package it.cavallium.dbengine.lucene.collector; import static it.cavallium.dbengine.lucene.searcher.CurrentPageInfo.TIE_BREAKER; import it.cavallium.dbengine.lucene.LuceneUtils; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import reactor.core.scheduler.Schedulers; public class ScoringShardsCollectorManager implements CollectorManager { private final Query query; @Nullable private final Sort sort; private final int numHits; private final FieldDoc after; private final int totalHitsThreshold; private final @Nullable Integer startN; private final @Nullable Integer topN; private final CollectorManager sharedCollectorManager; private List indexSearchers; public ScoringShardsCollectorManager(Query query, @Nullable final Sort sort, final int numHits, final FieldDoc after, final int totalHitsThreshold, int startN, int topN) { this(query, sort, numHits, after, totalHitsThreshold, (Integer) startN, (Integer) topN); } public ScoringShardsCollectorManager(Query query, @Nullable final Sort sort, final int numHits, final FieldDoc after, final int totalHitsThreshold, int startN) { this(query, sort, numHits, after, totalHitsThreshold, (Integer) startN, (Integer) 2147483630); } public ScoringShardsCollectorManager(Query query, @Nullable final Sort sort, final int numHits, final FieldDoc after, final int totalHitsThreshold) { this(query, sort, numHits, after, totalHitsThreshold, null, null); } private ScoringShardsCollectorManager(Query query, @Nullable final Sort sort, final int numHits, final FieldDoc after, final int totalHitsThreshold, @Nullable Integer startN, @Nullable Integer topN) { this.query = query; this.sort = sort; this.numHits = numHits; this.after = after; this.totalHitsThreshold = totalHitsThreshold; this.startN = startN; if (topN != null && startN != null && (long) topN + (long) startN > 2147483630) { this.topN = 2147483630 - startN; } else if (topN != null && topN > 2147483630) { this.topN = 2147483630; } else { this.topN = topN; } this.sharedCollectorManager = TopFieldCollector.createSharedManager(sort == null ? Sort.RELEVANCE : sort, numHits, after, totalHitsThreshold); } @Override public TopFieldCollector newCollector() throws IOException { return sharedCollectorManager.newCollector(); } public void setIndexSearchers(List indexSearcher) { this.indexSearchers = indexSearcher; } @Override public TopDocs reduce(Collection collectors) throws IOException { if (Schedulers.isInNonBlockingThread()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Called reduce in a nonblocking thread"); } TopDocs result; if (sort != null) { TopFieldDocs[] topDocs = new TopFieldDocs[collectors.size()]; var i = 0; for (TopFieldCollector collector : collectors) { topDocs[i] = collector.topDocs(); // Populate scores of topfieldcollector. By default it doesn't popupate the scores if (topDocs[i].scoreDocs.length > 0 && Float.isNaN(topDocs[i].scoreDocs[0].score) && sort.needsScores()) { Objects.requireNonNull(indexSearchers, "You must call setIndexSearchers before calling reduce!"); TopFieldCollector.populateScores(topDocs[i].scoreDocs, indexSearchers.get(i), query); } for (ScoreDoc scoreDoc : topDocs[i].scoreDocs) { scoreDoc.shardIndex = i; } i++; } result = LuceneUtils.mergeTopDocs(sort, startN, topN, topDocs, TIE_BREAKER); } else { TopDocs[] topDocs = new TopDocs[collectors.size()]; var i = 0; for (TopFieldCollector collector : collectors) { topDocs[i] = collector.topDocs(); for (ScoreDoc scoreDoc : topDocs[i].scoreDocs) { scoreDoc.shardIndex = i; } i++; } result = LuceneUtils.mergeTopDocs(null, startN, topN, topDocs, TIE_BREAKER); } return result; } }