2022-03-12 02:55:18 +01:00

490 lines
17 KiB

package it.cavallium.dbengine.database.collections;
import io.net5.buffer.api.Buffer;
import io.net5.buffer.api.BufferAllocator;
import io.net5.buffer.api.Drop;
import io.net5.buffer.api.Owned;
import io.net5.buffer.api.Resource;
import io.net5.buffer.api.Send;
import io.net5.buffer.api.internal.ResourceSupport;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.client.BadBlock;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.client.CompositeSnapshot;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLDictionary;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLDictionaryResultType;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLRange;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLSnapshot;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.LLUtils;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.UpdateMode;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.serialization.SerializationException;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.serialization.SerializerFixedBinaryLength;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ObjectSortedMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.function.TriFunction;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
// todo: implement optimized methods (which?)
public class DatabaseMapDictionaryDeep<T, U, US extends DatabaseStage<U>> extends
ResourceSupport<DatabaseStage<Object2ObjectSortedMap<T, U>>, DatabaseMapDictionaryDeep<T, U, US>> implements
DatabaseStageMap<T, U, US> {
private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(DatabaseMapDictionaryDeep.class);
private static final Drop<DatabaseMapDictionaryDeep<?, ?, ?>> DROP = new Drop<>() {
public void drop(DatabaseMapDictionaryDeep<?, ?, ?> obj) {
try {
if (obj.range != null) {
} catch (Throwable ex) {
LOG.error("Failed to close range", ex);
try {
if (obj.keyPrefix != null) {
} catch (Throwable ex) {
LOG.error("Failed to close keyPrefix", ex);
try {
if (obj.onClose != null) {;
} catch (Throwable ex) {
LOG.error("Failed to close onClose", ex);
public Drop<DatabaseMapDictionaryDeep<?, ?, ?>> fork() {
return this;
public void attach(DatabaseMapDictionaryDeep<?, ?, ?> obj) {
protected final LLDictionary dictionary;
private final BufferAllocator alloc;
private final AtomicLong totalZeroBytesErrors = new AtomicLong();
protected final SubStageGetter<U, US> subStageGetter;
protected final SerializerFixedBinaryLength<T> keySuffixSerializer;
protected final int keyPrefixLength;
protected final int keySuffixLength;
protected final int keyExtLength;
protected final Mono<Send<LLRange>> rangeMono;
protected LLRange range;
protected Buffer keyPrefix;
protected Runnable onClose;
private static void incrementPrefix(Buffer prefix, int prefixLength) {
assert prefix.readableBytes() >= prefixLength;
assert prefix.readerOffset() == 0;
final var originalKeyLength = prefix.readableBytes();
boolean overflowed = true;
final int ff = 0xFF;
int writtenBytes = 0;
for (int i = prefixLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
int iByte = prefix.getUnsignedByte(i);
if (iByte != ff) {
prefix.setUnsignedByte(i, iByte + 1);
overflowed = false;
} else {
prefix.setUnsignedByte(i, 0x00);
assert prefixLength - writtenBytes >= 0;
if (overflowed) {
assert prefix.writerOffset() == originalKeyLength;
prefix.ensureWritable(1, 1, true);
prefix.writerOffset(originalKeyLength + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < originalKeyLength; i++) {
prefix.setUnsignedByte(i, 0xFF);
prefix.setUnsignedByte(originalKeyLength, (byte) 0x00);
static void firstRangeKey(Buffer prefixKey, int prefixLength, int suffixLength, int extLength) {
