDataInput in) throws SerializationException { if (in.available() < getSerializedBinaryLength()) { throw new SerializationException( "Fixed serializer with " + getSerializedBinaryLength() + " bytes has tried to deserialize an element with " + in.available() + " bytes instead"); } return new String(in.readNBytes(length), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } @Override public void serialize(@NotNull String deserialized, BufDataOutput out) throws SerializationException { var bytes = deserialized.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); out.ensureWritable(bytes.length); out.write(bytes); if (bytes.length < getSerializedBinaryLength()) { throw new SerializationException("Fixed serializer with " + getSerializedBinaryLength() + " bytes has tried to serialize an element with " + bytes.length + " bytes instead"); } } @Override public int getSerializedBinaryLength() { return length; } }; } static SerializerFixedBinaryLength intSerializer() { return new SerializerFixedBinaryLength<>() { @Override public @NotNull Integer deserialize(@NotNull BufDataInput in) throws SerializationException { Objects.requireNonNull(in); if (in.available() < getSerializedBinaryLength()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Fixed serializer with " + getSerializedBinaryLength() + " bytes has tried to deserialize an element with " + in.available() + " bytes instead"); } return in.readInt(); } @Override public void serialize(@NotNull Integer deserialized, BufDataOutput out) throws SerializationException { out.writeInt(deserialized); } @Override public int getSerializedBinaryLength() { return Integer.BYTES; } }; } static SerializerFixedBinaryLength longSerializer() { return new SerializerFixedBinaryLength<>() { @Override public @NotNull Long deserialize(@NotNull BufDataInput in) throws SerializationException { Objects.requireNonNull(in); if (in.available() < getSerializedBinaryLength()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Fixed serializer with " + getSerializedBinaryLength() + " bytes has tried to deserialize an element with " + in.available() + " bytes instead"); } return in.readLong(); } @Override public void serialize(@NotNull Long deserialized, BufDataOutput out) throws SerializationException { out.writeLong(deserialized); } @Override public int getSerializedBinaryLength() { return Long.BYTES; } }; } }