2021-10-14 23:04:34 +02:00

174 lines
5.2 KiB

package it.cavallium.dbengine.lucene;
import io.net5.buffer.ByteBuf;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.disk.LLTempLMDBEnv;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
public class LLSlotDocCodec implements LMDBSortedCodec<LLSlotDoc>, FieldValueHitQueue {
private final SortField[] fields;
protected final FieldComparator<?>[] comparators;
protected final int[] reverseMul;
public LLSlotDocCodec(LLTempLMDBEnv env, SortField[] fields) {
// When we get here, fields.length is guaranteed to be > 0, therefore no
// need to check it again.
// All these are required by this class's API - need to return arrays.
// Therefore even in the case of a single comparator, create an array
// anyway.
this.fields = fields;
int numComparators = fields.length;
comparators = new FieldComparator<?>[numComparators];
reverseMul = new int[numComparators];
for (int i = 0; i < numComparators; ++i) {
SortField field = fields[i];
reverseMul[i] = field.getReverse() ? -1 : 1;
comparators[i] = LMDBComparator.getComparator(env, field, i);
public ByteBuf serialize(Function<Integer, ByteBuf> allocator, LLSlotDoc data) {
var buf = allocator.apply(Float.BYTES + Integer.BYTES + Integer.BYTES + Integer.BYTES);
setScore(buf, data.score());
setDoc(buf, data.doc());
setShardIndex(buf, data.shardIndex());
setSlot(buf, data.slot());
buf.writerIndex(Float.BYTES + Integer.BYTES + Integer.BYTES + Integer.BYTES + Integer.BYTES);
return buf.asReadOnly();
public LLSlotDoc deserialize(ByteBuf buf) {
return new LLSlotDoc(getDoc(buf), getScore(buf), getShardIndex(buf), getSlot(buf));
public int compare(LLSlotDoc hitA, LLSlotDoc hitB) {
assert hitA != hitB;
assert hitA.slot() != hitB.slot();
int numComparators = comparators.length;
for (int i = 0; i < numComparators; ++i) {
final int c = reverseMul[i] * comparators[i].compare(hitA.slot(), hitB.slot());
if (c != 0) {
// Short circuit
return -c;
// avoid random sort order that could lead to duplicates (bug #31241):
return, hitA.doc());
public int compareDirect(ByteBuf hitA, ByteBuf hitB) {
assert hitA != hitB;
assert getSlot(hitA) != getSlot(hitB);
int numComparators = comparators.length;
for (int i = 0; i < numComparators; ++i) {
final int c = reverseMul[i] * comparators[i].compare(getSlot(hitA), getSlot(hitB));
if (c != 0) {
// Short circuit
return -c;
// avoid random sort order that could lead to duplicates (bug #31241):
return, getDoc(hitA));
private static float getScore(ByteBuf hit) {
return hit.getFloat(0);
private static int getDoc(ByteBuf hit) {
return hit.getInt(Float.BYTES);
private static int getShardIndex(ByteBuf hit) {
return hit.getInt(Float.BYTES + Integer.BYTES);
private static int getSlot(ByteBuf hit) {
return hit.getInt(Float.BYTES + Integer.BYTES + Integer.BYTES);
private static void setScore(ByteBuf hit, float score) {
hit.setFloat(0, score);
private static void setDoc(ByteBuf hit, int doc) {
hit.setInt(Float.BYTES, doc);
private static void setShardIndex(ByteBuf hit, int shardIndex) {
hit.setInt(Float.BYTES + Integer.BYTES, shardIndex);
private static void setSlot(ByteBuf hit, int slot) {
hit.setInt(Float.BYTES + Integer.BYTES + Integer.BYTES, slot);
public FieldComparator<?>[] getComparators() {
return comparators;
public int[] getReverseMul() {
return reverseMul;
public LeafFieldComparator[] getComparators(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
LeafFieldComparator[] comparators = new LeafFieldComparator[this.comparators.length];
for (int i = 0; i < comparators.length; ++i) {
comparators[i] = this.comparators[i].getLeafComparator(context);
return comparators;
* Given a queue Entry, creates a corresponding FieldDoc that contains the values used to sort the
* given document. These values are not the raw values out of the index, but the internal
* representation of them. This is so the given search hit can be collated by a MultiSearcher with
* other search hits.
* @param entry The Entry used to create a FieldDoc
* @return The newly created FieldDoc
* @see IndexSearcher#search(Query,int, Sort)
public FieldDoc fillFields(final Entry entry) {
final int n = comparators.length;
final Object[] fields = new Object[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
fields[i] = comparators[i].value(entry.slot);
// if (maxscore > 1.0f) doc.score /= maxscore; // normalize scores
return new FieldDoc(entry.doc, entry.score, fields);
/** Returns the SortFields being used by this hit queue. */
public SortField[] getFields() {
return fields;