zeroFillKeySuffixAndExt(prefixKey, prefixLength, suffixLength, extLength);
static void nextRangeKey(Buffer prefixKey, int prefixLength, int suffixLength, int extLength) {
zeroFillKeySuffixAndExt(prefixKey, prefixLength, suffixLength, extLength);
incrementPrefix(prefixKey, prefixLength);
protected static void zeroFillKeySuffixAndExt(@NotNull Buffer prefixKey,
int prefixLength, int suffixLength, int extLength) {
//noinspection UnnecessaryLocalVariable
var result = prefixKey;
assert result.readableBytes() == prefixLength;
assert suffixLength > 0;
assert extLength >= 0;
result.ensureWritable(suffixLength + extLength, suffixLength + extLength, true);
for (int i = 0; i < suffixLength + extLength; i++) {
result.writeByte((byte) 0x0);
* Use DatabaseMapDictionaryRange.simple instead
public static <T, U> DatabaseMapDictionaryDeep<T, U, DatabaseStageEntry<U>> simple(LLDictionary dictionary,
SerializerFixedBinaryLength<T> keySerializer, SubStageGetterSingle<U> subStageGetter,
Runnable onClose) {
return new DatabaseMapDictionaryDeep<>(dictionary, null, keySerializer,
subStageGetter, 0, onClose);
public static <T, U, US extends DatabaseStage<U>> DatabaseMapDictionaryDeep<T, U, US> deepTail(
LLDictionary dictionary, SerializerFixedBinaryLength<T> keySerializer, int keyExtLength,
SubStageGetter<U, US> subStageGetter, Runnable onClose) {
return new DatabaseMapDictionaryDeep<>(dictionary, null, keySerializer,
subStageGetter, keyExtLength, onClose);
public static <T, U, US extends DatabaseStage<U>> DatabaseMapDictionaryDeep<T, U, US> deepIntermediate(
LLDictionary dictionary, Buffer prefixKey, SerializerFixedBinaryLength<T> keySuffixSerializer,
SubStageGetter<U, US> subStageGetter, int keyExtLength, Runnable onClose) {
return new DatabaseMapDictionaryDeep<>(dictionary, prefixKey, keySuffixSerializer, subStageGetter,
keyExtLength, onClose);
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
protected DatabaseMapDictionaryDeep(LLDictionary dictionary, @Nullable Buffer prefixKey,
SerializerFixedBinaryLength<T> keySuffixSerializer, SubStageGetter<U, US> subStageGetter, int keyExtLength,
Runnable onClose) {
super((Drop<DatabaseMapDictionaryDeep<T, U, US>>) (Drop) DROP);
try {
this.dictionary = dictionary;
this.alloc = dictionary.getAllocator();
this.subStageGetter = subStageGetter;
this.keySuffixSerializer = keySuffixSerializer;
assert prefixKey == null || prefixKey.isAccessible();
this.keyPrefixLength = prefixKey == null ? 0 : prefixKey.readableBytes();
this.keySuffixLength = keySuffixSerializer.getSerializedBinaryLength();
this.keyExtLength = keyExtLength;
var firstKey = prefixKey == null ? alloc.allocate(keyPrefixLength + keySuffixLength + keyExtLength)
: prefixKey.copy();
try {
firstRangeKey(firstKey, keyPrefixLength, keySuffixLength, keyExtLength);
var nextRangeKey = prefixKey == null ? alloc.allocate(keyPrefixLength + keySuffixLength + keyExtLength)
: prefixKey.copy();
try {
nextRangeKey(nextRangeKey, keyPrefixLength, keySuffixLength, keyExtLength);
assert prefixKey == null || prefixKey.isAccessible();
assert keyPrefixLength == 0 || !LLUtils.equals(firstKey, nextRangeKey);
if (keyPrefixLength == 0) {
this.range = LLRange.all();
} else {
this.range = LLRange.ofUnsafe(firstKey, nextRangeKey);
this.rangeMono = LLUtils.lazyRetainRange(this.range);
assert subStageKeysConsistency(keyPrefixLength + keySuffixLength + keyExtLength);
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw t;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw t;
this.keyPrefix = prefixKey;
this.onClose = onClose;
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (prefixKey != null && prefixKey.isAccessible()) {
throw t;
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
