package it.cavallium.dbengine.database.disk.rocksdb; import io.micrometer.core.instrument.Counter; import io.micrometer.core.instrument.Timer; import it.cavallium.buffer.Buf; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLUtils; import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.disk.IteratorMetrics; import it.cavallium.dbengine.utils.SimpleResource; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import org.rocksdb.AbstractSlice; import org.rocksdb.RocksDBException; import org.rocksdb.RocksIterator; public class RocksIteratorObj extends SimpleResource { private LLReadOptions readOptions; private final RocksIterator rocksIterator; private final Counter startedIterSeek; private final Counter endedIterSeek; private final Timer iterSeekTime; private final Counter startedIterNext; private final Counter endedIterNext; private final Timer iterNextTime; private byte[] seekingFrom; private byte[] seekingTo; RocksIteratorObj(RocksIterator rocksIterator, LLReadOptions readOptions, IteratorMetrics iteratorMetrics) { super(rocksIterator::close); this.readOptions = readOptions; this.rocksIterator = rocksIterator; this.startedIterSeek = iteratorMetrics.startedIterSeek(); this.startedIterNext = iteratorMetrics.startedIterNext(); this.iterSeekTime = iteratorMetrics.iterSeekTime(); this.endedIterNext = iteratorMetrics.endedIterNext(); this.endedIterSeek = iteratorMetrics.endedIterSeek(); this.iterNextTime = iteratorMetrics.iterNextTime(); } public synchronized void seek(ByteBuffer seekBuf) throws RocksDBException { ensureOpen(); startedIterSeek.increment(); try { iterSeekTime.record(() ->; } finally { endedIterSeek.increment(); } rocksIterator.status(); } public synchronized void seek(byte[] seekArray) throws RocksDBException { ensureOpen(); rocksIterator.status(); startedIterSeek.increment(); try { iterSeekTime.record(() ->; } finally { endedIterSeek.increment(); } rocksIterator.status(); } public synchronized void seekToFirst() throws RocksDBException { ensureOpen(); startedIterSeek.increment(); try { iterSeekTime.record(rocksIterator::seekToFirst); } finally { endedIterSeek.increment(); } rocksIterator.status(); } public synchronized void seekToLast() throws RocksDBException { ensureOpen(); startedIterSeek.increment(); try { iterSeekTime.record(rocksIterator::seekToLast); } finally { endedIterSeek.increment(); } rocksIterator.status(); } /** * Useful for reverse iterations */ public synchronized void seekFrom(Buf key) throws RocksDBException { ensureOpen(); var keyArray = LLUtils.asArray(key); try { rocksIterator.seekForPrev(keyArray); } finally { } rocksIterator.status(); // This is useful to retain the key buffer in memory and avoid deallocations this.seekingFrom = keyArray; } /** * Useful for forward iterations */ public synchronized void seekTo(Buf key) throws RocksDBException { ensureOpen(); rocksIterator.status(); var keyArray = LLUtils.asArray(key); startedIterSeek.increment(); try { iterSeekTime.record(() ->; } finally { endedIterSeek.increment(); } rocksIterator.status(); // This is useful to retain the key buffer in memory and avoid deallocations this.seekingTo = keyArray; } public synchronized boolean isValid() { ensureOpen(); return rocksIterator.isValid(); } @Deprecated(forRemoval = true) public synchronized int key(ByteBuffer buffer) { ensureOpen(); return rocksIterator.key(buffer); } @Deprecated(forRemoval = true) public synchronized int value(ByteBuffer buffer) { ensureOpen(); return rocksIterator.value(buffer); } /** * The returned buffer may change when calling next() or when the iterator is not valid anymore */ public synchronized byte[] key() { ensureOpen(); return rocksIterator.key(); } /** * The returned buffer may change when calling next() or when the iterator is not valid anymore */ public synchronized byte[] value() { ensureOpen(); return rocksIterator.value(); } /** * The returned buffer may change when calling next() or when the iterator is not valid anymore */ public Buf keyBuf() { return Buf.wrap(this.key()); } /** * The returned buffer may change when calling next() or when the iterator is not valid anymore */ public Buf valueBuf() { return Buf.wrap(this.value()); } public void next() throws RocksDBException { next(true); } public synchronized void next(boolean traceStats) { ensureOpen(); if (traceStats) { startedIterNext.increment(); iterNextTime.record(rocksIterator::next); endedIterNext.increment(); } else {; } } public void prev() throws RocksDBException { prev(true); } public synchronized void prev(boolean traceStats) { ensureOpen(); if (traceStats) { startedIterNext.increment(); iterNextTime.record(rocksIterator::prev); endedIterNext.increment(); } else { rocksIterator.prev(); } } @Override protected synchronized void onClose() { if (rocksIterator != null) { rocksIterator.close(); } seekingFrom = null; seekingTo = null; readOptions = null; } }