private DatabaseMapDictionaryDeep(LLDictionary dictionary,
BufferAllocator alloc,
SubStageGetter<U, US> subStageGetter,
SerializerFixedBinaryLength<T> keySuffixSerializer,
int keyPrefixLength,
int keySuffixLength,
int keyExtLength,
Mono<Send<LLRange>> rangeMono,
Send<LLRange> range,
Send<Buffer> keyPrefix,
Runnable onClose) {
super((Drop<DatabaseMapDictionaryDeep<T,U,US>>) (Drop) DROP);
this.dictionary = dictionary;
this.alloc = alloc;
this.subStageGetter = subStageGetter;
this.keySuffixSerializer = keySuffixSerializer;
this.keyPrefixLength = keyPrefixLength;
this.keySuffixLength = keySuffixLength;
this.keyExtLength = keyExtLength;
this.rangeMono = rangeMono;
this.range = range.receive();
this.keyPrefix = keyPrefix.receive();
this.onClose = onClose;
protected boolean suffixKeyLengthConsistency(int keySuffixLength) {
return this.keySuffixLength == keySuffixLength;
protected boolean extKeyConsistency(int keyExtLength) {
return this.keyExtLength == keyExtLength;
protected boolean suffixAndExtKeyConsistency(int keySuffixAndExtLength) {
return this.keySuffixLength + this.keyExtLength == keySuffixAndExtLength;
* Removes the prefix from the key
* @return the prefix
protected Buffer splitPrefix(Buffer key) {
assert key.readableBytes() == keyPrefixLength + keySuffixLength + keyExtLength
|| key.readableBytes() == keyPrefixLength + keySuffixLength;
var prefix = key.readSplit(this.keyPrefixLength);
assert key.readableBytes() == keySuffixLength + keyExtLength
|| key.readableBytes() == keySuffixLength;
return prefix;
protected LLSnapshot resolveSnapshot(@Nullable CompositeSnapshot snapshot) {
if (snapshot == null) {
return null;
} else {
return snapshot.getSnapshot(dictionary);
public Mono<Long> leavesCount(@Nullable CompositeSnapshot snapshot, boolean fast) {
return dictionary.sizeRange(resolveSnapshot(snapshot), rangeMono, fast);
public Mono<Boolean> isEmpty(@Nullable CompositeSnapshot snapshot) {
return dictionary.isRangeEmpty(resolveSnapshot(snapshot), rangeMono, false);
public Mono<US> at(@Nullable CompositeSnapshot snapshot, T keySuffix) {
var suffixKeyWithoutExt = Mono.fromCallable(() -> {
try (var keyWithoutExtBuf = keyPrefix == null
? alloc.allocate(keySuffixLength + keyExtLength) : keyPrefix.copy()) {
keyWithoutExtBuf.ensureWritable(keySuffixLength + keyExtLength);
serializeSuffix(keySuffix, keyWithoutExtBuf);
return keyWithoutExtBuf.send();
return this.subStageGetter
.subStage(dictionary, snapshot, suffixKeyWithoutExt);
public Mono<UpdateMode> getUpdateMode() {
return dictionary.getUpdateMode();
public Flux<BadBlock> badBlocks() {
return dictionary.badBlocks(rangeMono);
public Flux<Entry<T, US>> getAllStages(@Nullable CompositeSnapshot snapshot) {
return dictionary
.getRangeKeyPrefixes(resolveSnapshot(snapshot), rangeMono, keyPrefixLength + keySuffixLength)
.flatMapSequential(groupKeyWithoutExtSend_ -> Mono.using(
groupKeyWithoutExtSend -> this.subStageGetter
.subStage(dictionary, snapshot, Mono.fromCallable(() -> groupKeyWithoutExtSend.copy().send()))
.<Entry<T, US>>handle((us, sink) -> {
T deserializedSuffix;
try (var splittedGroupSuffix = splitGroupSuffix(groupKeyWithoutExtSend)) {
deserializedSuffix = this.deserializeSuffix(splittedGroupSuffix);, us));
} catch (SerializationException ex) {
* Split the input. The input will become the ext, the returned data will be the group suffix
* @param groupKey group key, will become ext
* @return group suffix
private Buffer splitGroupSuffix(@NotNull Buffer groupKey) {
assert subStageKeysConsistency(groupKey.readableBytes())
|| subStageKeysConsistency(groupKey.readableBytes() + keyExtLength);
assert subStageKeysConsistency(keyPrefixLength + groupKey.readableBytes())
|| subStageKeysConsistency(keyPrefixLength + groupKey.readableBytes() + keyExtLength);
return groupKey.readSplit(keySuffixLength);
private boolean subStageKeysConsistency(int totalKeyLength) {
if (subStageGetter instanceof SubStageGetterMapDeep) {
return totalKeyLength
== keyPrefixLength + keySuffixLength + ((SubStageGetterMapDeep<?, ?, ?>) subStageGetter).getKeyBinaryLength();
} else if (subStageGetter instanceof SubStageGetterMap) {
return totalKeyLength
== keyPrefixLength + keySuffixLength + ((SubStageGetterMap<?, ?>) subStageGetter).getKeyBinaryLength();
} else {
return true;
public Flux<Entry<T, U>> setAllValuesAndGetPrevious(Flux<Entry<T, U>> entries) {
return this
public Mono<Void> clear() {
return Mono
.defer(() -> {
if (range.isAll()) {
return dictionary.clear();
} else if (range.isSingle()) {
return dictionary
.remove(Mono.fromCallable(range::getSingle), LLDictionaryResultType.VOID)
} else {
return dictionary.setRange(rangeMono, Flux.empty());
protected T deserializeSuffix(@NotNull Buffer keySuffix) throws SerializationException {
assert suffixKeyLengthConsistency(keySuffix.readableBytes());
var result = keySuffixSerializer.deserialize(keySuffix);
assert keyPrefix == null || keyPrefix.isAccessible();
return result;
protected void serializeSuffix(T keySuffix, Buffer output) throws SerializationException {
var beforeWriterOffset = output.writerOffset();
keySuffixSerializer.serialize(keySuffix, output);
var afterWriterOffset = output.writerOffset();
assert suffixKeyLengthConsistency(afterWriterOffset - beforeWriterOffset);
assert keyPrefix == null || keyPrefix.isAccessible();
protected RuntimeException createResourceClosedException() {
throw new IllegalStateException("Closed");
protected Owned<DatabaseMapDictionaryDeep<T, U, US>> prepareSend() {
var keyPrefix = this.keyPrefix == null ? null : this.keyPrefix.send();
var range = this.range.send();
var onClose = this.onClose;
return drop -> {
var instance = new DatabaseMapDictionaryDeep<>(dictionary,
return instance;
protected void makeInaccessible() {
this.keyPrefix = null;
this.range = null;
this.onClose = null;
public static <K1, K2, V, R> Flux<R> getAllLeaves2(DatabaseMapDictionaryDeep<K1, Object2ObjectSortedMap<K2, V>, DatabaseMapDictionary<K2, V>> deepMap,
CompositeSnapshot snapshot,
TriFunction<K1, K2, V, R> merger) {
if (deepMap.subStageGetter instanceof SubStageGetterMap<K2, V> subStageGetterMap) {
var keySuffix1Serializer = deepMap.keySuffixSerializer;
var keySuffix2Serializer = subStageGetterMap.keySerializer;
var valueSerializer = subStageGetterMap.valueSerializer;
return deepMap
.getRange(deepMap.resolveSnapshot(snapshot), deepMap.rangeMono)
.handle((entrySend, sink) -> {
try (var entry = entrySend.receive()) {
var keyBuf = entry.getKeyUnsafe();
var valueBuf = entry.getValueUnsafe();
assert keyBuf != null;
K1 key1;
K2 key2;
try (var key1Buf = keyBuf.split(deepMap.keySuffixLength)) {
key1 = keySuffix1Serializer.deserialize(key1Buf);
key2 = keySuffix2Serializer.deserialize(keyBuf);
assert valueBuf != null;
var value = valueSerializer.deserialize(valueBuf);, key2, value));
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
var exMessage = ex.getMessage();
if (exMessage != null && exMessage.contains("read 0 to 0, write 0 to ")) {
var totalZeroBytesErrors = deepMap.totalZeroBytesErrors.incrementAndGet();
if (totalZeroBytesErrors < 512 || totalZeroBytesErrors % 10000 == 0) {
LOG.error("Unexpected zero-bytes value in column " + deepMap.dictionary.getDatabaseName() + ":"
+ deepMap.dictionary.getColumnName() + " total=" + totalZeroBytesErrors);
} else {
} catch (SerializationException ex) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();